Angular-ui-grid initialization - angularjs

I have a search button that triggers Ajax request to fetch data from DB. When the promise is resolved I populate The grid is rendered in the screen.
I make some changes in the grid, like hide some columns, enter something into the header filters, change sort order etc.. When I hit the search button again, the data is fetched again and grid is updated with that data but the grid layout remains as is, all the the changes I made earlier in place..
I need to intialize the grid every time I hit search button... I tried redefining gridoptions.columnDefs but that didn't work..
Suggestions please.

$scope.gridoptions = {} as the first line in the search function, instead of just clearing the columnDefs.


ExtJS Grid roweditor still dirty after grid save and store reload

I'm using ExtJS 5.1.3, I have a grid which is loaded from a store which has a model. The grid is set to use plugin roweditor, so I edit a cell and give it a new value, at this point the red tick is shown that the cell has been changed.
I have a Save button which when clicked gets the store.getModifiedRecords() and passes these off to a ajax request, upon success of this request a few things happen and the last action I do is to load the grid store again which then populates the grid again with the latest version of the data, this is fine and seems to be working as expected.
As this is a multi page application I also have a check when a user navigates away from this page, this is to catch any unsaved grid changes, so basically I get any form from the page and verify the isDirty() value, this is where I am finding my issue, the roweditor is being returned as dirty, this is because some columns have an editor and ExtJS uses form validation on these fields,
I can't understand why the store loading again has not cleared any dirty fields associated with the grid columns? I've tried a number of things such as clearing the store prior to ajax request along with refreshing the grid view, I've tried committing the store changes prior to doing the ajax request but each time I try navigate away from the page after a grid save I pick up the roweditor as having dirty fields :( any help is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: managed to replicate on a simple fiddle
The fiddle is basic, to replicate follow these steps;
edit first row age, change age to 13
click Save (i'm forcing the store to load data which has the change we've made)
click 'Check roweditor is Dirty() value' button to see the value of the roweditor isDirty() function, this will return true
if you look at the button handler, you can drill into forms[0].items.items[2] and see that this field has dirty: true which is why isDirty() is returning true.
As explained in accepted answer, the roweditor is not affected by the store edit/cancel or load in my case. What I did when clicking on 'Save' was to get the grid, then the editor and it's form and called reset() on this so effectively sync everything again.
you can also get access to plugins via grid.getPlugins() which returns an arrary
updated fiddle to show it working
During the editing process grid will eventually call loadRecord on the editor's form. However the editor's form is not cleared upon editing success or canceling. That is why your check for dirtyness returns false.
Grid reloading the data is not destroying the editors. It is an optimisation. Editors are created only once and they are destroyed along with the grid.
I'll try to answer regarding to an experience of mine with an all ExtJS desktop application.
By the way looking quickly over your description, you may have to call the Store.sync() method that refreshes your store.
Looking more deeply, there are many way to make CRUD using ExtJs.
I've been made using the "instance" of store but at certain point I had to change it to static calls like etc. That makes you have only one instance of the store avoiding dirty data.
Here's my project folder if you need

How to refresh UI-Grid layout after reloading data

I have a problem with Angular UI-Grid ( Grid is implemented in modal window that appears after user clicks button.
Service works that way: User selects data set to prepare and clicks button. After clicking button website sends request to rest service to receive data. After receiving data modal with table is shown. Columns count depends on data requested by user.
The problem is that after user changes columns width and close modal with this table UI-Grid 'remembers' this column width that user left. If then user will select another set of data I am cleaning GridOptions object and fill it once again after data is received. The problem is that row width stays in previous state.
I tried so far:
using apis core.refresh() method - while debugging I can see that this
method fires some event but no effect on my grid,
remove whole DOM node and append it again before receiving response with new data
various different hacks trying to use many methods found inside grid api - no success at all.
I am sorry that I am unable to reproduce this in any fiddle but it would be really difficult I am afraid to match my case.
Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks
ps. it also applies to my another table where user can pin and hide columns. Pinned/hidden columns remains hidden/pinned after receiving brand new data. And it is not cool.
Once you set the data to the grid, you should be calling this -
gridApi.core.notifyDataChange( uiGridConstants.dataChange.ALL)
From the docs,
Notifies us that a data change has occurred, used in the public api
for users to tell us when they've changed data or some other event
that our watches cannot pick up
notifyDataChange tells the framework that one of the options or columnDefs has been changed.
Checkout this thread

Angular UI-Grid: Clear All Filters with external filtering doesn't refresh rows

I'm using the external filtering and paging features of angular-ui-grid (v3.0.7) to filter and display my data. When I click on the built-in "Clear All Filters" button the filter text boxes get cleared but the data doesn't refresh, which should take me back to my original data set before it got filtered.
Before I updated to v3.0.7, I had my own custom button to clear the filters which, when clicked, called my own function that called the gridApi.grid.clearAllFilters and then pulled the data again so my data would be back the way it was before it got filtered.
Can I get this built-in "Clear All Filters" button to do somehow do the same thing or can I at least hide this button so that I can add my custom button back?
Okay I figured out my issue. I had changed the code so that the calls to the server wouldn't happen until the user clicked the Enter key, instead of each character they typed. This prevented the Clear All Filters button from doing it's job. I've since removed the logic to check for the Enter key and all's well now.

ExtJS4 gridPanel data not showing

I've made this very simple jsfiddle to show you this abnormal behaviour
In my application i'm using the same methods i've written here, .loadRawData() on the store, cause .loadData() doesn't fire the 'load' event.
I'm filling the store manually cause i've to filter some JSON data, compile it, and then insert to this store.
Anyway the problem doesn't seem to be in the store, since the Grid gets populated, you can click on 2 rows, but the data isn't displayed!
There was a typo in the dataIndex properties in your columns. Required a capital 'I'
Grid Panel with Store example!/api/Ext.grid.Panel
Fixed code

How to dynamically change pagination urls in ExtJS?

I have two data grids. The first auto-loads a list of items (json data store). OnCellClick the first grid fires a dynamically parametrized url and loads data into the second grid. It works fine, but the pagination of the second grid does not focus the new context.
What shall I do to make the pagination work with the new url?
hm your pagination and second grid (which is the one to be dynamical) should share the same store, now on cell click you should only reconfigure the store and start loading it.
if you do like this both grid and pagination will work just fine...
i think currently your paginations uses another sotre (another instance or something) but it MUST use the same store as the second grid...
Not sure what you exactly mean with "does not focus the new context", but are you passing the start and limit parameters to the second grid in the params array of the jsonStore.load call?
If you just want to focus the grid on certain row, you can use focusRow method of GridView.
Perhaps you could post a code example if this did not help?
