I decided to switch over pre-compilers from SCSS => Stylus. I've already looked through the documentation for Stylus but have hit a block.
Stylus List:
breakpoints = xs 176px,
s 480px,
m 768px
This list is pulled like so:
if arguments in breakpoints
#media (min-width: arguments)
error('Invalid breakpoint.')
And references like so
But this outputs nothing.
I don't want to iterate through each array item and output them, I just want to match a user defined key name against the key name's in the array, and if it exists in the array output its single value into a statement, else error, as displayed above.
The code is logical, any ideas?
Edit #1: Tried converting the list to a hash and used the same pull statements, no luck
breakpoints = { 'xs': 176px, 's': 480px, 'm ': 768px }
if arguments in breakpoints
#media (min-width: breakpoints[arguments])
error('Invalid breakpoint.')
Edit #2: Found something similar to what I'm trying to do, just don't want that much code. CTRL F // Define the cache and the aliases here.
Edit #3: Found a NPM Library which has the same usage
arguments is a list of passed arguments, so you should use [0] to get the first argument. Or you can just name the argument. For example:
breakpoints = { 'xs': 176px, 's': 480px, 'm ': 768px }
respond-to() // or respond-to(bp) and delete the second line
bp = arguments[0]
if bp in breakpoints
#media (min-width: breakpoints[bp])
error('Invalid breakpoint.')
+respond-to('xs') // the + sign is important because it's a block mixin call
color red
I have a Tizen Edje file which defines my layout. One part is an image with part name 'warning'. The item is set to visible in the edge file, and it shows as expected.
I want to hide this part using C code:
Evas_Object* image_NotSetYet = (Evas_Object *) edje_object_part_object_get(elm_layout_edje_get(wid->edjeLayout), "warning");
if (image_NotSetYet == NULL) {
dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "View: Unable to get warning image part");
I have tried many different ways to get the Evas Object associated with this part name and hide it. After many hours I stumbled onto some code that I modeled after, and it seems to work. I can hide (and show) my image part now.
However, I later add an unrealted image to a swallow in this layout and show it. All of a suddent the 'warning' part image shows again. Why? Am I hiding the 'warning' part the wrong way? Is there something wrong with the above?
Alternatively, is there something wrong with the way I am adding an image to the swallow below? The image (from file) will show up, but suddenly my warning part above shows too:
Evas_Object *img = elm_image_add(wid->edjeLayout);
if (img == NULL) {
dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "View: Failed to add a image.");
// Create an image and set contents to imagefile
char *imageFileName = barcode_filename();
bool isSet = elm_image_file_set(img, imageFileName, NULL);
dlog_print((isSet?DLOG_INFO:DLOG_ERROR), LOG_TAG, "View: %s file [%s] to image",(isSet==EINA_TRUE?"Set":"Failed to set"),imageFileName);
// Assign the image to the swallow2 part
I tried adding the image to the 'window' instead of the 'layout' but that didn't seem to matter. (I've seen many contradictory examples so I don't know which is right)
I tried setting the image to the 'swallow2' part name many different ways (again, many contradictory ways show). Is this the problem?
Otherwise, can someone explain what is going wrong?
The image_NotSetYet is not an image object.
Evas_Object* image_NotSetYet = (Evas_Object *) edje_object_part_object_get(elm_layout_edje_get(wid->edjeLayout), "warning");
That refers to the "warning" swallow part object.
You should never modify the state of the returned object, because it's meant to be managed by Edje, solely.
If you want to get the image pointer from your layout as you expected, you could use following instead.
Evas_Object* image_NotSetYet = elm_object_part_content_get((wid->edjeLayout), "warning")
But as above link describes, the image object should be manged by Edje.
You might got the 2nd problem because it is managed by Edje. So please use edje_object_signal_emit to handle swallowed images.
I have a playing field for a board game similar to chess with 60 fields. Instead of connecting them manually in storyboard I want to do it with a for...in.
My code is like this:
let feld = NSButton()
feld.frame = CGRect(x: 1300+30*h, y: 20, width: 22, height: 22)
feld.target = self
feld.action = #selector(ButtonTest)
And the function like this (I dont understand why I need #objc before the function but only this way it works.
#objc func ButtonTest() {
The code work fine. But I want to pass an argument to the function so I can deactivate the button just being pressed and not only [2] like in this example.
(and I want to add other calculations to this function).
I searched around and it seems that one cannot pass arguments. If that is true how else can I solve my problem?
Great answer and explanation, thanks. I sadly asked the question imprecisely: I dont only want to deactivate the pressed button but also
do calculations like this:
var score = 5+/NumberOfButtonPressed/
So if the first button is pressed var score=6, if the 10th button is pressed score=15.
You need #objc because otherwise, the Swift compiler will not create a selector for the method. A selector is an Objective-C value that identifies a method, and it is necessary to call a method through Objective-C. (Cocoa is written in Objective-C.) You can get a method's selector using #selector, as you have already found.
On macOS, actions called through Cocoa take 0 or 1 additional parameters. The optional parameter is the "sender", which is the object that triggered the action (the button on which you clicked). Try this:
func ButtonTest(sender: NSButton?) {
sender?.isEnabled = false
You don't need to change the #selector() expression. The Cocoa runtime will call your method with that parameter just by virtue of it existing.
I'm making a player vs computer Mastermind (the board game) program as part of learning Ruby.
If you don't know Mastermind, basically it's a two-player game where one player creates a code of four colours (i.e. "red red blue yellow") and the opponent tries to guess that code.
The game initializes with a set of available colours and an empty code:
##colours = ["RED", "BLUE", "YELLOW", "GREEN", "ORANGE", "WHITE"]
#code = []
I can ask the user to set a code like this:
puts "Please set your code:"
code = gets.chomp.downcase.split("")
#code << code
The user inputs the code like so: rgby => code = ["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE", "YELLOW"].
(There will be a method which changes, i.e. "r" to "RED", please assume that happens somewhere in my program.)
I want to make sure the player can only use colours included in ##colours, i.e. pxgb would not work.
Pseudo-code would be along the lines of:
If all input colours are found in ##colours, update #code.
or conversely
If any input colours are not found in ##colours, do not update #code (and possibly do something else).
How do I write this? I'm not too familiar with error handling so I was trying to do it with out but I'm willing to learn if that's the best way to go.
You could do the following to check if code has only elements from ##colours
(code - ##colours).empty?
Above expression will be true if code contains only elements from ##colours, else it will be false.
PS: In the code sample in question, code is once shown as containing input from gets and another time shown as an array of processed inputs. In the above solution, I am assuming code = ["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE", "YELLOW"]
You should have a look at the Set object and subset? function.
You can convert your arrays to Sets by using the to_set function on your array
You could just subtract the allowed elements from the input. If the result isn't empty, then there was an element in the input that is not in the list of allowed values:
allowed = [1,2,3]
input = [1,2]
input - allowed #=> []
input = [1,5]
input - allow #=> [5]
As a bonus this returns the element that is not allow and can be used in an error message.
We have a project using CDT in Eclipse. It's an old project that we just imported into Eclipse, and I want to ensure we start using static code analysis to find any weirdnesses.
The thing is, there are a bunch of lines that trigger warnings that we want to just ignore, with the main ones being fallthroughs within switch statements.
I know how to do this for lint, but what about for CDT? Is there a single-line comment that I can put right above the line?
Example: ("No break at the end of case")
case enChA:
// I want to ignore this fallthrough
case enChB:
// And this one...
case enChC:
// And this one...
case enChD:
// do some more stuff...
You should try
//no break
before the next case.
These settings are located under Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Code Analysis. You can customize the settings. For example if you pick No break at the end of case, you can define the comment that suppresses the warning. By default it's "no break". So coincidentally copy/pasting the warning message into the comment worked in your case:
As you can see the text doesn't have to be an exact match and it doesn't seem to be case sensitive either.
Referring to your follow-up question about unused variables: When you customize Unused variable in file scope you can define variable names that should be ignored:
There are two cryptic predefined exceptions "#(#)" and "$Id". Unfortunately I couldn't find any official documentation so I went looking into the source. It looks like the checker simply tests if a variable name contains() any of the specified exceptions. If it does, the warning is suppressed.
Outside of Eclipse CDT, there's the popular void-casting trick. If the compiler warns about an unused variable, cast it to void. This operation has no effect, so it's safe, but from the perspective of the compiler that variable is now used. I usually wrap it in a macro to make abundantly clear what I'm doing, e.g.
#define UNUSED(var) (void)(var)
void foobar()
int b; // not used.
UNUSED(b); // now it's used
Solved it.
I just added the text from the warning that I wanted to ignore to immediately above where the break would be.
Like this:
case enChC:
//No break at the end of case
case enChD:
As is has been said, in this specific case, it can be solved adding the comment:
//no break
//no break at the end of case
What really matters is the (no break).
But also, it is required that you don't have more comments between the end of this case and the next one or it won't work. For example the next case will still result in a warning:
case enChC:
//No break
//This second case decrease the value
case enChD:
You have to upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen.3 (or.2).
Beginning with these versions warnings/markers can be suppressed by simply using "Quick Fix".
Version: 2021-03 (4.19.0)
Build id: 20210312-0638
Assuming you have this switched on
window -> Preferences -> (Your code example) C/C++ -> Code Analysis -> No break at end of case
If you go to Customize Selected..., you will get "Comment text to suppress the problem [...]" which declares which data stream will actually only change the effect but still won't fix the problem.
The relevant line is in the file org.eclipse.cdt and looks like this :
break at end of case\")",no_break_comment=>"no
Having this like in my example will work with the code below.
Note that the content of the comment does not matter, but it must contain an identical fragment corresponding to the settings contained in the Eclipse itself
Additionally, it is important to put the comment after the } character, unless it is a single argument case
Eclipse will still report the problem and this cannot be avoided in any way by having the bug report enabled in the settings, but it will no longer underline every line in the case
switch(next) {
case 0: {
if(true) {
//Do stuff...
} else {
next = 1;
// ThiS Is The Line that CAUSE N"no break////////"
case 1: {
if(true) {
//Do stuff...
} else {
next = 2;
case 2: {
if(true) {
//Wont do stuff...
//It will break here
} else {
next = 3;
I present a photo that shows the effect in the eclipse itself.
I have encountered this question,and I just want to eliminate them.
I tried to add /* no break */,you should make sure it is added before the next "case".
This is the question I have encountered
This is the solution I useļ¼
I have a table view where my cells height is defined dynamically depending on the text it is representing.
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
//getting my text for this cell, the row etc ...
//here is the part interesting us
NSAttributedString* theText = [myTextForThisCell objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSInteger labelWidth = self.tableView.bounds.size.width-HORIZONTAL_CELL_PADDING;
CGSize textSize = [theText sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:customFontSize] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(labelWidth, MAXFLOAT) lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping];
return textSize.height+VERTICAL_CELL_PADDING;
Ok so now my problem.
The tableview is the result of a search action which after scanning a plist file shows the lines containing a given string.
Up to now that was it. But now with iOS 6 and NSAttributedString allowing easily to bold part of strings I decided to bold the search word.
It is working, it bolds the words I want but now I am no more able to calculate the cell height as sizeWithFont ask for a NSString. And as bolding takes a wider width I cannot simply calculate the cell height with the string without attributes.
I am simply stuck here.
Anyone can help me ?
In fact I simply had to read apple documentation of NSAttributedText.
In my case I have to replace the last two lines of code by
CGRect rectSize = [theText boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(labelWidth, MAXFLOAT)
options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:NULL];
return rectSize.size.height+VERTICAL_CELL_PADDING;
I have been struggling making this work in iOS7 with attributed text.
Apple documentation says
In iOS 7 and later, this method returns fractional sizes (in the size
component of the returned CGRect); to use a returned size to size
views, you must use raise its value to the nearest higher integer
using the ceil function.
Which way obviously not working for me ! For me the solution was to add +1 to the ceil of height. This is probably a bug from Apple, but for me now everything works as in iOS6.
CGRect rectSize = [theAttributedText boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(labelWidth, MAXFLOAT)
options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:NULL];
return ceil(rectSize.size.height) + 1 + VERTICAL_CELL_PADDING;