AngularJS tabs acting weird - angularjs

I was wondering if some of you could lighten me and try to explain what I miss in this :
Looks quite simple to me but does not work.
My code:
<section ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<ul ng-init="tab=1">
<li ng-repeat="item in data">
<a href ng-click="tab = item.thingy">{{}}</a>
<div ng-repeat="item in data" ng-show="tab === item.thingy">
<img ng-src="{{item.img}}" width="50px"><br>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$ = [{
name: "First",
title: "oneTitle",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
year: "2013",
img: "",
thingy: 1
}, {
name: "third",
title: "twoTitle",
description: "Quisque pulvinar libero sed eros ornare",
year: "2014",
img: "",
thingy: 2
}, {
name: "Second",
title: "threeTitle",
description: "Cras accumsan massa vitae tortor vehicula .",
year: "2015",
img: "",
thingy: 3
}, {
name: "fourth",
title: "FourTitle",
description: "Suspendisse vitae mattis magna.",
year: "2011",
img: "",
thingy: 4
Thank you in advance!

modifications in script.js:
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$ = [{
name: "First",
title: "oneTitle",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
year: "2013",
img: "",
thingy: 1
}, {
name: "third",
title: "twoTitle",
description: "Quisque pulvinar libero sed eros ornare",
year: "2014",
img: "",
thingy: 2
}, {
name: "Second",
title: "threeTitle",
description: "Cras accumsan massa vitae tortor vehicula .",
year: "2015",
img: "",
thingy: 3
}, {
name: "fourth",
title: "FourTitle",
description: "Suspendisse vitae mattis magna.",
year: "2011",
img: "",
thingy: 4
$scope.details = $[0];
$scope.GetDetails = function(obj)
$scope.details = obj;
<section ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<ul ng-init="tab=1">
<li ng-repeat="item in data">
<a href ng-click="GetDetails(item);">{{}}</a>
{{details.thingy}} <br/>
<img ng-src="{{details.img}}" width="50px"><br>
Basically second ng-repeat is not required


AngularJS, start ng-repeat from particular object in array of objects

I have a AngularJS controller in which there is an array of objects. I want to start iterating from a particular object in this array which has a particular key:value pair. Also iterations must be limited to only 4.
Here is the controller code:
app.controller("products", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.products = [
code: 1234,
icon: "../product/images/abc.jpeg",
name: "One",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 1",
price: 100,
stock: ""
code: 1235,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Two",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
price: 200,
stock: ""
// more such objects
Here is the HTML file for <products> tag:
<div class="card">
<div class="card-image">
<img ng-src="{{ info.icon }}">
<div class="card-content">
<p>{{ }}</p>
<p>{{ info.price }}</p>
Here is the HTML:
<div ng-controller="products">
<div ng-repeat="product in products | limitTo:4">
<products info="p"></products>
I want to start iterating from object having code: 1235 and want to end it after 4 iterations. I am new to AngularJS, any help would be appreciated.
angular.module('myapp', []).controller("products", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.filterData = function(y) {
return function(x) { return x.code >= y;}
$scope.products = [{
code: 1234,
icon: "../product/images/abc.jpeg",
name: "One",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 1",
link: "a.php",
price: 100,
stock: ""
code: 1235,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Two",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
link: "b.php",
price: 200,
stock: ""
code: 1236,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Three",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
link: "b.php",
price: 200,
stock: ""
code: 1237,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Four",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
link: "b.php",
price: 200,
stock: ""
code: 1238,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Five",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
link: "b.php",
price: 200,
stock: ""
code: 1240,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Six",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
link: "b.php",
price: 200,
stock: ""
code: 1241,
icon: "../product/image/def.jpeg",
name: "Seven",
description: "lorem ipsum sil vous plait 2",
link: "b.php",
price: 200,
stock: ""
// more such objects
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="products">
<div ng-repeat="info in products| filter: filterData(1235) | limitTo:4">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-image">
<img ng-src="{{ info.icon }}">
<div class="card-content">
<p>{{ }}</p>
<p>{{ info.price }}</p>
You can have filter function with limitTo pipe.
I hope this will help.

AngularJS Sortable order pricing issue

I'm facing an issue when ordering prices formatted as currency.
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);
myApp.factory("Purchases", function() {
var Purchases = {}; = [{
date: "10/05/2012",
text: "1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor",
price: "£90",
availability: "1 Available until 10th Dec 2013"
date: "24/05/2012",
text: "2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor",
price: "£9.5",
availability: "2 Available until 10th Dec 2013"
date: "20/05/2012",
text: "3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor",
price: "£10",
availability: "3 Available until 10th Dec 2013"
return Purchases;
function PurchasesCtrl($scope, Purchases) {
$scope.purchases = Purchases;
$scope.sort = {
column: '',
descending: false
$scope.changeSorting = function(column) {
var sort = $scope.sort;
if (sort.column == column) {
sort.descending = !sort.descending;
} else {
sort.column = column;
sort.descending = false;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="PurchasesCtrl">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr class="first">
<th class="first" ng-click="changeSorting('date')">Date</th>
<th ng-click="changeSorting('text')">Description</th>
<th ng-click="changeSorting('price')">Amount</th>
<th ng-click="changeSorting('availability')">Status</th>
<tr ng-repeat="purchase in|orderBy:sort.column:sort.descending">
<td class="first">{{}}</td>
The issue order: $9.5 > $10
Is there any way to correct the ordering?
Yes, check this fiddle: .
You want to compare numbers, not strings, so you need to separate currency (as first letter of price) and then remove currency from price): = (purchase) {
purchase.currency = purchase.price.charAt(0);
purchase.price = Number(purchase.price.substr(1));
return purchase;
$scope.purchases = Purchases;
When you have price separated from currency, you can display it separately:

AngularJS: How to assign active class to clicked item in ng-repeat?

I am confused about how to show an .active class on a clicked item when using the ng-repeat directive. Here's a Plunker.
Here's my view:
<h4>Arctic Videos</h4>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li class="clearfix" ng-repeat="item in videos" ng-class="{ active: $index }" style="padding-bottom: 2em;">
<div style="float: left; position:relative;">
<img class="img-thumbnail" ng-src="{{item.thumbUrl}}" width="100" height="68" alt="">
My script.js
var ArcticApp = angular.module('ArcticApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngSanitize']);
.when('/', {
templateUrl: './partials/map.html',
controller: 'MainController'
.when('/videos/:itemId', {
templateUrl: './partials/videos.html',
controller: 'VideoController'
redirectTo: '/'
ArcticApp.controller('MainController', function($scope){
$scope.message = "This is the map page!";
ArcticApp.controller('VideoController', function($scope, $routeParams, $sce){
$scope.videos = [
"blockquote": "et sint quae\nqui odio fugit quia aut modi id maxime\nsequi qui et",
"title": "Canada",
"synopsis": "<p>Some text will go here and there. Some more will go here.</p><p>Yet even some more text will go here and there. yes, tehre's even more here.</p>",
"id": 897,
"thumbUrl": ""
"blockquote": "sit molestiae possimus ut in explicabo\nea autem saepe a iusto est exercitationem at\ndistinctio quia consectetur nulla vel maxime",
"title": "USA",
"synopsis": "<p>Some text will go here and there. Some more will go here.</p><p>Yet even some more text will go here and there. yes, tehre's even more here.</p>",
"id": 471,
"thumbUrl": ""
"blockquote": "recusandae natus minus est saepe alias\nvero amet quia natus voluptatem ut saepe dolor rem\nperspiciatis quia unde quia cum aliquam sint",
"title": "Russia",
"synopsis": "<p>some text can go here </p>",
"id": 400,
"thumbUrl": ""
$scope.whichItem = $routeParams.itemId;
$scope.trustAsHtml = $sce.trustAsHtml.bind($sce);
How would I go about assigning an active class to a clicked item?
ng-class="{ active: selectedVideo === item }"
In the controller, add
$scope.selectVideo = function(video) {
$scope.selectedVideo = video;
you can use it like this
<li class="clearfix" ng-repeat="(key,item) in videos" ng-class="{ active:(condition) }" style="padding-bottom: 2em;">
key is the number of iteration and condition can be any Boolean logic to make active class true
ng-class="{ active: 1==1 }
in this case since 1==1 is true so active class will be printed .

How to change icon marker with angularjs and google maps

im working in phonegap project with angularjs google maps (
I need to change default icon marker with custom images.
This is my controller code:
// Map Markers Controller
app.controller('markersController', function($scope, $compile){
$scope.infoWindow = {
title: 'title',
content: 'content'
$scope.markers = [
'title' : 'Location #1',
'content' : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a viverra magna',
'location' : [40.7112, -74.213]
'title' : 'Location #2',
'content' : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a viverra magna',
'location' : [40.7243, -74.2014]
'title' : 'Location #3',
'content' : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a viverra magna',
'location' : [40.7312, -74.1923]
$scope.showMarker = function(event){
$scope.marker = $scope.markers[];
$scope.infoWindow = {
title: $scope.marker.title,
content: $scope.marker.content
$scope.showInfoWindow(event, 'marker-info', this.getPosition());
And this is my markers.html
<div ng-controller="markersController" class="map-fullscreen-container">
<map zoom="8" center="[-26.82, -54.84]" class="fullscreen">
<info-window id="marker-info">
<div ng-non-bindable="">
<strong class="markerTitle">{{ infoWindow.title }}</strong>
<div class="markerContent">
<p>{{ infoWindow.content }}</p>
<marker ng-repeat="(id, marker) in markers" id="{{ id }}"
on-click="showMarker(event, $index)" >
If you only have one marker, you can set it up directly on your marker directive:
<marker ng-repeat="(id, marker) in markers" id="{{ id }}"
on-click="showMarker(event, $index)"
icon="yourIconUrl.png" >
If you have different markers for each item, the first thing you need to do is to add the icon property to your items:
$scope.markers = [
'title' : 'Location #1',
'content' : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a viverra magna',
'location' : [40.7112, -74.213],
'icon' : 'yourIconUrl.png'
'title' : 'Location #2',
'content' : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a viverra magna',
'location' : [40.7243, -74.2014],
'icon' : 'yourIconUrl.png'
'title' : 'Location #3',
'content' : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a viverra magna',
'location' : [40.7312, -74.1923],
'icon' : 'yourIconUrl.png'
Then you need to use it on your html, by adding it to the marker directive:
<marker ng-repeat="(id, marker) in markers" id="{{ id }}"
on-click="showMarker(event, $index)"
icon="{{marker.icon}}" >
That's it, hope that helps.
Please refer to the documentation for more info:

Filter date range using jQuery UI calendars in AngularJS data-bound table

I have a series of HTML tables which pull data from JSON sources. These are tabbed. They work fine and can be seen in the fiddle here:
What I need to do now though is use the date range inputs (which are integrated as jQuery UI datepickers) to filter the data in the tables by the date column. I'm new to AngularJS and the integration with the jQuery UI datepickers particularly has taken this way over my head and I'm struggling to find the solution.
I've tried adding an ng-change attribute to the date inputs but can't even get this to fire a simple alert - possibly I've not set up controllers in the correct places (I've tried creating a new controller around the filter inputs to no avail)?
The code for this is pretty lengthy but quite straight forward, as follows:
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div class="tabs" ng-init="selected=1">
Products on sale
Last 30 days sales
<label for="fromDate">From date:</label> <input type="text" name="fromDate" value="from date..." ng-model="dateFrom" datepicker />
<label for="toDate">To date:</label> <input type="text" name="toDate" value="to date..." ng-model="dateTo" datepicker />
<div class="selected" ng-controller="PurchasesCtrl" ng:show="selected == 1">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr class="first">
<th class="first">Date</th>
<tr ng-repeat="purchase in" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" ng-class="{'last':$last}">
<td class="first">{{}}</td>
<div class="selected" ng-controller="SaleProductsCtrl" ng:show="selected == 2">
<h3>Sale products:</h3>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr class="first">
<th class="first">Date</th>
<tr ng-repeat="saleProduct in" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" ng-class="{'last':$last}">
<td class="first">{{}}</td>
<div class="selected" ng-controller="Sale30DaysCtrl" ng:show="selected == 3">
<h3>Sale 30 days:</h3>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr class="first">
<th class="first">Date</th>
<tr ng-repeat="sale30Day in" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" ng-class="{'last':$last}">
<td class="first">{{}}</td>
var myApp = angular.module("myApp",[]);
myApp.factory("Purchases", function(){
var Purchases = {}; = [
date: "10/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
date: "05/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
date: "20/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
return Purchases;
function PurchasesCtrl($scope, Purchases){
$scope.purchases = Purchases;
myApp.factory("SaleProducts", function(){
var SaleProducts = {}; = [
date: "10/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
date: "28/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
return SaleProducts;
function SaleProductsCtrl($scope, SaleProducts){
$scope.saleProducts = SaleProducts;
myApp.factory("Sale30Days", function(){
var Sale30Days = {}; = [
date: "06/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
date: "08/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
date: "21/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
date: "20/05/2012",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ipsum dolor"
return Sale30Days;
function Sale30DaysCtrl($scope, Sale30Days){
$scope.sale30Days = Sale30Days;
myApp.directive('datepicker', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
$(function () {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
onSelect: function (date) {
Can anyone set me on the right track with this please? I've tried everything I can think of but I've reached my AngularJS limit!
I've simplified the example just to try to get the basic date filtering working, so I can then get the tabs etc hooked up afterwards. Here's a simplified fiddle:
Well, your problem was quite simple, your input was outside of you controller, so even though you would had used ng-change, it would had never been called.
I fixed your code here. I also added the filtering function; it's only for the From Date input field, but I think you might figure the To Date one by yourself.
$scope.onChangeFromDate = function() {
var fromDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', $scope.dateFrom);
angular.forEach($, function(purchase){
var purchaseDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy',;
if(purchaseDate.getTime() < fromDate.getTime()) {
purchase.filtered = true;
