Calculated columns using Scalar Function in EF Code First - sql-server

I have a table for an Invoice and another for an InvoiceItem. An invoice can contain one or more Invoice Items. In our database, we have defined both Invoices and InvoiceItem with a Balance column. Is there a way to define the Balance column as a calculated column using Code First and also specify the SQL Server Scalar function to use?
I know I can setup the column as computed in Code First, but I do not see how to specify the SQL function to call using Fluent. Is this even possible?


Updating Column Name of a Table together with its dependent UDFs/USPs

I don't know if this already has an answer as I wasn't able to find it, but if so please provide the link.
Column names are used in User Defined Stored Procedures and Functions when accessing certain columns in a table. But what if I want to edit the column name in a table and I have called that column name a lot of times in multiple usp's/udf's.
I am currently using SQL Server and obviously it will not let me update a table column since it is called in multiple existing usp's/udf's. Is there a way to update the column name of a table together with the column names in those usp's/udf's?

Dynamic table name vs array column in static table

I'm using PostgreSQL to coordinate a large scale simulation which involves initializing various components of my application via arrays of integers. In particular, I have the notion of a "Controller", where each controller requires a variable number of parameters to be initialized.
I have a job table which stores the controller_id and a controller_parameters foreign key for actually linking to the set of parameters we want. My idea to start with was to do the following:
Use the controller_id to dynamically choose a table name from which to select the initialization parameters. Each of these tables would have a controller_parameters column that links the actual initialization data to the source table.
Once we know the table, run a SELECT * FROM #someController_parameters_table p WHERE p.controller_parameters = controller_parameters LIMIT 1;
Put these into a custom type which has an integer array field to be returned to the client.
The main problem is that this has Dynamic SQL, which I hear is not a good thing to do.
My proposed change is to have a new table, let's say controller_parameters which has the columns (controller_id, parameters_id, parameters[]). The third column stores the initialization parameters for an individual controller and parameter set.
Pros of this design are that we move back into static SQL land, which is good. Cons are that, when I generate the actual parameters to insert to the individual parameters table, I usually use a cross join to get all of the permutations of the individual parameters, and insert them accordingly to individual tables. I personally don't know how to take a cross-joined table row and convert it to an int[], so that's a potential roadblock.
You can use array_agg to take the result of a group and turn it into an array.
select controller_id, parameters_id, array_agg(parameter)
from ...
group by controller_id, parameters_id
Here's postgresql docs on aggregate functions:

OBIEE Characteristic Table with dynamic header

I have original data as shown above with a single record. I have name of the field in one column and value in another column. I need to transform make the heading dynamic as shown below.
I tried with table pivot table and trellis, not no success.
You should be able to do this in a pivot table in OBIEE.
Please see my below screenshot. I was able to get my column originally named 'Total Contracted Cases' to now be called 'USD' because that is the value in the column 'Currency Code'. So for you, you should be able to get the column 'PARAM_VAL1' to be called 'COUNTRY' because that is the value in the column 'PARAM_CD1'. See below for my example:
In the second image, be sure to click on the 'Measure Lables' properties to hide the value.
For columns that are not metrics (no aggregation rule set) that will be used in the 'Measures' section of the pivot table, you will have to define an aggregation rule in the column properties dialog box to keep the value from being converted to null. If your data is as you say it is (a single record), then this should not be an issue; you should be able to pick any aggregation rule and not have to worry about dropping data.

SQL Server + triggers: How to get information about the inserted/deleted tables

Is there any way to get information about the updated/deleted tables in a trigger, meaning
which columns are in the inserted/deleted tables?
which data types do they have?
The background for this question is: I would like to create a 'generic' trigger which can be used without having need to be adapted for the table in question.
Dummy code:
foreach column in inserted table
get column name and data type and column (e.g. to exclude text columns or columns with a special name)
if the value has changed do some logging into another table
Unfortunately I could not find the needed information so far; I have to admit that I don't know the proper key words which have to be used.
It would even be helpful to get a list of functions (e.g. UPDATE()) which can be used in triggers to query information about the inserted/deleted tables.
The TSQL code should work on MS SQL Server >= 2008.

SQL Server : associate function to a column of a view

I have a function that sending a code gets a description through various formatings, I need to use the function inside a view in four columns but rather than calling it in the query I would like to associate it as a computed column (so we don't have to modify the query/view if the function name or parameters changes so the DBA can manage it in the future...)
Is it possible?
Yes - you can do something like:
ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTableNameHere
ADD ComputedColumn1 AS dbo.FunctionCall1(args......)
This adds a computed column to your table - and if the function is "deterministic", you can even add the PERSISTED keyword to it, so that the resulting value will actually be stored in the table (and the function isn't call every time you select a row).
