I have developed a simple console utility in C which parses various text files.
IDE - Code Blocks
OS - windows
I intend to distribute its executable.
The executable works fine, however unlike when executed from the IDE, the execution does not pause/wait for keystroke at the end of execution.
I tried using getchar()/system("pause"), but the execution doesn't pause there.
Is there an alternative to wait for keystroke before ending execution, so that the user can view the output?
You can use
twice , because its very likely that last '\n' newline character will get consumed by your getchar().
or use
scanf(" %c");
with that extra space
at the end of your file .
It depends on how other parts of your code receives input from the user (i.e. reading from stdin).
The getchar() approach will work fine if your program is not reading anything from the user, or is reading using getchar().
A general guideline, however, is to be consistent in style of input from every stream. Style of input refers to character-oriented (functions like getchar()), line-oriented (like fgets()), formatted (functions like scanf()), or unformatted (like fread()). Each one of those functions does different things depending on input - for example getchar() will read a newline as an integral value, fgets() will leave a newline on the end of the string read if the buffer is long enough, scanf() will often stop when it encounters a newline but leave the newline in the stream to be read next.
The net effect is that different styles of input will interact, and can produce strange effects (e.g. data being ignored, not waiting for input as you are seeing).
For example, if you are using scanf(), you should probably also use scanf() to make your program wait at the end. Not getchar() - because, in practice, there may well be a newline waiting to be read, so getchar() will return immediately, and your program will not pause before terminating.
There are exceptions to the above (e.g. depending on what format string is used, and what the user inputs). But as a rule of thumb: be consistent in the manner you are reading from stdin, and the user will have to work pretty hard to stop your program pausing before terminating.
An easier alternative, of course, is to run the program from the command line (e.g. the CMD.EXE command shell). Then the shell will take over when your program terminates, the program output will be visible to the user, so your program does not need to pause.
Don't use system("pause") since it's not portable. getchar should work on the other hand. Can you post some code? Maybe there's something on the keyboard buffer that's being consumed by your one and only getchar call.
printf function in c doesn't always print the output on screen. For example if you forget to put \n at the end of string you are printfing you sometimes don't get the o/p. Are there some other conditions when printf doesn't print. I remember someone saying that there are 7 such conditions. Can you guys please help.
Standard out is a buffered stream, it is not guaranteed to flush unless a newline is put in, the stream is closed, or the program exits normally. If the program exits abnormally, it is possible for the stream to not flush. Standard out is line buffered, which is why a newline will flush it. There are buffers that will not flush with a newline.
its not that printf won't always print, its that it isn't guaranteed to print immediately. This means that if you are using it for debugging purposes, then you can't guarantee that it will happen exactly when it does in the code. If you want to make sure that it does print exactly when you said it call
Note: You typically don't want to use fflush(stdout) unless you are debugging, its really resource intensive and if you care about speed performance at all it has the potential to slow you down.
I used
because in my particular case, printf() just stopped printing halfway through. The entire string was there, it just didn't print.
fflush(stdout) didn't fix it either, another printf() on the next line printed just fine.
I cant understand how the following code really works.
int main() {
char ch;
return 0;
Lets say we give as an input "aaa". Then we get the word "test" as an output in 3 seperate lines.
Now my question is, for the first letter that we type, 'a', does the program goes inside the while loop and remembers that it has to print something when the '\n' character is entered? Does it store the characters somewhere and then traverses them and executes the body of the while loop? Im lost.
There are many layers between the user writing input into a terminal, and your program receiving that input.
Typically the terminal itself have a buffer, which is flushed and sent to the operating system when the user presses the Enter key (together with a newline from the Enter key itself).
The operating system will have some internal buffers where the input is stored until the application reads it.
Then in your program the getchar function itself reads from stdin which is usually also buffered, and the characters returned by getchar are taken one by one from that stdin buffer.
And as mentioned in a comment to your question, note that getchar returns an int, which is really important if you ever want to compare what it returns against EOF (which is an int constant).
And you really should compare against EOF, otherwise you won't detect if there's an error or the user presses the "end-of-file" key sequence (Ctrl-D on POSIX systems like Linux or macOS, or Ctrl-Z on Windows).
What you see is due to the I/O line buffering.
The getchar() functions doesn't receive any input until you press the enter. This add the \n completing the line.
Only at this point the OS will start to feed characters to the getchar(), that for each input different from \n prints the test message.
Apparently the printout is done together after you press the enter.
You can change this behavior by modifying the buffering mode with the function setvbuf(). Setting the mode as _IONBF you can force the stream as unbuffered, giving back each character as it is pressed on the keyboard (or at least on an *nix system, MS is not so compliant).
I have looked around the site regarding this K&R example and the answers seem to revolve around 'why is this a type int or what is EOF?' kinda guys. I believe that I understand those.
It's the results that I don't understand. I had expected this code to take a single character, print it and then wait for another character or EOF.
The results that I see are the input waiting until I press return, then everything that I typed shows up and the more waiting for input.
Is the while loop just 'looping' until I end the text stream with the carrage return and then shows what putchar(c) has been hiding somewhere?
The code is:
#include <stdio.h>
/* copy input to output: 1st version */
int c;
c = getchar();
while(c != EOF) {
c = getchar();
Now, if I sneak a putchar(c) before on the line just before the while, I sort of get what I expected. I still must enter a text stream and press return. The result is the first character of the stream and the program exits.
Evidently there is a big picture gap for me going on.
Thank you for your help
By default, stdin and stdout are buffered. That means that they save up batches of characters and send them at once for efficiency. Typically, the batch is saved up until there's no more room in the buffer or until there's a newline or EOF in the stream.
When you call getchar(), you're asking from characters from stdin. Supposed you type A, that character is saved in the buffer and then the system waits for more input. If you type B, that character goes into the buffer next. Perhaps after that, you hit Enter, and a newline is put in the buffer. But the newline also interrupts the buffering process, so the original call to getchar() returns the first character in the buffer (A). On the next iteration, you call getchar() again, and it immediately returns the next character in the buffer (B). And so on.
So it's not that your while loop is running until you end the line, it's that the first call to getchar() (when the buffer is empty) is waiting until it has either a full buffer or it has seen a newline.
When you interleave output functions, like putchar(), most C runtime libraries will "flush" stdin when you do something that sends data to stdout (and vice versa). (The intent is to make sure the user sees a prompt before the program waits for input.) That's why you started seeing different behavior when you added the putchar() calls.
You can manually flush a buffer using the flush() function. You can also control the size of the buffer used by the standard streams using setvbuf().
As Han Passant pointed out in the comments, a newline doesn't "terminate the stream." To get an EOF on stdin, you have to type Ctrl+D (or, on some systems, Ctrl+Z). An EOF will also flush the buffer. If you've redirected a file or the output from another program to stdin, the EOF will happen once that input is exhausted.
While it's true that K&R C is very old, and even ANSI C isn't as common today as it was, everything about buffering with stdin and stdout is effectively the same in the current standards and even in C++. I think the only significant change is that the C standards now explicitly call out the desirability of having stdin and stdout cause the other to flush.
I appreciate your answer, and the buffering as you describe is very helpful and interesting.
Evidently, I also must have mis-read/understood, K&R. They define a text stream as ". . . consists of zero or more characters followed by a new line character," which I took to mean the return/enter key; ending it, and then allowing output.
Also, I would like to thank all of you who offered helpful comments.
By the way, I clearly understood that I had to enter ^D to generate EOF, which terminates the program. I appreciate that you are all top level programmers, and thank you for your time. I guess that I will need to find another place to discuss what the text that R&R wrote regarding this exercise is all about.
In a game I made I create an ncurses window using initscr(), then the user plays the game and when the game ends the program closes the window using endwin() and then prints some statements and gets input from the user using printf and scanf, respectively. My problem is that whenever the game ends scanf always executes before printf. So it waits for a response, and once the user enters the response it prints everything that was before and after the scanf statement. Here is some example code:
system("clear"); /* Clears terminal window */
printf("New high score!\nPlease enter your first name: ");
... /* file I/O stuff */
printf("Congratulations, %s!",name);
As you can see, the printf statement is before the scanf statement but for some reason scanf executes first. I tested the code without an ncurses window and I get the desired result. Does anyone know what is causing this?
Nothing to do with curses.
This statement is obviously wrong since using curses makes a difference, as the question states:
As you can see, the printf statement is before the scanf statement but
for some reason scanf executes first. I tested the code without an
ncurses window and I get the desired result. Does anyone know what is
causing this?
While it is right that fflush(stdout) gives the desired result, that does not answer the question.
What is causing this is presumably the implementation-defined standard I/O characteristic to flush a line buffered stdout when input is requested (sometimes documented in man setbuf), and curses setting stdout to fully buffered, thereby disabling the automatic flush.
You can read about it in the manual page where it discusses NCURSES_NO_SETBUF:
to get good performance, most curses implementations change the output buffering from line-oriented to buffer-oriented (so that the library can make larger, more efficient writes)
because that meant that all writes to the standard output would be buffered, it was a nuisance. ncurses provided an option (the environment variable) to override the buffering.
that changed in 2012, by eliminating the stdout buffering altogether to solve a problem with signal handling.
however, "eliminating" the buffering means that ncurses uses its own buffer. It'll flush that in endwin, but doesn't flush stdout when switching to/from curses mode.
a few applications required modification to flush stdout.
The 2012 change for ncurses was part of the ncurses6 release in August 2015. The OP's question is in terms of ncurses5.9 (or earlier), since it describes an application where the standard output is buffered.
I am using the C code below to read user input from a terminal. If the user inputs EOF, e.g. by pressing ^C, stdin is closed and subsequent attempts to read from it, e.g. via getchar() or scanf(), will cause an exception.
Is there anything I can do in C to "recover" my program, in the sense that if some user accidently inputs EOF, this will be ignored, so I can read from stdin again?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int res_getchar=getchar();
return 0;
If I understand the situation correctly - you're reading from a terminal via stdin, the user types ^D, you want to discard that and ask again for input - you have two options, one more portable (and quite simple) but less likely to work, and one less portable (and considerably more programming) but certain to work.
The clearerr function is standard C, and is documented to clear both the sticky error and sticky EOF flags on a FILE object; if your problem is that the C library isn't bothering to call read again once it's indicated EOF once, this may help.
If this solves your immediate problem, make sure that if you get some number of EOFs in a row (four to ten, say) you give up and quit, because if stdin is not a terminal, or if the terminal has genuinely been closed down, that EOF condition is never going to go away, and you don't want your program to get stuck in an infinite loop when that happens.
On POSIX-compliant systems only (i.e. "not Windows"), you can use cfmakeraw to disable the input preprocessing that turns ^D into an EOF indication.
Doing this means you also have to handle a whole lot of other stuff yourself; you may instead want to use a third-party library that handles it for you, e.g. readline (GPL) or editline (BSD). If your program is any sort of nontrivial interactive command interpreter, using one of these libraries is strongly encouraged, as it will provide a much nicer user experience.
Using ungetc() to push back a character can clear the EOF indicator for a stream.
C99 ยง7.19.7.11 The ungetc function
int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);
A successful call to the ungetc function clears the end-of-file indicator for the stream. The value of the file position indicator for the stream after reading or discarding all pushed-back characters shall be the same as it was before the characters were pushed back.
In a word, no. You read EOF when the OS has closed stdin.
I am sure there are Platform-dependent ways to preserve some info that would let you reconstruct stdin after it was closed -- ie, open a new stream connected to the keyboard and assign it to stdin -- but there's definitely no portable way.