How to minimize ever changing website style changes using AngularJS - angularjs

I really want to minimize the work of ever changing look n feel changes in my website/portal. The changes are sometimes related to only CSS which sometimes wants me to update the name of the classes and most of the times, only internal styles are updated (only in this case changes are transparent). But the real torture comes in when I come to know that there are changes in HTML structure of new style guide and after whole application/widgets need to be updated and aligned according to the new style guide.
Technologies used in the application are: AngularJS, Bootstrap 3
Now, please suggest what would be the best possible way to minimize these style guide changes? Can AngularJS helps me in that?

Is not very clear which are your requirements or why your style guide changes. But is not something should try to fix using Angular or Javascript directly. The classes name shouldn't change pretty much never.. except when your layout changes, otherwise the only change should be on the styles.
What you need is 2 things:
If you use Foundation or Bootstrap, you should use the SASS/LESS
files of them and override the styles , that way if the ui
requirements changes for instance: background-color, or
border-radius for certain components, you only need to go to the
proper .scss or .less file and change the variable value
You can Import the sass version using
bower install bootstrap-sass-official --save
Then configure your grunt/gulp or any other task-builder to build sass for instance, and you can override the bootstrap variables.
A convention for naming your components, and knowledge of OOCSS (Object Oriented CSS) i recommend you to use BEM, is very easy to read once you understand the convention and helps a lot with possible css specificity issues.
I hope this helps, otherwise please update your answer more, to understand where are you standing.


React custom compnent css modules vs global css

I need to make a clarification here.
I have used sass for styling. I went along only with editing custom.scss file.
Say I create an enterprice level project,say E commerce site.
Is it a best practise or a convenient way to add component wise scss modules for each component?.
Say it is a huge site with so many components, is it good to have so many custom css or just use one css file?
I am a bit confused here.
It depends. If you have a large project, but you have components that you use often, it's worth styling them individually.
On the other hand, there is general styling, for example, the font or even the background. Here it is no question that this belongs in a general stylesheet.
Everything in between is always situation-dependent. I tend that if the component is well capsulated, style them individually.

MUI Component vs React Bootstrap

I'm developing an app using react js. I just want to ask your opinion. Is it redundant to use MUI Component and React Bootstrap at the same time?
There's nothing stopping you from using both MUI and Bootstrap in your project but either one should be able to meet all your design requirements.
But in choosing both you would have to keep in mind two very different approaches to design. The MUI implementation varies quite a bit from React Bootstrap. Not sure what you are going for here, but in a very general sense I would stick with one for my project/purpose.
(Personally I prefer MUI)
I think both libraries are great, but generally the approach is to pick one to keep less dependencies in your package.json file. You have to keep single approach when it comes to styling for two reasons:
Whoever reads your codebase will be able to comprehend easily.
P.S: I prefer MUI, you can customize your own design system by overriding MUI default theme
No, it's not redundant for your project. The amount of work that's been put into Material UI makes it a feasible choice for professional projects.
Also, if you are worried about libraries taking more bundle size then as per the Material UI documentation, you can reduce bundle size by importing your components in the following way: let's say you want the button component, so you import it like this import Button from '#material-ui/core/Button', instead of this import { Button } from '#material-ui/core'. With the former import you'll be importing the Button module only and leaving the rest of the modules alone. For further detail, visit this link:
Hope you find this answer satisfactory!
Usually you pick one widgets library, but if you miss some components you can mix them too. According to mui documentation every component is self contained:
If you are worried about inconsistencies in your widgets, mui now offers unstyled components as a standalone package:
For react-bootstrap the components can be customized in many ways, especially over global customization via sass variables:
I wouldn't worry too much about dependencies as you usually have so many of them anyway and install new package for every use case.
In my current project for example I have react-bootstrap as the main UI-lib, but it has no date pickers nativly. So after a research I picked up the mui datepickers.

How to make style library configurable

I'm working with jsps in my workplace. Pages were built using bootstrap2. Though new versions of bootstrap and other frameworks came out, I'm stuck with bootstrap2 as we have hundreds of pages using it.
How do I make the style configurable, in the sense, the configuration should give me the freedom to choose the framework, etc. So going forward I can choose what to be used for new pages
I can relate to your problem as this is the case with many "old" products in the market. They could be built with jQuery, plain js or other tools that considered "old" in today's market.
I assume you could not refactor your whole app as you are saying there hundreds of pages. Some options to consider and to set pros and cons for each with management and product teams.
First, you need to decide your technology you want to use and how.
You can use small bits of react/vue.js/other to inject into your existing pages
you can create full pages from newer technologies and slowly replace older pages in the app one by one
start a full rewrite of the app (hard to sell to management)
I did all three options in my projects but you need to decide with your own team.
Now I'll elaborate on what you can do for each of the options:
I use react so can't recommend other libraries, but this is what I used:
You build react components and then you can use them as HTML snippets in your existing code.
You create another app in whatever new language you want and start building out exiting pages one by one. With each new page, you build you link the old app to them.
This is the easiest one to start but the longest one to achieve. But straightforward of what you need to do.
To make the styles configurable, you can add another stlye.css file underneath the bootstrap2 css file. In that style.css file(name it anything you want, can be bootstrap2_override.css) you can add any styles as well as override bootstrap2's framework styles.
The downside to this is that you are now adding another css file with more CSS just to override bootstrap2 styles.

Mixing React Components

I'm pretty new to development. Right now working on an webapp in my freetime.
Backend will be written in Python (here I have the best experience).
How good is the Idea to mixing React components:
My Idea was to use these components or let others create components for me (for example a slide show or whatever)
The question is, is this a good Idea? I'm worry that this might create a lot of overhead. For example one component is based on bootstrap and the other on foundation (As I said I'm not experienced web developer and can't judge if this can actualy really happen).
The idea of React components is to have the smallest piece of code you can define.
However, mixing different CSS frameworks, like Bootstrap or Foundation doesn't sound like the best idea. You can, of course mix ready-made components (like React-Bootstrap) with your own custom components, but ideally you would choose one framework and stick with it.
The good thing about React is that you can possibly switch between Frameworks without the need of refactoring everything.
Let's say, for instance, you have a custom component called Slider. If you later decide to use MaterialUI, depending on your configurations, you could just change the import from import Slider from "./Slider" to import Slider from "material-ui/Slider" and the rest of your code would be untouched.
Pick a CSS / UI framework and stick with it. These days I have been working with Semantic UI and they have good integration with React via
It is awesome! :)
And in addition to that, you can also build your own custom components.
If you think adding a whole framework to your project is a lot of burden, then you can make everything your own from scratch. (Either (1) using the CSS framework classes for the components or (2) defining your own CSS classes)
And to conclude I also agree to not mix CSS frameworks as there might be conflicts! It's not fun! In my project, Bootstrap was conflicting with Semantic UI, so I just stuck with the latter.

How to create a living style guide with your own UI

I have created an website/application using Angular2. The infrastructure is all set, I have routing completed, sass being processed etc.
I have sections (components) on this website that will display current web standards for our designs (buttons, forms, copy). The purpose of this site is to give our developers a copy/paste solution for markup and sass.
We will most likely create our own css library but they will still need a good visual reference of what each class does and a copy/paste solution.
I know how to develop all the standards, what I don't know how to do is have the DOM display options for the user to copy/paste the code. I could manually enter the code into or tags but this will be hard to maintain and not very clean approach. I'd like to find some solution that will utilize my code and create these tags at run time.
Googling this question leads down the road of using living style guide generators, which i don't want to use... why? I like having the functionality of controlling my own layout and scaling my standards as I see fit with our own technology.
Any ideas?
After exploring this even further I ended circling yet again on documentation tools (KSS) where I would need to rebuild my entire style guide for this functionality using markdown and or JDOCs.
Use CodePen, its free to signup however there are some nice to have features for a monthly fee. I easily created my code here using SASS, HTML and CSS libraries. CodePen has a great EMBED feature whereas I could copy/paste html or iframe right to my styleguide.
Problem is now solved, and we have have a dynamic Web & UI Styleguide.
Hope this method helps others in my situation.
