What is the difference between mov al, byte ptr [esi] and mov al,[num] - masm

I have some code that works properly, but I want to know the difference between
using mov al, byte ptr [esi] and mov al,[num]. Also why do I need to define the pointer variable to dd instead of define db. Here's the code
.model flat, stdcall
.stack 1000h
Sleep proto arg1:dword
printf proto c arg1:ptr byte, printlist:vararg
array db "hello" ,0
pointerByte dd offset array
fmtmsg1 db "%c",0
public main
main proc
mov esi,pointerByte
mov cl,0
push ecx
mov al,byte ptr [esi]
invoke printf,addr fmtmsg1,al
inc esi
pop ecx
inc cl
cmp cl,5
jne repeat_loop
main endp
end main

Given that num is equivalent to the address stored in esi, there is no practical difference between the two.
You need to define the pointer variable with dd (data double) because you are assigning an 32-bit offset. db (data byte) is only for 8-bit assignments. Also, take into consideration that dw (data word) exists.


how do I swap the elements of 2 arrays of different types of the same length?

Not sure if I need a third array to temporarily store values in order to swap contents of arrayA and arrayB. I am a student learning assembly for the first time so please keep it simple.
.model flat,stdcall ; memory system
.stack 4096 ; declare stack memory size 4kb
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
arrayA byte 01d, 04d, 02d ; 8bits
arrayB word 02d, 05d, 05d ; 16bits
main proc
mov EAX, 0
mov EBX, 0
mov ECX, 3
mov EDX, 0
movzx bx, arrayA[ebx]
mov ax, arrayB[ebx]
xchg arrayA[ebx], al
xchg arrayB[ebx], bx
inc ebx
loop L1
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
end main

Simple x86 Assembly Loop- Using PTR

I'm learning x86 assembly and loops are very confusing to me.
For the prompt: "Write a program that uses the variables below and MOV instructions to copy the value from bigEndian to littleEndian, reversing the BYTE order.You will need to use PTR or LABLE to access just a BYTE of the
DWORD element, and use LOOP (set ECX to 4) and ESI and EDI for indirect
My code displays 76993356
Should I be using PTR with bigEndian instead of just looping like this?
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
; declare variables here
bigEndian DWORD 12345678h
littleEndian DWORD 0
main proc
mov ECX, SIZEOF bigEndian
mov EDI, OFFSET littleEndian
mov ESI, OFFSET bigEndian
mov al, [ESI]
mov [EDI], al
inc ESI
dec EDI
loop TOP
mov edx, littleEndian
call WriteHex
main ENDP
END main

Looping backwards in Assembly x86

When you are looping backwards in Assembly x86, what is currently happening in the memory (Can you try to be visual, thanks)? The following code is what I am currently wondering about:
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
arrayb byte 1,2,3,4,5,6 ;6-7 bytes
len dword lengthof arrayb
space byte " ",0
x dword 3
main PROC
mov edx,offset space
mov eax,0 ; clear ecx of garbage
mov ecx, len
mov esi,offset arrayb ; start of the array's memory
add esi,len ;This causes the array value to start at 6
dec esi ; esi goes from esi+5,esi+4,...,esi
mov al,[esi]
call writedec
call writestring
dec esi
loop myloop2
call crlf
In particular, why did I have to add 1 to esi? When you add 1 to the high speed memory transfer register esi, it seems that it causes the array value to start at 6. Why is that?Thank you.

Assembly retrieving buffer to c function parameter

I'm writing an assembly function that will read from IDE through ports.
I'm calling the parameters through x86 base pointer (EBP).
I debugged my kernel.bin (with gdb and qemu) and I that when I'm calling my recv buffer to print, eax will return values like:36h01h10h
IBM Char Table
My disk.asm is divided by read and write. Is it possible that I'm writing it wrong? Is it legal to move directly [ebp+16] to esi (to write)? If I, on read function, move [ebp+16] directly to edi is wrong? I'm using a register poiting to that address and making edi to point to that register:
In my disk.asm, to read the disk I have this:
sub dx, 7 ;dx = 0x1f0
mov ecx, 256
mov edi, bufferrecv
rep insw
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebp+16]
mov [ebx], long word bufferrecv
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
And to write disk:
sub dx, 7 ;dx = 0x1f0
mov ecx, 256
mov esi, [ebp+16]
rep outsw
I'm declaring those functions this way:
extern int _readd(int sector_count, int nmrsector, STRING in_msg);
extern int writed(int sector_count, int nmrsector, STRING out_msg);
The STRING type was declared inside my types.h as char*

Arrays in MASM Assembly (very confused beginner)

I have a pretty basic question:
How do you populate arrays in assembly? In high level programming languages you can use a for-loop to set a value to each index, but I'm not sure of how to accomplish the same thing assembly. I know this is wrong, but this is what I have:
ExitProcess PROTO
warray WORD 1,2,3,4
darray DWORD ?
main PROC
mov edi, OFFSET warray
mov esi, OFFSET darray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF warray
mov ax, [edi] ;i want to move a number from warray to ax
movzx esi,ax ;i want to move that number into darray...
add edi, TYPE warray ;this points to the next number?
loop L1
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
Each time the loop runs, ax will be overwritten with the value of the array's index, right? Instead how do I populate darray with the array elements from warray? Any help would be very much appreciated...I'm pretty confused.
There are more than one way to populate an array and your code is almost working. One way is to use counter in the indirect address so you don't have to modify destination and source array pointers each loop:
ExitProcess PROTO
warray WORD 1,2,3,4
darray DWORD 4 dup (?) ; 4 elements
main PROC
mov edi, OFFSET warray
mov esi, OFFSET darray
xor ecx, ecx ; clear counter
mov ax, [edi + ecx * 2] ; get number from warray
movzx [esi + ecx * 4], ax ; move number to darray
inc ecx ; increment counter
cmp ecx, LENGTHOF warray
jne L1
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
Of course this code could be modified to fill the array backwards to possibly save couple of bytes like you probably meant to do in your original code. Here is another way that has more compact loop:
ExitProcess PROTO
warray WORD 1,2,3,4
darray DWORD 4 dup (?) ; 4 elements
main PROC
mov edi, OFFSET warray
mov esi, OFFSET darray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF warray - 1 ; start from end of array
mov ax, [edi + ecx * 2] ; get number from warray
movzx [esi + ecx * 4], ax ; move number to darray
loop L1
; get and set element zero separately because loop terminates on ecx = 0:
mov ax, [edi]
movzx [esi], ax
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
You should also note that when working with arrays of the same type you can do simple copy very efficiently using repeat prefix with instructions like MOVSD:
ExitProcess PROTO
array1 DWORD 1,2,3,4
array2 DWORD 4 dup (?)
main PROC
mov esi, OFFSET array1 ; source pointer in esi
mov edi, OFFSET array2 ; destination in edi
mov ecx, LENGTHOF array1 ; number of dwords to copy
cld ; clear direction flag so that pointers are increasing
rep movsd ; copy ecx dwords
call ExitProcess
main ENDP
You're probably not "supposed to know" this, but anyway, there were (way back when) an instruction and an instruction prefix that were made to do exactly this.
Take a look here at this Microsoft page: HERE (click on it)
On that page scroll down until you find this phrase...
"...These instructions are remnants of the x86's CISC heritage and in recent processors are actually slower than the equivalent instructions written out the long way...."
What you do is...
Put the size of the array in Ecx
Point Edi at the start of the arry
Use the appropriate string instruction to populate it
The syntax (Masm/Tasm/etc.) will probably look something like this...
Mov Ecx, The_Length_Of_The_Array ;Figure this out somehow
Lea Edi, The_Target_You_Want_To_Fill ;Define this somewhere
Now, if you want to copy from one place to another, do this...
Lea Esi, The_Source_You_Want_To_Copy ;Whatever, define it
Cld ;This is the direction flag, make it inc
Rep Movsb ;Movsb means move byte for byte
Now, if you want to stuff the same value in each byte in the arrray do this...
Mov AL, The_Value_You_Want_To_Stuff ;Define this to your liking
Cld ;This is the direction flag, make it inc
Rep Stosb ;Stosb means store AL into each byte
Again, these instructions are, for reasons others will elucidate, not cool anymore and if you use them you will get cooties or something.
There are also string instructions for comparison, "Scanning", "Loading", and so on. They were once quite useful (and still are, but the "modern" gang today won't admit it) particularly with the Rep prefix added to them.
If this helps, but you need more detail, feel free to ask.
