I'm developing Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 app and I save my data into Isolated Storage. When I updated my app from the store I realised that the app had created new db file. I use SQL Server CE and it's DataContext.
That's my connection string -"Data Source=isostore:/db.sdf;Password='testpass';".
What could be a reason of this problem?
I am about to start working on an IONIC app that requires data to be stored on the users' device (SQLite) and accessible when the app is not online. The app will also need to sync any changes made on the local storage to the server DB (SQL Server) and vice versa when an internet connection is available.
What is the best/recommended way to accomplish this task?
I have 2 application
1st Desktop Application – Which has database on local pc
2nd Web Application – Which has database on server
If internet is unavailable then i m storing data on desktop application and when internet is available data should be store on the server and should also update the data which was stored when internet connection is unavailable
Can you please tell me how above can be achieved
Desktop Application is C# Win form
Web Application is Asp.ne / C# Web application
Thanks in Advance
You don't say what your database technology is, but Microsoft makes the Sync Framework to solve problems like this.
I have created a silverlight application and my db is on some host, I have connected my db to silverlight application through wcf service, it runs well on my pc, and bring data from db. But when I host it on dropbox public folder, it runs but db data not coming. i have
It is most likely a connection string problem with this scenario. I typically use the default one from the designer for the localhost and then when I publish I use the connection string for the server. Since you have not given us a DB type or server type here is a universal connection builder site.
I have created Application for Windows Mobile application 6 and used mobile sql database.Now I want to sync the data in mobile db to backend database(MS SQL).So please tell me how to sync the data in mobile db to backend using Microsoft Synchronization Framework
Do any of these help with what you are trying to do?
Any Good Examples of Mobile Sync Framework Solutions
Microsoft Sync Framework. sdf file not syncing with server
Synchronise sql server data between mobile device and laptop
Compressed CAB files cannot be installed by WCELOAD
I have a Windows Phone app which uses Linq to Sql to store and retrieve data from the DataBase which resides in Isolated Storage. Now if I create a background service for my app, whether the DataBase can be accessed by the background service? According to MSDN:
A local database runs in the Windows Phone application’s process. Unlike a client-server database such as Microsoft SQL Server, it does not run continuously as a background service.
Yes, you can access that DB from Background Agent!
A local database runs in the Windows Phone application’s process.
That means your database is not running unless any part of your app is actually running. It can be either you app or background agent created by that app.