ng-repeat + ng-switch: how to use correctly? - angularjs

Premise: I've seen several similar questions. But I can't really figure out how to solve my doubt.
I have an array of objects:
$scope.messages = [obj1, obj2, ...];
where each object has the following structure:
id: <int>,
printOnlyFirst: <boolean>,
text1: <string>,
text2: <string>
where text1 / text2 are conditionally printed (in real time through track by) according to printOnlyFirst.
<div id="container">
<div ng-switch="printOnlyFirst" ng-repeat="message in messages track by">
<div ng-switch-when="true" class="text1"> <!-- case 1 -->
<div ng-switch-when="false" class="text2"> <!-- case 2 -->
I think this code is fine.
However I noticed that
<div ng-switch="printOnlyFirst" ng-repeat="message in messages track by">
is printed for each single element of the ng-repeat loop, together with it's content (either case 1 or 2).
Is this normal?
Is there a better solution to avoid such DOM overhead?

Directives with greater numerical priority are compiled first.
ngSwitch executes at priority 1200 while ngRepeat executes at priority 1000, which isn't the order you need.
You'll have to use a nested component (a div for example):
<div id="container">
<div ng-repeat="message in messages track by">
<div ng-switch="message.printOnlyFirst">
<div ng-switch-when="true" class="text1"> <!-- case 1 -->
<div ng-switch-when="false" class="text2"> <!-- case 2 -->
Don't forget to switch on message.printOnlyFirst rather than printOnlyFirst.


How to access key value in angular js using ng-repeat?

I am trying to show the value from my json files using ng-repeat in angular js but I am unable to do that.
This is my code which I am trying:
<div ng-repeat = "x in myWelcome.definition">
I have tried this and it is working:
<!-- first attributes start -->
<div ng-repeat = "x in myWelcome.definition.attributes">
<div ng-repeat="a in x.children">
<div ng-if ="a.attributes">
a: {{a.attributes[0].rm_attribute_name}}
<div ng-if= "a.attributes[0].children">
<!-- second attributes end -->
I am trying to understand how this line is working {{a.attributes[0].rm_attribute_name}} why it is not working like this {{a.attributes1.rm_attribute_name}} this is confusing. How it is shwoing all the results when I am using 0 and index.
And my json file is here in the plunker:
Plunker link of json and code
So how can I iterate here using ng-repeat here this code:
is working how can I show this in my view using ng-repeat I need to show all the attributes and child using ng-repeat.
ng-repeat can be used in the following way:
<div ng-repeat = "(key,value) in myWelcome.definition.attributes">
Key:{{key}} and value :{{value}}
OR you can Try this:
<div ng-repeat = "x in myWelcome.definition.attributes">
<div ng-repeat="a in x.children">
Edited Plunker
I can see you are trying to implement ng-if and ng-repeat for your json file. You need to understand how ng-repeat works you can always check the index of you array using {{$index}}. So for your kind of problem I think this is the solution you should try.
<!-- first attributes start -->
<div ng-repeat = "x in myWelcome.definition.attributes">
<div ng-repeat="a in x.children">
<div ng-if ="a.attributes">
<div ng-repeat="b in a.attributes">
<div ng-if="b.children.length > 1">
If the array is more than 1 please do the magic here
<div ng-if= "a.attributes[0].children">
<!-- second attributes end -->
You can always see the indexes using {{$index}} and you should always use .length to check if it has more than 1 value. This way you can achieve what you want and you should also learn something about arrays in javascript and what is the differnece between dot and bracket. Please read this I think you should learn the basics of javascript.

Get id of parent element of currently clicked element in AngularJS

How do I get the id of a parent element of currently clicked element in AngularJS?
<div id="d8" class="menutitles ng-scope" ng-repeat="title in list">
<div class="right" ng-click="showsubmenu($event)">+</div>
<div class="left" ng-click="showsubmenu($event)">Unit 9</div>
How to get the value d8 in showsubmenu($event) function?
Below is what I tried but it doesn't work
It should be parentNode, not just parent:
Also attributes is redundant as you can access id property directly.
But note, that since you have ngRepeat, it will create invalid markup, since ids are going to be duplicated. You probably want to fix this too, maybe like this or use classes:
<div id="d8{{$index}}" class="menutitles ng-scope" ng-repeat="title in list">
<div class="right" ng-click="showsubmenu()">+</div>
<div class="left" ng-click="showsubmenu()">Unit 9</div>
<div id="d8" class="menutitles ng-scope" ng-repeat="title in list">
<div class="right" ng-click="showsubmenu()">+</div>
<div class="left" ng-click="showsubmenu()">Unit 9</div>
It should be enough :D
function showsubmenu($event){
Have a nice day
As an addition to Pedro's answer I'd say that using the jQuery method closest would be preferable.
function showsubmenu($event){
var parent = $($'.yourclass'); // or any selector you prefer

AngularJS Directive -

I am trying to make a schedule. The object that I receive from my API is as follows:
schedule : {
shifts : []
// each shift is
shift : {
tasks: []
// each task is
task: {
My HTML currently is (please see image below for a snapshot of what it looks like right now)
<div class="schedule">
<!-- This is the time of the day column, such as 10:00, 11:00 -->
<div id="clock"></div>
<div class="shifts">
<div class="shift" ng-repeat="shift in schedule.shifts">
<!-- The user assigned to this shift -->
<div class="user" ng-bind="shift.user"></div>
<!-- This is the time cells in 15min interval -->
<div class="cells">
<!-- Not going into detail, but this creates the cells
<div class="cell" ng-repeat="cell in cells"></div>
<!-- The tasks -->
<div class="tasks">
<div class="task" ng-repeat="task in shift.tasks"></div>
Right now, since the tasks are placed in their own container, then to bring the task down the right start time, I basically calculate how much the task.time_start is different than the start of the day, and then convert that to a CSS of top: $some-pixel (by multiplying time difference by the height of each cell).
I'd like to instant have these tasks bind to the cells. But how can I do that? The tasks are in an array inside shift.tasks, and I cannot figure out how I could loop through them while I am creating the cells.
Or maybe what I am doing is right?
The only thing that I can think of is having the ng-repeat inside the cell as well, and use ng-if
<div class="cells">
<div class="cell" ng-repeat="cell in cells">
<div class="task" ng-repeat="task in shift.task" ng-if="task.time_start = cell.time_start"></div>
Sounds like you need to loop the 15-min intervals instead of (or combined with) tasks. Create a cell for each, and then check the tasks and if there is a task present at that time - fill the cell.
So yeah, basically, what you wrote in your edit - so render both the empty and non-empty cells and fill in the needed ones.
Something like this:
<div class="cells">
<div class="cell" ng-repeat="cell in cells">
<div class="subcell" ng-repeat="subcell in subcells"> <!-- 4 subcells -->
<div class="task" ng-repeat="task in shift.task" ng-if="task.time_start = subcell.time_start"></div>
I used ng-if="task.time_start = subcell.time_start", but you can modify it however you want, maybe like cell.time_start + subcellIndex * 15, etc...

Angular.js ng-switch-when not working with dynamic data?

I'm trying to get Angular to generate a CSS slider based on my data. I know that the data is there and am able to generate it for the buttons, but the code won't populate the ng-switch-when for some reason. When I inspect the code, I see this twice (which I know to be correct as I only have two items):
<div ng-repeat="assignment in assignments" ng-animate="'animate'" class="ng-scope">
<!-- ngSwitchWhen: {{}} -->
My actual code:
<div ng-init="thisAssignment='one'">
<div class="btn-group assignments" style="display: block; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px">
<span ng-repeat="assignment in assignments">
<button ng-click="thisAssignment = '{{}}'" class="btn btn-primary">{{assignment.num}}</button>
<div class="well" style="height: 170px;">
<div ng-switch="thisAssignment">
<div class="assignments">
<div ng-repeat="assignment in assignments" ng-animate="'animate'">
<div ng-switch-when='{{}}' class="my-switch-animation">
EDIT: This is what I'm trying to emulate, though with dynamic data.
From the docs —
Be aware that the attribute values to match against cannot be expressions. They are
interpreted as literal string values to match against. For example, ng-switch-when="someVal"
will match against the string "someVal" not against the value of the expression
So in other words, ng-switch is for hardcoding conditions in your templates.
You would use it like so:
<div class="assignments">
<div ng-repeat="assignment in assignments" ng-animate="'animate'">
<div ng-switch="">
<div ng-switch-when='1' class="my-switch-animation">
Now this might not fit your use case exactly, so it's possible you'll have to rethink your strategy.
Ng-If is probably what you need — also, you need to be aware of "isolated" scopes. Basically when you use certain directives, like ng-repeat, you create new scopes which are isolated from their parents. So if you change thisAssignmentinside a repeater, you're actually changing the variable inside that specific repeat block and not the whole controller.
Here's a demo of what you're going for.
Notice I assign the selected property to the things array (it's just an object).
Update 12/12/14: Adding a new block of code to clarify the use of ng-switch. The code example above should be considered what not to do.
As I mentioned in my comment. Switch should be thought about exactly like a JavaScript switch. It's for hardcoded switching logic. So for instance in my example posts, there are only going to be a few types of posts. You should know a head of time the types of values you are going to be switching on.
<div ng-repeat="post in posts">
<div ng-switch on="post.type">
<!-- post.type === 'image' -->
<div ng-switch-when="image" class="post post-image">
<img ng-src="{{ post.image }} />
<div ng-bind="post.content"></div>
<!-- post.type === 'video' -->
<div ng-switch-when="video" class="post post-video">
<video ng-src="{{ }} />
<div ng-bind="post.content"></div>
<!-- when above doesn't match -->
<div ng-switch-default class="post">
<div ng-bind="post.content"></div>
You could implement this same functionality with ng-if, it's your job to decide what makes sense within your application. In this case the latter is much more succinct, but also more complicated, and you could see it getting much more hairy if the template were any more complex. Basic distinction is ng-switch is declarative, ng-if is imperative.
<div ng-repeat="post in posts">
<div class="post" ng-class="{
'post-image': post.type === 'image',
'post-video': post.type === 'video'">
<video ng-if="post.type === 'video'" ng-src="" />
<img ng-if="post.type === 'image'" ng-src="post.image" />
<div ng-bind="post.content" />
Jon is definitely right on. Angular does not support dynamic ngSwitchWhen values. But I wanted it to. I found it actually exceptionally simple to use my own directive in place of ngSwitchWhen. Not only does it support dynamic values but it supports multiple values for each statement (similar to JS switch fall-throughs).
One caveat, it only evaluates the expression once upon compile time, so you must return the correct value immediately. For my purposes this was fine as I was wanting to use constants defined elsewhere in the application. It could probably be modified to dynamically re-evaluate the expressions but that would require more testing with ngSwitch.
I am use angular 1.3.15 but I ran a quick test with angular 1.4.7 and it worked fine there as well.
Plunker Demo
The Code
module.directive('jjSwitchWhen', function() {
// Exact same definition as ngSwitchWhen except for the link fn
return {
// Same as ngSwitchWhen
priority: 1200,
transclude: 'element',
require: '^ngSwitch',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, $transclude) {
var caseStms = scope.$eval(attrs.jjSwitchWhen);
caseStms = angular.isArray(caseStms) ? caseStms : [caseStms];
angular.forEach(caseStms, function(caseStm) {
caseStm = '!' + caseStm;
ctrl.cases[caseStm] = ctrl.cases[caseStm] || [];
ctrl.cases[caseStm].push({ transclude: $transclude, element: element });
$scope.types = {
audio: '.mp3',
video: ['.mp4', '.gif'],
image: ['.jpg', '.png', '.gif'] // Can have multiple matching cases (.gif)
<div ng-switch="mediaType">
<div jj-switch-when="">Audio</div>
<div jj-switch-when="">Video</div>
<div jj-switch-when="types.image">Image</div>
<!-- Even works with ngSwitchWhen -->
<div ng-switch-when=".docx">Document</div>
<div ng-switch-default>Invalid Type</div>

Render a collection with different classes one time in two

I am a beginner using AngularJS.
I would like to render a collection in my HTML code, with a specific directive: one item at left, the following one at right, the third one at left etc...
<div ng-repeat="Model in Collection">
<!-- The HTML i need for even iterations -->
<div class="col-xs-2.col-sm-2.col-md-2.col-lg-2.col-xs-offset-2.col-sm-offset-2.col-md-offset-2.col-lg-offset-2">
<img alt="Player" src="{{Model.avatar}}" popover-placement="left">
<!-- The HTML i need for odd iterations -->
<div class="col-xs-2.col-sm-2.col-md-2.col-lg-2.col-xs-offset-8.col-sm-offset-8.col-md-offset-8.col-lg-offset-8">
<img alt="Player" src="{{Model.avatar}}" popover-placement="right">
What is the better way to do that ?
You can take advantage of ng-class-odd and ng-class-even to declare the class of the divs.
<div ng-repeat="Model in Collection">
<div ng-class-even="'col-xs-2.col-sm-2.col-md-2.col-lg-2.col-xs-offset-2.col-sm-offset-2.col-md-offset-2.col-lg-offset-2'"
<img alt="Player" src="{{Model.avatar}}" ng-class-even="'left'" ng-class-odd="'right'">
