I have currently an issue between hiera/puppet:
In my hiera I have:
- mysql_user: 'toto#localhost'
mysql_hash_password: '*94BDCEBE19083CE2A1F959FD02F964C7AF4CFC29'
mysql_grant_user: 'toto#localhost/*.*'
mysql_user_table_privileges: '*.*'
- mysql_user: 'test#localhost'
mysql_hash_password: '*94BDCEBE19083CE2A1F959FD02F964C7AF4CFC29'
mysql_grant_user: 'test#localhost/*.*'
mysql_user_table_privileges: '*.*'
In my puppet, I'm trying to make a loop to get data from hiera:
$mysql_user_mgmt = hiera('mysql_user_mgmt',undef)
define mysql_loop () {
$mysql_hash_password = $name['mysql_hash_password']
notify { "mysql_hash_password: ${mysql_hash_password}": }
mysql_loop { $mysql_user_mgmt: }
but I'm getting some weird errors. Can someone help me to figure out how to make the loop?
Resource titles are strings. Always.
You are trying to use the the title of a mysql_loop resource to feed a hash to the type definition. That does not work. A stringified version of the hash will end up being used instead, and your later attempts to retrieve components by hash index will fail, likely with some kind of type error.
You have a few options:
You could restructure your definition and data a bit, and pass the aggregate data as a hash parameter. (Example below.)
You could restructure your definition and data a bit, and use the create_resources() function.
If you've moved up to Puppet 4, or if you are willing to enable the future parser in Puppet 3, then you could use one of the new(ish) looping functions such as each().
Example of alternative (1):
Reorganize the data to a hash of hashes, keyed on the user id:
mysql_hash_password: '*94BDCEBE19083CE2A1F959FD02F964C7AF4CFC29'
mysql_grant_user: 'toto#localhost/*.*'
mysql_user_table_privileges: '*.*'
mysql_hash_password: '*94BDCEBE19083CE2A1F959FD02F964C7AF4CFC29'
mysql_grant_user: 'test#localhost/*.*'
mysql_user_table_privileges: '*.*'
Modify the definition:
define mysql_user ($all_user_info) {
$mysql_hash_password = $all_user_info[$title]['mysql_hash_password']
notify { "mysql_hash_password: ${mysql_hash_password}": }
Use it like so:
$mysql_user_mgmt = hiera('mysql_user_mgmt',undef)
$mysql_user_ids = keys($mysql_user_mgmt)
mysql_user { $mysql_user_ids: all_user_info => $mysql_user_mgmt }
(The keys() function is available from the puppetlabs-stdlib module.)
I currently use junit5, wiremock and restassured for my integration tests. Karate looks very promising, yet I am struggling with the setup of data-driven tests a bit as I need to prepare a nested data structures which, in the current setup, looks like the following:
abstract class StationRequests(val stations: Collection<String>): ArgumentsProvider {
override fun provideArguments(context: ExtensionContext): java.util.stream.Stream<out Arguments>{
val now = LocalDateTime.now()
val samples = mutableListOf<Arguments>()
stations.forEach { station ->
Subscription.values().forEach { subscription ->
).forEach { device ->
Stream.Protocol.values().forEach { protocol ->
).forEach { startTime ->
subscription, device, station, protocol, startTime
return java.util.stream.Stream.of(*samples.toTypedArray())
Is there any preferred way how to setup such nested data structures with karate? I initially thought about defining 5 different arrays with sample values for subscription, device, station, protocol and startTime and to combine and merge them into a single array which would be used in the Examples: section.
I did not succeed so far though and I am wondering if there is a better way to prepare such nested data driven tests?
I don't recommend nesting unless absolutely necessary. You may be able to "flatten" your permutations into a single table, something like this: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/661#issue-402624580
That said, look out for the alternate option to Examples: which just might work for your case: https://github.com/intuit/karate#data-driven-features
EDIT: In version 1.3.0, a new #setup life cycle was introduced that changes the example below a bit.
Here's a simple example:
* def data = [{ rows: [{a: 1},{a: 2}] }, { rows: [{a: 3},{a: 4}] }]
* call read('called.feature#one') data
and this is: called.feature:
* print 'one:', __loop
* call read('called.feature#two') rows
* print 'two:', __loop
* print 'value of a:', a
This is how it looks like in the new HTML report (which is in 0.9.6.RC2 and may need more fine tuning) and it shows off how Karate can support "nesting" even in the report, which Cucumber cannot do. Maybe you can provide feedback and let us know if it is ready for release :)
Is there a way to remove a number from an attibute array in an update? For example, if I want to update all of an alchy's booze stashes if he runs out of a particular type of booze:
Alchy has_many :stashes
Stash.available_booze_types = [] (filled with booze.ids)
Booze is also a class
#booze.id = 7
if #booze.is_all_gone
#alchy.stashes.update(available_booze_types: "remove #booze.id")
update: #booze.id may or may not be present in the available_booze_types array
... so if #booze.id was in any of the Alchy.stash instances (in the available_booze_types attribute array), it would be removed.
I think you can do what you want in the following way:
if #booze.is_all_gone
#alchy.stashes.each do |stash|
However, it looks to me like there are better ways to do what you are trying to do. Rails gives you something like that array by using relations. Also, the data in the array will be lost if you reset the app (if as I understand available_booze_types is an attribute which is not stored in a database). If your application is correctly set up (an stash has many boozes), an scope like the following in Stash class seems to me like the correct approach:
scope :available_boozes, -> { joins(:boozes).where("number > ?", 0) }
You can use it in the following way:
which would only return the ones that are available.
My app passes to different methods a json_element for which the keys are different, and sometimes empty.
To handle it, I have been hard-coding the extraction with the following sample code:
def act_on_ruby_tag(json_element)
# logger.progname = __method__
logger.debug json_element
code = json_element['CODE']['$'] unless json_element['CODE'].nil?
predicate = json_element['PREDICATE']['$'] unless json_element['PREDICATE'].nil?
replace = json_element['REPLACE-KEY']['$'] unless json_element['REPLACE-KEY'].nil?
hash = json_element['HASH']['$'] unless json_element['HASH'].nil?
I would like to eliminate hardcoding the values, and not quite sure how.
I started to think through it as follows:
keys = json_element.keys
keys.each do |k|
set_key = k.downcase
instance_variable_set("#" + set_key, json_element[k]['$']) unless json_element[k].nil?
And then use #code for example in the rest of the method.
I was going to try to turn into a method and then replace all this hardcoded code.
But I wasn't entirely sure if this is a good path.
It's almost always better to return a hash structure from a method where you have things like { code: ... } rather than setting arbitrary instance variables. If you return them in a consistent container, it's easier for callers to deal with delivering that to the right location, storing it for later, or picking out what they want and discarding the rest.
It's also a good idea to try and break up one big, clunky step with a series of smaller, lighter operations. This makes the code a lot easier to follow:
def extract(json)
json.reject do |k, v|
end.map do |k, v|
[ k.downcase, v['$'] ]
Then you get this:
'TEST' => { '$' => 'value' },
'CODE' => { '$' => 'code' },
'NULL' => nil
# => {"test"=>"value", "code"=>"code"}
If you want to persist this whole thing as an instance variable, that's a fairly typical pattern, but it will have a predictable name that's not at the mercy of whatever arbitrary JSON document you're consuming.
An alternative is to hard-code the keys in a constant like:
Then use that instead, or one step further, define that in a YAML or JSON file you can read-in for configuration purposes. It really depends on how often these will change, and what sort of expectations you have about the irregularity of the input.
This is a slightly more terse way to do what your original code does.
code, predicate, replace, hash = json_element.values_at *%w{
}.map { |x| x.fetch("$", nil) if x }
I am making a custom sink by building a graph on the inside. Here is a broad simplification of my code to demonstrate my question:
def mySink: Sink[Int, Unit] = Sink() { implicit builder =>
val entrance = builder.add(Flow[Int].buffer(500, OverflowStrategy.backpressure))
val toString = builder.add(Flow[Int, String, Unit].map(_.toString))
val printSink = builder.add(Sink.foreach(elem => println(elem)))
builder.addEdge(entrance.out, toString.in)
builder.addEdge(toString.out, printSink.in)
The problem I am having is that while it is valid to create a Flow with the same input/output types with only a single type argument and no value argument like: Flow[Int] (which is all over the documentation) it is not valid to only supply two type parameters and zero value parameters.
According to the reference documentation for the Flow object the apply method I am looking for is defined as
def apply[I, O]()(block: (Builder[Unit]) ⇒ (Inlet[I], Outlet[O])): Flow[I, O, Unit]
and says
Creates a Flow by passing a FlowGraph.Builder to the given create function.
The create function is expected to return a pair of Inlet and Outlet which correspond to the created Flows input and output ports.
It seems like I need to deal with another level of graph builders when I am trying to make what I think is a very simple flow. Is there an easier and more concise way to create a Flow that changes the type of it's input and output that doesn't require messing with it's inside ports? If this is the right way to approach this problem, what would a solution look like?
BONUS: Why is it easy to make a Flow that doesn't change the type of its input from it's output?
If you want to specify both the input and the output type of a flow, you indeed need to use the apply method you found in the documentation. Using it, though, is done pretty much exactly the same as you already did.
Flow[String, Message]() { implicit b =>
import FlowGraph.Implicits._
val reverseString = b.add(Flow[String].map[String] { msg => msg.reverse })
val mapStringToMsg = b.add(Flow[String].map[Message]( x => TextMessage.Strict(x)))
// connect the graph
reverseString ~> mapStringToMsg
// expose ports
(reverseString.inlet, mapStringToMsg.outlet)
Instead of just returning the inlet, you return a tuple, with the inlet and the outlet. This flow can now we used (for instance inside another builder, or directly with runWith) with a specific Source or Sink.
I am very new to perl (but from a c# background) and I am trying to move some scripts to a windows box.
Due to some modules not working easily with windows I have changed the way it connects to the DB.
I have an sqlserver DB and I had a loop reading each row in a table, and then within this loop another query was sent to select different info.
I was the error where two statements can't be executed at once within the same connection.
As my connection object is global I couldn't see an easy way round this, so decided to store the first set of data in an array using:
my $query = shift;
my $aryref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query) || die "Could not select to array\n";
(this is in a module file that is called)
I then do a foreach loop (where #$s_study is the $aryref returned above)
foreach my $r_study ( #$s_study ) {
my $surveyId=$r_study->{surveyid}; <-------error this line
When I run this I get an error "Not a hash reference". I don't understand?!
Can anyone help!
You need to provide the { Slice => {} } parameter to selectall_arrayref if you want each row to be stored as a hash:
my $aryref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, { Slice => {} });
By default, it returns a reference to an array containing a reference to an array for each row of data fetched.
$r_study->{surveyid} is a hashref
$r_study->[0] is an arrayref
this is your error.
You should use the second one
If you have a problem with a method, then a good first step is to read the documentation for that method. Here's a link to the documentation for selectall_arrayref. It says:
This utility method combines
"prepare", "execute" and
"fetchall_arrayref" into a single
call. It returns a reference to an
array containing a reference to an
array (or hash, see below) for each
row of data fetched.
So the default behaviour is to return a reference to an array which contains an array reference for each row. That explains your error. You're getting an array reference and you're trying to treat it as a hash reference. I'm not sure that the error could be much clearer.
There is, however, that interesting bit where it says "or hash, see below". Reading on, we find:
You may often want to fetch an array
of rows where each row is stored as a
hash. That can be done simple using:
my $emps = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
"SELECT ename FROM emp ORDER BY ename",
{ Slice => {} }
foreach my $emp ( #$emps ) {
print "Employee: $emp->{ename}\n";
So you have two options. Either switch your code to use an array ref rather than a hash ref. Or add the "{ Slice => {} }" option to the call, which will return a hash ref.
The documentation is clear. It's well worth reading it.
When you encounter something like "Not a hash reference" or "Not an array reference" or similar you can always take Data::Dumper to just dump out your variable and you will quickly see what data you are dealing with: arrays of arrayrefs, hashes of something etc.
And concerning reading the data, this { Slice => {} } is most valuable addition.