Good Morning All,
I have an ExtJS 5 tabpanel. When the tabpanel first appears there is a single tab inside with a star for the title. What I need is when the user clicks the star for it to create a new tabItem. I have tried the activate event but that only works with more than one tab present. I have also tried binding to the a click event and nothing happens for that. Here is the code I have now:
{ iconCls: 'btn-NewTab', html : 'A simple tab' }
function assetDetailsDialog_AfterRender(sender, eOpts)
parent.down('tabpanel').items.getAt(0).on('click', function(){
alert('Hello World');
Thanks everyone
Follow On Issue:
I am having one more issue with setting the active tab. When the button is click it creates the new tab not issue, but when I call setActiveTab it appears to do nothing. When I stepped through it in Chrome I can see it is actually changing the tab to the specified one but then switching it back to the original. Any help would be great. Any idea's?
I have created a fiddle which demonstrates how to add tabs dynamically on click, the code is also listed below in case the link breaks. In the code below, the significant thing is adding the listener to the tabConfig
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function() {
var tabPanel = Ext.create('', {
width: 800,
height: 400,
renderTo: document.body,
items: [{
title: 'Click me to add another tab',
tabConfig: {
listeners: {
click: function(tab) {
alert("Adding another tab");
var newTab = tabPanel.add({
// we use the tabs.items property to get the length of current items/tabs
title: 'Tab ' + (tabPanel.items.length + 1),
html: 'Another one'
}, {
title: 'Bar',
tabConfig: {
title: 'Custom Title',
tooltip: 'A button tooltip'
Most of this code was taken from the documentation here
Hi i have been using Extjs html editor.I want to customize the html editor like i have to display a customized alert box when we click button in can we do that?
thanks in advance.
extend: 'Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor',
xtype: 'myhtmleditor',
getToolbarCfg: function() {
// get original toolbar:
var toolbar = this.callParent(arguments);
// add custom item:
xtype: 'button',
iconCls: 'x-fa fa-question-circle',
handler: function() {
Ext.Msg.alert('Dear user!', 'No, we won\'t help you!');
// Modify handler of existing button:
toolbar.items[3].handler = function() {
Ext.MessageBox.alert('Dear user!', 'If you want Italic, please go to Italy!');
// return toolbar to calling function
return toolbar;
And use it e.g. like this:
xtype: 'myhtmleditor'
Example fiddle
I'm working in Sencha Touch framework, and want to design a navigation bar to push my additional views. However, I want to add either my cardlayout (eg: xtype: 'mycard' ) or a widget (eg: xtype: 'my').
How can I push my existing view which is already defined as Ext.define('', {//some deination}). I tried the following code but unable to call in my handler function when the button pressed in navigation bar.
I'm absolutely unable to pushany view as it is not working in my handler function, and unable to call the view.push.
How can I get my view and push as a navigation item?
Tried Code for push some view:
//create the navigation view and add it into the Ext.Viewport
var view = Ext.Viewport.add({
xtype: 'navigationview',
//we only give it one item by default, which will be the only item in the 'stack' when it loads
items: [{
//items can have titles
title: 'Navigation View',
padding: 10,
//inside this first item we are going to add a button
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Push another view!',
handler: function () {
//when someone taps this button, it will push another view into stack
//this one also has a title
title: 'Second View',
padding: 10,
//once again, this view has one button
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Pop this view!',
handler: function () {
//and when you press this button, it will pop the current view (this) out of the stack
My Code:
xtype: 'button',
text: 'btn',
id: 'btn1',
scope: this,
handler: function(b, e) {
//here I want to push my view named as xtype: 'my'
// my main viewport has the xtype: 'main' and alias: 'widget.mypanel'
Try to create the view on the fly then add it to the view's items collection. I.e. in your event handler try to add
var view = Ext.create('', {});
In a form, that have a couple of text items and a button, it's possible to know in which item the focus was before the click in the button?
I want to open another form, in a button click, and this form have a "context" that depends in the focus of the previous form.
Any thoughts?
I tried to hold the last focused element in the controller, binding the blur event of all fields, but it seems that this event is not synchronized in IE (always he), Chrome and FF seems ok with that.
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.MyController', {
extend: '',
id: 'MyController',
views: [
init : function(application){
var me = this;
me.lastFocus = null;
'.field' : {
blur: me.fieldBlur,
scope: me
fieldBlur: function(field, event, opts) {
this.lastFocus = field;
//console.log('lastFocus: ' + field);
I never tried it myself but Ext.FocusManager.focusedCmp looks promising. Note that you will need to activate it before you can use it by calling Ext.FocusManager.enable()
I thought it would be more stable by now. I am sorry to hear that it seams not to help you but I can not understand why the focusedCmp should be undefined on time you are clicking the button it should be the button. And with that I come to my error you need to access previousFocusedCmp.
But it should work cause what it does it no magic...
A little example JSFiddle:
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'Simple Form',
bodyPadding: 5,
width: 350,
// The form will submit an AJAX request to this URL when submitted
url: 'save-form.php',
// Fields will be arranged vertically, stretched to full width
layout: 'anchor',
defaults: {
anchor: '100%'
// The fields
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'First Name',
name: 'first',
allowBlank: false
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
name: 'last',
allowBlank: false
// Reset and Submit buttons
buttons: [{
text: 'Reset',
handler: function() {
console.log('Most likely the button you clicked: ', Ext.FocusManager.focusedCmp, 'The Component that was focused before: ',Ext.FocusManager.previousFocusedCmp );
}, {
text: 'Submit',
formBind: true, //only enabled once the form is valid
disabled: true,
handler: function() {
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
success: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Success', action.result.msg);
failure: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Failed', action.result.msg);
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
How does the FocusManger do it in one sentence (we spare the keynav):
Well as soon as he get's enabled he queries the whole DOM for all
focusable components and tell each of them to inform him about focus and blur
From the persective of a user this sounds a bit shady, but whatever here you go:
use jQuery mouseover on each of the forms and where it sets some global variable to itself or a respective string, when the button is called the variable contains the last active field.
something like
var last_active = 0;
function set_last_active(e, ui){
last_active = $(this);
should do the trick, also see if you can use event bubbling.
The proposal of using blur event in the form fields works in the button if you delay the access to my lastFocus attribute.
onButtonClick : function(button, e, eOpts) {
var me = this;
}, 250);
I have a Tab Panel as my initial item inside a Navigation View. When I change tab, I'm updating the Title in the Navigation Bar via:
activeitemchange: function(container){
var navigationView = container.up('navigationview'),
navigationBar = navigationView.getNavigationBar(),
newTabTitle =;
The problem is that when I push a new view onto the Navigation View, the Text for the Back Button uses the old/original Title, and not the updated Title. Clicking the Back Button also sets the Navigation View Title to the old/original Title.
The closest I got to finding a solution was this:
But I get an 'undefined' error on the navigationBar.refreshProxy() call, so I'm assuming that only works for an older version of ST.
Any help would be great,
I don't know if you found any answer for this question or solved it by your own since question is quite old. But I tried what you wanted to do and I managed to get the result successfully. So here's the code. I'm following MVC strictly so posting necessary files that need this to work. Basically, views and controllers.
Main.js containing TabPanel
Ext.define('SO.view.Main', {
extend: '',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [
title: 'Welcome',
iconCls: 'home',
styleHtmlContent: true,
scrollable: true,
html: [
"You've just generated a new Sencha Touch 2 project. What you're looking at right now is the ",
title: 'Get Started',
iconCls: 'action',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Push a new view!',
Nav.js having navigation view and default item as above tab panel
Ext.define('SO.view.Nav', {
extend: 'Ext.NavigationView',
xtype: 'nav',
fullscreen: true,
items: [
title: 'Default View',
And finally, controller. I did every user interaction handling in controller itself.
changeTitle:function(container,value,oldValue,eOpts ){
var activeTabTitle = this.getTabView().getActiveItem().title;
var controller = this;
title: 'Second',
html: 'Second view!'
As you can see, I've attached function that changes title according to selected tab in changeTitle function.
the function pushNewView pushes new view and let's you ovverride back button behavior on tap. What I did is simply, get activeItem() from tab panel which holds a button that pushes new view. Once we got activeItem we can get it's title and that title need to be set to backButtnoText. So I traverse navigation view and getBackButton instance and simply by calling setText() method changed back button text.
Same time, I've attached event handler to back button, as we do want to change navigation bar title to previous title. So once, use taps back button, we set back the title to title we got in above step. You might want to detach event handler once you're done with eveything as it might cause problems or I'd rather say it'd be good.
Just try this, it just works.
You will need to change the title of the parent viewport, not just to the navigation view tile. Basically the Navigation title is already changing by itself based on the parent view title, and all pushed component title.
var view = Ext.create('Ext.NavigationView', {
fullscreen: true,
items: [{
title: 'Change this title ',
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Push a new view!',
handler: function() {
title: 'Second Title',
html: 'Second view!'
It should look something like this:
activeitemchange: function(container){
var newTabTitle =;
//viewAppt is the reference of the view
//Use this
// Instead of this
How to create small button with icon inside textfield, like with datefield? In previous version of ExtJS there was a CompositeField but cant find it in ExtJS 4.
Just extend!/api/Ext.form.field.Trigger You can change the icon of the trigger field with CSS and implement the behavior of clicking the icon in the onTriggerClick template method
Ext.define('Ext.ux.CustomTrigger', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger',
alias: 'widget.customtrigger',
// override onTriggerClick
onTriggerClick: function() {
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'You clicked my trigger!');
Ext.create('Ext.form.FormPanel', {
title: 'Form with TriggerField',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'customtrigger',
fieldLabel: 'Sample Trigger',
emptyText: 'click the trigger'
Is the icon clickable? If so, you are looking for Ext.form.field.Trigger. If not, you might try overriding the Text field's getSubTplMarkup() function to provide some custom dom.
For example:
Ext.define('MyField', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
getSubTplMarkup: function() {
return this.callParent(arguments) + '<span class="my-icon"></span>';