Keeping Consistent Count in Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I am looking for suggestions on a very common problem on Google App Engine platform for keeping consistent counters.
I have a task to load the groups of a domain and then create a task for each group to load its group members in a separate task. Now as there are thousands of groups and members there will be too many tasks.
I will be creating one task to get one page of groups and within that task I will be creating multiple tasks for each group to get its members.Now, to know whether I have loaded all groups or not, I have the logic to just check the nextPageToken and then set the flag of groups loading to finished.
However as there will be separate tasks for each group to load members, I need to keep track of all whether all group member tasks have finished or not. Now here I have a problem that various tasks accessing a single count of numGroupMembersFinished, will create concurrency issues and somewhere the count will get corrupted and not return correct data.

My answer is general because your question doesn't have any code or proposed solution since you don't say where you plan to keep that counter.
Many articles on the web cover this. Google for "sharding counters" for a semi-scalable way to count datastore entities quickly in O(1) time.
more importantly look at the memcache api. It has a function to atomically increment/decrement counters stored there. That one is guaranteed to never have concurrency issues however you would still need some way to recover and/or double-check that the memcache entry wasn't evicted, maybe by also keeping the count stored in an entity that you set asynchronously and "get by key" to always get its latest value.
this still isn't 100% bulletproof because the cache could be evicted at the same moment that you have many concurrent attempts to modify it thus your backup datastore entity could miss a "set".
You need to calculate, based on your expected concurrent usage, if those chances to miss an increment/decrement are greater than a comet hitting the earth. Hopefully you wont use it on an air traffic controller.

you could use the MapReduce or Pipeline API:
allowing you to split your problem into smaller manageable parts whereby the library can handle all of the details of signaling/blocking between tasks, gathering the results, and handing them back to you when it's done
Google I/O 2010 - Data pipelines with Google App Engine:
Google I/O 2011: Large-scale Data Analysis Using the App Engine Pipeline API:
Google I/O 2011: App Engine MapReduce:
Google I/O 2012 - Building Data Pipelines at Google Scale:

Zig Mandel mentioned it, here's the link to Google's own recipe for implementing a counter:
I copy-pasted (renamed some variables, etc...) the configurable sharded counter into my app and it's working great!

I used this tutorial: together with hashid library and created this golang library:
gen := gaeuid.NewGenerator("Kind", "HASH'S SALT", 11 /*id length*/)
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
id, err = gen.NewID(c)
The same approach should be easy for other languages.


DynamoDB - Do I need lots of read capacities to handle multiple getItem-calls per page?

I'm using DynamoDB to store items that are necessary to deliver a specific webpage. However, for one page load, the web server may easily need hundreds of items from about 2-5 different tables. If I have only one read capacity I can only make 2 eventually consistent DB calls per second. Of course if I need to get these items to deliver a webpage, I cannot wait one second for every DB call.
I already use batchGetItems to reduce the workload. Do I now need just lots of more read capacities or am I getting something wrong?
You should be thinking caching, not fetching.
Either AWS ElasticSearch (memcached) or Varnish-like caching.
You can also implement an in-process caching using Google Guava
It's possible to tune your read capacity based on usage and that's one of the advantages of using a hosted solution like DynamoDB. You can setup CloudWatch alarms, receive notifications through a SNS topic and create a simple app to increase/decrease your capacity. There is a nice post about it at:

Is there a Java Google App Engine Datastore equivalent of Oracle Sequence?

For a java based google app engine web application, is there some sort of equivalent way to get a sequential value similar to an oracle sequence?
Suppose I have a servlet, lets call it SequenceServlet with a very simple job. It will simply write the next value in the sequence.
Using Oracle you could create a sequence - lets call it "my_seq" and execute this SQL:
select my_seq.nextval from dual
Although there might be many application servers, there is one centralized DB so this is easy. But my google app engine app uses a HRD (High Replication Datastore). How can I ensure that each application server will respond with the next number in the sequence?
I want to ensure that after startup if you have 2 client requests... say request A got sequence number 10 and request B got sequence number 15.
I want to ensure that the following is true:
Request B for sure happened AFTER request A
There are exactly 4 requests that happened between requests A and B
And this would need to be true in general for any 2 sequence numbers.
With the HRD this isn't as trivial as one might hope it to be. There's a reasonable article at the following URL (with Java examples) that details how to implement sharded counters which seems to be essentially what you want.
Sharding Counters
Through the use of datastore transactions you can ensure a counter value atomically increases. By sharding the counter you can ensure that performance of those transactions scales to your needs.
Additionally by making use of memcache it's possible to improve performance of reads.

Best implementation of turn-based access on App Engine?

I am trying to implement a 2-player turn-based game with a GAE backend. The first thing this game requires is a very simple match making system that operates like this:
User A asks the backend for a match. The back ends tells him to come back later
User B asks the backend for a match. He will be matched with A.
User C asks the backend for a match. The back ends tells him to come back later
User D asks the backend for a match. He will be matched with C.
and so on...
(edit: my assumption is that if I can figure this one out, most other operation i a turn based game can use the same implementation)
This can be done quite easily in Apple Gamecenter and Xbox Live, however I would rather implement this on an open and platform independent backend like GAE. After some research, I have found the following options for a GAE implementation:
use memcache. However, there is no guarantee that the memcache is synchronized across different instances. I did some tests and could actually see match request disappearing due to memcache mis-synchronization.
Harden memcache with Sharding Counters. This does not always solve the multiple instance problem and mayabe results in high memcache quota usage.
Use memcache with Compare and Set. Does not solve the multiple instance problem when used as a mutex.
task queues. I have no idea how to use these but someone mentioned as a possible solution. However, I am afraid that queues will eat me GAE quota very quickly.
push queues. Same as above.
transaction. Same as above. Also probably very expensive.
channels. Same as above. Also probably very expensive.
Given that the match making is a very basic operation in online games, I cannot be the first one encountering this. Hence my questions:
Do you know of any safe mechanism for match making?
If multiple solutions exist, which is the cheapest (in terms of GAE quota usage) solution?
You could accomplish this using a cron tasks in a scheme like this:
define MatchRequest:
requestor = db.StringProperty()
opponent = db.StringProperty(default = '')
User A asks for a match, a MatchRequest entity is created with A as the requestor and the opponent blank.
User A polls to see when the opponent field has been filled.
User B asks for a match, a MatchRequest entity is created with B as as the requestor.
User B pools to see when the opponent field has been filled.
A cron job that runs every 20 seconds? or so runs:
Grab all MatchRequest where opponent == ''
Make all appropriate matches
Put all the MatchRequests as a transaction
Now when A and B poll next they will see that they they have an opponent.
According to the GAE docs on crons free apps can have up to 20 free cron tasks. The computation required for these crons for a small amount of users should be small.
This would be a safe way but I'm not sure if it is the cheapest way. It's also pretty easy to implement.

What are the low hanging fruit for optimizing google app engine with respect to quota usage?

Everyone learns to use Memcache pretty quick. Another one I've learned recently is setting indexed=False for Model properties that I am not going to query against. What are some others? What are the big ones?
Don't use offset in queries. Use cursors instead.
Explanations: offset loads all data up to offset+limit and charges you for it, but only returns limit entities.
Minimize instance use, by tweaking idle instances and pending latency appropriately for your app.
A couple helped us (not all may be low-hanging at first). First, we denormalized our datastore to reduce joins. I'm using SQL terms because I came from a SQL background. By spreading commonly queried elements around, we reduced the number of reads we had to make considerably, even after factoring in Memcache. Potentially increases writes but for most apps, the number of reads far outweighs the number of writes.
Next, we started using task queues, backends, and the channel API more often. I don't remember specific examples but I do remember we were able to reduce our front-end usage down below the free quota mark by moving some processing around to queues and backends and by sending data down via channel rather than having the client poll.
Also, we use objectify for our data access which we configure to automatically use memcache wherever appropriate.

How does Google App Engine infrastructure is fault tolerant?

I am actually implementing a web application on Google App Engine. This has taken me for the moment a huge time in re-designing the database and the application through GAE requirements and best practices.
My problem is this: How can I be sure that GAE is fault tolerant, or at what degree is it fault tolerant? I didn't find any documents in GAE on this, and it is an issue that could have drawbacks for me: My app would have, for example, to read an entity from the datastore, compute it in the application, and then put it on the datastore. In this case how could we be sure that this would be correctly done and that we get the right data : if for example the machine on which the computing have be done crash ?
Thank you for your help!
If a server crashes during a request, that request is going to fail, but any new requests would be routed to a different server. So one user might see an error, but the rest would not. The data in the datastore would be fine. If you have data that needs to be kept consistent, you would do your updates in a transaction, so that either the whole set of updates was applied or none.
Transactions operating on the same entity group are executed serially, but transactions operating on different entity groups run in parallel. So, unless there is a single entity which everything in your app wants to read and write, scalability will not suffer from transactions.
