AngularJS templates + Bootstrap modals - angularjs

I am trying to create some Bootstrap modals dynamically using AngularJS, as described in here:
For that purpose, I have created a basic script template in AngularJS inside a view of a directive called modalView.html:
<script type="text/ng-template" **id="{{modalId}}.html"**>
<div class="modal-header">
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
And this is my directive (modalDirective.js):
myDirectives.directive('modal', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {},
templateUrl: 'shared/controls/modal/modalView.html',
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
scope.modalId = attributes['modalId'];
Then, I have another directive that uses the aforementioned directive alongside a textbox that should open the modal when the latter is clicked.
<div modal modal-id="{{modalId}}"></div>
<div textbox is-read-only="true" ng-click="openModal()"></div>
myDirectives.directive('modalTextbox', function ($modal, $log) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {},
templateUrl: 'shared/controls/modalTextbox/modalTextboxView.html',
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
scope.modalId = attributes['fieldId'];
scope.openModal = function(modalSize) {
var modalInstance = ${
**templateUrl: scope.modalId + '.html',**
size: modalSize,
resolve: {
items: function () {
return scope.items;
modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {
scope.selected = selectedItem;
}, function () {
$'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
The html output is as expected. I can see that the script template id of the first view is being set correctly. However, when I click on the textbox I get an error 404. It seems that the modal is trying to be opened but can't find the templateUrl defined, which has been set correctly too. Moreover, if I just type the hardcoded value into the id field of the script template it works flawlessly and it opens the modal. Unfortunately, I need that id to be dynamic as I need to be able to create and generate an undetermined number of modals on my page.
Any ideas?

You can't use the <script type="text/ng-template"> approach to define a dynamically bound template id.
All that Angular is doing (see src) when it encounters this type of <script> tag is that it adds the contents into a $templateCache service with the uninterpolated value of the id attribute; and, in fact, it adds it at compile-time before it could be interpolated.
So, the template is added with a key of "{{modalId}}.html" - literally. And when you request it with templateUrl: "ID123.html", it results in a cache miss and an attempt to download from that non-existent URL.
So, what are you actually trying to get out of this "dynamic" modal URL?
I don't understand the use of your modal directive - all it attempts to do is to dynamically assign an id for the template. Why? If you just need to define N templates and dynamically switch between them, then just define N <script> tags inside your modalTextbox directive:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="modal-type-1">
template 1
<script type="text/ng-template" id="modal-type-2">
template 2
<div textbox is-read-only="true" ng-click="openModal()"></div>
and in the invocation of $modal, set templateUrl like so:
templateUrl: "modal-type-" + scope.modalType,
// ...


Angular JS: Directive content is not available in Java script function

I have a div which has ng-click. When I click on that div, it calls a function which gets script content from a Directive and I append that to another div and access the content of the script. But when I retrieve the content of the directive I am getting directive name not the content. I want to get the content.
The function I call:
$scope.someFunction = function(){
var appendHtml = $compile("<my-custom-directive></my-custom-directive>")($scope);
//But when i append I am seeing as <my-custom-directive></my-custom-directive> in html not the actual content
app.directive('myCustomDirective', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: '/somecontent.html',
replace: true,
link: function ($scope, elem, attr, ctrl) {}
<script type="text/template">
<div class="arrow" style="left: 50%;"></div>
some elements here
The HTML where I call from:
<div ng-click="someFunction()">
<div id="someId">
//But Here I am seeing this, when calling
$(appendHtml).find('script') in my javascript function, after Javasciprt function call is done, It works fine. But i want to see actual content here when calling $(""#someId"").find('script')
it is not a good practice.
you can use ng-if and binding instead , like the follwing:
<div ng-click="someFunction()">
<div id="someId">
<div ng-if="$scope.isVisible">
//But Here I am seeing this, when calling
$(appendHtml).find('script') in my javascript function, after Javasciprt function call is done, It works fine. But i want to see actual content here when calling $(""#someId"").find('script')
$scope.isVisible = false;
$scope.someFunction = function(){
$scope.isVisible = true;
you can also pass isolate scope param to your directive and check the param in the directive template
It's possible that you're just not using jQuery or jqLite to select elements correctly.
Your someFunction might need to look more like this:
vm.someFunction = function () {
var appendHtml = $compile('<my-custom-directive></my-custom-directive')($scope);
I put together this plunk that I think might achieve what you're trying to do.
Does this approximate your goal?

BxSlider and Angular js

If you are working with Angular, probably you will have case where you want to call some JQUERY library to do something for you. The usual way would be to call JQUERY function on page ready:
If your element content is dynamically added using Angular, than this approach is not good as I understood, and you need to create an custom directive in order to fulfill this functionality.
In my case, I want to load bxSlider on <ul class="bxslider"> element, but content of the <ul> element should be loaded using angular ng-repeat directive.
Picture names are collected using REST service from the database.
I call my directive called startslider using the following code:
<div startslider></div>
My custom Angular directive is: (pictures is variable in the $scope passed from my controller, which called REST service)
application.directive('startslider', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: false,
template: '<ul class="bxslider">' +
'<li ng-repeat="picture in pictures">' +
'<img ng-src="{{siteURL}}/slide/{{picture.gallery_source}}" alt="" />'
'</li>' +
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {//from angular documentation, the link: function should be called in order to change/update the dom elements
elm.ready(function () {
mode: 'fade',
autoControls: true,
slideWidth: 360,
As result, I get all the pictures from the database displayed on my screen, but without bxSlider loaded (all pictures displayed one bellow other).
Please note that bxSlider is working, because when I call $(element).bxSlider(); on manually written code, the slider loads.
Why is this happening?
I think your problem is caused by trying to call the slider on HTMLUListElement, which is an object.
To call the slider on the DOM element, you could use $("." + $(elm[0]).attr('class')) that will use the existing bxslider class, or better assign an id to your <div startslider id="slideshow"></div> and call like $("." + $(elm[0]).attr('id'))
elm.ready(function() {
$("." + $(elm[0]).attr('class')).bxSlider({
mode: 'fade',
autoControls: true,
slideWidth: 360,
Full code:
Not my solution, but I'd thought I would pass it along.
I like this solution the best (Utilizes directive controllers)
// slightly modified from jsfiddle
// bxSlider directive
controller: function() {},
link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {
controller.initialize = function() {
// bxSliderItem directive
require: '^bxSlider',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
if (scope.$last) {
Alternate, similar solution, using events (I do not like)
Jquery bxslider not working + Angular js ng-repeat issue
Root issue
You cannot call scope.$apply in the middle of a digest cycle.
You cannot fire bxSlider() until the template gets compiled.
Ultimately, you need to wait for the template to be compiled and available before calling bxSlider()
Calling a function when ng-repeat has finished
this is the directive
.directive('slideit', function () {
return function (scope, elm, attrs) {
var t = scope.$sliderData;
scope.$watch(attrs.slideit, function (t) {
var html = '';
for (var i = 0; i <= t.length-1; i++) {
html += '<li><ul class="BXslider"><li class="BXsliderHead"><img src="'+scope.$imageUrl+'flight/'+t[i].code+'.gif" />'+t[i].name+'</li><li class="BXsliderChild">'+t[i].noneStop+'</li><li class="BXsliderChild">'+t[i].oneStop+'</li><li class="BXsliderChild">'+t[i].twoStop+'</li></ul></li>';
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
$("#" + $(elm[0]).attr('id')).html(html).bxSlider({
minSlides: 3,
maxSlides: 7,
slideWidth: 110,
infiniteLoop: false,
hideControlOnEnd: true,
auto: false,
this is the html in view
<div ui-if="$sliderData">
<ul id="experimental" slideit="$sliderData"></ul>
and the important part is the dependency of js file
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/libraries/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/libraries/angular/angular-ui.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/libraries/jquery/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/libraries/flex/jquery.bxslider.min.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/assets/e3dc96ac/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/libraries/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/searchResult.js"></script>
<script src="/yii-application/frontend/web/js/Flight.js"></script>
and don't forget to put ui in module
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui']);
this is the bxslider that i use !!!! maybe solve your problem

How do I use an Angular directive to show a dialog?

Using Angular, I'm trying to create a directive that will be placed on a button that will launch a search dialog. There are multiple instances of the search button, but obviously I only want a single instance of the dialog. The dialog should be built from a template URL and have it's own controller, but when the user selects an item, the directive will be used to set the value.
Any ideas on how to create the dialog with it's own controller from the directive?
Here's what I've go so far (basically just the directive)...
Here is the html from the above plkr...
Here is the code from the above plkr...
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
var person = {}; = 'World';
$scope.person = person;
$scope.setPerson = function(newPerson) {
person = newPerson;
$scope.person = person;
app.directive('myFind', function () {
var $dlg; // holds the reference to the dialog. Only 1 per app.
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
if (!$dlg) {
//todo: create the dialog from a template.
$dlg = true;
el.bind('click', function () {
//todo: use the dialog box to search.
// This is just test data to show what I'm trying to accomplish.
alert('Find Person');
var foundPerson = {}; = 'Brian';
scope.$apply(function () {
This is as far as I've gotten. I can't quite figure out how to create the dialog using a template inside the directive so it only occurs once and then assign it a controller. I think I can assign the controller inside the template, but first I need to figure out how to load the template and call our custom jQuery plugin to generate the dialog (we have our own look & feel for dialogs).
So I believe the question is, how do I load a template inside of a directive? However, if there is a different way of thinking about this problem, I would be interested in that as well.
I will show you how to do it using bootstrap-ui. (you can modify it easily, if it does not suit your needs).
Here is a skeleton of the template. You can normally bound to any properties and functions that are on directive's scope:
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
... // e.g. <div class="button" ng-click=cancel()></div>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
Here is how to create/declare directive in your module:
.directive("searchDialog", function ($modal) {
return {
controller: SearchDialogCtrl,
scope : {
searchDialog: '=' // here you will set two-way data bind with a property from the parent scope
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.on("click", function (event) { // when button is clicked we show the dialog
scope.modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'views/search.dialog.tpl.html',
scope: scope // this will pass the isoleted scope of search-dialog to the angular-ui modal
Then controller may look something like that:
function SearchDialogCtrl(dep1, dep2) {
$scope.cancel = function() {
$scope.modalInstance.close(); // the same instance that was created in element.on('click',...)
// you can call it from the template: search.dialog.tpl.html
$scope.someFunction = function () { ... }
// it can bind to it in the search.dialog.tpl.html
// this will be two-way bound with some property from the parent field (look below)
// if you want to perform some action on it just use $scope.$watch
Then it your mark-up you can just use it like that:
<div class="buttonClass" search-dialog="myFieldFromScope">search</div>
I recommend this plugin:
Demo here:
Create a dialog declaratively; and it works with existing controllers. The content of the dialog can be styled however you like.

Changing src of only hovered ng-include element, where value of src is a $scope variable

I have multiple ng-include elements that have src attribute set to $scope.template_url.
I want to change src of hovered element only to new template but changing it's value will change all of elements. How can i implement it?
Html code:
<section class="parent">
<div data-ng-include data-src="template_url"></div>
Javascript (in controller):
angular.element(document).on('mouseover', '.parent', function(){
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.template_url = "path/to/new/template.html";
Writing jQuery dom manipulation is dirty and also don't works:
$(this).attr('data-src', "path/to/new/template.html");
I'd suggest making this a directive. Directives have their own scope, so you can still do the "on hover use a different template" idea, but for each individual one that is hovered.
<div data-some-directive=""></div>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.directive('someDirective', function() {
return {
controller: function ($scope) {
$scope.model = "Hello"
$scope.mouseover = function () {
$scope.model = "Hovered!";
restrict: 'AE',
replace: true,
template: '<div><input ng-mouseover="mouseover()" ng-model="model"></div>',
Heres a fiddle to see it in action.
Tweak the template variable in the directive to use a variable on your model for the include url.
By the way, angular already has a mouseover handler, so i've just linked that into the controller with ng-mouseover in the template.

Angular, ng-repeat to build other directives

I'm building a complex layout, that takes a JSON document and then formats it into multiple rows, with each row then having more rows and/or combinations of rows/columns inside them.
I'm new to Angular and am just trying to get to grips with Directives. They are easy to use for very simple things, but quickly become very difficult once you need to anything more complicated.
I guess I'm doing this the wrong way around, but is there a way to simply add the name of a directive (in the example below, I've used ) and get that directive to be rendered on an ng-repeat?
Maybe the same way that you can use {{{html}}} instead of {{html}} inside of mustache to get a partial to render as HTML and not text.
As expected, the example below simply writes the name of the directive into the dom. I need Angluar to take the name of the directive, understand it, and then render before before it is written. Due to the complex layout of the page I need to design, I could be rendering many different directives, all inside each other, all from 1 JSON document (which has been structured into different rows and then row / column combinations).
Example code that renders the name of the directive to the page, but gives you an idea of how I'd like to write a solution the problem...
<div app-pages></div>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
var app = angular.module("app", ['main']);
angular.module('main', [])
.controller("appPageController", ['$scope', function( $scope ){
$scope.pages = [];
var page1 = {
title: 'Page 1',
directive: '<app-page-type-1>'
var page2 = {
title: 'Page 2',
directive: '<app-page-type-2>'
.directive("appPageType2", function factory() {
console.log('into page type 2');
return {
replace: true,
template: 'This is the second page type'
.directive("appPageType1", function factory() {
console.log('into page type 1');
return {
replace: true,
template: 'This is the first page type'
.directive("appPages", function factory() {
console.log('into pages');
return {
replace: true,
template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="page in pages">{{page.directive}}</li></ul>'
This is one possible alternative to your idea. The idea is to append the directive you defined in page object for each html element inside the ng-repeat. Please take a look at the demo. Hope it helps.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="appPageController">
<li ng-repeat="page in pages" app-pages></li>
.directive("appPages", function ($compile) {
console.log('into pages');
return {
replace: true,
link: function (scope, elements, attrs) {
var html = '<div ' + + '></div>';
var e = angular.element(html);
