Need Mobile Device to Open Desktop Version of Site - mobile

There's a review site out there that when you open the site in the desktop version, you can leave reviews for a particular company but then when you visit the mobile version of the site, there is an option to read reviews but not to leave a review.
I'd like to send a user to a link ( and when they visit that link with their smartphone, it opens up the desktop version for them to leave a review.
Is this possible?

If the site is using the URL itself to determine which version to display, just send the "desktop" version. If, as is more likely, it is querying information provided by the user's browser to determine which version to display, you are out of luck.


Google Checkout displaying desktop version on mobile devices

The Google Checkout Mobile website says that "once you've integrated Google Checkout with your website, there's no additional work required to allow customers to buy from you using their mobile devices", but I'm not seeing this happening on either iOS or Android devices I'm testing. The desktop site comes up, which is workable, but not a very good UI on the small screen.
Since there's "no work required", I'm not quite sure how to start to debug this. Ideas?
I took some screenshots of what it looks like iOS 6 and Android ICS.
According to the support forums, Google Checkout for Mobile devices is just a big fat phony.
I'm just going to go out on a limb and post an answer because I noticed in your header link that there was no User-Agent set. The User-Agent server variable is often used to detect if the user is coming from a mobile browser or not. Here is Google's discussion about Mobile Redirects. So, my suggestion would be to try and set the User-Agent in your server-side code prior to your redirect. The whole workflow would be like this:
Detect the user's current User-Agent variable. Here is a PHP example: $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and store this variable for later use
Receive the URL from Google Checkout
Prior to your redirect, set the User-Agent. This time, it's a cURL example:
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,$theUserAgentYouDetected); where $ch is the cURL instance. Here is a normal PHP example to set the user agent: $httpRequest->setHeaders(array('User-Agent' => $theUserAgentYouDetected);
Make your normal redirect
I hope this helps

Responsive links in HTML Email directing customers to mobile site or desktop site

We recently had a mobile site built which was great but when we send out our html emails I'm having to use media queries on the links to send customers to the desktop site or mobile site as the URLs are different Eg. and
I'd like to use something like '' so I can do away with the media queries and have one link which is built up of both the mobile and desktop links. The setup advice on this site is not very helpful.
Does anybody know how to do this?
Personally, I don't like the sound of that. You cannot guarantee that the mail/webmail client will be able to support "responsive links", regardless of the device that the user is viewing it on. Hence, you could very well be pointing users to the wrong device specific site.
What I would do, is point all of your email links to the main site version. At that point, you should have some form of device detection in place on your server. Your site logic should be able to forward the user on to the correct site specific page (e.g. mobile visitor sent to mobile version of same page, desktop user not redirected).
If you don't any redirection logic in place (you really should, read this), basically this is what you're looking to achieve:
If you're not following the rules laid out by Google regarding redirects and canonical link tags, you may find yourself in trouble at some point.
If this is all a bit beyond your technical ability, I'd suggest you speak with whoever built your mobile site as this isn't for the faint hearted.

What is the code used to redirect to mobile site and where does it go?

here is my what I am trying to do.
I have a .mobi site that is set up on a wordpress format. I am using a plugin that make the site mobile with custom menu
my clients website is . How do I add (or redirect) to my clients site? if someone is using a mobile device and types in the url, I want the mobi site to display instead of the regular desktop site.
I spoke with someone earlier and they said that it's a code that has to be installed on the index page of my clients website in order for mobile access to the mobi site.
What is the special code needed to redirect to mobile traffic to my site.
(as a side note shows up on a desktop computer as a regular wordpress site with the default twenty eleven theme, but displays on a mobile phone with the mobile friendly website I set up. It works fine displayed on a mobile phone).
You can use Handset Detection to redirect mobiles to your mobile site (disclaimer : my startup). Browse on over and create a free account. There's a javascript snippet you paste into the of your homepage.
Hope that helps.

Is there anyway to provide a clickable link on a HTML page to save a contact to a mobile phone?

I'm looking to allow my users to my mobile web click on a link to straight away add my contact into their phone (iphone/android).
I know there's a tel scheme available and I'm currently using that on top. Is there anyway to provide First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone in a combined solution to store into my user's phone?
There is the Contacts API spec in conjunction with Permissions for Device API Access (you need to have permission to write or read contacts), but no browser supports it yet.
Mozilla Labs is working on it, but it is only in the desktop.
As for schemas there is but this is only used by search engines, for now, maybe in the near future browsers "learn" to use these schemas.
There is also the hybrid web/native app solution with PhoneGap, but it is not a mobile web solution!
I think you can create your contact in .vcf. If user click the link to your vcf, your contact will be downloaded an then opened for confirmation to save into phone book

How to find out the mobile model using WAP page

I am planning on making a WAP page to provide a software.
Now i need to find out what mobile phone model the client who logs into my webpage is using so that i can redirect him/her to the appropriate download link.
This is similar to what opera does on their opera mini site. When you log in it finds out your model and sends you to the link
How can i add this to my site.
There are a number of solutions for determining mobile device, based on the UserAgent making the request. (Some solutions use other factors as well.)
Try looking at:
The technology you are using to create your pages will also affect which of the above is the best solution for you.
A great website with some tutorials is (the people behind device atlas), also plenty of true open source software at wurfl
