logstash output to file and ignores codec - file

could please someone explain to me, why logstash keeps ignoring "codec => plain => format" setting, I am trying to set?
Cfg file I am using:
input {
gelf {
host => "[some ip]"
port => 12201
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "[some ip]"
bind_port => "9301"
file {
codec => plain {
format => "%{[time]} | %{[severity]} : /%{[thread]}/ %{[loggername]} (%{[sourcemethodname]}) - %{[message]}"
path => "/Users/[some user]/logs/%{host}/%{facility}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.log"
I thought I used the wrong format, tried different combinations like "%{time}" for fields and even tried to use constant text like:
codec => plain {format => "Simple line"}
But nothing seems to work. It outputs to the elasticsearch fine, create folder/files, but outputs it as JSON.
If anyone knows what is going on with it, please help.

Parameter message_format is deprecated and will be remove in future relases of Logstash. Instead of using message_format try something like this:
file {
codec => line {
format => "%{[time]} | %{[severity]} : /%{[thread]}/ %{[loggername]} (%{[sourcemethodname]}) - %{[message]}"
path => "/Users/[some user]/logs/%{host}/%{facility}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.log"
PS: your example using codec plain, try my with line.

file has a message_format parameter that is what you'll want to use:
file {
message_format => "%{[time]} | %{[severity]} : /%{[thread]}/ %{[loggername]} (%{[sourcemethodname]}) - %{[message]}"
path => "/Users/[some user]/logs/%{host}/%{facility}-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.log"


jdbc logstash Change table name to today

I want the table name to be today's date.
For example: dbtest_2022.dbo.tbshop2_2022_08_22 auto change to dbtest_2022.dbo.tbshop2_2022_08_23
input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/jars/sqljdbc42.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
jdbc_connection_string => "..."
jdbc_user => "..."
jdbc_password => "..."
statement => "SELECT ... FROM dbtest_2022.dbo.tbshop2_2022_08_22"
schedule => "*/14 * * * *"
add_field => { "tag" => "mssql-test" }
type => "mssql"
I had an idea to make two requests.
In the first request, get the table id and in the second, make a request with this id.
statement => "SELECT OBJECT_ID(N'dbtest_2022.dbo.tbshop2_{year}_{month}_{day}') AS 'object_id' AND SELECT ... FROM table(object_id)"
or is there any expression in jdbc to implement this?
For example: dbtest_2022.dbo.tbshop2_now()
or can I use dbtest_2022.dbo.tbshop2_{year}{month}{day} in jdbc ?
Well, so that every day you don’t change the request with your hands, but somehow automate it
I am not very good at SQL. I would be glad for help or ideas on how to implement this.
I solutioned with below steps.
1. [.profile] set Envoronment variable.
CURRENT_YYYYMM=`date "+%Y%m`
2. logstash config file
input {
jdbc {
reference :

How to set a filename for downloading csv file with react-table?

I am using react-table v7, useExportData and papaparse to download a .csv from a table referencing to this codesandbox, so far it downloaded successfully but I can't find a way to name a file to download. My code is following
function getExportFileBlob({ columns, data, fileType, fileName }) {
if (fileType === "csv") {
// CSV example
const headerNames = columns.map((col) => col.exportValue);
const csvString = Papa.unparse({ fields: headerNames, data });
return new Blob([csvString], { type: "text/csv" });
You can use the getExportFileName function defined in the docs and overwrite the default all-data.fileType or data.fileType name.
by returning a name for your exported data. Check out the following sandbox!
Hope this helps.
Probably too late, but for those seeking for an answer, according to docs,
getExportFileName: Function({ fileType, all }) => string
is the function you need to override the default file name.
I believe you can access it from main useTable where you are passing this plugin:
const {
} = useTable(
getExportFileName: ({ all }) => {
return `${all ? 'exported-all' : 'current-view-only'}` // <--- there
check it out, hope this helps!

Get The Audio File using ibm-watson-speech-to-text

i am using ibm watson-speech-to-text.
i am getting the text output related to the audio.
My question is is it possible to get the audio file from it ?
Here my code
var recognizeMic = require('watson-speech/speech-to-text/recognize-
var stream = recognizeMic({
access_token: this.state.watsonAccessToken,
outputElement: '#output',
stream.on('data', async (data: any) => {
this.state.recognizedText= data.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript;
can anyone help me how i get the speech ?

How to connect SPSS with Elasticsearch

My data is stored in Elasticsearch and I need a way to pull it and use SPSS with.
Is there any method for this? Maybe a connector layer of programming I need to do on SPSS?
Thanks in adv
The easiest way I see is to use Logstash to export your data from ES into a CSV file and then import that CSV into SPSS.
A sample Logstash config file to export your data would look like this:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
query => '{"query":{"match_all":{}}'
index => "my-index"
scroll => "5m"
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "#version", "#timestamp" ]
output {
csv {
fields => ["header1", "header2", "header3"]
path => "my-index.csv"

React-native-android - How to save an image to the Android file system and view in the phone's 'Gallery'

Is it possible to save an image to the android's local file system so it can be viewed from the phone's 'Gallery' and in a folder??
I found this react-native-fs library but after studying the documentation and working through an example I am still unsure if it is possible.
For anyone having the same problem, here is the solution.
I am using the File System API from the react-native-fetch-blob library. This is because I tought it was way better documented and easier to understand than the 'react-native-fs' library.
I request an image from the server, receive a base64 and I then save it to the Pictures directory in the android fs.
I save the image like this:
var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default;
const PictureDir = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.PictureDir;
getImageAttachment: function(uri_attachment, filename_attachment, mimetype_attachment) {
return new Promise((RESOLVE, REJECT) => {
// Fetch attachment
RNFetchBlob.fetch('GET', config.apiRoot+'/app/'+uri_attachment)
.then((response) => {
let base64Str = response.data;
let imageLocation = PictureDir+'/'+filename_attachment;
//Save image
fs.writeFile(imageLocation, base64Str, 'base64');
console.log("FILE CREATED!!")
RNFetchBlob.fs.scanFile([ { path : imageLocation, mime : mimetype_attachment } ])
.then(() => {
console.log("scan file success")
.catch((err) => {
console.log("scan file error")
}).catch((error) => {
// error handling
console.log("Error:", error)
The following code that is in the above method refreshes the Gallery otherwise the images would not display untill the phone is turned off and back on again.
RNFetchBlob.fs.scanFile([ { path : imageLocation, mime : mimetype_attachment } ])
.then(() => {
console.log("scan file success")
.catch((err) => {
console.log("scan file error")
You can absolutely do this with react-native-fs. There's a PicturesDirectoryPath constant which isn't mentioned in the README for the project; if you save a file into there it should appear in the Gallery app. If you want it to appear in your own album, just make a new directory in that folder and save the file into there, eg
const myAlbumPath = RNFS.PicturesDirectoryPath + '/My Album'
.then(/* write/copy/download your image file into myAlbumPath here */)
I don't have full example code anymore sorry, because I ended storing images in my app's private cache directory instead. Hope this helps anyway!
