Gmail API Watch not filtering by Label - gmail-api

I am using Gmail Push Notifications with Google PubSub and have a custom label that I want to monitor for any changes. I use the following code to register a watch for the label (Id of the label is Label_1)
WatchRequest wr = new WatchRequest();
wr.TopicName = "projects/" + primaryLink.ggProjectId + "/topics/iLink" + segmentId;
if (labels != null && labels.Count > 0)
wr.LabelIds = new List<string>();
wr.LabelFilterAction = "include";
WatchResponse wrr = gs.Users.Watch(wr, emailAccount).Execute();
return "HistoryId " + wrr.HistoryId.ToString();
The watch registers OK. The issue is that I get push notifications for any Gmail change not just those under the label.
Are custom labels supported?

I noticed the same issue but later on found out that its because of the way API works. You can filter the emails via LabelIds but you will receive notifications only if emails are directly being filtered to selected custom label. I guess its design rather than a flaw in the API.
To test this, create a custom filter in Gmail which would directly apply your custom label to a set of emails and you should be receiving notifications for those emails.
Edited (June 11, 2015):
Push notification send you HistoryID and user's mailbox name. In response your endpoint should call userhistory.list() with HistoryID and LabelId you want to monitor for changes.
$opt_param = array();
$opt_param['startHistoryId'] = $historyID;
$opt_param['labelId'] = $labelID;
$opt_param['fields'] = 'nextPageToken,historyId,history/messagesAdded';
$service->users_history->listUsersHistory($userID, $opt_param);
Above is a PHP code snippet to filter the history list with historyID and labelID.


How to update NetSuite through Salesforce?

How would you go about updating NetSuite through Salesforce.
I know that you would use NetSuite's RESTlet and Salesforce Apex code to connect the two, but how would you actually go about doing this in a step by step process?
To send data from Salesforce to NetSuite (specifically customer/account data) you will need to do some preliminary setup in both.
In NetSuite:
Create a RESTlet Script that has at the bare minimum a get and post.
For instance I would create a javascript file on my desktop that contains:
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType restlet
//Use: Update NS customer with data (context) that is passed from SF
define(['N/record'], function(record) //use the record module
function postData(context)
//load the customer I'm gonna update
var cust = record.load({type:context.recordtype,});
log.debug("postData","loaded the customer with NSID: " +;
//set some body fields
cust.setValue("entityid", + " (US LLC)");
cust.setValue("custentity12", context.formerName);
//remove all addresses
while(cust.getLineCount('addressbook') != 0)
//add default billing address
var billingAddress=cust.getSublistSubrecord('addressbook','addressbookaddress',0);
billingAddress.setValue('addr1', context.billingStreet);
//add default shipping address
var shippingAddress=cust.getSublistSubrecord('addressbook','addressbookaddress',0);
//save the record
var NSID =;
log.debug("postData","saved the record with NSID: " + NSID);
return NSID; //success return the ID to SF
//get and post both required, otherwise it doesn't work
return {
get : function (){return "get works";},
post : postData //this is where the sauce happens
After You've saved this file, go to NetSuite>Customization>Scripting>Scripts>New.
Select the new file that you've saved and create the script record. Your script record in NetSuite should have GET and POST checked under scripts.
Next, click deploy script and choose who will call this script, specifically the user that will login on the salesforce end into NetSuite.
On the deployment page you will need the External URL it goes something like:
Note: If any data that you are updating is critical for a process, I would highly recommond creating this in the sandbox first for testing, before moving to production.
In Salesforce sandbox:
Click YourName>Developer Console
In the developer console click File>New and create an Apex Class:
global class NetSuiteWebServiceCallout
#future (callout=true) //allow restlet callouts to run asynchronously
public static void UpdateNSCustomer(String body)
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setEndPoint(''); //external URL
request.setHeader('Authorization', 'NLAuth nlauth_account=1234567,, nlauth_signature=password'); //login to netsuite, this person must be included in the NS restlet deployment
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
You will have to set the endpoint here to the external url, the authorization nlauth_account=[your netsuite account number], and the header to your login email and password to a person who is on the deployment of the NS script, the body will be set in the trigger that calls this class.
Next create the trigger that will call this class. I made this script run every time I update the account in Salesforce.
trigger UpdateNSCustomer on Account (after update)
for(Account a:
String data = ''; //what to send to NS
data = data + '{"recordtype":"customer","id":"'+a.Netsuite_Internal_ID__c+'","name":"'+a.Name+'","accountCode":"'+a.AccountCode__c+'",';
data = data + '"formerName":"'+a.Former_Company_Names__c+'","phone":"'+a.Phone+'","fax":"'+a.Fax+'","billingStreet":"'+a.Billing_Street__c+'",';
data = data + '"billingCity":"'+a.Billing_City__c+'","billingState":"'+a.Billing_State_Province__c+'","billingZip":"'+a.Billing_Zip_Postal_Code__c+'",';
data = data + '"billingCountry":"'+a.Billing_Country__c+'","shippingStreet":"'+a.Shipping_Street__c+'","shippingCity":"'+a.Shipping_City__c+'",';
data = data + '"shippingState":"'+a.Shipping_State_Province__c+'","shippingZip":"'+a.Shipping_Zip_Postal_Code__c+'","shippingCountry":"'+a.Shipping_Country__c+'"}';
data = data.replaceAll('null','').replaceAll('\n',',').replace('\r','');
NetSuiteWebServiceCallout.UpdateNSCustomer(data); //call restlet
In this script data is the body that you are sending to NetSuite.
Additionally, you will have to create an authorized endpoint for NetSuite in your remote site setings in salesforce (sandbox and production). Go to setup, and quickfind remote site settings which will be under security controls.
Create a new Remote site that has its remote site URL set to the first half of your external url:
From here, do some testing in the sandbox.
If all looks well deploy the class and trigger to salesforce production.

Chatter Api Access to create Feed via Platform Trigger

I am trying to Create A chatter feed using Chatter API(As I need mention user in the post) from A platform event trigger.
But I am getting an error:- "Insufficient Privileges: The Connect API is not enabled for this user type." in Debug Logs
and the user that's shown on debug log is Automated Process and not the Authenticated user creating a post request.
So my question is Do I need to Authenticate to Chatter API inside the trigger? If yes How I can do that.
Or am I missing any chatter Configuration?
Trigger Code
trigger SampleEventsTrigger on Sample_Events__e (after insert) {
System.debug('Event Log');
for (Sample_Events__e event : Trigger.New) {
System.debug('Event: ' + event);
//postFeedForSmartwinnr.PostFeedMethod(event.CreatedById, event.userId__c, event.Notification_message__c); // Call function to Create Chatter
ConnectApi.FeedItemInput feedItemInput = new ConnectApi.FeedItemInput();
ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput mentionSegmentInput = new ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput();
ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput messageBodyInput = new ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput();
ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput textSegmentInput = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput();
System.debug('feedItemInput: ' );
messageBodyInput.messageSegments = new List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput>(); = event.userId__c;
textSegmentInput.text = event.Notification_message__c;
feedItemInput.body = messageBodyInput;
feedItemInput.feedElementType = ConnectApi.FeedElementType.FeedItem;
//feedItemInput.subjectId = '0F9RR0000004CPw';
ConnectApi.FeedElement feedElement = ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.postFeedElement( Network.getNetworkId(), feedItemInput); // Error is on this line
Thanks in Advance...
As per my knowledge, the user present at that point is Automated Process who is able to post feed using class but, don't have access to chatter REST API

Delete / Clear all events that created by Google Calendar API

I have an application using Google Calendar API.
private function getClient() {
$client = new \Google_Client();
return $client;
Credential is a service_account.
I created and inserted about 65000 events by the above client.
Now, I want to deleted all events (65000 events).
I want to use /clear ( API to do that but I am not sure it will delete all events from my application without clear other events on my calendar.
I mean on my calendar there are 2 type of events:
Personal Event, created by Rakumo calendar
Event from my application.
I just want to delete all events created from 2.
Anybody can confirm when use /clear API
will it delete only all events created from my application ?

Getting a users mailbox current history Id

I'd like to start syncing a users mailbox going forward so I need the most recent historyId of the users mailbox. There doesn't seem to be a way to get this with one API call.
The gmail.users.history.list endpoint contains a historyId which seems to be what I need, from the docs:
historyId unsigned long The ID of the mailbox's current history record.
However to get a valid response from this endpoint you must provide a startHistoryId as a parameter.
The only alternative I see is to make a request to list the users messages, get the most recent history id from that, then make a request to gmail.users.history.list providing that historyid to get the most recent one.
Other ideas?
Did you check out ?
Depending on what your use-case is, to avoid races between your current state and when you start to forward sync, you'll need to provide an appropriate historyId. If there were a "get current history ID" then anything between your previous state and when you got those results would be lost. If you don't have any particular existing state (e.g. only want to get updates and don't care about anything before that) then you can use any historyId returned (e.g. on a message or thread) as you mention.
Small example for C# users (mentioned in comments by #EricDeFriez).
Nuget package Google.Apis.Gmail.v1 must be installed. See also quickstart for .NET developers.
var service = new GmailService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ApplicationName,
var req = service.Users.GetProfile("me");
req.Fields = "historyId";
var res = req.Execute();
Console.WriteLine("HistoryId: " + res.HistoryId);
This answer is related to the Java Gmail API Client Library using a service account.
I found that the gmail.users.getprofile() will not work as the object that it returns is of type Class Gmail.Users.GetProfile which does not have an interface to getting a historyId. actually has a getHistoryId() function, but calling service.users().getProfile() will return a Class Gmail.Users.GetProfileobject instead.
To get around this, I use the history.list() function which will always return the latest historyId as part of its response.
Gmail service = createGmailService(userId); //Authenticate
BigInteger startHistoryId = BigInteger.valueOf(historyId);
ListHistoryResponse response = service.users().history().list("me")
I set the max number of results to be 1 to limit the unnecessary data that I get returned back and I will receive a payload that looks like:
The historyId (123456) will be the current historyId of the user. You can grab that historyId using response.getHistoryId()
You can also see that the latest historyId is given in the response if you use the API tester for Users.history: list

VISUALFORCE /APEX : Simple email feedback form

I am developing a site in Visualforce and would like to offer user a simple form to send me feedback via email. There would be 3-4 fields like name, user's email, reason and feedback and "send" button. Clicking the send button should automatically send that message to my email address.
I do not want to store the form data in salesforce at least for now...All the stuff I found online about visualforce/apex and email is about saving that data to salesforce too.
Can I just make use of apex's email capabilities and send out email without storing that data anywhere in salesforce?
It's not required to insert/update/delete any records in the database when executing an action on a VisualForce page. You can leverage the Outbound Email functionality to send out your notification. For something like this, you will probably want to familiarize yourself with the SingleEmailMessage methods.
A simple example to get you going:
public PageReference actionSend() {
String[] recipients = new String[]{''};
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage msg = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
msg.setSubject('Test Email Subject');
msg.setHtmlBody('Test body including HTML markup');
msg.setPlainTextBody('Test body excluding HTML markup');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {msg}, false);
return null;
If you are interested in sending these outbound messages from a dedicated email address (something like, you can set these up through the Setup -> Administration Setup -> Email Administration -> Organization-Wide Addresses menu. Once you have created an org-wide address, grab the Id from the URL and use the setOrgWideEmailAddressId(Id) method on your instance of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage.
