Reading a csv file with batch to create users - loops

I'm an IT student. I was trying to make users in my virtual machine of windows server 2008, i though that should be a better way to make them less than make it one by one, then i found that i can make users with a database, in that case csv, and a loop script. But cause my low level of knowledge about commands and batch files i can't achieve my goal. This is what i have in the csv file:
And this is the batch I've made, I'm stuck in the part of the echo, the command didn't read
#echo incio del script
set n1=
set n2=
set n3=
for /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=," %%i in (Libro2.csv) do (
set "n1=%%i"
set "n2=%%j"
set "n3=%%k"
echo %n1 %n2 %n3

Variables in batch are referenced with %var%, not %var.
But in blocks (between ( and ) you need to enable delayed expansion to show the current value (if you change them inside the block):
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set x=one
if 1==1 (
set x=two
echo %x% !x!
change your script a little bit:
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
#echo incio del script
set n1=
set n2=
set n3=
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=," %%i in (Libro2.csv) do (
set "n1=%%i"
set "n2=%%j"
set "n3=%%k"
echo %%i %%j %%k
echo !n1! !%n2! !%n3!
(Note: you can directly work with the for-variables - see the first echo in the block)
(Note: tokens=1,2,3,* means: for the fourth token take the rest of the line. You don't really need it here, as you don't use %%l)


How to use gdal_calc in a batch file

I'm trying to create a mask file from several input images using gdal with a batch windows file. However, the system is sending me a error when I use the "!" on the comparison calc, and after the first round, all the variables had read as a string.
My code is the following:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET mypath=F:\my_in_path\
SET path_salida=F:\my_out_path\
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR /B %mypath%*.tif') DO (
SET infile=%%i
SET outfile=!infile!
echo %mypath%!infile!
echo %path_salida%!outfile!
gdal_calc -A %mypath%!infile! --outfile %path_salida%!outfile! --calc="2*(A==0)+1*(A==0)" --NoDataValue=0 --quiet
As you've provided no feedback over half a day since my comment, here is an example to test and provide feedback on:
#Echo Off
Set "mypath=F:\my_in_path"
Set "path_salida=F:\my_out_path"
Set "calc_params=-A "%%A" --outfile "%path_salida%\%%~nxA" --calc="2*(A==0)+1*(A==0)" --NoDataValue=0 --quiet"
For %%A In ("%mypath%\*.tif") Do gdal_calc %calc_params%

Need to copy text from one file to another in batch file

Need to copy text from one file to another.
file1 as below:
file2 will be
& need to replace when creating the second file
command i used:
SET newfile=file2
SEt filetoCOpy=file1
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%filetoCOpy%) do (
SET "line=%%i"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !line!>>%newfile%
Result i got
variable value not changing.
Can someone help here what's wrong?
You should be getting an error with the code you posted. The < and > are treated as redirection unless they are escaped or quoted:
But you still have at least one problem - If you enable delayed expansion within a loop, then you must ENDLOCAL at the end of the loop, otherwise you can run out of SETLOCAL stack space.
Also, I don't see where AGENTHOST or AGENTPORT is defined.
You can try something like that :
#echo off
SET newfile=file2.txt
SEt filetoCOpy=file1.txt
set "ReplaceString1=mkdfvsh_a-2341"
set "ReplaceString2=1234"
If exist %newfile% Del %newfile%
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%filetoCOpy%) do (
SET "line=%%i"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET line=!line:^<AGENTHOST^>=%ReplaceString1%!
SET line=!line:^<AGENTPORT^>=%ReplaceString2%!
echo !line!>>%newfile%
start "" %newfile%

Trying to reformat a very large csv with a batch file

I have an application that exports data in the format:
1a,1b,1c1,1c2,1c3, ... (up to 1c100),1d1,1d2,1d3, ... (up to 1d100)
2a,2b,2c1,2c2,2c3, ... (up to 2c100),2d1,2d2,2d3, ... (up to 2d100)
and I am trying to reformat this into
I figured that if this can be done a row at a time I can just loop through the file. However I can't find a way of doing a single row with either tokens, a list, or even as a string function. There is too much data to process in a single operation (each value is about 12 chars). Tokens limit at (roughly) 64/202, a list at about 107/202 and a string at about 1000/2300
Does anyone know how this can be written into a new file?
I was trying things like:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set dimCnt=0
<example.csv (
set /p "dimList=" >nul
for %%D in (!dimList!) do (
set /a dimCnt+=1
set "dim[!dimCnt!]=%%D"
for /l %%I in (3 1 102) do echo !dim[1]!,!dim[2]!,!dim[%%I]!
..besides the fact that I have missed out the last variable in the line (need to add 100 to it), I can't get more than about 80-110 values out of the list (I guess it depends on value string length)
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
(for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims=," %%a in (example.csv) do (
set "data=%%c"
set "i=0"
for %%f in ("!data:,=" "!") do (
set /a "i+=1"
set "d[!i!]=%%~f"
set /a "end=!i!/2"
set /a "j=!end!+1"
for /l %%i in (1 1 !end!) do (
for %%j in (!j!) do echo %%a,%%b,!d[%%i]!,!d[%%j]!
set /a "j+=1"
)) > output.csv
This iterates over the file, getting the first two tokens in the line (%%a and %%b), the rest of the line (%%c) is splitted and each value stored in an environment variable array (kind of). Then, the array is iterated from the start and from the middle, reading the needed values to append to %%a and %%b and generating output file.
FOR /f "tokens=1,2,*delims=," %%a IN (u:\long.csv) DO (
SET rpta=%%a
SET rptb=%%b
CALL :rptcd %%c
SET /a lines=100
SET lined=%*
FOR /l %%x IN (1,1,99) DO CALL SET lined=%%lined:*,=%%
IF %lines%==0 GOTO :EOF
SET /a lines-=1
CALL SET lined=%lined:*,=%
FOR /f "delims=," %%x IN ("%lined%") DO ECHO %rpta%,%rptb%,%1,%%x&shift&GOTO loop
GOTO :eof
This should get you going - just need to change the input filename and output filename...
Your code does not work because SET /P cannot read more than 1023 bytes. At that point it returns the data read so far, and the next SET /P picks up where it left off. Adapting your code to compensate will be very difficult. You would be better off using FOR /F as in MC ND's answer. But beware, batch has a hard limit of 8191 characters per line in pretty much all contexts.
Better yet, you could use another scripting language like JScript, VBS, or PowerShell. Performance will be much better, and the code much more robust and far less arcane. I love working with batch, but it simply is not a good text processing language.

Batch file to create multiple variables from single lines in a text file

I have a text file with the names of computer names and corresponding static i.p. addresses in the following format.
I would like to take the values from each line and put them as variables in a batch file for use later. Is this possible? The overall goal is to have the values from this easily edited text file to be used in netsh commands in another batch file.
I've looked around and found ways to take lines of a text file and place them in one variable using the snippet below. However, I do not know how to create multiple variables from one line. If someone could help me with this I'd greatly appreciate it!
#echo o
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Counter=1
for /f %%x in (D:\COMP_T.txt) do (
set "comp!Counter!=%%x"
set /a Counter+=1
This should work:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "Count=1"
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 delims==: " %%A in (C:\File.txt) do (
set "%%A[!Count!]=%%C"
set "%%D[!Count!]=%%E"
set "%%F[!Count!]=%%G"
set /a "Count+=1"
:: Call other batch script here.
Example Output:
Here is a solution that avoids the need for delayed expansion. It uses FINDSTR to insert a line number followed by : at the beginning of each line. The search string of "^" is guaranteed to match every line in the file.
The only other issue is to set TOKENS and DELIMS to parse the line properly.
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1,4,6,8 delims=:= " %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "d:\comp_t.txt"') do (
set "comp%%A=%%B"
set "addr%%A=%%C"
set "mask%%A=%%D"
set "counter=%%A"
To use the set of variables in another batch file, line by line, just parse the lines as done in other answers here, and call the other batch file with the metavariables.
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 delims==: " %%a in ('type "File.txt" ') do (
echo "computer_name=%%c"
echo "address=%%e"
echo "mask=%%g"
Call "batch script" "%%c" "%%e" "%%g"

How do I exclude specific file names from an MS DOS dir list?

I am creating an MS DOS batch script that needs to list every .bat file in the current directory, but not show autoexec.bat or other utilities or systems .bat files that shouldn't be run by the user.
I currently have DIR "*.bat" /B /P
This lists all .bat files appropriately, but it shows autoexec.bat. How would I exclude that from the list? Also slightly important, how could I chop off the file extensions and show more than the 7-characters DOS limits files to?
Constraints: I am not able to use a DOS version above WinME. That is the version I am using.
Thanks for any help.
There is plenty of information on the internet about doing this, but it is all in the windows command processor, not MS DOS. Please understand that DOS and the Command Prompt are not the same thing.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Add more names separated with slashes here:
set exclude=/autoexec/
for %%a in (*.bat) do (
if "!exclude:/%%~Na/=!" equ "%exclude%" (
echo %%~Na
EDIT: Some explanations added
Batch file processing is slow, so you should use techniques that allows a Batch file to run faster. For example:
Try to use the minimum lines/commands to achieve a certain result. Try to avoid external commands (*.exe files) like find, findstr, fc, etc. specially if they work on small amounts of data; use if command instead.
Use for %%a in (*.bat)... instead of for /F %%a in ('dir /B *.bat').... The second method requires to execute cmd.exe and store its output in a file before for command can process its lines.
Avoid pipes and use redirections instead. A pipe require the execution of two copies of cmd.exe to process the command at each side of the pipe.
A simple way to check if a variable contain a given string is trying to delete the string from the variable: if the result is different then the string exists in the variable: if "!variable:%string%=!" neq "%variable%" echo The string is in the variable.
Previous method may also be used to check if a variable have anyone of a list of values: set list=one two three, if "!list:%variable%=!" neq "%list%" echo The variable have one value from the list. If the values of the list may have spaces, they must be separated by another delimiter.
EDIT: New version added as answer to new comments
The easiest way to pause one page at a time is to use more filter this way:
theBatchFile | more
However, the program must reorder the output in order to show it in columns. The new version below achieve both things, so it does not require more filter; you just need to set the desired number of columns and rows per page.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Add more names separated with slashes here:
set exclude=/autoexec/
rem Set the first two next variables as desired:
set /A columns=5, rows=41, wide=(80-columns)/columns, col=0, row=0
rem Create filling spaces to align columns
set spaces=
for /L %%a in (1,1,%wide%) do set spaces= !spaces!
set line=
for %%a in (*.bat) do (
if "!exclude:/%%~Na/=!" equ "%exclude%" (
rem If this column is less than the limit...
set /A col+=1
if !col! lss %columns% (
rem ... add it to current line
set name=%%~Na%spaces%
set "line=!line!!name:~0,%wide%! "
) else (
rem ... show current line and reset it
set name=%%~Na
echo !line!!name:~0,%wide%!
set line=
set /a col=0, row+=1
rem If this row is equal to the limit...
if !row! equ %rows% (
rem a pause and reset row
set row=0
rem Show last line, if any
if defined line echo %line%
attrib +h autoexec.bat
should hide autoexec.bat and it should thus not appear in the list
DIR "*.bat" /B /P | find /v "autoexec" | for %i in (*.bat) do #echo %~ni
Using for to process each file name individually:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f %%i in ('dir "*.bat" /b') do (
set system=0
if "%%i"=="autoexec.bat" set system=1
if "%%i"=="somesystem.bat" set system=1
if !system!==0 echo %%i
Another method without variables:
for /f %%i in ('dir "*.bat" /b') do call :test %%i
goto continue
if "%1"=="autoexec.bat" goto :eof
if "%1"=="somesystem.bat" goto :eof
echo %1
goto :eof
For both, you can add new filenames to exclude from the list.
