More clarification about the usage of split in Perl - arrays

I have this following input file:
I want to store the elements of each CSV column into an array, but I always get error when I try to fetch those "null" elements in the csv when I run the script. Here's my code:
# ... assuming file was correctly opened and stored into
# ... a variable named $map_in
my $counter = 0;
#hold_csv = split(',',$_);
$entry1[$counter] = $hold_csv[0];
$entry2[$counter] = $hold_csv[1];
$entry3[$counter] = $hold_csv[2];
$entry4[$counter] = $hold_csv[3];
print "$entry1[0]\n$entry2[0]\n$entry3[0]\n$entry3[0]"; #test printing
I always got use of uninitialized value error whenever i fetch empty CSV cells
Can you help me locate the error in my code ('cause I know I have somewhat missed something on my code)?

This looks like CSV. So the tool for the job is really Text::CSV.
I will also suggest - having 4 different arrays with numbered names says to me that you're probably wanting a multi-dimensional data structure in the first place.
So I'd be doing something like:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Text::CSV;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1 } );
open( my $input, "<", "input.csv" ) or die $!;
my #results;
while ( my $row = $csv->getline($input) ) {
push ( #results, \#$row );
print join ( ",", #{$results[0]} ),"\n";
print Dumper \#results;
If you really want separate arrays, I'd suggest naming them something different, but you could do it like this:
push ( #array1, $$row[0] ); #note - double $, because we dereference
I will note - there's an error in your code - I doubt:
is doing what you think it is.

When you're assigning $entryN, define a default value:
$entry1[$counter] = $hold_csv[0] || '';
same for other #entry
I think there is a typo in while($map_in) { it should be while (#map_in) {.


looping through an array of hashes in a hash

I have the following code that uses references to hashes:
sub readAll {
my ( $main, $dbh ) = #_;
my #SessSeq = ();
my $sql;
my $rec = 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM sys_table ";
my $sth = PrepAndExecuteQuery( $dbh, $sql );
while ( my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ){
push #SessSeq, $result;
$$main{_SessSeq} = \#SessSeq;
Above code works. i get an array of hashes in the main hash
I'm struggling to retrieve the data due to my lack of knowledge.
this doesnt seem to work:
foreach my $ses ( #($$main{_SessSeq}) ){
print STDERR Dumper $ses;
what am i doing wrong?
Assuming that your foreach my $ses loop is inside the readAll subroutine, the only thing you are doing wring is to use use parentheses ( ... ) instead of braces { ... }in your dereferencing
$$main{_SessSeq} would be very much better written in modern terms as $main->{_SessSeq}, but both evaluate to the same thing: a reference to an array of hashes with the data from a database table row in each hash
The correct loop will look like this
for my $ses ( #{ $main->{_SessSeq} } ) {
print STDERR Dumper $ses;
but there is no real advantage over writing just
print STDERR Dumper $main->{_SessSeq}
You say nothing about what this doesn't seem to work might mean, but print Dumper $ses will output the contents of a table row each time around the loop
If you need any further help then you must describe the problem properly, showing the output that you're getting and describing carefully what you expect

Is there a way to create variable Arrays in Perl?

So, well I am trying around again and now I am stuck.
while (<KOERGEBNIS>){
my $counter = 0;
my $curline = $_;
for (my $run = 0; $run < $arrayvalue; $run++){
if ($curline =~ m/#tidgef[$counter]/){
my $row = substr($curline, 0, 140);
push #array$counter, $row;
print "Row $. was saved in ID: #filtered[$counter]\n";
Background is that I want to save all lines beginning with the same 8 characters in the same array so I can count the lines and start working with those arrays. The only thing I could think of right now is with switch and cases but I thought I'd ask first before throwing this code to garbage.
if theres a line in a .txt like this:
I took the first 8 chars of each line and used uniq to filter duplicates and saved them in the array #tidgef, now I want to save Line1 and Line2 in #array1 or even better #array50004000 and Line4 and Line4 to #array2 or #array60004001.
I hope I explained my problem well enough! thank you guys
You're hovering dangerously close to an idea called "symbolic references" (also known as "use a variable to get a variable's name"). It's a very bad idea, for all sorts of reasons.
It's a much better idea to use this as an excuse to learn about complex data structures in Perl. It's not really clear what you want to do with this data, but this example should get you started:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
my %lines;
while (<DATA>) {
my $key = substr($_, 0, 8);
push #{$lines{$key}}, $_;
say Dumper \%lines;
You should think carefully about why you want arrays called #array50004000 #array60004001. Your program could create them, but you have no way of knowing what those names are. While the code is running, unless you are stepping through it with the debugger, they may be called #x and #y for all you know. You can't even dump their contents because you have no idea what to dump
What you're looking for is a hash, specifically a hash of arrays. Unlike the symbol table, there are operators like keys, values and each that will allow you to enquire what values have been stored in a hash
Your code would look something like this. I have used the example data from your question and put it into myfile
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my %data;
open KOERGEBNIS, '<', 'myfile' or die $!;
while ( <KOERGEBNIS> ) {
my ($key) = split /_/;
push #{ $data{$key} }, $_;
for my $key ( sort keys %data ) {
my $val = $data{$key};
print $key, "\n";
print " $_\n" for #$val;
print "\n";

grepping command line arguments out of an array in perl

I have a file that looks like this:
falldown=logwrite after 10000
failtolog=logwrite after 10000
global-search-text=Target Down. This message is stored;
The script grinds the list down to just the name, start and stop time.
sellSide40, start-time=07:05:00, stop-time=17:59:00
SellSide42, start-time=07:06:00, stop-time=17:29:00
SellSide44, start-time=07:31:00, stop-time=16:55:00
42SellSide, start-time=09:01:00, stop-time=16:59:00
The problem is that I would like to filter out specific names from the file with comand line parameters.
I am trying to use the #ARGV array and grep the command line values out of the #nametimes array. Something like :
capser#capser$ ./get_start_stop SorosSellSide42 ETFBuySide42
The script works fine for parsing the file - I just need help on the command line array
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my ($name , $start, $stop, $specific);
my #nametimes;
my $inifile = "/var/log/Alert.ini";
open ( my $FILE, '<', "$inifile") or die ("could not open the file -- $!");
while(<$FILE>) {
chomp ;
if (/\[(\w+)\]/) {
$name = $1;
} elsif (/(start-time=\d+:\d+:\d+)/) {
$start = $1;
} elsif (/(stop-time=\d+:\d+:\d+)/) {
$stop = $1;
push (#nametimes, "$name, $start, $stop");
for ($a = 0; $a >= $#ARGV ; $a++) {
$specific = (grep /$ARGV[$a]/, #nametimes) ;
print "$specific\n";
It is probably pretty easy - however I have worked on it for days, and I am the only guy that uses perl in this shop. I don't have anyone to ask and the googlize is not panning out. I apologize in advance for angering the perl deities who are sure to yell at me for asking such and easy question.
Your construct for looping over #ARGV is a bit unwieldy - the more common way of doing that would be:
for my $name (#ARGV) {
#do something
But really, you don't even need to loop over it. You can just join them all directly into a single regular expression:
my $names = join("|", #ARGV);
my #matches = grep { /\b($names)\b/ } #nametimes;
I've used \b in the regex here - that indicates a word boundary, so the argument SellSide4 wouldn't match SellSide42. That may or may not be what you want...
Use an array to store the results from the grep(), not a scalar. Push them, not assign. Otherwise the second iteration of the for loop will overwrite results. Something like:
for my $el ( #ARGV ) {
push #specific, grep { /$el/ } #nametimes);
print join "\n", #specific;
The easiest thing to do is to store your INI file as a structure. Then, you can go through your structure and pull out what you want. The simplest structure would be a hash of hashes. Where your heading is the key to the outer hash, and the inner hash is keyed by the parameter:
Here's is creating the basic structure:
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use Data::Dumper;
use constant INI_FILE => "test.file.txt";
open my $ini_fh, "<", INI_FILE;
my %ini_file;
my $heading;
while ( my $line = <$ini_fh> ) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /\[(.*)\]/ ) { #Headhing name
$heading = $1;
elsif ( $line =~ /(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+)/ ) {
my $parameter = $1;
my $value = $2;
$ini_file{$heading}->{$parameter} = $value;
else {
say "Invalid line $. - $line";
After this, the structure will look like this:
$VAR1 = {
'options42BuySide' => {
'stop-time' => '19:00:00',
'listento' => 'all',
'logged-check-reply' => '',
'logged-check-vac-days' => 'sat,sun',
'falldown' => 'logwrite after 10000',
'start-time' => '06:01:00',
'logged-check-address' => '',
'logged-check-times' => '06:01:00',
'failtolog' => 'logwrite after 10000',
'global-search-text' => 'Target Down. This message is stored;'
'stock42BuySide' => {
'stop-time' => '18:00:00',
'start-time' => '06:01:00',
'logged-check-reply' => '',
'logged-check-address' => '',
'logged-check-vac-days' => 'sat,sun',
'logged-check-times' => '06:01:00'
Now, all you have to do is parse your structure and pull the information you want out of it:
for my $heading ( sort keys %ini_file ) {
say "$heading " . $ini_file{$heading}->{"start-time"} . " " . $ini_file{$heading}->{"stop-time"};
You could easily modify this last loop to skip the headings you want, or to print out the exact parameters you want.
I would also recommend using Getopt::Long to parse your command line parameters:
my_file -include SorosSellSide42 -include ETFBuySide42 -param start-time -param stop-time
Getopt::Long could store your parameters in arrays. For example. It would put all the -include parameters in an #includes array and all the -param parameters in an #parameters array:
for my $heading ( #includes ) {
print "$heading ";
for my $parameter ( #parameters ) {
print "$ini_file{$heading}->{$parameter} . " ";
print "\n;
Of course, there needs to be lots of error checking (does the heading exist? What about the requested parameters?). But, this is the basic structure. Unless your file is extremely long, this is probably the easiest way to process it. If your file is extremely long, you could use the #includes and #parameters in the first loop as you read in the parameters and headings.

Search for, and remove column from CSV file

I'm trying to write a subroutine that will take two arguments, a filename and the column name inside a CSV file. The subroutine will search for the second argument (column name) and remove that column (or columns) from the CSV file and then return the CSV file with the arguments removed.
I feel like I've gotten through the first half of this sub (opening the file, retrieve the headers and values) but I can't seem to find a way to search the CSV file for the string that the user inputs and delete that whole column. Any ideas? Here's what I have so far.
sub remove_columns {
my #Para = #_;
my $args = #Para;
die "Insufficent arguments\n" if ($nargs < 2);
open file, $file
$header = <file>;
chomp $header;
my #hdr = split ',',$header;
while (my $line = <file>){
chomp $line;
my #vals = split ',',$line;
#hash that will allow me to access column name and values quickly
my %h;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#hdr;$i++){
Here's where the search and removal will be done. I've been thinking about how to go about this; the CSV files that I'll be modifying will be huge, so speed is a factor, but I can't seem to think of a good way to go about this. I'm new to Perl, so I'm struggling a bit.
Here are a few hints that will hopefully get you going.
To remove the element of an array at position $index of an array use :
splice #array,$index,1 ;
As speed is an issues, you probably want to construct an array of column numbers at the start and then loop on the the elements of the array
for my $index (#indices) {
splice #array,$index,1 ;
(this way is more idiomatic Perl than for (my $i=0; $i<=$#hdr;$i++) type loop )
Another thing to consider - CSV format is surprisingly complicated. Might your data have data with , within " " such as
1,"column with a , in it"
I would consider using something like Text::CSV
You should probably look in the direction of Text::CSV
Or you can do something like this:
my $colnum;
my #columns = split(/,/, <$file>);
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(#columns); $i++) {
if($columns[$i] =~ /^$unwanted_column_name$/) {
$colnum = $i;
while(<$file>) {
my #row = split(/,/, $_);
splice(#row, $colnum, 1);
#do something with resulting array #row
Side note:
you really should use strict and warnings;
split(/,/, <$file>);
won't work with all CSV files
There is elegant way how to remove some columns from array. If I have columns to removal in array #cols, and headers in #headers I can make array of indexes to preserve:
my %to_delete;
#to_delete{#cols} = ();
my #idxs = grep !exists $to_delete{$headers[$_]}, 0 .. $#headers;
Then it's easy to make new headers
and also new row from read columns
The same approach can be used for example for rearranging arrays. It is very fast and pretty idiomatic Perl way how to do this sort of tasks.

Indexing values from a file

I have a text file database that is structured like this (for each line) ID#VALUE1#VALUE2, here's how it looks like:
For my purposes it would be useful to have a mask like this:
so --- for the sake of the example --- a code like this:
print "type ID number:";
print "value1 is:$val1, and value2 is:$val2";
For a standard input = 1 ($ID = 1) my script will return:
value1 is:foo, and value2 is:bar
How do I load and index the file in such a way? I was thinking about using an Hash table but it doesn't quite work as it returns only val1. Perhaps it can be done with a simple array.. Is there a clever way to do that? How would it look like?
PS. it is also important for me to retrieve only $val1 OR only $val2
If your keys are all numeric and there are no gaps in the sequence then you should be using an array, not a hash.
And you can get around the problem of storing more than one value in each element by storing a reference to an array of two values.
This program demonstrates
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, '<', 'data.txt' or die "can't open data file: $!";
my #data;
while (<$fh>) {
my ($key, #values) = split /#/;
$data[$key] = \#values;
print "type ID number:";
my $id = <>;
printf "value1 is: %s, and value2 is: %s\n", #{$data[$id]};
