Issue with push notification using cron in Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I am trying to perform push notification activitiy using a cron within Google App Engine. I have setup the cron successfully and it is showing no failures. Also in logs i see that Multicasts are being created for all devices which are registered. However i am not getting any push notifications. Same code if i change using a form for sending Push notifications, its working perfectly fine. Can someone guide me on what can be the issue?
Below is the form i have created where i send a POST request via form. This form takes the Message from Text area and sends it to all devices.
out.print("<form name='form' method='POST' action='sendAll'>");
out.print("<textarea rows='10' cols='100' name='Message'>Enter HTML Message </textarea>");
out.print("<input type='submit' value='Send Message' />");
When i replace them with a normal post request which reads out the message from Data folder using below code,
getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/sendAll").forward(req, resp);
i get success messages in GCM Logs but doesnt receive any push notification. Can someone guide on what can be the issue?

It was nothing specific to Google App Engine. Message which was created for push notifications had issue.


Is it possible to send an automated email when a successfull process ends in my react application?

i am a new react developer and i want to find out how is it possible to push an email when the page application is closed but the process is running in the background. To be more specific,
i created a service in EmailJS. From my frontend i am initialising a running process which needs about 20 minutes to end. I've applied a poller so every second my endpoint is fetching the data from the backend and showning it in my frontend.When the poller stops i call the function which sends the email but it does not work. It works only when i visit the specific page of the running process.. Is it something i can apply for this?Is it even possible? Do i have to implement another library-service?
Services used:
Frontend: React.js, typescript,
Backend: Java
Mail service: EmailJS

how to send SMS from a cakephp application and display a message if successful?

I am building an application in cakephp where I need to send an sms to a newly registered user. I can send sms by using redirect function but then it doesn't get automatically revert back to my webpage.
Maybe you can take a look at this plugin:

getting ng-token-auth and devise_token_auth to work with OAuth in ionic InAppBrowser

When I test the setup on my laptop Chrome browser everything works just fine using both sameWindow and newWindow: I am able to login though for example Facebook and the user is authorized and can use my app.
However, when I try to deploy the app to android and use the inAppBrowser things break. When selecting the 'login through FB' button in my app I can see the inAppBrowser frame come up with the Facebook mobile site asking to login. When I inspect that specific window through Chrome inspect, I can see that the callback from FB coming in to omniauth on my server including state and code in the querystring:
This request receives a 302 redirect to the following URL:
This follow-up request receives a 200 response. So far it all seems fine and the inAppBrowser window closes, we get back to my mobile app and I see the ng-token-auth "auth:login-success" event passing by.
However, any subsequent API requests to my server receive a 401 Not Authorized response. When I look at the request headers of those API requests I don't see any of the headers that Chrome on my laptop is sending to the server such as: access-token, client, expiry, token-type and uid.
I would be very grateful for any advice on where to look or what I am missing here.
Turns out that when working with ionic and I assume it is the same with cordova, storing the tokens according to default behavior in the cookie does not work. However, once you configure it to work with localStorage it works great!
For more info see this issue I opened at the GitHub project.

Failed to Send error when sharing notes and pics

I have a mirror-api application i'm writing that takes notes, pictures and video from the users timeline and stores them. For some reason every note and picture I take and send to a contact i inserted through mirror has "Failed to Send" posted on the timeline card in glass. The app however still receives the timeline item. Anyone else having this issue?
You need to setup the timeline subscription ( with "UPDATE" item included in the "operation" list.
Mirror API will sending POST queries with the shared card info to your callbackURL endpoint. Accordingly your service should return HTTP Status 200 in response.
The endpoint should have HTTPS connection. To solve this - use ngrok ( if you're developing on localhost or Google's subscription proxy (just google it, i can post more than 2 links now)

What is Receiving Bounce Notification in google app engine?

Hi i'm new to Google App Engine.
what is Receiving Bounce Notification used for? How does it bounce a notification when there is an email ?
I also read the documentation at Google Docs but I do not understand it.
A bounce notification is when you send an email and the server returns an error. It could be the email address is invalid, the mail box is full .... So if you are planning on sending emails from your app you should setup a bounce notification catcher in case there was an error.
