Batch : Use the FOR command to check the files in the folder - batch-file

I have made ​​a batch script to perform the following tasks :
if the file abc.laccdb still in the update folder , show a message : wait a minute.... if abc.laccdb file is not in the 'update' folder , show a message : updating data successfully..
My Batch script is :
start update_data.vbs
FOR %%F IN (update\abc.laccdb) DO (
echo wait a minute...
goto :check
echo updating data successfully
with the script above , the message "wait a minute ... " continuously displayed in command prompt window, even though abc.laccdb file has not in the Update folder. properly if the abc.laccdb file is not there in the Update folder, the bacth application run the next line (echo updating data successfully). please correct my script. thank you :)

A for command with a wildcard will enumerate the files matching the wildcard, but without a wildcard, it will not ensure that the file exists, so the code in the do clause will always be executed whether the file exists or not.
start update_data.vbs
ping -n 3 localhost >nul 2>nul
if exist "update\abc.laccdb" (
echo wait a minute...
goto :check
echo updating data successfully
It is not always a good idea to have a waiting loop without some kind of wait. The ping has been included to generate a 2 seconds pause between loops to reduce the cpu usage.

Using MC ND's answer:
echo wait a minute...
start update_data.vbs
ping -n 5 localhost >nul 2>nul
if exist "update\abc.laccdb" (
ping -n 3 localhost >nul 2>nul
goto :check
echo updating data successfully
Display echo wait a minute... message in advance...


Run youtube-dl periodically

Say I have some problems with my connection to youtube, and keep getting WinError 10060 when downloading a full channel from time to time - and most importantly got desperate from trying to fix that (The problem is not with a specific video, as when I start over it downloads normally).
My aim is to bypass this by creating a batch file with an infinite loop which will run youtube-dl again with the same parameters after this error occurs.
I've been searching for a solution and my current loop bat contains this:
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK
call MainDownload.bat
echo "Stop Recorded">> log.txt
if not ErrorLevel 1 goto :LOOP
After trying this I can see a "stop recorded" on my log when it happens, but the MainDownload.bat won't run again.
Can anyone offer a solution which will cause this to run infinitely until I manually close it?
Thanks in advance.
If you run youtube-dl.exe without parameters you'll get an error.
if you check the errorlevel after this you will get 2. So youtube-dl set an errorlevel when an error occur !
#echo off
youtube-dl.exe 2>nul
echo %errorlevel%
Run youtube-dldirectly in the bat to get the good errorlevel.
Something like this :
#echo off
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK
youtube-dl -v -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" --yes-playlist --download-archive DownloadedVideosArchive -o "%%(uploader)s/%%(playlist)s/%%(playlist_index)s - %%(title)s [%%(upload_date)s].%%(ext)s" --batch-file Playlists.txt
if %errorlevel% GTR 0 (
echo [%time%] "Stop Recorded" >> log.txt
goto :LOOP

Batch script that monitors for file changes

I need to create a batch script that continually monitors a specific file for changes, in this case, LogTest.txt.
When the file is updated it will trigger a VBScript message box, which displays the last line from within LogTest.txt. The idea is that this will continue monitoring after the message box is cleared.
I have tried using the forfiles option, but this really only lets me deal with the date and not the time. I know that PowerShell and other options are available, but for reasons that are just too long to explain I am limited to being only able to use a batch and VBScript.
Batch File:
#echo off
forfiles /m LogTest.txt /d 0
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo The file was modified today
forfiles /M LogTest.txt /C "cmd /c echo #file #fdate #ftime"
cscript MessageBox.vbs "Error found."
REM do whatever else you need to do
) else (
echo The file has not been modified today
dir /T:W LogTest.txt
REM do whatever else you need to do
goto :RENEW
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
messageText = objArgs(0)
MsgBox "This is an error", vbOkCancel + vbExclamation, "Error Found"
There is an archive attribute on every file. Windows sets this attribute on every write access to the file.
You can set it with the attrib command and check it for example with:
#echo off
timeout -t 1 >nul
for %%i in (LogTest.txt) do echo %%~ai|find "a">nul || goto :loop
echo file was changed
rem do workload
attrib -a LogTest.txt
goto :loop
timeout /t 1 >nul: small wait interval to reduce CPU-Load (never build a loop without some idle time)
for %%i in (logTest.txt) do... process the file
echo %%~ai print the attributes (see for /? for details)
|find "a" >nul try to find the "a"rchive-attribute in the output of the previous echo and redirect any output to nirvana (we don't need it, just the errorlevel)
|| goto :loop works as "if previous command (find) failed, then start again at the label :loop"
If find was successful (there is the archive attribute), then the next lines will be processed (echo file was changed...)
attrib -a LogTest.txt unsets the archive attribute of the file.

how to capture error conditions in windows ftp scripts?

I am using windows batch scripts to run ftp scripts automatically. Where the set of ftp commands I want run is saved in a file.
#echo off
ftp -n -i -s:c:\temp\myftpscriptfile.ftp
I have used the %ERRORLEVEL% syntax to successfully capture error conditions in the batch commands. My challenge is the ftp script command is always returning an ERRORLEVEL of 0 even when the commands inside the script fail.
I am having difficulty figuring out how to have the ftp script actually return or trap when errors occur inside it. It will simply run through the commands blindly and even though i can see the errors echoed on screen I can't capture them as an ERRORLEVEL..
Sample screen shot of trying script which fails to login and then echoing the ERRORLEVEL which shows a zero..
ftp> open
Unknown host
ftp> user test test
Not connected.
ftp> ascii
Not connected.
ftp> cd /home/test/dirname
Not connected.
ftp> mput C:\Test\test*.txt
Not connected.
ftp> close
Not connected.
ftp> quit
Use find:
ftp -n -i -s:c:\temp\myftpscriptfile.ftp 2>&1|find "Unknown host">nul
if %errorlevel%==0 (
echo Error!
Parse ftp communication using for /F command. Possible approach in next script. Caveat: there supposedly exist some ftp error message(s) not included in given test sequence. Of course, you can test positive ftp messages rather...
SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "errsftp=0"
ftp -n -i -s:c:\temp\myftpscriptfile.ftp >c:\temp\31442020.err 2>&1
for /F "tokens=1*" %%G in (c:\temp\31442020.err) do (
rem echo %%G [%%H]
if "%%G"=="ftp>" (
set "line=%%H"
set "errs=0"
) else (
set "reply=%%G %%H"
Call :testreply Unknown host
Call :testreply Connection timed out
Call :testreply Not connected
rem insert next tests here
if !errs! EQU 0 echo !line! =looks OK= !reply!
echo :errors total: %errsftp%
goto :eof
set "ylper=!reply:%*=!"
if not "!ylper!"=="!reply!" (
echo !line! =ERROR= !reply!
set /A "errs+=1"
set /A "errsftp+=1"
goto :eof

After terminate the batch needs to delete a .lock file that has been create

Hello I am very new in this and I was able to run one instance of a batch file.
However, another file is being created called something.lock but the file is not been deleted by itself when I stop the batch or close it.
The new file create is the one that helps to have one instance running.
Can the new file ".lock " be deleted after I close the script with the "X" or because an user ended correctly with going to label end:
The code that I have is
set "started="
2>nul (
9>"%~f0.lock" (
set "started=1"
call :start
#if defined started (
del "%~f0.lock"
) else (
ECHO Only one instance is allowed
timeout /NOBREAK /T 3 >nul
exit /b
cd /d %~dp0
pause >nul
You are misapplying the lock file. You are simply checking to see if the file exists, which means you must guarantee that the file is deleted upon batch termination.
There is a much better way, which you have only partially implemented. Only one process can have the file open for write access. You just need to determine if the file is already locked by another process.
Once the process with the exclusive lock terminates, the lock will be released. This is true no matter how the script terminates - even if it was the result of Ctrl-C or window closure. The file might not be deleted, but the next time the script runs, the file won't be locked, so the script will proceed nicely.
In the code below I save the current definition of stderr to an unused file handle before I redirect sterr to nul. Within the inner block I redirect stderr back to the saved definition. In this way I prevent the error message if the file is already locked, but the CALLed :start routine will still print out error messages normally.
#echo off
8>&2 2>nul ( 2>&8 9>"%~f0.lock" call :start ) || (
ECHO Only one instance is allowed
timeout /NOBREAK /T 3 >nul
del "%~f0.lock" 2>nul
exit /b
cd /d %~dp0
del asdfasdfasdf
pause >nul
The difficulty is that your batch thread itself won't have its own PID. There's no graceful way to tell whether your batch script is running or when it has terminated. And there's no way to wake the dead, to let the script have the last word when a user red X's or Ctrl+C's. When it's over, it's over.
There are a few ways you can do what you want to do. Try them all and see which you prefer. Use dbenham's solution. His is correct. The following efforts are left here as an exercise in futility, although Solution 4 seems to work very well. In the end, it's still just a hack; whereas dbenham's redirection sleight-of-hand provides a correct implementation of lock files the way lock files are supposed to work.
Solution 1
One simple way is to use powershell to minimize the current window, re-launch your script with start /wait, then after completion call powershell again to restore.
#echo off
set "lock=%temp%\~%~n0.lock"
if "%~1" neq "wrapped" (
if exist "%lock%" (
echo Only one instance is allowed.
timeout /nobreak /t 3 >NUL
exit /b
rem :: create lock file
>"%lock%" echo 1
rem :: minimize this console
powershell -windowstyle minimized -command ""
rem :: relaunch self with "wrapped" argument and wait for completion
start /wait "" cmd /c "%~f0" wrapped
rem :: delete lock file
del "%lock%"
rem :: restore window
powershell -windowstyle normal -command ""
goto :EOF
:: Main script goes here.
echo Simulating script execution...
ping -n 2 >NUL
goto loop
This should be enough for casual use and should account for any cause of the batch file's termination short of taskkill /im "cmd.exe" /f or a reboot or power outage.
Solution 2
If you need a more bulletproof solution, you can get the current console window's PID and intermittently test that it still exists. start /min a helper window to watch for its parent window to die, then delete the lock file. And as long as you're creating a watcher anyway, might as well let that watcher be the lock file.
Biggest drawback to this method is that it requires to end your main script with exit to destroy the console window, whether you want it destroyed or not. There's also a second or two pause while the script figures out its parent's PID.
(Save this with a .bat extension and run it as you would any other batch script.)
#if (#a==#b) #end /* JScript multiline comment
:: begin batch portion
#echo off
:: locker will be a batch script to act as a .lock file
set "locker=%temp%\~%~nx0"
:: If lock file already exists
if exist "%locker%" (
tasklist /v | find "cleanup helper" >NUL && (
echo Only one instance allowed.
timeout /nobreak /t 3 >NUL
exit /b
:: get PID of current cmd console window
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('cscript /nologo /e:Jscript "%~f0"') do (
set "PID=%%I"
:: Create and run lock bat.
>"%locker%" echo #echo off
>>"%locker%" echo setlocal
>>"%locker%" echo echo Waiting for parent script to finish...
>>"%locker%" echo :begin
>>"%locker%" echo ping -n 2^>NUL
>>"%locker%" echo tasklist /fi "PID eq %PID%" ^| find "%PID%" ^>NUL ^&^& ^(
>>"%locker%" echo goto begin
>>"%locker%" echo ^) ^|^| ^(
>>"%locker%" echo del /q "%locker%" ^&^& exit
>>"%locker%" echo ^)
:: Launch cleanup watcher to catch ^C
start /min "%~nx0 cleanup helper" "%locker%"
:: ==================
:: Rest of script
:: blah
:: blah
:: blah
:: ==================
echo Press any key to close this window.
pause >NUL
:: end batch portion / begin JScript
:: */
var oShell = WSH.CreateObject(''),
johnConnor = oShell.Exec('%comspec% /k #echo;');
// returns PID of the direct child of explorer.exe
function getTopPID(PID, child) {
var proc = GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_Process=" + PID);
return ( == 'explorer.exe') ? child : getTopPID(proc.ParentProcessID, PID);
var PID = getTopPID(johnConnor.ProcessID);
// output PID of console window
Solution 3
You can also test a lock file and see whether it's stale by setting a timestamp within the lock file, and setting that same timestamp in your console window title. Only problem with this is that the window title doesn't revert to normal if the user terminates with Ctrl+C, so you can't run the script twice without closing the cmd window. But closing the window and opening a new one for subsequent launches may not be too terrible a price to pay, as this is the simplest method described thusfar.
#echo off
set "started=%time%"
set "lockfile=%temp%\~%~n0.lock"
if exist "%lockfile%" (
<"%lockfile%" set /P "locktime="
) else (
set "locktime=%started%"
tasklist /v | find "%locktime%" >NUL && (
echo Only one instance allowed.
timeout /nobreak /t 3 >NUL
exit /b
title %~nx0 started at %started%
>"%lockfile%" echo %started%
:: rest of script here
echo Simulating script execution...
ping -n 2 >NUL
goto loop
Solution 4
Here's a bit more polished solution, combining methods 1 and 3. It re-launches itself in the same window, then sets the window title to a unique ID. When the script exits gracefully, the lock file is deleted. Whether the script exits gracefully or forcefully, the window title reverts back to its default. And if no window exists in the task list with a title matching the unique ID, the lock file is deemed stale and is overwritten. Otherwise, the script notifies the user that only one instance is allowed and exits. This is my favorite solution.
#echo off
if "%~1" neq "wrapped" (
cmd /c "%~f0" wrapped %*
goto :EOF
:: remove "wrapped" first argument
shift /1
:: generate unique ID string
>"%temp%\~%~n0.a" echo %date% %time%
>NUL certutil -encode "%temp%\~%~n0.a" "%temp%\~%~n0.b"
for /f "usebackq EOL=- delims==" %%I in ("%temp%\~%~n0.b") do set "running_id=%%I"
del "%temp%\~%~n0.a" "%temp%\~%~n0.b"
set "lockfile=%temp%\~%~n0.lock"
if exist "%lockfile%" (
<"%lockfile%" set /P "lock_id="
) else (
set "lock_id=%running_id%"
tasklist /v | find "%lock_id%" >NUL && (
echo Only one instance allowed.
timeout /nobreak /t 3 >NUL
exit /b
title %running_id%
>"%lockfile%" echo %running_id%
:: rest of script here
echo Press any key to exit gracefully, or Ctrl+C to break
pause >NUL
del "%lockfile%"
goto :EOF

How to use parentheses in .bat files, set command and IF EXIST

Ok, I have batch file, just a simple one that hides and unhides folders.
I don't see why it cannot seem to execute accordingly;
Here is extended sample code:
#echo off
color a
title Folder/Drive hider Service
echo Loading...
TIMEOUT /T 2 >nul
goto inputs
echo Enabling security...
TIMEOUT /T 2 >nul
goto menu
if EXIST "%~dp0\Encryption" (set status=Folder is locked.)
if EXIST "%~dp0\Logan_Documents" (set status=Folder is unlocked, to open it, enter open as your `action.)`
echo STATUS: %status%
echo ----------------------------------------
echo ----------------------------------------
echo Lock = Lock the folder(s)
echo Unlock = Unlock the folder(s)
echo Credits = For more info
echo V = Display your current version
echo Exit = Close the program
echo ----------------------------------------
echo For more info, just ask Logan!
echo ----------------------------------------
echo Select your action, %USERNAME%.
set /p "menu=>"
if /I %menu%== lock goto lock
if /I %menu%== unlock goto unlock
if /I %menu%== credits goto credits
if /I %menu%== v goto version
if /I %menu%== exit goto exit
goto invalid
and also a lot more, and every time I go to execute the script, it just leaves the status variable blank.
Here's what I've tried.
Reconfiguring all variables through a port, which then sorts based on if exist. doesn't work, just leaves status blank.
Using different variables. (Kinda stupid but I didn't want to think that I have all these errors because of a small typo.) Still left error blank.
Appreciate all efforts to resolve my problem and get this program working!
if exist should work fine exactly as you use it. You don't strictly need the quotes, since the names don't include spaces. Also you don't need the parentheses since it is a single command.
But then again, it should work with them as well (I actually tested this), so the only thing I can imagine is that the files or folders are not found because the script is running in the wrong directory. After all you use just the names without any path, so the current directory should contain those files.
The 'current directory' isn't necessarily the directory in which the script is saved. If you are in 'C:\Foo' and you call 'C:\Bar\Script.bat', the current directory will still be 'C:\Foo'. The same goes for starting scripts through a shortcut.
To try this, you can use echo %CD% in your script to echo the current directory.
As a possible solution, you can use %~dp0 to use the actual directory in which the batch script is saved, so you always have a starting point to start from:
REM Check if 'Encryption' exists in the same folder as the batch file.
if EXIST "%~dp0\Encryption" (set status=Folder is locked.)
probably neither of the ifs are true, maybe because the active directory is not what you think it is. you can test this easily by inserting a set status=none above the ifs. or insert dir to see what the scrips actually sees at this point.
