Can't delete app engine project - google-app-engine

I have an app engine project which coun't be deleted. The project was created by ‘Duplicate Application Settings' function when migrating an application with a master-slave datastore.
Something went wrong during the migration process and I decided to delete the newly created application but had no success. I used both traditional app engine adiministration console and the new cloud platform console to delete the application but the application still be there and running after the scheduled time.
I want to reuse the application id and don't like to have an unused project in my app list. Is there any way to delete it successfully?


Deploy application from Bitbucket to Google cloud app engine

I would like to know how to deploy the application from bitbucket using pipelines to multiple Google Cloud projects.
Here is our current set up and it is working fine.
On Bitbucket, the application repo with development/UAT test/production branches, once the pull request approved and merged into development/production, it shall deploy to the GCP app engine through the pipelines.
The problem now, we want to isolate each client in GCP which mean each client will have its own GCP project, cloud SQL, App engines, storage bucket, etc...
I need some advice on how to change the deployment workflow in bitbucket and pipelines, so will work for the new set up.
For the branches setup on bitbucket, I'm thinking like below, but if I go for option2, then it seems too much if got more clients.
Option 1 (repo branches)
UAT test/
Option 2 (repo branches)
UAT test client1/
UAT test client2/
The first step, I know I have to create different app.yaml for each app engine service for each client, so it can deploy the app engine service to different CGP projects/bucket/SQL instance.
Also just found out the bitbucket-pipelines.yml only support 10 steps, if I create so many branches then it will over the limits for sure.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how should be set up?
You could create Cloud build triggers to specific bitbucket branches or repos (whatever your branching model is defined) and deploy the app engine implementation to the App engine service on the same project, and if you need to customize other steps, you could use custom steps as described here. Finally you can take a look at how to create a basic configuration file for Cloud Build if you are not very familiar with this product

App Engine missing in Cloud Console

I have an old project (~1.5 years) that I want to start working on again. It shows up in the project list in the developers console. I am wanting to add an App Engine component to the project, but this item is missing from the categories on the left, i.e. under Compute I only have "Compute Engine, Container Engine, Click to Deploy".
Another project that I started more recently also lists "App Engine" before "Compute Engine".
I am thinking that this is an older project that hasn't been updated completely on the back-end. When I recently (this week) went into the project, a popup asked me to accept a Project ID(i.e. random-word-####). Previously the project didn't have a Project ID, just a Project Number.
I tried to follow a process that I saw for linking an App Engine to an existing Cloud Project, but creating a new App Engine project automatically creates a new Cloud Project.
Is there a way to be able to create a new App Engine program under an older Cloud Project?
Adding App Engine support to existing projects that were created outside of Developers Console is currently not possible. This is something we are working on, and I expect it to be added in the coming months.

Console - created new project; auto-created app engine app; can't set billing

I am getting very confused with the whole cloud console api console thing.
I just created a new Cloud Console project in order to setup some GCE instances. It seems to have auto-created an App Engine app. That is fine, but when I go to enable billing, it tells me that it cannot enable billing for app engine apps and that I need to do that in App Engine Console.
Earlier this week, I tried to setup a project to include both an existing App Engine app and Compute Engine. I was asked to got through the request access process like before GCE was available.
I created a project in the Cloud Console by starting in the App Engine console and choosing Cloud Integration. I said there was an error creating the project, but it seems like it created it. However, when I go to that project in Cloud Console, there is no option to even add Compute Engine.
Two questions:
(1) Is there something outlining the differences between Cloud Console and API Console and when it is most appropriate to use one over the other?
(2) How do I get a project (in either one I suppose) that includes an existing App Engine app and Compute Engine resources that I want to create in this project?
Thanks for your help.
-- Jay
Cloud Console is essentially a planned replacement for the API console,
however it may not have all functionality yet
Try going to appengine admin console application settings, and at the bottom of
the page cloud integration. Click on create project. Once it succeeds go to the cloud
console and enable billing for Compute Engine

Project created from App Engine Console comes with less features compared with project created from Cloud Console

When I create a new Application from App Engine Console,
the application also appears on Cloud Console
However, clicking into the project shows that only these features are included:
App Engine
Cloud Datastore
Compared with Project created directly from Cloud Console:
App Engine
Compute Engine
Cloud Storage
Cloud Datastore
Cloud SQL
That leads to problem that App Engine project is missing access to many features and there seems no obvious way to add them back later.
Any idea what's wrong here?
1,This only implies that when you create an application from app engine console, it directly creates 3 types of projects: app engine app, datastore instance and big query(i think you need to enable the api first) with the same project id. This does not mean you cannot use the other features. It only means you need to separately enable them and give project ids.
2, If you create a project from cloud console, then it will automatically create projects under all the 7 different categories with the same project ID
Finally I found how to do this:
Go to
Open your app
Open Administration / Application Settings
Click the button in the "Cloud Integration" section

Effect on updating current running WAR file in Google App Engine

What would happen on the current running application if you are going to update the WAR file in Google App Engine? Will Google App Engine automatically stop the service of your application while new WAR file is being uploaded?
Deploying a new version of your app causes App Engine to spin up an entirely new set of VMs with your new code, transfer traffic from the old VMs to the new ones, then shutdown the old ones (presuming you're deploying to the default version). At no point is your service down - traffic transitions seamlessly from the old instance to the new one.
