Please assist to remove last comma from while loop - loops

You're probably assuming this is a duplicate content. It is NOT. I tried all the solutions. Here's the problem.
If you use any solution (substr, rtrim, etc.) inside the while loop, it removes them from each looped item. If you use any solution outside of the while loop, then only the last item of your while loop will show.
Solution inside while loop:
(a,b,c,d,e,) becomes (abcde)
Solution outside while loop:
(a,b,c,d,e,) becomes (e).
Much clarification on this is much appreciated. Thank You for the help! Yes, I've been working on this six hours now. Please help me solve this issue.
Here's my code (without the solution in it):
<script type="text/javascript">
states=new array (<?php $query18 = "SELECT * FROM states ORDER BY state ASC";
$result18 = $db->query($query18);
while ($row18 = $result18->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$states4 = $row18['state'];
$states5 = "\"$states4\",";
echo $states5;
} ?> ); </script>
I am trying to get my list of states (from database) into an array in javascript.

It seems you have not closed closing bracket of array.
Which should be,
states=new array (<?php $query18 = "SELECT * FROM states ORDER BY state ASC"; $result18 = $db->query($query18); ?>);

I don't know much of JavaScript, but you could change your logic as below:
while(there-is-data) {
$states4 = ...
if (first) {
first = 0;
$states5 = $states4;
} else {
$states5 = ","\$states4;
} // while
You concatenate a comma and the new data for all iterations except the first. For the first, you exclude the comma.


Google apps script can't read the 1001'th row from google spreadsheets

The function bellow returns the first empty row on column A.
The sheet became full, I extended it with another 9000 rows, I ran main manually and I got an error, "TypeError: Cannot read property "0" from undefined".
The problem it seems to be that the 1001'th row cannot be read, values[1001] returns nothing, undefined. Am I missing something or am I limited to 1000 rows of data ?
Thank you for reading, here is the code:
function getLastRowNumber(sheetName){
// sheetName: string; returns intege (the last row number based on column A)
var sheet = getSheet(sheetName);
var column = sheet.getRange('A1:A'); // THIS IS THE PROBLEM
var values = column.getValues(); // get all data in one call
var ct = 0;
while (values[ct][0] != "") {
return (ct);
Solution: use .getRange('A:A'); instead of the 'A1:A' notation.
Thank you #tehhowch for the solution.
Posting this answer so people can see it, the solution was provided by #tehhowch.
By using "A:A" as the argument of getRange fixes the problem.

AngularJS Filter expression replacing with variable instead

I have a table object and I want to filter out a particular "index" row using filter function as shown below.
However, $controller.expression is not working out.
IF `$controller.expression = "3";
It would work. But not
$controller.expression = "3,4";
$controller.expression = [3,4];
$scope.dataToBeTransfer = $scope.myDataTable.filter(function (el)
return el.index== $controller.expression;
So how do I solve this issue?
If you're going to use an array you need to loop through to see if el.index is included in the array. This is probably the easiest way to do it from the given code:
$scope.dataToBeTransfer = $scope.myDataTable.filter(function (el) {
return $controller.expression.includes(el.index);

ColdFusion 8 ArrayFind Substitute

I have an array that has a structure of ImageID and Custnum.
I need to find a particular ImageID and retrieve the Custnum for it.
I’m using ColdFusion 8 which does not have an ArrayFind command.
How would I do this without looping through each item? Thanks.
Your question may be answered to a point here "Is there a function similar to ArrayFind from ColdFusion 9 in ColdFusion 8?" but I don't see any other way apart from looping.
You can always create and use an UDF but it would have to use looping.
Why exactly you don't want to use looping anyway? Do you have that many elements in the array? Just remember to use cfbreak after finding your element to stop going through the rest of the array.
Given your situation, I don't think arrayFind() would help you much anyhow, as to find something with arrayFind(), you need to know exactly what you're looking for anyhow. And whilst you know your ImageID, you don't know the Custnum associated with it (hence your underlying problem).
There's nothing native in CF which can help you here, but there's a UDF on CFLib - structFindKeyWithValue() which'll do the trick.
It's written for CF9, but is easily backported to CF8. The modified, CF8-friendly version - is in the example below:
a = [
{ImageID=1, Custnum=1},
{ImageID=2, Custnum=2},
{ImageID=3, Custnum=3},
{ImageID=4, Custnum=4}
testStruct = {a=a};
result = structFindKeyWithValue(testStruct, "ImageID", 2, "ONE");
function structFindKeyWithValue(struct, key, value, scope){
var keyResult = false;
var valueResult = [];
var i = 0;
if (!isValid("regex", arguments.scope, "(?i)one|all")){
throw(type="InvalidArgumentException", message="Search scope #arguments.scope# must be ""one"" or ""all"".");
keyResult = structFindKey(struct, key, "all");
for (i=1; i <= arrayLen(keyResult); i++){
if (keyResult[i].value == value){
arrayAppend(valueResult, keyResult[i]);
if (scope == "one"){
return valueResult;
<cfdump var="#result#">
Note that because it's a stuct function, you need to wrap your data in a struct first. Other than that it's fairly straight fwd.

How can I add strings to array in javascript

I wanna create an array in javascript which looks like this:
My problem is that I don't know how to add the opening and closing square brackets to the start and the end of the output string.
here's my code:
game = new Array();
document.getElementById('name2').value = name;
I tried a few things, but they didn't seem to work and all I got were errors or this output:
How could I add them? Is there a simple array method that I missed and would solve my problem?
Thanks in advance!
It looks like you are trying to set the value of an HTML element to the format you described in your question. However, you are not setting the value of that HTML element to an Array - you are setting it to a string. the .join function outputs a string. If indeed you want the value to be set to a string formatted in the way you described, then you could take advantage of .join, but have to do a little bit in addition to what you are doing:
game = new Array();
game[row]= "[" + matrix[row].join(',') + "]";
document.getElementById('name2').value = name;
If you are using join to create the string, then why not just manually add the brackets?
For example:
document.getElementById('jsvalue').value= '[' + game.join('],[') + ']';

Perl - Search array of words to check for a partial match in any part of an email address

Again, a whole day and I am stuck again.
I need to use an array of words or var that contains forbidden words that cannot appear in an email address.
$baddies = 'smtp mailer sysop';
#baddies = qw(smtp mailer sysop);
#baddies = qw/smtp mailer sysop/;
There are more bad words in the array too, about two dozen.
I am not running the latest version of perl so ~~ and so on are not supported.
I have a loop going on that sends the bands schedule out.
In that loop I need to check to see if the email contains any of those words.
I realize there may be some good emails that contain a match but, that is fine.
I have tried literally dozens of examples after I gave up trying to figure it out.
Latest was:
####FYI## $uaddress is from the foreach $uaddress(#addresses){ loop.
my %params = map { $uaddress => 1 } #baddies;
if(exists($params{$uaddress})) {
print "yep, it's there"; #for testing
push(#failed,"$uaddress is restricted<br />");
But, everything I tried just does not do what I need.
I even tried =~ and so on.
I AM REALLY feeling stupid about now..
I need another lesson here folks.. Thanks in advance.
Update: I also tried:
$baddies = 'smtp mailer sysop';
my #baddies = split / /, $baddies;
# iterate through the array
foreach (#baddies) {
if($_ =~ $uaddress) #I also reversed that {
print qq~$uaddress contains $_~;
Through trial, error and dumb luck, I haphazardly got this below to work:
foreach $uaddress(#addressList) {
$uaddress =~ s/\s//g;
#baddies = qw(smtp mailer sysop);
my #failed;
foreach (#baddies) {
if($uaddress =~ m/$_/i) {
push(#failed,"$uaddress is restricted because it found \"$_\" in the address<br />");
##stuff happens with emails that passed like Email::Verify
