Ionic framework sending to page with parameter from controller - angularjs

how can we send to another page using like $state.go('/user/15') from controller is it possible in angularJs using ionic framework
Thank you.

Refer to ui-router specification :$state
You'll see that $state.go has 2 optional parameters:
- params
- options
$stateProvider.state('login/:experience_id/:context', {
url: '/login/:experience_id/:context',
templateUrl: 'templates/login.html',
controller: 'userController',
data: {'context': 'login','experience_id':':experience_id'},
therefore, use thefollowing command :

If you want to make a redirection :
You have to define a state in your app :
{url: '/user',
templateUrl: 'templates/user.html',
controller: 'userCtrl'});
So you can now use the directive ui-sref="" like that:
<a ui-sref="user">Go in my templates/user.html</a>
This will make the redirection on the page user.html
Ref :


Angular ui-router customization issue

I am in trouble with a specific requirement here for our Application.
We a are setting-up an angular application inside a pre-existent Rails Application.
As a full refactor of our code-base is currently out-of-the-question we are dealing with some hard customization and hackings on both sides to allow a incremental introduction of Angular.
What we need for now is a way to tell the ui-router to bind only to the links we have the ng-sref attribute and do not bother with all the regular href links within our app.
Is there a way to achieve this behavior ?
Below is my current code:
angular.module('app').config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('test', {
url: "/1/test",
template: 'test'
enabled: true,
requireBase: false,
rewriteLinks: false
With this approach, all links, even those ones without any route setup for it, and without a ui-sref attribute, are being watched by angular routing service and prevented to work like it`s previous behaviour. I do not want to add every route of our huge app to the angular routing setup (this is a terrible idea) because most of theses links are to non-angular pages. I just want angular routing service to ignore this links, or these locations that are not defined. Maybe a setting for the $location service to let those guys fallow along with its previous behaviour (ajax requests, regular requests, or Turbolinks requests). I am pretty sure this is something really trivial that I might be missing the point.
What happens when I click on theses links is that the window location changes, but nothing happen. The browser request is not triggered.
Thank you very much in advance.
# My suggestion is use the ui-router to route to specific pages as shown
# in the example below.
# <a ui-sref="/login">
# <a ui-sref="/logout">
# <a ui-sref="/signup">
# <a ui-sref="/profile">
# 'ui-sref' will take you to the specific pages.
# You can also use '$state.go' to take you to specific pages as shown below.
# $state.go('authentication.login');
# $state.go('authentication.logout');
# $state.go('authentication.signup');
# $state.go('authentication.profile');
(function() {
'use strict';
/* #ngInject */
function moduleConfig($translatePartialLoaderProvider, $stateProvider) {
.state('authentication.login', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: 'app/foo/authentication/login/login.tmpl.html',
controller: 'LoginController',
controllerAs: 'vm'
.state('authentication.logout', {
url: '/logout',
templateUrl: 'app/foo/authentication/logout/logout.tmpl.html',
controller: 'LogoutController',
controllerAs: 'vm'
.state('authentication.signup', {
url: '/signup',
templateUrl: 'app/foo/authentication/signup/signup.tmpl.html',
controller: 'SignupController',
controllerAs: 'vm'
.state('authentication.profile', {
url: '/profile',
templateUrl: 'app/foo/authentication/profile/profile.tmpl.html',
controller: 'ProfileController',
controllerAs: 'vm'

parameterised first level state in ui route

I am building a application which has different modules. and two modules can have same pages. So based on url i am making the appropriate ajax call to load data. So I am tring to setup my states in below way:
$stateProvider.state('login', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: 'login.html',
controller: 'LoginController as LoginController'
}).state('logout', {
url: '/logout',
templateUrl: '',
controller: 'LogoutController as LogoutController'
}).state('module', {
url: '/:module',
params: {
module: DataService.getCurrentModule()
}).state('module.cover', {
url: '/cover',
templateUrl: 'cover.html',
params: {
module: 'leads'
}).state('module.leads', {
url: '/leads',
templateUrl: 'leads.html',
controller: 'LeadsController as ctrl',
abstract: true
Given that at the time of login I will fetch all modules and save it in DataService, which is happening. Then after login two things will be done. One navigation urls which i have formatted in below way:
<a href={'#/'+ module.code +"/" + (menu.type|| menu)}>
<i className={classes}></i> <span >{ || menu }</span>
which is setting the correct url, and second in app.js in "run" I am checking if login is done them I am doing :
$location.path(DataService.getCurrentModule() + "/" + (home.type || home) );
which is also happening, but issue is desired controller and html page is not being loaded. Am I missing something here. Or should I have done things little differently?
Thanks for help in advance.
Avoid href when working with ui.router. To navigate to the required states use:
In HTML: ui-sref="myStateName({param1: 1, param2: 2})"
In Javascript inject the service $state and do: $state.go('myStateName', {param1: 1, param2: 2});
In your case, lets assume that there are 2 modules in an array in the $scope:
$scope.myModules = [{code: 'modA'},{code: 'modB'}];
Now in the HTML, to go to the module.cover state you would do:
<a ui-sref="module.cover({module: myModules[0].code})">My Link</a>
If you want to do it for all modules, put it inside an ng-repeat:
<a ng-repeat="mod in modules" ui-sref="module.cover({module: mod.code})">My Link</a>
Also, for state configuration, consider:
ALL STATES NEED A TEMPLATE: even if they are abstract states, they require a template to work properly. If the parent state doesn't have a template, not even one of its childs is gonna show. In this case, the state module doesn't have a template, so it will never work. define a template for it as simple as template: '<div ui-view></div>'
When you define a parameter in the URL, there's no need to define it again in with a params property. That is used only when you need parameters that you don't want to show in the URL

How can I pass url params to templateUrl

I am using angular ui-router to retrieve a page, but on the documentation, it only shows how to pass in parameters in the url, not the template url.
Is there anyway where it can be passed in the templateUrl?
Below is my code
<div ui-view></div>
<!-- We'll also add some navigation: -->
<a ui-sref="contacts({contactId: 1})">State 1</a>
And the angular config:
myApp.config(function($stateProvider) {
.state('contacts', {
url: "/states?myParam={contactId}",
templateUrl: "states1.html"
templateUrl can be a function that takes stateParams parameter:
.state('contacts', {
url: "/states?myParam={contactId}",
templateUrl: function(stateParams) {
return "states" + stateParams.contactId + ".html";
Why would you want it?
The only reason I can think about is that you want to customize the template on the server-side based on the passed arguments. Which goes against the idea of templates :)
Templates should be generic enough.

How to hide exact url call of $routeProvider from user

Well, I've implemented angularJS and I am calling different views which is being handled by $routeProvider . The problem is that for eg:
when('/prodDetails/:prodID', {
templateUrl: 'templates/productDetails.html',
controller: 'ProductController'
Now, if I click on:
<a ng-href="#prodDetails/{{ }}">View Product</a>
The browser url will show in the url tab. How can I manipulate url to hide sensitive info in it.
Use Angular UI Router. it will solve your problem without doing anything. you can then pass parameter using params object given by angular-ui-router.
You can use angular ui router
You can achieve that by doing:
state('productDetail', {
url: '/prodDetails',
templateUrl: 'templates/productDetails.html',
controller: 'ProductController',
params: {
productId: 'defaultId'
And in the html:
<a ui-sref="productDetail({productId:})">View Product</a>
You can have access to the productId from the controller with the service $stateParams.
Let's say you have a encodeId and a decodeId functions:
<a ui-sref="productDetail({productId: encodeId(})">View Product</a>
and in the controller:
app.controller(function($stateParams) {
var id = decodeId($stateParams.productId);

Excluding path in url using AngularJS

My angular application has multiple pages which users can visit and I would like to hide all other urls and only show users the base url. So imagine my base url is: and I have other pages like About, Contact Us etc. Currently, when the user clicks on About, the url changes to Is it possible for angular not to add the "/about"? Is this possible using angular js? Also, I have been searching for solutions and have experimented with ui-router.js, is it also possible with this module?
If you are using ui-router, then you can define states without specifying urls like
myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// For any unmatched url, redirect to /state1
// Now set up the states
.state('state1', {
url: "/state1",
templateUrl: "state1.html",
controller: 'Controller3'
.state('state2', {
templateUrl: "state2.html",
controller: 'Controller2'
.state('state3', {
templateUrl: "state3.html",
controller: 'Controller3'
So by default the url will be /state1. And you can implement navigation by using ui-sref directive in your template like ui-sref="state2" or using $state service in your controller like $state.go('state2').
