How to pass a object into a directive - angularjs

I have a items array which is used by ng-repeat to render the menu,
and on click of Add to cart button addItem() is called.
Currently i pass the name of the selected item as the name attribute in item-container directive.
How shall i pass an entire object through the attribute to the directive
HTML snippet
<p ng-repeat = "item in items">
startcounter = 1
resetter = 'reset'
item = 'item'
name = {{}} >
JS snippet
return {
controller: function() {return {}},
scope.qty = attr.startcounter
scope.add = function(){
scope.remove = function(){
scope.addItem = function(){
console.log("value when submitted:" + scope.qty + "name:"+;
scope.qty = attr.startcounter;
return attr.resetter
if(newValue === true){
scope.qty = attr.startcounter;
template:"<button ng-click='addItem();'>Add to cart</button>&nbsp&nbsp"+
"<button ng-click='remove();' >-</button>&nbsp"+
"{{qty}}&nbsp" +
"<button ng-click='add();'>+</button>&nbsp&nbsp"+
"<a ng-transclude> </a>"

Currently you actually aren't even passing in the name it seems. All the passing in magic happens in this part:
As you can see, there is no mention of name. What you need to do is add a field for item and just pass that in:
item: "="
Then you can just do
<p ng-repeat = "item in items">
startcounter = 1
resetter = 'reset'
item = item >
Also I'm fairly sure you dont want to be using transclude here. Look into templateUrl


AngularJs Custom Directive scope data overwritten

I have displayed the products based on branch and billing account. In the product template, i have a "+" button, if we click on the button, then i'm displaying the particular product id below that product template.
Now the problem is, when i click the "+" button of "Product 1" , then it display product id as "300152". its fine. After that If i click the "+" button next to "Product 2", its displaying product id as "300153" below both "Product 1" and "Product 2". This is the issue. Please check the following fiddle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
JS Fiddle
TabsApp.directive('productTemplate', ['$compile',
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
branchdata : '='
//templateUrl : templateSupportTabV3,
template: ' <li ng-repeat= "(prod_index, product) in branchdata.moduleLevel3List "><span class="normal-negrita">{{}} (ID.{{}})</span><a class = "cursor" ng-click="load_productInfo_branch( branch_index + 1 , prod_index + 1 , , );"><span id="more_product_body_{{}}_{{ }}" class="normal" style="font-size:10px;"> + </span> </a><div id="product_body_{{}}_{{}}" class="product_panel_container"></div></li> ',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.load_productInfo_branch = function(baIndex, productIndex, productId,branchId){
scope.prdouctType = productId;
var resp = "<p >ID : {{prdouctType}} </P>";
var divId = document.getElementById("product_body_" + branchId+"_"+productId);
You are using two-way binding while adding new DOM child; and there is one "prdouctType" in the scope. So,
var resp = "<p >ID : {{prdouctType}} </P>";
should be something like
var resp = "<p >ID : " + scope.prdouctType + "</P>";
Here is the working JS Fiddle:
You can use one way binding
var resp = "<p >ID : {{::prdouctType}} </p>";
Do you really need to apply to the scope? Another way to show the value is something like this:
var resp = "<p >ID : " + productId + "</p>";
Add in bindToController:
bindToController: true,
scope: {
branchData: '='
That should stop it happening.
Hello If you want to keep the {{prdouctType}} the same. You can try something like this.
You can hide the previous div and open the new one.
var TabsApp = angular.module('TabsApp', []);
TabsApp.controller('IndexCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.tabdata =[{"id":49844,"name":"Billing account 1","entityType":"BA","moduleLevel2List":[{"id":2239,"name":"branch 1","entityType":"BRANCH","moduleLevel3List":[{"id":300152,"name":"PRoduct 1","entityType":"PRODUCT"},{"id":300153,"name":"PRoduct 2","entityType":"PRODUCT"},{"id":300154,"name":"PRoduct 3","entityType":"PRODUCT"}]}]},{"id":49845,"name":"Billing account 2","entityType":"BA","moduleLevel2List":[{"id":2240,"name":"branch 2","entityType":"BRANCH","moduleLevel3List":[{"id":300127,"name":"PRoduct 4","entityType":"PRODUCT"}]}]}];
TabsApp.directive('supportTabV3Directive', ['$compile',
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
tabdata : '='
//templateUrl : templateSupportTabV3,
template: '<li name="billing_{{ ba_index + 1}}" ng-repeat = "(ba_index, ba) in tabdata "><span class="bold">{{}} (ID. {{}})</span><ul><li ng-repeat = "(branch_index, branch) in ba.moduleLevel2List "><span class="normal">Nombre: {{}}</span><ul><product-template branchdata="branch" ></product-template></ul></li>',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
TabsApp.directive('productTemplate', ['$compile',
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
branchdata : '='
//templateUrl : templateSupportTabV3,
template: ' <li ng-repeat= "(prod_index, product) in branchdata.moduleLevel3List "><span class="normal-negrita">{{}} (ID.{{}})</span><a class = "cursor" ng-click="load_productInfo_branch( branch_index + 1 , prod_index + 1 , , );"><span>{{productType}} </span> <span id="more_product_body_{{}}_{{ }}" class="normal" style="font-size:10px;"> + </span> </a><div id="product_body_{{}}_{{}}" class="product_panel_container"></div></li>',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.load_productInfo_branch = function(baIndex, productIndex, productId,branchId){
scope.prdouctType = productId;
var resp = "<p id='test'>ID : {{prdouctType}} </P>";
var divId = document.getElementById("product_body_" + branchId+"_"+productId);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="
<div ng-app = "TabsApp">
<div ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<support-tab-v3-directive tabdata="tabdata"></support-tab-v3-directive>
You can run the above snippet
HEre is a DEMO for it

How to get value of chcecked checkbox - angularJS

J started learn Angular and I have trouble with getting value of checkboxes.
<label ng-repeat="role in groupsapp">
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="selectedRole([,,????])">{{}}</label>
How get value checked/unchecked in place "???"
I found also:
but I don't know how to get this value of checkbox, anyone can help ?
to get it working with angular you need to add the ng-model directive to your input so angular will process it.
<label ng-repeat="role in groupsapp">
<input ng-model="role.value" type="checkbox" ng-click="selectedRole([,,role.value])">{{}}
I guess you might have got your answer but still if in case in future if you want to use multiple check boxes and need to collect what all items are collected you can use a custom directive.Here is a link on how to use it.
Below is sample code snippet in HTML
<body ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<h1>Multi Check box</h1>
<multi-checkbox selectedlist="req.selectedList" orginallist="req.sourceList" value="code" label="desc" all="true" sort-by="desc"></multi-checkbox>
<pre ng-cloak>{{req.selectedList |json}}</pre>
This requires a source list(orginallist) and a destination list(selectedlist) where selected values should go,it also sorts the list as per your need.
Just add this directive in your JS file
mainApp.directive('multiCheckbox', ['$log', '$filter', '$timeout', function($log, $filter, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',//E-element & A - attribute
'<div> <div ng-show="checkbox.showAll" class="checkbox"> ' +
'<label style="font-size: 12px"> <input type="checkbox" ' +
'id="all" name="all" ng-model="checkbox.all" ' +
'ng-checked="checkbox.all" ng-change="selectAll()" /> All ' +
'</label> ' +
'</div>' +
'<div ng-repeat="item in list track by $index "class="checkbox"> ' +
'<label style="font-size: 12px"> <input type="checkbox" ' +
'id="{{item.value}}" name="{{item.label}}" ' +
'ng-checked="item.checked" ng-click="$parent.toggle($index)"/> {{item.label}}' +
'</label>' +
'</div> </div>',
replace: true, //to replace our custom template in place of tag <multi-checkbox>
transclude: false,//make it true if we want to insert anything btw directive tags
scope: { //isolate scope created
selectedlist: '=',
orginallist: '=',
value: '#',
label: '#',
all: '#',
sortBy: '#'
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.checkbox = {};
$scope.checkbox.all = false; //set 'All' checkbox to false
$scope.checkbox.showAll = $scope.all == 'true' ? true : false;//to show/hide 'All' checkbox
//function called on click of check box
$scope.toggle = function(index) {
var item = $scope.list[index];
var i = $scope.selectedlist.length > 0 ? $scope.selectedlist.indexOf(item.value) : -1;
item.checked = !item.checked;
if (!item.checked) {
$scope.selectedlist.splice(i, 1);//remove item if unchecked
$scope.checkbox.all = false;//make 'All' to uncheck too
} else if (item.checked) {
$scope.selectedlist.push(item.value);//add item if checked
//function called when 'All' checkbox is checked
$scope.selectAll = function() {
var totalList = $scope.list;
$scope.selectedlist = [];
//if selected add all items
//if unchecked remove all items from selected list
angular.forEach(totalList, function(item) {
item.checked = $scope.checkbox.all;
if (item.checked) {
} else {
$scope.selectedlist = [];
//always watch my source list if it has been modified and update back..
$scope.$watch('orginallist', function(value) {
//sort accordingly..
value = $filter('orderBy')(value, $scope.sortBy);
$scope.list = [];
if (angular.isArray(value)) {
angular.forEach(value, function(item) {
value: item[$scope.value],
label: item[$scope.label],
checked: item.checked
}, true);
//clear 'All' checkbox value if all items are de selected
$scope.$watch('selectedlist', function(value) {
if (!angular.isArray(value) || (angular.isArray(value) && value.length <= 0)) {
$scope.checkbox.all = false;
}, true);

How to use $compile inside an Angular directive?

I have a collection of 500 items (persons) that I am rendering in an Angular ng-repeat directive. Each item has three fields (FirstName, LastName, Company). I want the user to be able to see details / edit the items below each rendered row. I have a button (Font Awesome square-plus) that when clicked needs to show the item details / edit. I do not want to include this markup/logic within the controller because having it rendered but hidden is very slow...multiple seconds in Chrome. I assume this is due to all the watches.
To resolve the issue, I created a directive that injects the details / edit items under the current record at run-time. I attempt to $compile the markup to link it to the current scope of the ng-repeat row.
Problems.. I think I am having issues with the scope. The directive is references within the ng-repeat block (p in Persons), so I would think I would be passed the record scope in the directive link function. But I can only get the record object by getting the parent scope (scope.$parent.p instead of scope.p). I don't understand.
Also, once the $compile function is executed, I do see the person info displayed in the new details blocks. But changes are not reflected in the current record data, nor an I dismiss the details block.
Any suggestions?
<div class="row" ng-repeat="p in Persons">
<div class="col-lg-1">
<i class="fa fa-plus-square" ng-show="!p.showDetail" manage-details></i>
<div class="col-lg-2">{{::p.FirstName}}</div>
<div class="col-lg-2">{{::p.LastName}}</div>
<div class="col-lg-2">{{::p.Company}}</div>
<div id="marker{{$index}}"></div>
<hr ng-if="!$last" />
(function () {
'use strict';
.module('ngRepeatMystery', [])
.controller('TestController', TestController)
.directive('manageDetails', manageDetails);
TestController.$inject = ['$scope'];
function TestController($scope) {
$scope.Persons = [
{ 'FirstName': 'Joe', 'LastName': 'Delbridge', 'Company': 'Dow', 'showDetail': false },
{ 'FirstName': 'Tony', 'LastName': 'Ingram', 'Company': 'Samtec', 'showDetail': false },
{ 'FirstName': 'Mike', 'LastName': 'Smolinski', 'Company': 'HCHB', 'showDetail': false },
{ 'FirstName': 'Lee', 'LastName': 'Shipman', 'Company': 'Cummins', 'showDetail': false },
{ 'FirstName': 'Eric', 'LastName': 'ONeal', 'Company': 'MSD', 'showDetail': false },
$scope.DismissDetails = function (index) {
$scope.Persons[index].showDetail = false;
var wrappedMonkey = angular.element($document[0].getElementById('details' + index));
manageDetails.$inject = ['$compile', '$document', '$timeout'];
function manageDetails($compile, $document, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {},
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function () {
// scope.$parent !!? WAT!
scope.$parent.p.showDetail = !scope.$parent.p.showDetail;
if (scope.$parent.p.showDetail) {
var index = scope.$parent.$index;
var wrappedMarker = angular.element($document[0].getElementById('marker' + index));
var details = getDetailsTemplate(index);
var wrappedDetails = angular.element($document[0].getElementById('details' + index));
function getDetailsTemplate(index) {
var detailsTemplate =
"<div id=\"details" + index + "\" style=\"padding: 20px;\">" +
"<div class=\"row\">" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-2\"></div>" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-8\">" +
"<label>Last Name</label>" +
"<input ng-model=\"p.LastName\" placeholder=\"Last Name\"><br/>" +
"<label>First Name</label>" +
"<input ng-model=\"p.FirstName\" placeholder=\"First Name\"><br/>" +
"<label>Company</label>" +
"<input ng-model=\"p.Company\" placeholder=\"Company\"><br/>" +
"<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"p.DismissDetails($index);\">Done</button><br/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-2\"></div>" +
"</div>" +
return detailsTemplate;
I am also open to other alternatives...
Ok, I think there are a lot of issues with your code.
I would advise against having the directive modify something outside of itself.
As I commented earlier, don't use $parent. Just pass data as attributes. And create a new scope when you call $compile to avoid polluting the existing scope.
I modified your code so it works, but it's still not pretty:
<div class="row" ng-repeat="p in Persons">
<div class="col-lg-1">
<i class="fa fa-plus-square" ng-show="!showDetail" manage-details monkey="p" index="$index" show-detail="showDetail"></i>
<div class="col-lg-2">{{p.FirstName}}</div>
<div class="col-lg-2">{{p.LastName}}</div>
<div class="col-lg-2">{{p.Company}}</div>
<div id="marker{{$index}}"></div>
<hr ng-if="!$last" />
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
monkey: '=',
index: '=',
showDetail: '='
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var childScope;
element.bind('click', function () {
scope.showDetail = !scope.showDetail;
if (scope.showDetail) {
childScope && childScope.$destroy();
childScope = scope.$new();
var index = scope.index;
var wrappedMarker = angular.element($document[0].getElementById('marker' + index));
childScope.p = angular.copy(scope.monkey);
childScope.dismissDetails = function () {
scope.showDetail = false;
scope.monkey = angular.copy(childScope.p);
function getDetailsTemplate(index) {
var detailsTemplate =
"<div id=\"details" + index + "\" style=\"padding: 20px;\">" +
"<div class=\"row\">" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-2\"></div>" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-8\">" +
"<label>Last Name</label>" +
"<input ng-model=\"p.LastName\" placeholder=\"Last Name\"><br/>" +
"<label>First Name</label>" +
"<input ng-model=\"p.FirstName\" placeholder=\"First Name\"><br/>" +
"<label>Company</label>" +
"<input ng-model=\"p.Company\" placeholder=\"Company\"><br/>" +
"<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"dismissDetails();\">Done</button><br/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class=\"col-lg-2\"></div>" +
"</div>" +
return detailsTemplate;

angularjs scope function of a repeated directive

I am trying to have a directive with a repeat on it and have it call a function on the parent control as well as child controls. however when I add a scope: { function:&function}
the repeat stops working properly.
the main.html is something like
<div ng-app="my-app" ng-controller="MainController">
<name-row ng-repeat="media in mediaArray" on-delete="delete(index)" >
var module = angular.module('my-app', []);
function MainController($scope)
$scope.mediaArray = [
{title: "predator"},
{title: "alien"}
$scope.setSelected = function (index){
alert("called from outside directive");
$scope.delete = function (index) {
alert("calling delete with index " + index);
module.directive('nameRow', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
priority: 1001, // since ng-repeat has priority of 1000
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.setSelected = function (index){
alert("called from inside directive");
/*uncommenting this breaks the ng-repeat*/
scope: {
'delete': '&onDelete'
' <li>' +
' <button ng-click="delete($index);">' +
' {{$index}} - {{media.title}}' +
' </button>' +
' </li>'
As klauskpm said is better to move common logic to an independent service or factory. But the problem that i see is that the ng-repeat is in the same element of your directive. Try embed your directive in an element inside the loop and pass the function in the attribute of that element or create a template in your directive that use the ng-repeat in the template
<li ng-repeat="media in mediaArray" >
<name-row on-delete="delete(media)" ></name-row>
As I've suggested you, the better approach to share methods is building a Factory or a Service, just like bellow:
app.factory('YourFactory', function(){
return {
setSelected: function (index){
alert("called from inside directive");
And you would call it like this:
function MainController($scope, YourFactory) {
$scope.setSelected = YourFactory.setSelected;
// Could even use $scope.yf = YourFactory;, and call yf.setSelected(index);
// at your view.
module.directive('nameRow', function(YourFactory) {
$scope.setSelected = YourFactory.setSelected;
Hope it will help you.

AngularJS multiple selection model data binding

I am using AngularJS v1.2.0-rc.3.
I have a model y with a 1 to many relationship with model x.
Initially, I had a form for model y with a multiple select for xs, something like this:
function test($scope) {
$scope.xs = [
{id:1, value:'value 1'},
{id:2, value:'value 2'},
{id:3, value:'value 3'}
$scope.y = {xs:[2]};
<div ng-controller="test">
<select multiple ng-model="y.xs" ng-options=" as x.value for x in xs">
The result is an array of the selected items.
All fine and good, but I needed to change it to a checkbox list and found I couldn't use an array anymore.
I tried using the repeater's index, like this:
<div ng-repeat="x in xs">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="y.xs[$index]" ng-true-value="{{}}"/>
but to pre-select the 2nd item for example, I needed to use this:
$scope.y = {xs: [null, '2']};
which was useless.
After a bit of searching, it seems the recommended method is to use an object hash, like so
<div ng-repeat="x in xs">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="y.xs[]"/>
but if items are de-selected, you end up with something that looks like this:
"xs": {
"1": false,
"2": false,
"3": false
so I ended up adding a watch expression to filter out the false values, like this:
$scope.$watch('y.xs', function(n) {
for (var k in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(k) && !n[k])
delete n[k];
}, true);
It works but it feels unsatisfactory.
As this is such a common use case, I'm interested to know how others are solving it.
Following the suggestion to use a custom directive, I came up with this solution which maintains the selection as a list.
angular.module('checkbox', [])
.directive('checkboxList', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: true,
scope: {
selection: '=',
items: '=',
value: '#',
label: '#'
template: '<div ng-repeat="item in list">' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" value="{{item.value}}" ng-checked="item.checked" ng-click="toggle($index)"/>' +
'{{item.label}}' +
'</label>' +
controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.toggle = function (index) {
var item = $scope.list[index],
i = $scope.selection.indexOf(item.value);
item.checked = !item.checked;
if (!item.checked && i > -1) {
$scope.selection.splice(i, 1);
} else if (item.checked && i < 0) {
$scope.$watch('items', function (value) {
$scope.list = [];
if (angular.isArray(value)) {
angular.forEach(value, function (item) {
value: item[$scope.value],
label: item[$scope.label],
checked: $scope.selection.indexOf(item[$scope.value]) > -1
}, true);
<div checkbox-list
I had to write a multi select directive myself in the past, feel free to grab it at
As for the data binding approach, my data structure is actually quite similar with yours, but in my approach I added one more property which represent the checkbox state.
Example, with your input above, I added "checked":
$scope.xs = [
{ id:1, value:'value 1', checked: false },
{ id:2, value:'value 2', checked: false },
{ id:3, value:'value 3', checked: false }
And I pass it to the directive like this:
item-label="id value"
tick-property="checked" >
When you tick / untick a checkbox, the directive will modify the input model $scope.xs.checked accordingly. To achieve this, i attach a click handler to each checkbox. This handler will call a function in which I pass the checkbox object as the function parameter. This function will then synchronize the checkbox state and the model.
To get the selected / ticked checkboxes, you will only need to loop $scope.xs over where .checked === true
angular.forEach( $scope.xs, function( value, key ) {
if ( value.checked === true ) {
// Do your stuff here
Pardon my bad English, and hope this helps. Cheers.
I went the directive approach. It leaves me with a list of ids for the objects that are checked. This is a fiddle for it JSFIDDLE.
This is what my html looks like.
<div ng-app="checkbox" ng-controller="homeCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<input type="checkbox" checkbox-group />
And my directive
.directive("checkboxGroup", function () {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
// Determine initial checked boxes
if (scope.array.indexOf( !== -1) {
elem[0].checked = true;
// Update array on click
elem.bind('click', function () {
var index = scope.array.indexOf(;
// Add if checked
if (elem[0].checked) {
if (index === -1) scope.array.push(;
// Remove if unchecked
else {
if (index !== -1) scope.array.splice(index, 1);
// Sort and update DOM display
scope.$apply(scope.array.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b
I needed a checkbox solution that would also display values that were not in the list of possible choices (what if that list had changed since the user filled out the form?).
Also, I didn't think a watch function was necessary.
Finally, I needed to pass in the form in so I could set it to dirty if the user had toggled any of the checkboxes.
Caveat: In my case I only needed an array of strings as my model, which isn't exactly what the poster was using for his model.
.directive("multipleCheckbox", function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
form: '=',
selections: '=',
options: '=',
'<div>' +
'<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="item in options">' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" value="{{$index}}" ng-checked="selections.indexOf(item) > -1" ng-click="toggle(item)"/>' +
'{{item}}' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="checkbox" ng-repeat="item in selections" ng-if="options.indexOf(item) === -1">' +
'<label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" value="{{options.length + $index}}" ng-checked="selections.indexOf(item) > -1" ng-click="toggle(item)"/>' +
'<strong>Other: </strong>{{item}}' +
'</label>' +
'</div>' +
controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) {
// Executed when the checkboxes are toggled
$scope.toggle = function (item) {
// set the form to dirty if we checked the boxes
if ($scope.form) $scope.form.$dirty = true;
// get the index of the selection
var index = -1;
if (angular.isArray($scope.selections)) {
index = $scope.selections.indexOf(item);
// if it's not already an array, initialize it
else $scope.selections = [];
if (index > -1) {
// remove the item
$scope.selections.splice(index, 1);
// if the array is empty, set it to null
if ($scope.selections.length === 0) {
$scope.selections = null;
else if (index < 0) {
// add the item
