AngularMaterial md-chips : Dont show selected item in <md-autocomplete> - angularjs

I'm trying the <md-autocomplete> example from here md-chips
To prevent the selected items from coming inside <md-autocomplete> I've modified the querySearch function like this:
function querySearch (query) {
var results = query ? self.searchData.filter(createFilterFor(query)) : [];
var finalResults = [];
angular.forEach(results, function(result) {
if($scope.selectedItems.indexOf( < 0) {
return finalResults;
But my problem is that the control does not come inside this function once we select an item. Can someone please explain how to solve this ?

I found the solution from this documentation: md-autocomplete
We just need to add md-no-cache="true" for calling the querySearchfunction each time we search for a query item

The solution that worked for me:
The md-no-cache="true" on md-autocomplete still is a must to force the autocomplete to reinitialize the md-items;
Md-chips should have md-on-remove and md-on-append set and implemented as to remove a chip from the list, or add a chip to the list;
My code looks something like this:
$scope.removeTagChip = function (chip) {
var chipPos = $scope.getPosition(chip.Id, $scope.ChipTags);
if (chipPos < 0) {
$scope.appendTagChip = function (chip) {
var chipPos = $scope.getPosition(chip.Id, $scope.ChipTags);
if (chipPos > -1) {
$scope.ChipTags.splice(chipPos, 1);
return chip;
$scope.getPosition just returns the position of the chip in the list of chips;


ui grid returning rows in the same order they are selected?

Hi am using UIgrid in an angularjs project and when I call the method gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows() to get the selected rows it returns an array with all the rows but in a random order. Ideally I want to get the rows in the same order they were selected (as if gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows() is backed by a queue) . Any idea how to achieve this please ?
This link to plunker shows the issue
You can implement the queue by yourself. Something like
$scope.gridOnRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function(row) {
var selections =gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows();
// add sorted
if ($scope.mySelections.indexOf(s) === -1) {
// remove the ones that are not selected (use for to modify collection while iterating)
for (var i = $scope.mySelections.length; i >0; i--) {
if (selections.indexOf($scope.mySelections[i]) === -1) {
$scope.mySelections.splice(i, 1);
row.entity.firstSelection = false;
if (row.isSelected) row.entity.firstSelection = (gridApi.selection.getSelectedCount() == 1);
I think there is a bug with that version of angular I was using there , if you upgrade the version in the plnkr to 1.6.1 it will behave as expected

AngularJS: Apply filter to template

I created a simple filter to format a number based on the current locale.
angular.module('myApp').filter('doubleFilter', DoubleFilter);
function DoubleFilter($translate) {
return function(val, decimalPlaces) {
if (val && (typeof val === 'number')) {
val = val.toFixed(decimalPlaces);
if ($translate.use() === 'de_DE') {
val = val.replace('.', ',');
return val;
I call this filter in my template like this and it works fine:
{{dog.weight | doubleFilter : 2}}
However when I change the language using $translate.use('en_US') the format of the numbers in my template are not updated. Obviously I am missing out on something here.
How can I update the view when the language changes?
I think your directive needs to listen for 'local changed notification', for example :
scope.$on('$localeChangeSuccess', function () {
// code to execute the filter
Making your filter stateful may help ( see )

working on select but not on blur - EXTJS

I am newbie to ExtJS I have the following lines of code that is working fine on select event and now I am planning to add on blur event too.
autoResolve.on("select" || "blur", function (component, record, index) {
var fieldSet = utils.getComponentFromMngr("~")[0]);
if(autoResolveData.CURRSEL){ //Set previous selection property
var xmlElem = fieldSet.DomainXML.documentElement.childNodes[1];
xmlElem.setAttribute("PR_DOMAINID", record.get("ITEMID"));
it is still working fine on select event but not on blur event where am I going wrong please suggest
"select" || "blur" will return select, as you can find out if you type the following in browser console:
console.log("select" || "blur");
Furthermore, "blur" event does not have record as the second parameter. You would have to look how to get record and call the function with a valid record parameter.
What you want to achieve is roughly the following:
var myFunction = function (component, record, index) {
var fieldSet = utils.getComponentFromMngr("~")[0]);
if(autoResolveData.CURRSEL){ //Set previous selection property
var xmlElem = fieldSet.DomainXML.documentElement.childNodes[1];
xmlElem.setAttribute("PR_DOMAINID", record.get("ITEMID"));
blur:function(component) {
var record = ... // your special magic here
return myFunction(component,record);

Clicking an element inside repeater when another element equals specific input with protractor and jasmine

My HTML structure is this:
<li ng-repeat="m in members">
<div class="col-name">{{}}</div>
<div class="col-trash">
<div class="trash-button"></div>
What I want to be able to do is using protractor, click on the trash when equals a specific value.
I've tried things like:
element.all(by.repeater('m in members')).count().then(function (number) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < number ; i++) {
var result = element.all(by.repeater('m in members').row(i));
result.get(0).element(by.binding('')).getAttribute('value').then(function (name) {
if (name == 'John') {
This seems like it should work, however, it seems like my function does not even run this.
I've also looked into promises and filters though have not been successful with those either. Keep getting errors.
var array = element.all(by.repeater('m in members'));
array.filter(function (guy) {
guy.getText().then(function (text) {
return text == 'John';
}).then(function (selected) {
All I would like to do is click on the corresponding trash when looking for a specific member list!
Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: suggested I use xpath once I find the correct element, which is fine, the problem is I cannot get the filter function's promise to let me use element(by.xpath...)
If I try:
var array = element.all(by.repeater('m in members'));
array.filter(function (guy) {
guy.getText().then(function (text) {
return text == 'John';
}).then(function (selected) {
I get the error:
Failed: Object has no method 'element'
Figured it out. Following the Protractor filter guideline in the API reference and using alecxe's xpath recommendation, this code will click on any element you find after filtering it.
element.all(by.className('col-name')).filter(function (member, index) {
return member.getText().then(function (text) {
return member === 'John';
}).then( function (elements) {
You can change the xpath to select different stuff incase your HTML does not look like mine.
It looks like you can avoid searching by repeater, and use by.binding directly. Once you found the value you are interested in, get the following sibling and click it:
element.all(by.binding('')).then(function(elements) {
elements.filter(function(guy) {
guy.getText().then(function (text) {
return text == 'John';
}).then(function (m) {
Or, a pure xpath approach could be:
element(by.xpath('//li/div[#class="col-name" and .="John"]/following-sibling::div/div')).click();

AngularJS + Protractor How to select Dropdown option based on its text not value

I want to click on item by it's text and not by it's value from dropdown box.
i found this great post : but it doesn't work as expected, the search continue forever after match was found and it is not clicking the item,
if someone have better example (a working one) or can fix this code and make it work,
i will apperciate.
This is the code Dan Haller from the post used (all rights reserved to him)
function selectOption(selector, item){
var selectList, desiredOption;
selectList = this.findElement(selector);;
.then(function findMatchingOption(options){
option.getText().then(function doesOptionMatch(text){
if (item === text){
desiredOption = option;
return true;
.then(function clickOption(){
if (desiredOption){;
This is a select item function that I can use like this:
var browser = protractor.getInstance();
browser.selectOption = selectOption.bind(browser);
browser.selectOption('my-dropdown'), 'My Value');
This question is similar to: How to select option in drop down protractorjs e2e tests
So long as you're on a recent version of protractor, you can just do:
element(by.cssContainingText('option', 'BeaverBox Testing')).click();
If you want to click by number, you can do:
var selectDropdownbyNum = function ( element, optionNum ) {
if (optionNum){
var options = element.findElements(by.tagName('option'))
This function selects the 3rd option of your select box.
function selectDropdownByNumber(element, index, milliseconds) {
.then(function(options) {
if (typeof milliseconds !== 'undefined') {
var mySelect = $('#my-dropdown');
selectDropdownByNumber(mySelect, 2);
More info can be found here -
As you want to select option by value, you can use:
var select ='selectData'));
select.$('[label="Option 1"]').click();
