Appcelerator Titanium: Using eventListener & fireEvent on Database Array on View - arrays

I'm new to titanium. I've been having some problems on this for a while now. Help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a array loop that cycles through a database to retrieve images and labels. These are all stored in a view. I am adding an event listener to the the view and then adding fire event to the listener to open the selected image in a new window with the id of that video acting as a reference point to play the selected video in the new window. Hope my code makes more sense.
The problem is that the even listener will only return the value of the last row in the database, not the info of the video image that the user clicks on
function getChannelVideos(){
// create an empty data array
var video = [];
// create the httpRequest
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();'GET','getVideoFeed.php?chid='+channelView.channelId);
// this method will be called when the request is complete
xhr.onload = function()
// parse json coming from the server
var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
// if Channel Videos are returned
for (var i = 0; i < json.channelVideos.length; i++){
var video = Ti.UI.createView({ // creates video view
width:'60%', // sets height
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
var videoThumb = Ti.UI.createImageView({ // creates thumb
width:'100%', // sets height
top:150 + i*200, // positions from top
backgroundColor: '#000'
video.add(videoThumb); // adds thumb to video view
var videoTitle = Ti.UI.createLabel({ // creates label
top:140 + i*200, // positions from top
video.add(videoTitle); // adds video title to video view
var videoSpeaker = Ti.UI.createLabel({ // creates Label
top:295 + i*200, // positions from top
video.add(videoSpeaker); // adds speaker name to video view
var videoPlay = Ti.UI.createImageView({
top:215 + i*200, // positions from top
video.add(videoPlay); // adds playbutton to videoview
chContentAreaView.add(video); // adds video view to scrollview
var vId=json.channelVideos[i].vId;
video.vId = vId; // Here vId is custom property of video
video.addEventListener('click', function(e){
// this method will be called if there is an error
xhr.onerror = function(){
alert(this.error + ': ' + this.statusText);
return false;
// open the httpRequest
xhr.setRequestHeader("contentType","application/json; charset=utf-8");

try some things:
give video.vId = json.channelVideos[i].vId directly in the property of video like :
var video = Ti.UI.createView({ // creates video view
width:'60%', // sets height
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
vId : json.channelVideos[i].vId
use property touchEnabled : false in other views and labels for videoThumb, videoTitle, videoSpeaker, videoPlay etc.
I think by doing this all things will work fine.


ng-click in a loop is always clicked - ionic 2

I have a google map in my view and in this map I have many marker and each marker should have a content which contains an a href for more details
This is my code for adding one marker which is used in a loop on all the events saved in the database :
let coords = event.location.split(",");
let location = new google.maps.LatLng(coords[0],coords[1]);
let marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: location
let content = "<h1>" + + "</h1></br><a ng-click="+this.viewEventDetails(event)+"> More Details</a>";
let infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: content
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', () => {, marker);
return marker;
and this is my viewEventDetails function :
this.navCtrl.push(EventDetailsPage, event);
When I load the map view it loads the viewEventDetails on all events , what should I do please ?
Could you change "</h1></br><a ng-click="+this.viewEventDetails(event)+"> More Details</a>" to "</h1></br><a ng-click=\"viewEventDetails(event)\"> More Details</a>". I think this should work.
Btw I think ng-click should also be substitude with (click) since ionic 2 does the angular2 way and therefore does not accept ng-click.

How to add legends in Amserial charts

I am using Amcharts in my AngularJS Application to create a simple bar chart.The following is my code in the controller:
let empChart;
let empBarGraph;
let empLine;
const writeemp = data => {
const {
} = data;
empChart.dataProvider = e;
var configChart = function () {
empChart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
empChart.categoryField = "state";
empChart.labelRotation = 90;
var yAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
yAxis.position = "left";
empBarGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
empBarGraph.valueField = "count";
empBarGraph.type = "column";
empBarGraph.fillAlphas = 1;
empBarGraph.lineColor = "#f0ab00";
empBarGraph.valueAxis = yAxis;
.then(response => writeemp(;
Code in html:
<div class='panel-body'>
<div id="empChart"></div>
This would return me the values of State on x-axis and count on y-axis. I wanted to filter the chart based on the value of state and was not sure how to create the legends for this chart. could anyone suggest me on how to use legends. I want to create legends for the state value that is being returned.
You can add a legend using the OO-based syntax by creating a legend object through new AmCharts.AmLegend() and adding it to the class by calling the chart's addLegend method:
var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
If you want the legend to show values upon hovering over a column, you need to add a ChartCursor to your chart:
var cursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
You can change what the legend displays upon column rollover by setting the valueText property. It allows for the same [shortcodes] used in fields like balloonText and labelText, e.g. legend.valueText = "[[category]]: [[value]]". You can also use set its valueFunction if you need to customize the text it returns dynamically like in your previous questions. All of the properties available in the legend object can be found in the AmLegend API documentation.
Legends work off of graph objects only, so there isn't an out of the box method that allows you to represent each column as a legend item that toggles the other columns' visibility unless you're willing to reorganize your dataset and use different graph objects for each state. A workaround for this is to use the the legend's custom data array and add some event handling so that clicking on the custom data items adds/removes a toggle by unsetting your count valueField in the dataProvider.
The following annotated code accomplishes what you're trying to do:
//create the legend but disable it until the dataProvider is populated,
//since you're retrieving your data using AJAX
var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
legend.enabled = false;
chart.toggleLegend = false;
// Callback that handles clicks on the custom data entry markers and labels
var handleLegendClick = function(legendEvent) {
//Set a custom flag so that the dataUpdated event doesn't fire infinitely
legendEvent.chart.toggleLegend = true;
// The following toggles the markers on and off.
// The only way to "hide" a column is to unset the valueField at the data index,
// so a temporary "storedCount" property is added to the dataProvider that stores the
// original value so that the value can be restored when the legend marker is toggled
// back on
if (undefined !== legendEvent.dataItem.hidden && legendEvent.dataItem.hidden) {
legendEvent.dataItem.hidden = false;
legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].count = legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].storedCount; //restore the value
} else {
// toggle the marker off
legendEvent.dataItem.hidden = true;
legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].storedCount = legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].count; //store the value
legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].count = undefined; //set to undefined to hide the column
legendEvent.chart.validateData(); //redraw the chart
chart.addListener('dataUpdated', function(e) {
var legendDataItems; //used to store the legend's custom data array.
if (e.chart.toggleLegend === true) {
//is the user toggling a legend marker? stop here as the dataProvider will get updated in handleLegendClick
e.chart.toggleLegend = false;
// if we're at this point, the data provider was updated.
// reconstruct the data array.
// initialize by grabbing the state, setting a color and stoing the index
// for toggline the columns later
legendDataItems =, idx) {
return {
'title': dataElement.state,
'color': graph.lineColor,
'stateIdx': idx //used in toggling
// if the legend is not enabled, then we're setting this up for the first time.
// turn it on and attach the event handlers
if (e.chart.legend.enabled === false) {
e.chart.legend.enabled = true;
e.chart.legend.switchable = true;
e.chart.legend.addListener('clickMarker', handleLegendClick);
e.chart.legend.addListener('clickLabel', handleLegendClick);
// update the legend custom data and redraw the chart = legendDataItems;
Here's a fiddle that illustrates this:

Angular $scope.$apply exceptions when maximing a Malhar widget

I am working in the Malhar widget framework, which is based on jQuery sortable widgets. ex/
I am working on some DOM manipulation on each widget (maximize/minimize/refresh), and running into some Angular $scope.$apply exceptions below.
Function details:
The $scope.grabSouthResizer function (working fine) is the Mahlar function that came with the framework; I just modified it slight to also refresh the Kendo UI charts.
The $scope.maxResizer function is my custom function, which is throwing $rootScope:inprog exceptions every time is hits my $scope.$apply();.
$scope.grabSouthResizer = function (e) {
var widgetElm = $element.find('.widget');
// get the starting horizontal position
// .. code ommitted for brevity
// sets new widget width on mouseup
var mouseup = function (e) {
// calculate height change
var curY = e.clientY;
var pixelChange = curY - initY;
var widgetContainer = widgetElm.find('.widget-content');
var diff = pixelChange;
var height = parseInt(widgetContainer.css('height'), 10);
var newHeight = (height + diff);
$scope.widget.setHeight(newHeight + 'px');
$scope.$emit('widgetChanged', $scope.widget);
$scope.$apply(); // *** NO EXCEPTIONS THROWN ***
$scope.$broadcast('widgetResized', {
height: newHeight
// kendo chart - refresh height
var chart = widgetElm.find('.k-chart').data("kendoChart");
if (chart != undefined) {
chart.setOptions({ chartArea: { height: newHeight - (newHeight * .10) } });
$scope.maxResizer = function (e) {
// TODO: properly restore the window to original position..
var widgetElm = $element.find('.widget');
e.stopPropagation(); // testing - same as grabSouthResizer() below
var pixelHeight = widgetElm.height();
var pixelWidth = widgetElm.width();
// fyi: '.k-tree' will auto-resize, so no need to find that
var chart = widgetElm.find('.k-chart').data("kendoChart");
var treelist = widgetElm.find('.k-treelist').data("kendoTreeList");
// height differential (reduce height of container if inner widget is a treelist)
var ht_diff = (chart != undefined ? 200 : 600);
var newHeight = window.innerHeight - ht_diff;
if (!widget.maximized) {
// widget container maximize
widget.maximized = true;
$scope.widget.setHeight(newHeight); //window.innerHeight - ht_diff);
$scope.$emit('widgetChanged', widget);
$scope.$apply(); // *** THROWS $rootScope:inprog EXCEPTIONS !!! ***
$scope.$broadcast('widgetResized', {
width: window.innerWidth,
height: newHeight
if (chart != undefined) {
// refresh Kendo chart
chart.setOptions({ chartArea: { height: widgetElm.height()*.9, width: widgetElm.width()*.95 } });
kendoRefreshTimer(); // this work-around used instead of $scope.$apply()
var timer;
function kendoRefreshTimer() {
timer = $timeout(function () {
}, 1);
function refreshKendo() {
// Kendo chart refresh here...
Big question: why is $scope.$apply(); causing errors in my maxResizer function, but not in the Malhar original grabSouthResizer function ? I also understand that $scope.$apply() is NOT recommended, but it seems to be widely used as a work-around.
I would create an online plunk, but I still haven't set up this Malhar widget framework online as of yet. It's a bit complicated to set up.
Your advice is appreciated.
I updated my post to show how I've worked around this scope.apply issue by using a $timeout function, but I don't like the split-second delay in the UI. i.e. You can see the Kendo chart resizing itself, so it doesn't look so smooth.

While adding multiple pushpins in Bing Maps the infobox always takes the last element

I want to add multiple infobox to my bing maps which will load automatically on startup and not on click event. Suppose i have 3 pushpins so 3 infobox will pop up automatically with the data say for eg 1st infobox will contain james, 2nd mark, 3rd etc etc . As of now if i put it in a loop and try to add it always takes the last value
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var pinInfoBox; //the pop up info box
var infoboxLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection();
var pinLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.EntityCollection();
var loc = jsonData.location[i];
var pushpinOptions = {icon: 'xxx.png', width: 80, height: 80, offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0, 15)};
var infoboxOptions = {showCloseButton: true, visible:false };
pinInfobox = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(map.getCenter(), infoboxOptions );
pinInfobox.setHtmlContent('<div class="arrow_box"><div class="content" id="content">''</div></div>'); //here the name should keep changing
var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(latLon,pushpinOptions);
pinLayer.push(pin); //add pushpin to pinLayer
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', displayInfobox); //here instead of click event i want the infobox to display automatically on startup
function displayInfobox(e) {
pinInfobox.setOptions({title:, description:, visible:true, offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(-50,90)});
Set the options and location of the infoboxes inside of the for loop rather than after it. Then store a reference to each infobox in your Pushpin. Do something like pin.infobox = pinInfobox; and then in your displayInfobox function you can show the infobox by doing:{visible: true});
That said, if you have a lot of pushpins it is better to have one infobox and update it as needed. Here is a blog post that outlines this approach:

Angular-ui ui-map click event not receiving $params

I'm trying to implement Google maps in Angularjs using ui.Map (
I've followed the example pretty closely and the map loads, I can create a marker in the map center and the 'map-tilesloaded' event works fine.
My problem is adding a marker where the user clicks. The click function is receiving an empty $params parameter. In my controller:
$scope.newMapOptions = {
center : new google.maps.LatLng($, $scope.position.lng),
zoom : 18,
mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
$scope.getLocation = function() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
return navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(setPosition);
$scope.addMarker = function($event, $params) {
$scope.newTingMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
map : $scope.myNewTingMap,
position : $params[0].latLng
$scope.initMap = function() {
if (!$scope.mapLoaded)
$scope.mapLoaded = true;
function setPosition(pos) {
$scope.position = {
lat : pos.coords.latitude,
lng : pos.coords.longitude
$scope.meMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
map : $scope.myNewTingMap,
position : new google.maps.LatLng($, $scope.position.lng)
$scope.myNewTingMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude));
The html:
<div ui-map-info-window="myInfoWindow">
<b>Current location</b>
<div ui-map-marker="meMarker" ></div>
<div ui-map-marker="newTingMarker" ui-event="{'map-click': 'openMarkerInfo(newTingMarker)'}"></div>
<section id="newTingMap" >
<div ui-map="myNewTingMap" ui-options="newMapOptions" class="map-canvas"
ui-event="{'map-tilesloaded': 'initMap()', 'map-click': 'addMarker($event, $params)' }"></div>
$scope.addMarker should receive $event and $params where $params[0] has the latlng object. At the moment is it an empty array: []
I'm using angular 1.1.5, but I've tried using the same as the ui.Map example with no effect.
I should also note that this is in a view but putting it outside the view in the main controller makes no difference.
If I try to follow the code running from the ui-map directive I can see that the latlng object does start off in the event:
angular.forEach(eventsStr.split(' '), function (eventName) {
//Prefix all googlemap events with 'map-', so eg 'click'
//for the googlemap doesn't interfere with a normal 'click' event
google.maps.event.addListener(googleObject, eventName, function (event) {
element.triggerHandler('map-' + eventName, event);
//We create an $apply if it isn't happening. we need better support for this
//We don't want to use timeout because tons of these events fire at once,
//and we only need one $apply
if (!scope.$$phase){ scope.$apply();}
element.triggerHandler('map-' + eventName, event); ... has the latlng object in 'event' but is seems to get lost after that
Not sure what your issue is, I took your code and created a fiddle that works fine(something you should have done).
I did a console log when you click that logs the $params.
The most important thing to note is your code crashes at first because you reference $ before setting it. I updated it to default to RVA.
You do need to handle the case a little more gracefully.
function MapCtrl($scope, watchArray) {
var center;
if ($scope.position) {
center = new google.maps.LatLng($, $scope.position.lng);
else {
center = new google.maps.LatLng(37.5410, 77.4329); //if null use rva
$scope.newMapOptions = {
center: center,
zoom: 18,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
v 0: Ps
> la: Q
> latLng: O
> pixel: Q
> __proto__: Ps
length: 1
> __proto__: Array[0]
