Adding new date formats to ExtJS - extjs

Ext.Date contains formats a and A for am/pm or AM/PM, respectively.
I want to add a format, call it b, for a/p without the m. I have searched parseFunctions and formatFunctions but did not find where the old format is defined.
Can anyone shed some light on this matter?

Have a look at formatCodes in Ext.Date:
The base format-code to formatting-function hashmap used by the format
method. Formatting functions are strings (or functions which return
strings) which will return the appropriate value when evaluated in the
context of the Date object from which the format method is called. Add
to / override these mappings for custom date formatting.


Formatting values with AngularJs filters

I am writing a common control that will be used to format data inside a grid. It has 2 parameters that user can set:
filter (string) that is used to format value
parameters (any[]) that are used by the filter
In the code I am going to call $filter(filter)(value, ...) - here is my problem. How do I pass my parameters? Each filter can have from no parameters to who knows how many. So, is there a nice way to pass variable number of parameters in Angular? So far I did not run into a way of doing it.
You should be able to do:
$filter(filter).apply(this, parameters)

Getting date value from Excel to Sendkeys() Method

How to get Date Value from Excel cell to Sendkeys() method if I use object as a variable? An error occuring at sendkeys like Charsequence[].
object x=sheet.getRow(8).getCell(1).getStringCellValue();
The method takes a charSquence/String, I'll assume that you get the content from the Sheet as a String reading the index or cell value.
Here is the Javadoc link might help
void sendKeys(java.lang.CharSequence... keysToSend)
Hope this helps
never worked a lot on apache poi, but going through the api I would suggest you to take the date value in cell through
Date d=sheet.getRow(8).getCell(1).getDateCellValue();
Later you can use SimpleDateFormat class to get your date in string format.
or else you can use DataFormatter class in poi and use formatCellValue method for your usage.
Hope it helps.

CakePHP: CakeTime i18nFormat for date and time

I'm using the CakeTime class for my localization of dates & times.
For dates it works like I want it to:
$timestring = $this->Time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
echo 'DateTime: '.$this->Time->i18nFormat($timestring);
// Result => DateTime: 11/08/2013
I want it to also display the time.
For example in the US they use AM/PM and in other places they use the 24 hour notation.
I've looked but can't seem to find a way to do this.
Any idea's?
To be clear, the localization works perfectly for the dates(have the LC_TIME files), but the i18nFormat function only returns the date, and from what i saw, passing a format will use that format, not the localized one, example MM/DD/YYYY vs DD.MM.YYYY in a different locale
The solution vicocamacho gave in the comments is the correct one
So to get the Date + Time in the localized form:
$this->Time->i18nFormat(time(), '%x %X') does the trick!
You can use the TimeHelper::i18nFormat method. You also can check this repo to find common date/time translations be sure to store them in the APP/locale/<locale>/LC_TIMEdirectory

Getting a currency format pattern from AngularJS filter

I'm interested in creating a filter that would accept an amount, ISO 4217 currency code, and fraction size, and return the amount in that format. I noticed that AngularJS has goog.i18n.currency.getGlobalCurrencyPattern in i18n/closure/currencySymbols.js, but I'm relatively new to Angular and not sure if it is possible to use it?
The currency pattern and symbols are just that. It determines how to display a number. It will not convert it from XXX to XXX. You will have to do the converting part based on the current conversion rates.
As far as using the built-in currency formatting, there are multiple ways: in the template, in the code.
In the template:
<div>{{myCurrencyValue | currency:'XXX'}}</div>
In the code:
var formatted = $filter('currency')(myCurrencyValue, 'XXX')
In both cases, 'XXX' is optional [and is symbol] and will use the default currency for current locale
More information can be found here: Currency Docs
Example with ISO 4217 codes using custom filter:
Note: ISO 4217 doesn't dictate the currency symbols, I used this for symbol reference and mapped them.

Custom Time Formatting what does 0: do?

Custom Date and Time Format Strings on MSDN
Link above seems to use {0:MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss zzz} a lot.
I understand all the letters and formatting options but I can't seem to find what the preceding "0:" is for?
The {0} is a composite formatting placeholder, meaning the first item in the format value list. For details, see this MSDN article, in particular, the section called "Composite Formatting" near the bottom, or the larger article specifically about Composite Formatting. But, to summarize:
In .NET there are two kinds of string formatting you can do: ToString formatting and composite formatting. Both of them use the same custom format string syntax.
When you have a single object, like a DateTime variable, and you call DateTime.ToString() on that object, you can pass a formatting string and it will apply to that object, and format it according to your pattern. But if you have more than one object and you want to build a complex string that includes their values, you instead call String.Format. That function expects a "format string" that contains placeholders where the variable bits go, which look like {0:g} or {5:MM/dd/yy} or something. The remainder of the parameters to String.Format is a list of variables. The {0} placeholder is the first variable, {5} is the 6th, etc.
