What is the proper way to getInitialState with remote data in Reactjs? - reactjs

IT IS SOLVED. The code was ok, the problem was with improper import.
It is a long post (due to code samples). I'll appreciate your patience and will be very thankful for your help!
We have a RoR back-end and React on the front-end and we are using alt as an implementation of flux. We also use babel to compile ES6 to ES5. So the problem is that I can not render component due to 2 errors.
First is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
It appears on the render function of MapPalette component:
render() {
return (
{this.state.featureCategories.map(fc => <PaletteItemsList featureCategory={fc} />)}
And the second is Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: receiveComponent(...): Can only update a mounted component.
So here is the whole MapPalette component
"use strict";
import React from 'react';
import PaletteItemsList from './PaletteItemsList';
import FeatureCategoryStore from '../stores/FeatureTypeStore';
function getAppState() {
return {
featureCategories: FeatureCategoryStore.getState().featureCategories
var MapPalette = React.createClass({
displayName: 'MapPalette',
propTypes: {
featureSetId: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
getInitialState() {
return getAppState();
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
{this.state.featureCategories.map(fc => <PaletteItemsList featureCategory={fc} />)}
_onChange() {
module.exports = MapPalette;
var featureCategoryStore = alt.createStore(class FeatureCategoryStore {
constructor() {
this.featureCategories = [];
onReceiveAll(featureCategories) {
this.featureCategories = featureCategories;
module.exports = featureCategoryStore
class FeatureCategoryActions {
receiveAll(featureCategories) {
getFeatureSetCategories(featureSetId) {
var url = '/feature_categories/nested_feature_types.json';
var actions = this.actions;
.query({ feature_set_id: featureSetId })
.end( function(response) {
module.exports = alt.createActions(FeatureCategoryActions);
And the last - how I render React component.
var render = function() {
FeatureCategoryActions.getFeatureSetCategories(#{ #feature_set.id });
React.createElement(FeatureSetEditMap, {featureSetId: #{#feature_set.id}}),

First of all, the first error you get:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
Is because this.state in your component is undefined, which means that you probably haven't implemented getInitialState in your component.
You haven't included the full implementation of your component, which we need to see to be able to help you. But let's walk through their example of a view component:
var LocationComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return locationStore.getState()
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
onChange() {
render() {
return (
City {this.state.city}
Country {this.state.country}
They implement getInitialState here to return the current state of the store, which you'll then be able to use in the render method. In componentDidMount, they listen to change events from that store so that any events occuring in that store coming from anywhere in your application will trigger a re-render. componentWillUnmount cleans up the event listener. Very important not to forget this, or your app will leak memory! Next the onChange method (which could be have whatever name, it's not an internal React method), which the store will call when a change event occurs. This just sets the state of the component to whatever the stores state is. Might be a bit confusing that they call getInitialState again here, because you're not getting the initial state, you're getting the current state of the store.
Another important note here is that this example won't work off the bat with ES6/ES2015 classes, because React no longer autobinds methods to the instance of the component. So the example implemented as a class would look something like this:
class LocationComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = this.getState();
this.onChangeListener = () => this.setState(this.getState());
getState() {
return locationStore.getState();
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
City {this.state.city}
Country {this.state.country}

Sorry for your wasted time on reading it, but I figured it out and the reason of trouble was my silly mistake in importing. Essentially, I've imported another Store with the name of needed.
So, instead of import FeatureCategoryStore from '../stores/FeatureTypeStore';
It should be import FeatureCategoryStore from '../stores/FeatureCategoryStore';


How to stop root component re-rendering

I have a root component that does:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { mydata: {} }
getData = () {
// do API GET
putData = (data) {
// do API PUT, then:
this.setState({mydata: data});
componentDidMount = () {
render() {
var { mydata } = this.state;
return (
<MyComponent mydata={mydata} putData={putData} />
<AnotherComponent />
The trouble I'm having, is that whenever I call 'putData' from 'MyComponent', the whole of 'App' re-renders.
I've looked into:
memoizing (which I dont really understand)
using Hooks (useEffect) to move the update and state into MyComponent. But then I enter problems with accessing the data from elsewhere without getting into context (which I can't fathom, and is probably overkill anyway?).
What should I do?

TypeError: Cannot read property 'rocket_name' of undefined -- Even though it is defined

I'm using the SpaceX API to build a personal project. I'm using React Router to dynamically load components, rather than refreshing the whole website.
Here is my LaunchDetails component where I'm trying to output some data:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class LaunchDetail extends Component {
state = {
launch: []
async componentDidMount () {
try {
const res = await fetch(`https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/${this.props.match.params.flight_number}`)
const data = await res.json()
launch: data,
rocket: data.rocket
} catch (e) {
render () {
const { launch, rocket } = this.state
return (
<p>SpaceX Flight Number: {launch.flight_number}</p>
<p>Launched: {launch.launch_year}</p>
<p>Rocket: {rocket.rocket_name}, {rocket.rocket_type}</p>
export default LaunchDetail
Data one level deep like launch.mission_name is displaying correctly... However, when I try and go down another level, say, rocket.rocket_name (eg: launch.rocket.rocket_name), it throws the above error.
What is strange is that this works in another component, but that is using a different end point (all the data) and I'm mapping through it. Not sure if the way I'm calling the data in this component is to blame or not...
Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening?
EDIT: I've updated the code to be simpler after receiving some comments, error still persists:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class LaunchDetail extends Component {
state = {
launch: []
async componentDidMount () {
try {
const res = await fetch(`https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/${this.props.match.params.flight_number}`)
const data = await res.json()
launch: data
} catch (e) {
render () {
const { launch } = this.state
return (
<p>SpaceX Flight Number: {launch.flight_number}</p>
<p>Launched: {launch.launch_year}</p>
<p>Rocket: {launch.rocket.rocket_name}, {launch.rocket_type}</p>
export default LaunchDetail
From here you can find that the react lifecycle methods go in the following order.
componentWillMount --> render --> componentDidMount
You have initialized state with
state = {
launch: []
So on the first render, state.rocket will be undefined.
To fix this, either initialise state.rocket or change componentDidMount to componentWillMount
With the former being prefered.
Note componentWillMount is deprecated in version 17.
After OP's edit. You are still initializing launch to []
On the first render launch.rocket will be undefined. Therefore launch.rocket.rocket_name will throw an error.
Either initialise launch to have a rocket field. Or do something like
(launch.rocket || {}).rocket_name, or something else to check that rocket is defined before accessing rocket_name.

Passing value to props reactjs

I am trying pass value to my child components. The value that I am getting is coming from the an API that I called in my parent component and being called in the componentDidMount but the problem is the child components is not reading the props I am passing in his own componentDidMount, its only getting blank even in the reactdevtool it passing correct values. I solved this before but cannot remember what I did can you help. Thanks
componentDidMount() {
const {
} = this.props;
class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
let self = this;
GetAllMainItems().then(function(GetAllMainItemsResults) {
let MainObject = self.state.MainObject;
render() {
constructor() {
this.state = {
MainObject: []
return ( <
div className = "App row" >
Calendar events = {
There are a few things you need to review.
constructor should be outside of render method.
You do not have to use let self = this. you can just do this.setState({...}) there.
Look at your GetAllMainItems callback. I don't know what you get
there. but you are definitely not setting mainObject in your state.
Instead, you will have this.state.GetAllMainItemsResults.
Try to understand object destructuring.
Use arrow functions
Hope it helps.
Parent Component
class App extends Component {
state = {
mainObject: ""
componentDidMount() {
GetAllMainItems().then(response => {
mainObject: response
render() {
const { mainObject } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App row">
<Calendar events={mainObject} />
The problem you are having is that your child component is re-rendering when it receives new events props.
Try adding a componentDidUpdate method to see these props updating:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
console.log(prevProps, prevState);
console.log('events:', prevProps.events, this.props.events);

Call a function on application startup in react

I'm trying to call a function from application startup. The function reads data from JSON via dataVar (set elsewhere) and tries to load it into {items} for further consumption:
const dataVar = JSONStuff;
class Global extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
query: '',
items: []
// componentDidMount() {
// This doesn't work either!
// this.init();
// }
init() {
let { items } = dataVar;
render() {
return (
<div className="Global">
<Gallery items={this.state.items}/>
Then in Gallery.js:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Gallery extends Component {
render() {
return (
this.props.items.map((item, index) => {
let {title} = item.name;
return (
<div key={index}>{title}</div>
export default Gallery;
Not sure why Global can't call a function inside of itself. I've tried with and without "this." I either get error to where the app won't complile or I get:
"Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op."
First of all, it's a warning, you probably better not call setState in componentDidMount.
My suggestion 1: assign value to state in constructor
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
query: '',
items: dataVar.items,
Suggestion 2:
Do inside the componentWillReceiveProps
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { dataVar: items } = nextProps; // pass dataVar as props
Plus try to debug your props and pay attention on your console for errors.

ReactJS: How can I change dynamically inserted Component's data

I'm trying to change children Component to another component by using state. This injects new Component correctly, however, if I want to change its props dynamically, nothing is changing. componentWillReceiveProps isn't triggered.
In my scenario, I'll have many components like TestComponent (nearly 20-30 components) and they all have different HTML layout (also they have sub components, too). I switch between those components by selecting some value from some list.
Loading all those components initially doesn't seem a good idea I think. On the other hand, I haven't found anything about injecting a Component inside main Component dynamically.
Here is a very basic example of what I want to achieve. When clicking on the button, I insert TestComponent inside App. After that, on every one second, I increment a state value which I try to bind TestComponent but, the component value is not updating.
If I use commented snippet inside setInterval function instead of uncommented, it works but I have to write 20-30 switch case for finding the right component in my real code (which I also wrote when selecting a value from list) so, I want to avoid using that. Also, I'm not sure about the performance.
So, is this the correct approach, if so, how can I solve this problem? If it is wrong, what else can I try?
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
component: <p>Initial div</p>,
componentData: 0
this.onClickHandler = this.onClickHandler.bind(this);
onClickHandler = () => {
component: <TestComponent currentValue={this.state.componentData} />
setInterval(() => {
componentData: this.state.componentData + 1
// This will update TestComponent if used instead of above
componentData: this.state.componentData + 1,
component: <TestComponent currentValue={this.state.componentData} />
}, 1000)
render() {
<h4>Click the button</h4>
<button onClick={this.onClickHandler}>Change Component</button>
class TestComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentValue: this.props.currentValue
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
currentValue: nextProps.currentValue
render() {
return (
<p>Current value: {this.state.currentValue}</p>
<App />
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
<div id="app" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;"></div>
To dynamically render the child components you can use React.createElement method in parent, which results in invoking different components, this can be used as, below is sample code, hope it helps.
getChildComponent = (childComponentName) => {
const childComponents = {
componentProps = Object.assign({}, this.props,this.state, {
styles: undefined
if (childComponents[childComponentName]) {
return React.createElement(
return null;
Here in the render function, pass the component name, and child will render dynalicaaly. Other way of doing this can be, make childComponents object as array , look below fora sample
const childComponents = [
Note: You have to import all child components here in parent, these
are not strings.
That's because as Facebook mentions in their React documentation.
When you call setState(), React merges the object you provide into the current state.
The merging is shallow
For further information read the documentation
So for this case the only modified value will be componentData and component won't trigger any updates
A better case to solve this issue is using Higher-Order components (HOC) so the App component doesn't care which component you are trying to render instead It just receives a component as a prop so you can pass props to this component base on the App state.
Also, you don't need a state in TestComponent since you get the value as a prop and it's handled by App.
I also added a condition to prevent adding multiples setInterval
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
componentData: 0
this.onClickHandler = this.onClickHandler.bind(this);
onClickHandler = () => {
if (!this.interval) {
componentData: this.state.componentData + 1
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
componentData: this.state.componentData + 1
}, 1000);
render() {
let Timer = this.props.timer;
<h4>Click the button</h4>
<button onClick={this.onClickHandler}>Change Component</button>
{!this.state.componentData ? <p>Initial div</p> : <Timer currentValue={this.state.componentData} />}
class TestComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
const { currentValue } = this.props;
return (
<p>Current value: {currentValue}</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App timer={TestComponent} /> ,document.getElementById("app"));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.6.1/react.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.6.1/react-dom.js"></script>
<div id="app" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;"></div>
