Where is the implementation of dm_task_create in cryptsetup? - c

Where is the implementation of the function dm_task_create in cryptsetup (and other dm_task_ related functions)? Grepping for this function in the source for cryptsetup I come up with nothing. I see it is used in lib/libdevmapper.c and that it has a function prototype in libdevmapper.h. However where is the implementation? As a side note, cryptsetup compiles fine and executes.
Just to check, I grepped through the kernel source as well but it doesn't appear to be implemented in the kernel either.
From the following link http://www.saout.de/pipermail/dm-crypt/2009-December/000464.html it appears that at least in the past it was implemented in libdevmapper.c.

It's implemented in libdm-common.c, which is part of libdm (lib device-mapper). It is not implemented as part of cryptsetup itself.
This code is maintained alongside LVM2, as documented on this page:
The userspace code (dmsetup and libdevmapper) is now maintained
alongside the LVM2 source available from
http://sources.redhat.com/lvm2/. To build / install it without LVM2
use 'make device-mapper' / 'make device-mapper_install'.
Here's the implementation:
struct dm_task *dm_task_create(int type)
struct dm_task *dmt = dm_zalloc(sizeof(*dmt));
if (!dmt) {
log_error("dm_task_create: malloc(%" PRIsize_t ") failed",
return NULL;
if (!dm_check_version()) {
dmt->type = type;
dmt->minor = -1;
dmt->major = -1;
dmt->allow_default_major_fallback = 1;
dmt->uid = DM_DEVICE_UID;
dmt->gid = DM_DEVICE_GID;
dmt->mode = DM_DEVICE_MODE;
dmt->no_open_count = 0;
dmt->read_ahead = DM_READ_AHEAD_AUTO;
dmt->read_ahead_flags = 0;
dmt->event_nr = 0;
dmt->cookie_set = 0;
dmt->query_inactive_table = 0;
dmt->new_uuid = 0;
dmt->secure_data = 0;
return dmt;


How to access my user mode thread_local variables inside my windows kernel driver?

I want to create a shared memory for communication between my .exe and my driver.
My current plan is to have thread_local variables in the usermode and then use them for communication.
typedef struct blabla {
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 30;
int d = 40;
}blabla, * pblabla;
volatile thread_local blabla dd;
PEPROCESS process = FunctionToGetProcess();
auto next_entry = process->ThreadListHead.Flink;
while (next_entry != &process->ThreadListHead)
PETHREAD thread = (PETHREAD)CONTAINING_RECORD(next_entry, _KTHREAD, ThreadListEntry);
auto teb = (PTEB)thread->Teb;
for (int i = 0; i <= 63; ++i) {
if (teb->TlsSlots[i] != NULL) {
Log("Values : %d \n", test);
else {
next_entry = next_entry->Flink;
TEB MSDN: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winternl/ns-winternl-teb
Thread Local Storage: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/thread-local-storage
The Documentation doesn't provide enough information for me to know how to access them. I currently find my EPROCESS and then iterate through all ETHREAD's -> TEB-> TLS.
I am aware that The offset of the fields for the WIN STRUCTURES are unofficial and will be (possibly) different across OS-es and
service pack,
and they may disappear in future version. Since i will always only use the same OS Version
without updating it it is no problem. Im also aware that there are WINAPI calls for creating shared memory and that the basic
communication is IOCTL. My Goal is to do it without the use of WINAPI calls inside user mode land.

Problem calling DX12 functions in a program compiled with clang in c11

For the sake of learning, I am trying to correctly call the DirectX12 APIs using clang in pure c11. I managed to get everything to compile, but sometimes the vtable pointers seem to get corrupted and change where they point when they shouldn't be.
ID3D12DeviceVtbl* tbl; //tracking the vtable pointer for debugging purposes
if (D3D12CreateDevice(NULL, featureLevel, &IID_ID3D12Device, (void**)&g_pd3dDevice) != S_OK)
return false;
tbl = g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl;
desc.NumDescriptors = NUM_BACK_BUFFERS;
desc.NodeMask = 1;
// works fine
if (g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl->CreateDescriptorHeap(g_pd3dDevice,&desc, &IID_ID3D12DescriptorHeap, (void**)&g_pd3dRtvDescHeap) != S_OK)
return false;
// works fine
SIZE_T rtvDescriptorSize = g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl->GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize(g_pd3dDevice,D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_RTV);
// works fine
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvHandle = g_pd3dRtvDescHeap->lpVtbl->GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart(g_pd3dRtvDescHeap);
// after the line above executes, g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl now points to somewhere new and invalid
desc.NumDescriptors = 1;
// g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl can't find CreateDescriptorHeap
if (g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl->CreateDescriptorHeap(g_pd3dDevice,&desc, &IID_ID3D12DescriptorHeap, (void**)&g_pd3dSrvDescHeap) != S_OK)
return false;
// tbl->CreateDescriptorHeap is still a valid pointer however.
As explaining in the comments, after the line D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvHandle = g_pd3dRtvDescHeap->lpVtbl->GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart(g_pd3dRtvDescHeap); the g_pd3dDevice->lpVtbl pointer changes and points somewhere invalid and I don't understand why.
I am compiling with the following options:
clang.exe -std=c11 -pedantic-errors -g -D CINTERFACE .\main.c
You are hitting a known bug in the C-bindings... See this thread which explains there's a bug with GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart.
There were similar issues with the C-bindings with Direct3D9Ex. The basic issue is that almost all users use C++ for DirectX since it naturally maps to COM. The C bindings are mostly automatically generated; they are not well tested or maintained.

SGX Enclave: Where the actual function that does the procession goes and how it gets compiled

After reading lots of documentation i did the first simple enclave function:
enclave {
//Include files
//Import other edl files
//Data structure declarations to be used as parameters of the
//function prototypes in edl
trusted {
public function myFirstMethod([in] int *a, [in] int *b,[out] int *sum);
untrusted {
Then over bash I run the edger8r:
sgx_edger8r enclave.edl
Then it generated the following files as you can see over the schema:
So I assume somewhere over the enclave_t.c the only reference I found is in this function:
static sgx_status_t SGX_CDECL sgx_myFirstMethod(void* pms)
CHECK_REF_POINTER(pms, sizeof(ms_myFirstMethod_t));
ms_myFirstMethod_t* ms = SGX_CAST(ms_myFirstMethod_t*, pms);
sgx_status_t status = SGX_SUCCESS;
int* _tmp_a = ms->ms_a;
size_t _len_a = sizeof(*_tmp_a);
int* _in_a = NULL;
int* _tmp_b = ms->ms_b;
size_t _len_b = sizeof(*_tmp_b);
int* _in_b = NULL;
CHECK_UNIQUE_POINTER(_tmp_a, _len_a);
CHECK_UNIQUE_POINTER(_tmp_b, _len_b);
if (_tmp_a != NULL) {
_in_a = (int*)malloc(_len_a);
if (_in_a == NULL) {
goto err;
memcpy(_in_a, _tmp_a, _len_a);
if (_tmp_b != NULL) {
_in_b = (int*)malloc(_len_b);
if (_in_b == NULL) {
goto err;
memcpy(_in_b, _tmp_b, _len_b);
ms->ms_retval = myFirstMethod(_in_a, _in_b);
if (_in_a) free(_in_a);
if (_in_b) free(_in_b);
return status;
Especially in
ms->ms_retval = myFirstMethod(_in_a, _in_b);
But where to put the myFirstMethod? Also how I will compile my enclave as a part of an application as a static library.
As fas as I searched is the tutorial in theese links:
All mention Visual Studio that does not natively run over GNU/Linux so are a bit hard for me to follow.
Edit 1:
Further looking I have seen on https://github.com/01org/linux-sgx that I can compile over simulation mode as the link mentions:
And I successfully I have installed the driver and the sdk. I want to compile over SIMULATION mode and not real one.
The autogenerated outputs of edger8r are only to provide interface between the enclave and the untrusted outside world. They are not supposed to contain your implementations.
You should define myFirstMethod in another source file, say enclave.c or enclave.cpp and link it with the rest of your project. The signature of the function being exactly what you declared in your edl, except for the pointer qualifiers, which are for edger8r to consume.
It will go like this:
void myFirstMethod(int *a, int *b, int *sum)
*sum = *a + *b;
Dimitris first check if you have compatible hardware from this list
Then try to clone an run this repo
That will help you understand how it works

libwebsockets tutorial issue: ‘libwebsocket_internal_extensions’ undeclared and error: too many arguments to function ‘libwebsocket_create_context’

I installed libwebsockets, and then I wanted try out the code from the tutorial at http://martinsikora.com/libwebsockets-simple-http-server. Copying the code from Gist provided, I then pasted it into an editor, then compiled it with gcc -Wall -c "server.c" -lwebsockets. I get the following errors: server.c:115:43: error: ‘libwebsocket_internal_extensions’ undeclared (first use in this function) and server.c:116:43: error: too many arguments to function ‘libwebsocket_create_context’.
How do I resolve those errors?
Check if the path to the websocket library is correct (the library can be found)
I guess the function libwebsocket_create_context() changed its parameters.
Take a look at the libwebsockets example test-server.c:
It should be something like that now:
/* old Version:
context = libwebsocket_create_context(port, interface, protocols,
cert_path, key_path, -1, -1, opts);
//-- new Version:
struct lws_context_creation_info info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof info);
info.port = port;
info.iface = interface;
info.protocols = protocols;
info.extensions = libwebsocket_get_internal_extensions();
//if (!use_ssl) {
info.ssl_cert_filepath = NULL;
info.ssl_private_key_filepath = NULL;
//} else {
// info.ssl_cert_filepath = LOCAL_RESOURCE_PATH"/libwebsockets-test-server.pem";
// info.ssl_private_key_filepath = LOCAL_RESOURCE_PATH"/libwebsockets-test-server.key.pem";
info.gid = -1;
info.uid = -1;
info.options = opts;
context = libwebsocket_create_context(&info);
I think lately, up to v2.0, libwebsockets went through some big refactoring, changing interface names from libwebsockets_... to lws_... for example. I need a C++ wrapper for it, if I don't find an updated one I may write my own. Wish it were more stable, maybe v2.0 will give us that.

Win32 PrintDlg, PrintDlgEx, Crashing and quirkiness

I'm tasked with solving the following issue: My application crashes when running on a 64 bit machine when the PrintDlg() function is called.
After digging and hair pulling, I've decided the best solution is to replace the original calls of PrintDlg() with its bigger brother, PrintDlgEx().
Doing so fixes one problem (it no longer crashes!), but causes another. When I execute the code, it is not showing the print dialog, just returning a success code, and giving me all of the information for my default printer. I need this function to show the standard "print setup" window, I don't know how the heck to make it happen. Shown below are the sample values I'm trying to use to get my dialog to show.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
// Initialize the PRINTDLGEX structure.
pd2.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLGEX);
pd2.hwndOwner = wnddata->wnd.hnd;
pd2.hDevMode = NULL;
pd2.hDevNames = NULL;
pd2.hDC = NULL;
pd2.Flags2 = 0;
pd2.ExclusionFlags = 0;
pd2.nPageRanges = 0;
pd2.nMaxPageRanges = 10;
pd2.lpPageRanges = NULL;
pd2.nMinPage = 1;
pd2.nMaxPage = 1000;
pd2.nCopies = 1;
pd2.hInstance = 0;
pd2.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL;
pd2.lpCallback = NULL;
pd2.nPropertyPages = 0;
pd2.lphPropertyPages = NULL;
pd2.nStartPage = START_PAGE_GENERAL;
pd2.dwResultAction = 0;
pdrc = PrintDlgEx (&pd2);
You are most likely getting a return code of E_INVALIDARG, due to failure to read the fine print on the PRINTDLGEX structure. Specifically, it says "If the PD_NOPAGENUMS flag is not specified, lpPageRanges must be non-NULL."
The underlying problem with PrintDlg / PrintDlgEx is due to a missing attribute on your WinMain. You need to tag WinMain as [STAThreadAttribute] to indicate that your COM threading model is single-threaded apartment. Other threading models MAY work, but I can't say for sure.
