Generate icons, and its properties, dynamically using controllers - angularjs

I'm using angularJs 1.3 with Angular Material Design 0.8.3 and I have a page that has a toolbar on the top <md-toolbar class="md-whiteframe-glow-z2 md-default-theme"> where I'm trying to put some icons dynamically. The page has some crud's and each crud has it own controller. The case is, each crud must have it specific icons at the toolbar, I'm trying to specify it through the controllers but I have no idea how can I write this cuz each icon should have it owns properties (the href link, the action function etc). Someone know if its possible to apply this idea (control the icons that will appears in the screen per crud via controllers)?


How to implement dynamic ons-tab with ons-lazy repeat

Onsen UI: v2.0.1
AngularJS: 1.5.9
I am building an Android and IOS application that requires dynamic tabs (ons-tab) like in native applications. The content in each tabs can be up to a hundred items. So I want to use ons-lazy-repeat for the ons-tab content to minimize memory consumptions. How do I go about achieving this (dynamic tabs and ons-lazy-repeat ) with Onsen UI. I have searched online and I couldn’t see any solution.
Thank you!
The ons-lazy-repeat component is described in detail in the documentation.
Dynamic tabs can easily be achieved by using the ng-repeat clause of AngularJS. If you don't want to load the content of each tab right at the beginning, you have multiple options like ng-if or ng-include to make sure that only the content of the current visible tab is loaded. You may access and check the visibility of the $index variable that is available in the ng-repeats scope to do so.
See this post how this may be done. Onsen offers a tabbar and tab components which will work the same way as the tab div's in the questions answer.

Opening a pop up from angularjs partial page

I have an AngualarJS app that has an index page and some partial pages, displayed in ui-view. The app is using ui-routing. I have a button on the header (located on the index page) and on click of that button I want a small pop up open - a page displaying some data from the database, based on currently logged in user. I am trying to decide between opening a windows with and sizing it to about 400x400 but that seems very un-elegant plus I see some issues with opening it. Another option I am entertaining is bootstrap ui modal but that would involve including bootstrap in my project on top of all the angular and routing includes.
Not sure if there is a better way to go, would appreciate any leads.
If you don't want to include bootstrap in your project You may use this one

How to implement header bar on mobile views

I am building a Hybrid Mobile app with Angular 1.4x, Angular Material, UI-Router and Cordova. I am using UI-Router nested views to implement a global sidebar navigation view, but I have been adding the header bar markup to each content view since the title and some of the header action buttons are specific to the content view. This is causing a few problems:
The header bar flickers during navigation since it is being removed and re-rendered with each transition
I am duplicating quite a bit of markup for the header bar over and over including duplication of common buttons shared across all views (like hamburger button, etc).
It is convenient to be able to respond directly to header bar button clicks in the content view controller, but it feels lazy and violates DRY. It seems like the header bar should be a global UI element that provides an interface for content views to customize action buttons. I can't find any good blogs or examples on this.
Wondering how other developers handle this?
Well, you can create a NavBar at the index.html, above the ui-view tag, when you change the view, you'll only change de ui-view tag or you can create a NavBar for each view, in any case, use ng-cloack to prevent this kind of issue.

Implement accordion view for mobile break point grid for bootstrap and angularjs based application

I am using Angularjs and bootstrap for my application. I have multiple sections in my page and each sections has multiple columns. I have used bootstrap grid to show the list of items for tablet and desktops ranges and used "row" for each of my sections and then col- class. Due to default bootstrap grid css, it shows one column display at mobile breakpoints for each sections.
However we want only at mobile breakpoint it should display work as accordion control.
I don't want to use css to hide the markup for tablets and desktop and show mobile markup for accordion. I want to use same markup for all of my breakpoints.
I have gone through the bootstrap accordion control also angular-ui project accordion control, however both require new HTML markup.
How can I use same bootstrap grid based markup to show accordion control at mobile breakpoints. Please also note; I tried to use ":target" css properties however it doesn't seems working fine with angular.
Please also note; I am using single page application and HTML5(true) router.
Please advice.
I was looking and found blog by Mary Lou which seems good solution to implement accordion using css only.
Accordion using CSS Only

Flash --> Angular conversion: How can I have a child inject functionality to the parent?

I'm converting a Flash/Flex application into an angular application.
In flash, I have a header, toolbar above, and navigation to the left. When users click on the navigation, different modules are loaded into the applications main content pane. Most modules support New, Edit, Archive, and Un-archive actions. There are icons in the toolbar that execute the actions.
But there are some modules that support additional actions. In flex, when the child module loads, it loads a new button into the toolbar along with a callback function that will be called when the user clicks on the custom action button. When the module unloads, it removes the button from the toolbar.
So in angular, what could I use to achieve similar functionality? Is this a parent/child scope kind of thing or something else altogether? I'm new to angular and I'm not sure how to approach this problem.
Thanks in advance.
