Retrieve data from remote server in a stored procedure - sql-server

Say I have a stored procedure that gets data from another database on another server like this:
SELECT * FROM [DatabaseServer].[DatabaseName].dbo.dbPerson
I can setup a linked server and it works as I would expect. Is there a way to connect to a remote server in a stored procedure without creating a linked server i.e. by specifying the connection string along with the username and password to connect with?
I know that I can do this with SSIS. I wandered if it is possible in a stored procedure.

As Zohar said you can use opendatasrouce like this
'Data Source=_SQL_SERVER_NAME_;User ID=_LOGIN_;Password=_PASSWORD_'
or you can use different providers and put different connection strings


Is there any way to execute a SQL Server procedure from an Oracle stored procedure?

I have a SQL Server procedure which I want to call from an Oracle stored procedure and get the result. Then I need to do some processing on the data.
Can I create something like DB link to call the procedure? Or is there any possible way to do that?
I had this issue solved by contacting DBA and creating gateway then using DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH with db link assigned with username, password and database

Using stored procedure in openrowset throws login_mapping error

Because I need to fill a view with dynamic data, I wrote a stored procedure to collect the data and use select from OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI','server=....;trusted_connection=yes','EXEC Stored_Procedure') as the view definition.
As far as I know you can't use variables in your view definition so that's why I choose this route.
The stored procedure collects data from a linked server source combined with native SQL Server data. The linked_server has the appropriate permissions setup for the remote user and can be successfully queried from outside SQL Server.
That works very well in a local context but when I try to use the view in a PostGreSQL foreign-table I get an ODBC error. The first errors involved the permission to execute the stored procedure by the caller's user account. After that I get stuck. It seems the connection with the server has sufficient access permissions but the OPENROWSET call to execute the stored procedure does not (no login_mapping exists).
However, if I change the SQL in the OPENROWSET command to a simple select statement (select * from db.schema.table) it works fine.
I tried to change the server in de OPENROWSET to a datasource to the local server itself, with the remote user to impersonate, but with no luck either. The same login_mapping error.
My guess is that this has something to do with the fact that the users security context is not the one used by the OPENROWSET command?
I have looked around a lot but was not able to find a solution. Can you help me?

how to transfer data from one server to another dynamically..?

I have many linked servers that contains similar databases, Now i am asked to make a stored procedure to transfer data from database of one sever to another server's database. but I am supposed to give the destination server name, source server name, destination database name, souce database name as parameters to the stored proc.
I am able to do it between different databases of the same server using dynamic sql.
SET #dynsql =N'INSERT INTO '+#destinationDBname+N'..UIElement (UIElementID,UIElementName)
SELECT #LatestUIElementId,UIElementName
FROM '+QUOTENAME(#sourceDBname)+N'.dbo.UIElement WHERE UIElementID = #OldUIElementId'
EXEC sp_executesql #dynsql,N'#LatestUIElementId int',#LatestUIElementId =#LatestUIElementId
but unable to find a way which can be used between servers.
It seems to me that you are missing destination server in your query. From what I see above you only have destination database.
Query for destination server should look like this
select * from [Server].database.schema.table

Execute an Oracle stored procedure from a SQL Server stored procedure

I have a SQL Server stored proc that needs to send information to an Oracle stored proc.
How do I set this up? Should it be a linked server? And how do I write the code to pass and execute the stored proc?
You could also use:
DECLARE #outputParameter int
EXEC ('BEGIN <procedureName>(?,?); END;', #inputParameter , #outputParameter OUTPUT) at <linkedServerName>
This allows capturing output parameters
a procedure "TestingProcedure" in Oracle server.
a linked Server "LinkedServer" in SQL Server.
call TestingProcedure in SQL server example:
EXECUTE ('begin TestingProcedure; end;') AT LinkedServer;
This is the syntax that I would probably try from the start:
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(<linked server name>, '{CALL <oracle sp>}')
What I've seen (I have not tried this myself) is that you can also use OPENQUERY to call an Oracle function which can then call the stored procedure, or you can turn the stored procedure into a function. Your connection from SQL Server would then look something like this:
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(<linked server name>, 'SELECT <oracle function> FROM dual')
Turns out I ended up having to use Microsofts CLR and write my own little C# application in order to handle the variables being pushed between the servers. Here's what I did:
C# Application starts on a scheduled task in windows
Application executes the SQL Server stored procedure and gets the return values
Application then executes the Oracle stored procedure with appropriate values

SQL Server cross database alias

I'm trying to understand how I can use an alias to reference another database in the same instance, without having to use a hardcoded name.
The scenario is as below:
I have a data db with stores data, an audit db which keeps all changes made. for various reason, i want to keep the audit data in a separate database, not least because it can get quite large and for reporting purposes.
In the data db, I don't want to reference this by a hardcoded name but an alias so that in different environments, I don't have to change the name and various sp's to reference the new name.
for example:
If a sp exists in mydevdata such as which calls the mydevaudit, I don't want to change the sp when I go to test where the db's may be called mytestdata and mytestaudit. Again, for various reasons, the database names can change, more to do with spaces an instances etc.
So if I had procedure in mydevdata:
proc A
insert into
select 1
when I go to test, I don't want to be change the procedure to reference another name, (assume for sake of argument that happened)
Instead I am looking to do something like:
proc A
insert into
select 1
I am interested in finding out how I could do something like that, and the pro's and cons.
Also, dymnamic SQL is not an option.
thanks in advance for you help.
You may be able to use synonyms
CREATE SYNONYM WholeTableAliasWithDBetc FOR TheDB.dbo.TheTable
This means all object references in the local DB are local to that DB, except for synonyms that hide the other database from you.
You can also use stored procedures in the audit DB. There is a 3rd form of EXEC that is little used where you can parametrise the stored proc name
DECLARE #module_name_var varchar(100)
SET #module_name_var = 'mydevaudit.dbo.AuditProc'
-- SET #module_name_var = 'whatever.dbo.AuditProc'
EXEC #module_name_var #p1, #p2, ...
Obviously you can change module_name_var to use whatever DB you like
I've just posted this to How to create Sql Synonym or "Alias" for Database Name? which is a workaround for the same situation:
There is a way to simulate this using a linked server. This assumes you have two SQL servers with the same set of databases one for development/test and one live.
Open SQL Server Management Studio on your development/test server
Right click Server Objects > Linked Servers
Select New Linked Server...
Select the General page
Specify alias name in Linked server field - this would normally be the name of your live server
Select SQL Native Client as the provider
Enter sql_server for Product Name
In Data Source specify the name of the development server
Add Security and Server Options to taste
Click OK
The above is for SQL Server 2005 but should be similar for 2008
Once you've done that you can write SQL like this:
SELECT * FROM liveservername.databasename.dbo.tablename
Now when your scripts are run on the development server with the linked server back to itself they will work correctly pulling data from the development server and when the exact same scripts are run on the live server they will work normally.
