Java path object Vs File - file

I am trying to find a read that differentiates the advantages of using a Path object over the File object in java. I see a comparison of the API here but don't really see the real advantages anywhere. Any pointer will be appreciated!

Generally one could say that both classes have different focus.
File is designed for file handling (creating, deleting, ...) while Path is focused on filename parsing.
File seems to have most functionality of Path included but there may be special cases where Path suits better.
Please see the documentation sites (especially methods overview) java.nio.File and java.nio.file.Path for further information.


Default extension for message catalog files

I want to localize my application using the catopen()/catgets() family of functions.
As far as I understand, in the absence of NLSPATH variable, message catalogs will be looked up under /usr/share/locale/xx_YY/LC_MESSAGES.
What is the "traditional" file extension for message catalog files? I see some code examples using *.cat while others don't use any extension at all. Is it dependent on a particular UNIX flavour?
On my Linux boxes I see plenty of *.mo files, but those are GNU gettext archives. It seems catgets() can rarely be seen "in the wild" nowadays.
I meant this to be a comment, but it's a bit too long :P
Looking at the doc you've linked to, it seems probably that the code isn't opinionated as to file extension. Since you're not using MIME or anything to automatically find a handler for this file, the only requirement is likely to be that the name is correct. In UNIX, especially in the shell, file extensions often mean nothing to the system - fo example, any file extension can be used on an executable script as long as the executable bit is set and the shebang line at the top of the file specifies an appropriate interpreter.
It's possible the user community, if one still exists for this crufty sounding library, has a standard naming convention that the docs don't describe - but I wouldn't sweat it too much. It's trival to change file names, even if it means a recompile ( command line variables would make the program agnostic as to file name and extension )

How do you call the "happy-dog" part of file "happy-dog.png"?

I just realized I don't know how file is called in file.ext.
The whole file.ext is called a file or filename, ext is called extension but how do you call the file part itself of file.ext?
For example happy-dog.png. All the file/filename is happy-dog.png, extension is png but how do you call happy-dog?
It's not basename. Is it like titlename? Or filepart? Any ideas?
I believe there is no short name for this thing. Some libraries just refer to it with names like "filename-without-extension" or "filename-without-path-or-extension".
You could use the term "basename", because that is the program or function often used to generate this thing. It is not quite accurate because basename may or may not strip the extension depending on what arguments you pass it, but I think programmers would understand you.
FileBaseName[] in Mathematica.

Not able to find external files

I'm a rookie programmer and am having trouble directing my compiler to find certain image files using const char.
I'm reading through a book, "Programming 2D Games" by C. Kelly, and when I look through his
code, he uses this line to find his image file.
const char NEBULA_IMAGE[] = "pictures\NasaNebula.jpg"; // photo source
When I do this I get an error that I cannot find the file. However if I use this line:
const char NEBULA_IMAGE[] = "E:/TestProject/pictures/NasaNebula.jpg"; //Photo source nasa
It works. Could someone let me know how I can configure my project so that it can find these files without defining their exact path? I've looked around for a while but can't find exactly what I need.
Thank you
Since that path is used at runtime (not at compile time) to locate and load that file you have to make sure that such a relative path makes sense from the current situation. You have to make sure that the current working directory of your application is such, that from that directory on the relative path leads to the file.
In your specific example the applications working directiory must be in E:/TestProject, so that the relative path pictures/NasaNebula.jpg leads to the full (and correct) path E:/TestProject/pictures/NasaNebula.jpg.
In general relative path offer a lot of flexibility. For example by using diffferent resource folders at runtime, thus using different files without having to change the source code of the application. But relative path also demand that the current situation of the app allows to resolve such paths.

How to find the "current" source file in Python 3?

What's the simplest way to find the path to the file in which I am "executing" some code? By this, I mean that if I have a file that contains:
I would like to see /some/path/ (I realise that in practice what file is "being executed" is complicated, but I think the above is well defined - a source file that contains some function that, when executed, gives the path to said file).
I have needed this in the past to make tests (that require some external file) self-contained, and I am currently wondering if it would be a useful way to locate some support files needed by a program. But I have never found a good way of doing this. The inspect module sounds like it should work, but you seem to need a class or function that is defined in that module.
In particular, the module instances contain __file__ attributes, but I can't see how to get the "current" module. Objects have a __module__ attribute, but that's the module name, not a module instance.
I guess one way is to throw and catch an exception and inspect the contents, but that seems like hard work. Surely there is a simple, easy way that I have missed?
To get the absolute path of the current file:
import os
To get content of external file distributed with your package you could use pkg_util.get_data()(stdlib) or pkg_resources.resouce_string() (setuptools) to support execution from zip-archives or standalone executables created by py2exe, PyInstaller or similar, example.

Graph of included files

When I work on someone else's code, I tipically need to abuse of grep in order to find data types declarations etc, and this usually makes me confused.
I'd like to have some tool which analyzes the source code and produces some graphviz-like drawing and allows me to follow dependencies.
Also I've found this on the internet, but I think is taylored for the linux kernel only.
Have you tried doxygen?
Doxygen can produce dot files, and you can build the documentation without changing the source code with the right options set in the Doxyfile.
Do you use an editor that can take advantage of tags ? In Emacs, I just type M-. to go to the definition of a symbol, and M-* to go back to where I was once I have read it. This also enables the command tags-search to grep among the files of the software project (very convenient if they are in multiple directories).
