MSChart CandleStick Color Options Powershell - winforms

I am writing a process in Powershell to give me a 30 day rolling Candlestick chart. I have everything working. But the one thing that is bugging me is that the wick line(min,max) is blue (the default MSChart color). I can't find any option to change this.
Does anyone know what it is?

Assuming you are using Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 You can set any data point color like this...
$Chart.Series["Data"].Points[$index].Color = [System.Drawing.Color]::Red
Where $index is the index of your data point.
If you want to color Max and Min, you have to find them and set the color.
$maxPoint = $Chart.Series["Data"].Points.FindMaxByValue()
$maxPoint.Color = [System.Drawing.Color]::Red
$minPoint = $Chart.Series["Data"].Points.FindMinByValue()
$minPoint.Color = [System.Drawing.Color]::Green
Read this for more detailed explanation.


WinForms chart zooming X-axis labels temporarily disappear when zooming

I have a chart which looks like this:
When I zoom into a section, the labels disappear:
However, I can get the labels back by scrolling all the way to the right and releasing the mouse:
And then when I scroll back to the left, the labels are all visible:
This behaviour is just super weird am I'm completely dumbfounded as to what would cause this, or even how to debug.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I could try to fix this? I'd like the labels to be shown as in the last image, but when first zooming.
It looks like others have had similar issues, so I'm going to try combining several answers I found online to maybe help fix your issue.
John (DevExpress Support) says:
It appears that the AutoLayout feature leads to this issue. Please set the ChartControl.AutoLayout property to False. This should make axis label elements visible.
Valdemar (DevExpress Support) says:
I suggest that you use the Axis2D.ResolveOverlappingOptions properties. Set AllowHide to False:
<dxc:AxisX2D >
<dxc:AxisLabelResolveOverlappingOptions AllowRotate="True" AllowStagger="True" AllowHide="False" />
SharpStatistics says:
The only way I could replicate the problem you describe is by setting the x axis interval to a specific value, say,
area1.AxisX.LabelStyle.Interval = 100;
and then when I zoom in on the chart if the zoomed x axis section is less than 100 I don't see any lables.
loi-se (the OP) replies:
Thanks for your suggestion! But as far as i know i don't set the xaxis labelstyle anywhere, i just use: Chartarea1.AxisX.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.VariableCount
This works fine in the case of the yaxis but the xaxis seems to behave on its own will. Maybe i should renew my .net framework installation and get the latest version of the chart component? Any other suggestions?
This one is for SSRS reports, but I'm assuming it uses the same (or similar library) and supports the link right above this one.
When designing an SSRS Report using Chart you may notice that some of the labels whether in X or Y axis are not being displayed, this is because it’s so smart that it detects what you actually want (not!).
To display all labels follow the steps below:
Right click either the X or Y axis, Click Properties:
Set the Interval to 1:
That's about all I can find that are similar, without spending a bunch more time researching this. Hopefully something here helped!

How to add a progress bar showing the level of a person

I've looked everywhere for a tutorial for this but had no luck.
What I'm trying to do is that lets say if a person has 10/100 XP I want it to show like a image progress bar.
You can make a bar for every one XP. You show them based on what they have. There aren't implemented features for progress bars.
Ill answer my 3 year old question as this post still receives views.
I'd advise using node-canvas as it's the best way to generate a buffered image to send.
Create a canvas (follow the tutorial via the
Set the width to something of your choice (ex. 500px)
Set the height to something of your choice (ex. 20px)
Calculate the percentage of the XP (ex. 10/100 would be .1 or 10%)
Fill the canvas with a height of the canvas, along with a width of the percentage (in decimal) multiplied by the width of your canvas.
Color the canvas that you filled to your choice (Should be prior to filling)
Enjoy your image generated progress bar!

Unable to change ColorPalette property on Telerik Report graph

I'm using the Telerik Reports graph wizard to create a bar chart. Even though I can change the ColorPalette property to GradientPalette and can choose the desired colors, the results are the same flat single color. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help and advice.
The Graph's Color Palette applies gradient coloring on the whole series, not on each of the the data points. I believe you're trying to achieve gradient-colored bars, but this feature is not supported. If in your bar chart you define series groups, then the first bar will be colored using the palette's BeginColor, the last bar will be colored with the palette's EndColor all the bars between them will have solid color, calculated based on their count and offset from the BeginColor towards the EndColor.
The Gradient Palette makes much sense when used in the Choropleth, where the color represents an additional data measure - see a demo here.

How to create pie chart using wpftoolkit with shades of only one colour

I am new to wpf, I am using wpf toolkit to create pie chart. I have created pie chart using wpf toolkit but my problem is that I have to create Pie chart only with a particular color shade. Say for example green, then my pie chart should use shades of green only. Also this assignment of color to pie pieces should be done pro grammatically.
Can anyone please advice how I go about it?
There isn't a simple answer to your question.
You can set the colors manually, or let the framework pick random ones for you.
What you could do, is have a method that takes as an argument the amount of series in your graph, and a color, and returns an array of colors of that color shade.
You'll have to look at how colors work (RGB) and figure out how you want to do that (keep in mind if you have heaps of series, this will not look good).
Have a look at this colorpicker page for a quick understanding of what you're looking for (in shades).
an example going from dark blue to white will have the following values:
and it shouldn't be hard to pick from that array 4 shades for example.
Then you'll have to manually (well, with a for loop, but still, in code) add them to your series.
You can use below code in order to change the shades of the charts.
if you want to change from XAML then use this code:
<chartingToolkit:PieSeries x:Name="piecharts"
ItemsSource="{Binding DepartmentwiseGroupedEmployee}"
<DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="10" BlurRadius="14" Color="Green"/>
or if you want to change from code then use below code:
var shadowEffect = new DropShadowEffect();
shadowEffect.Color = Colors.Green;
shadowEffect.ShadowDepth = 10;
shadowEffect.BlurRadius = 14;
piecharts.Effect = shadowEffect;

How to interpolate between colors for a polygon in Bing Maps

I have a WPF application with the Bing Maps API. What I have is a polygon rendering on many countries as well as real time statistics being display. I'm using this to keep track of where my server traffic is mainly coming from. The project is coming along nicely, but I hit a small roadblock. What I have are polygons that go from green to red and vice versa if there is a change in the statistics. If someone logs off then it would go into the green, if someone logged on it would go into the red. What I'd like to do is given a set number of users, let's say 20, I can gradually change the colors over a period of a second.
An example is 0 would be green and 20 would be red. So 10 would be yellow. With this, is there a way to gradually change colors?
Thanks in advance
There might be a fancy way of doing what you are looking for in xaml, but I imagine it would be a lot easier to to just have the color of the polygon bound to a property in your viewmodel/code-behind and then update the color whenever necessary.
For color interpolation, there is another SO question on it here.
