Comparing two Sybase databases - sybase

Sybase server of my product is going to be upgraded from version 12 to 15.
I am looking for a script to take a snapshot of the server before upgrade and then after upgrade, with an aim to quickly compare and assure myself that all the tables / indices / views / stored procs / users and permissions are there.
I am a dev (and not a DBA) and I will have only a command line access to production server (which is a Solaris box).
Thanks for help.

A really low tech answer, but this should work. Get the following information from both the Sybase servers and check that they match. A quick CSV compare, maybe?
-- Compare name of all tables, views and triggers.
SELECT, ob.type FROM sysobjects ob WHERE ob.type in ('U', 'V', 'TR') ORDER BY
-- Compare name of stored procs
SELECT FROM sysobjects ob WHERE ob.type ="P" ORDER BY
-- Compare list of all columns of all table and views.
select,, c.type, c.length, c.prec, c.scale
from sysobjects ob, syscolumns c
where ob.type in ('U','V') and
order by

Create a view on sysobjects like this: CREATE VIEW myview as SELECT name, user_name(uid) as objectowner, type from sysobjects order by 1,2,3
Then do a BCP-out from the view:
bcp yourdb..myview out myfile.txt -Usa -Pyourpaswd -SYOURSERVER -c
Do this before and after the upgrade and do a 'diff' between the files.


SQL Server Management Studio - history of commands run

I have previously altered a table, added a column and modify a stored procedure.
I do not remember exactly which table and which stored procedure,
is there some log in sql management studio about what changes were done in a particular DB?
I have tried what is described here How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio but i have not found the changes made to the DB
There's a few ways that you can get this information. Firstly you could try the standard reports --> Schema Changes History.
The information for this comes from:
SELECT AS Category
, AS EventCaptured
, AS ColumnCaptured
FROM fn_trace_geteventinfo(1) AS a
INNER JOIN sys.trace_events AS b
ON a.eventid = b.trace_event_id
INNER JOIN sys.trace_columns AS c
ON a.columnid = c.trace_column_id
INNER JOIN sys.trace_categories AS cat
ON b.category_id = cat.category_id
ORDER BY Category, EventCaptured, ColumnCaptured
Alternatively, query sys.traces to find the location of the default trace and feed this into fn_trace_gettable as per below.
FROM fn_trace_gettable
('C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\log.trc', default)
You can use Security\Server Audit Specification and enable DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP audit on your database.
Use following reference in order to use SQL Server server audit.
Create a Server Audit and Server Audit Specification
You can use the modify_date column in sys.objects table
WHERE Modify_Date BETWEEN <date_of_modification> AND <date_of_modification> + 1
and then you can try to narrow it down.
You can be even more specific and run the query for just tables and stored procedures.
FROM SYS.objects
WHERE TYPE IN ('IT', 'S', 'U', 'P', 'PC', 'X')
AND modify_date BETWEEN '10-Jun-2014' AND '11-Jun-2014'
I develop SSMSBoost add-in for SSMS and we have "Executed Query history" there. All actions are logged with timestamp, connection information and execution result. This will certainly only work, if you do all changes from SSMS with SSMSBoost installed. If someone will perform changes from other machine you will not see them, until he uses SSMSBoost as well and you share execution history.

Where are views stored in SQL Server

I'm a SQL Server newbie. I've tried foraging around on the web for a while but could not get my question answered. Can anyone please tell me where exactly is a view stored in SQL server 2008 database?
The pedantic answer to your question is... only Microsoft knows exactly where view metadata is physically stored. In the move from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 (on which 2008 is based) MS got rid of direct access to system tables where views used to be literally stored (dbo.sysviews and dbo.syscomments) and added a layer of abstraction (via the hidden resources database) which means you can only access meta data about views via catalog views. INFORMATION_SCHEMA is an ANSI compliant set of catalog views. While marginally useful for their relative portability between versions, often more information is available from the sql 2008 catalog views - in this case sys.views and sys.sql_modules
Be aware that views can be created with the ENCRYPTION option set which encrypts the sys.comments record(s) that contain the SQL definition of the view. But if not encrypted, then sp_helptext [MyView] will give you a quick look at the definition.
edited as per 1st comment below, to replace "sys.comments" with "sys.sql_modules"
Note: Based on this post, is very likely that the definition of views are stored (also) in sys.sysobjvalues system table.
The list of all user T-SQL modules (within SQL Server 2008) can be queried using sys.sql_modules system view (link). Here, you can find the definitions of user views (column definition):
SELECT QUOTENAME('.'+QUOTENAME( AS full_object_name,
FROM sys.sql_modules m
JOIN sys.objects o ON m.object_id=o.object_id
JOIN sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id=s.schema_id
WHERE o.type='V' -- only view objects
ORDER BY full_object_name
If you run EXEC sp_helptext 'sys.sql_modules' you will get the source code of this system view:
CREATE VIEW sys.sql_modules AS
SELECT object_id =,
definition = object_definition(,
uses_ansi_nulls = sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x40000), -- OBJMOD_ANSINULLS
uses_quoted_identifier = sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x80000), -- OBJMOD_QUOTEDIDENT
is_schema_bound = sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x20000), -- OBJMOD_SCHEMABOUND
uses_database_collation = sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x100000), -- OBJMOD_USESDBCOLL
is_recompiled = sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x400000), -- OBJMOD_NOCACHE
null_on_null_input = sysconv(bit, o.status & 0x200000), -- OBJMOD_NULLONNULL
execute_as_principal_id = x.indepid
FROM sys.sysschobjs o
LEFT JOIN sys.syssingleobjrefs x ON x.depid = AND x.class = 22 AND x.depsubid = 0 -- SRC_OBJEXECASOWNER
WHERE o.pclass <> 100
AND ((o.type = 'TR' AND has_access('TR',,, o.nsclass) = 1)
OR (type IN ('P','V','FN','IF','TF','RF','IS') AND has_access('CO', = 1)
OR (type IN ('R','D') AND = 0))
You can see that this view queries another system object sys.sysschobjs that, I think, is the system table used to store definition of views.
Note 1: Using INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS to find definition of a view is not a reliable method because INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS.VIEW_DEFINITION column definition is convert(nvarchar(4000), object_definition(object_id)) (max. 4000 chars).
Note 2: Instead, you should use sys.sql_modules.definition column: definition = object_definition( If you look at object_definition function (link) you will see that return type is nvarchar(max).
If you mean the tables the view produces then the answer is that they aren't stored at all. A view is just a query, and that is all it stores. When you query a view the db engine just fetches your view query's results and then queries those.
DB engines can store 'materialized' views, but that's a different topic.
In a system table.
The following query will retrieve them...
VIEW_DEFINITION as ViewDefinition
To view edit them normally you would look in the view folder under tables in studio manager.
You can create/edit them from this folder using the designer or write scripts.
View is a simple SQL statement that is stored in database schema (INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Views). So when ever we call the view the SQL statement gets executed and return the rows from main physical table.
You can also tell the view as a Logical table that store the defination (the sql statement) but not the result.
You can see the defination using below statement, as said by Dan above, Only if the view defination is Not encrypted:
More details on View # MSDN.

How to stop stored procs from whining about a missing column that I am about to delete in SQL Server 2008?

I am deleting a column from one of the frequently used tables in my database.
Last time I did this errors started to crawl up from all sorts of stored procs that I had long forgotten existed; complaining about the missing column. (only when that stored proc was called)
so, I dont want to get winded up with these things again, I want to make sure all stored procs are free of that column before I actually delete it.
What is the best way to search through all stored procs (and I have quite a lot of them) and remove the reference to that column?
I tried to find an option in the menu to do this but I did not find anything very obvious to do this.
any help, (other than telling me to go through them all one by one) is appreciated.
ps: of course, doesnt mean that I will depreciate your comment if you do tell me. I will only downvote :P
(nah, just kidding!)
To add to the various TSQL solutions, there is a free tool from Red Gate that integrates into SSMS: SQL Search
Use this script. It will also return triggers. If many tables has column with the same name you can add tale name to the where too. This script works on MSSQL 2000, 2005. I haven't tested it on 2008, but it should work fine too.
FROM sysobjects o
INNER JOIN syscomments c ON =
WHERE c.text like '%column_name%'
Edit: If you want to filter it only to store procedures add AND type ='P' to the where clause
Red Gate Software's SQL Prompt 5 has a couple of new features that might be useful in this situation:
Column Dependencies: hover over a column name in a script and up pops a window containing a list of all the objects that use that column
Find Invalid Objects: show objects across the database that can't be used, often because they use columns that have been deleted
You can download a 14-day free trial to see if the tool would be useful for you.
Paul Stephenson
SQL Prompt Project Manager
Red Gate Software
You can use Dependence option for that table to find the Dependent object or list of Procedure or function which are depend on this table.
Use below script
sp_depends 'TableName'
another option is create script for that column containing but that will filter all the text in the procedure or function.
EDIT: sorry, my bad. here's the code for searching within the stored procedure's code
The following stored procedure should be able to list all the stored procedures whose text contain the desired string (so, place your column name in it and fire away):
#StringToSearch varchar(100)
SET #StringToSearch = '%' +#StringToSearch + '%'
SELECT Distinct SO.Name
FROM sysobjects SO (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN syscomments SC (NOLOCK) on SO.Id = SC.ID
AND SO.Type = 'P'
AND SC.Text LIKE #stringtosearch
exec Find_Text_In_SP 'desired_column_name'
Source here
If you use MS SQL later than version 2000, it's better to search sys.sql_modules rather than sys.syscomments, since syscomments only hold records of nvarchar(4000), and the text you are looking for may be split into two records.
So while you can use a query like this from MSDN
SELECT sm.object_id, OBJECT_NAME(sm.object_id) AS object_name, o.type, o.type_desc, sm.definition
FROM sys.sql_modules AS sm
JOIN sys.objects AS o ON sm.object_id = o.object_id
WHERE sm.definition like '%' + #ColumnName + '%'
ORDER BY o.type;
you should be aware that this search finds any procedure containing that text, regardless of whether it is an actual column name and which table the column belongs to.

How can I get a list of all of the user databases via t-sql?

I want to get a list of all of the user databases from an mssql server instance. What's the best way to do this?
I know I can select from sys.databases, but I don't see any way to filter out system databases besides hardcoding a list of names to exclude.
I need the script to work on 2000/2005 and 2008.
If the approach I listed above is the only way to go, what are list of names I should exclude? I don't know if 2005 or 2008 added any new system databases off the top of my head.
Was looking in to this again today and decided to profile what Management Studio was doing to populate the Object Explorer details.
Turns out the solution Microsoft have implemented is pretty simplistic and boils down to the following:
FROM master.sys.databases
WHERE Cast(CASE WHEN name IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb') THEN 1 ELSE is_distributor END As bit) = 0
Please note that this was performed using SSMS 2008R2 (10.50.4033.0).
The first query will return a table with data regarding all of the databases on the instance:
Select *
From sys.databases
From this table you'll notice you can narrow down the scope of data you're looking for by using the WHERE clause. For example, the following queries will essentially return the same result table (the one you're most likely looking for):
Select *
From sys.databases
Where database_id > 5
Select *
From sys.databases
Where len(owner_sid)>1
These queries will work in SQL Server 2008 and 2012.
On SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, looks like I cannot reliably use any of the above methods. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA only shows me information in the current database, db_id (database_id) #5 is my first user database, and owner_sid on two of my user databases on one of my mirrored databases (running on SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard) shows owner_sid = 1 for my two most recently created databases. (PablolnNZ's comment above is correct: I did not set an explicit owner for those two databases so it still shows as having an owner of 'sa'.)
The only reliable means I was able to use was the following:
SELECT name FROM sys.databases
WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', 'Resource')
This works in 2005, not 100% sure about the other versions but I think it will fly. It's a bit of a hack but might get you what you need:
select * from sys.databases where len(owner_sid)>1
As nasty as it sounds to hardcode things. The names and number of system databases has been fairly consistent for several versions of SQL. However, if that is too unpleasant you could semi-hardcode them into a table and then plug that into your query.
Not sure if you can offhand. One note -- on 2k you'll have to use master.dbo.sysdatabases and not master.sys.databases (which doesn't exist in 2k).
Starting with SQL Server 2008 you have access to a view called sys.databases which when joined with sys.server_principals can eliminate the databases owned by sa, which you can (most often) safely discern are the "system databases". Thus, allowing you to filter these items out.
sys.databases d
sys.server_principals p
on p.sid = d.owner_sid
where <> 'sa';

How can I get the definition (body) of a trigger in SQL Server?

Unable to find a SQL diff tool that meets my needs, I am writing my own. Between the INFORMATION_SCHEMA and sys tables, I have a mostly-complete working version. But one thing I can't find in the metadata is the definition of a trigger, you know, the actual SQL code. Am I overlooking something?
Thanks, Pete, I didn't know about that!
Scott, I'm working with very basic hosting packages that don't allow remote connections to the DB. I don't know from the specs on RedGate (which I can't afford anyway) whether they provide a workaround for that, and although there are also API's out there (such as the one from Apex), I didn't see the point in investing in a solution that was still going to require more programming on my part. :)
My solution is to drop an ASPX page on the site that acts as a kind of "schema service", returning the collected metadata as XML. I set up a little AJAX app that compares any number of catalog instances to a master and shows the diffs. It's not perfect, but a major step forward for me.
Thanks again!
sp_helptext works to get the sql that makes up a trigger.
The text column in the syscomments view also contains the sql used for object creation.
DB_NAME() AS DataBaseName,
dbo.SysObjects.Name AS TriggerName,
dbo.sysComments.Text AS SqlContent
dbo.SysObjects INNER JOIN
dbo.sysComments ON
dbo.SysObjects.ID = dbo.sysComments.ID
(dbo.SysObjects.xType = 'TR')
dbo.SysObjects.Name = '<YourTriggerName>'
For 2005 and 2008 you can use the OBJECT_DEFINITION() function
To expand on SQLMenace's answer, here's a simple query to return all triggers and their definitions from a database:
SELECT AS trigger_name,
OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj) AS table_name,
OBJECT_DEFINITION(id) AS trigger_definition
FROM sysobjects
WHERE sysobjects.type = 'TR'
you have various ways to view SQL Server trigger definition.
querying from a system view:
SELECT definition
FROM sys.sql_modules
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('trigger_name');
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj) [table name],
NAME [triger name],
FROM sysobjects
WHERE xtype = 'TR'
AND name = 'trigger_name';
definition using OBJECT_DEFINITION function:
SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID('trigger_name')) AS trigger_definition;
definition using sp_helptext stored procedure:
EXEC sp_helptext
this query return trigger with its name and body.
[tgr].[name] as [trigger name],
[tbl].[name] as [table name] ,
from sysobjects tgr
join sysobjects tbl
on tgr.parent_obj =
WHERE tgr.xtype = 'TR'
