ngModel and How it is Used - angularjs

I am just getting started with angular and ran into the directive below. I read a few tutorials already and am reading some now, but I really don't understand what "require: ngModel" does, mainly because I have no idea what ngModel does overall. Now, if I am not insane, it's the same directive that provides two way binding (the whole $scope.blah = "blah blah" inside ctrl, and then {{blah}} to show 'blah blah' inside an html element controlled by directive.
That doesn't help me here. Furthermore, I don't understand what "model: '#ngModel' does. #ngModel implies a variable on the parents scope, but ngModel isn't a variable there.
What does "require: ngModel" do?
What does "model : '#ngModel'" do?
*auth is a service that passes profile's dateFormat property (irrelevant to q)
Thanks in advance for any help.
angular.module('app').directive('directiveDate', function($filter, auth) {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: {
model : '#ngModel',
search: '=?search'
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<span>{{ search }}</span>',
link: function($scope) {
$scope.set = function () {
$scope.text = $filter('date')($scope.model, auth.profile.dateFormat );
$ = $scope.text;
$scope.$watch( function(){ return $scope.model; }, function () {
}, true );
//update if locale changes
$scope.$on('$localeChangeSuccess', function () {

ngModel is an Angular directive responsible for data-binding. Through its controller, ngModelController, it's possible to create directives that render and/or update the model.
Take a look at the following code. It's a very simple numeric up and down control. Its job is to render the model and update it when the user clicks on the + and - buttons.
app.directive('numberInput', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
restrict: 'E',
template: '<span></span><button>+</button><button>-</button>',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var span = element.find('span'),
plusButton = element.find('button').eq(0),
minusButton = element.find('button').eq(1);
ngModelCtrl.$render = function(value) {
plusButton.on('click', function() {
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue + 1);
minusButton.on('click', function() {
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue - 1);
function updateValue(value) {
Working Plunker
Since it interacts with the model, we can use ngModelController. To do that, we use the require option to tell Angular we want it to inject that controller into the link function as its fourth argument. Now, ngModelController has a vast API and I won't get into much detail here. All we need for this example are two methods, $render and $setViewValue, and one property, $modelValue.
$render and $setViewValue are two ways of the same road. $render is called by Angular every time the model changes elsewhere so the directive can (re)render it, and $setViewValue should be called by the directive every time the user does something that should change the model's value. And $modelValue is the current value of the model. The rest of the code is pretty much self-explanatory.
Finally, ngModelController has an arguably shortcoming: it doesn't work well with "reference" types (arrays, objects, etc). So if you have a directive that binds to, say, an array, and that array later changes (for instance, an item is added), Angular won't call $render and the directive won't know it should update the model representation. The same is true if your directive adds/removes an item to/from the array and call $setViewValue: Angular won't update the model because it'll think nothing has changed (although the array's content has changed, its reference remains the same).
This should get you started. I suggest that you read the ngModelController documentation and the official guide on directives so you can understand better how this all works.
P.S: The directive you have posted above isn't using ngModelController at all, so the require: 'ngModel' line is useless. It's simply accessing the ng-model attribute to get its value.


Dynamically added directives call formatter instead of parser

I have an usecase where I need to dynamically add directives to an input field, depending on the configuration set in a DB.
It all seemed to work fine, but there were some strange quirks with these input fields.
I discovered that the strange behaviour is caused by the directives calling the formatters when I expect them to call the parsers.
I made a plunker to demonstrate this behaviour.
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.test1 = 'World1';
$scope.test2 = 'World2';
app.directive('test', ['$log', function($log) {
return {
require : 'ngModel',
link : function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
function parse(viewValue) {
console.log('parsing', viewValue);
return viewValue;
function format(viewValue) {
console.log('formatting', viewValue);
return viewValue;
app.directive('variabele', ['$compile', function($compile) {
return {
restrict : 'E',
template : '<div><input ng-model="ngModel" /></div>',
scope : {
ngModel : '='
require: ['ngModel'],
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
var input = angular.element(elm.find("input"));
input.attr('test', '');
It's a bit simplified from what I have to illustrate the problem. There are two input fields. One of which always has the test directive. The other has the variable directive which in turn adds the test directive dynamically.
In reality one or more directives are added which are defined in the database.
When you change the value of the first input field you can see in tghe console that the parser is called, but when you change the value of the second input field you see that the formatter is being called instead. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
EDIT: The original plunker was broken, so i fixed it. They now use a different model for each input field and the second input field correctly uses the variabele directive.
It is the expected behaviour,
Formatters change how model values will appear in the view.
Parsers change how view values will be saved in the model.
In your case, you bind the same value in both directive test and variabele. when you change value in test directive parsers are called ( view -> model) and in variabele it is the other way (model -> view) formatters are called.
for more info: How to do two-way filtering in angular.js?

ngChange fires before value makes it out of isolate scope

//main controller
.controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope){
$scope.loadResults = function (){
// directive
.directive('customSearch', function () {
return {
scope: {
searchModel: '=ngModel',
searchChange: '&ngChange',
require: 'ngModel',
template: '<input type="text" ng-model="searchModel" ng-change="searchChange()"/>',
restrict: 'E'
// html
<custom-search ng-model="searchFilter" ng-change="loadResults()"></custom-search>
Here is a simplified directive to illustrate. When I type into the input, I expect the console.log in loadResults to log out exactly what I have already typed. It actually logs one character behind because loadResults is running just before the searchFilter var in the main controller is receiving the new value from the directive. Logging inside the directive however, everything works as expected. Why is this happening?
My Solution
After getting an understanding of what was happening with ngChange in my simple example, I realized my actual problem was complicated a bit more by the fact that the ngModel I am actually passing in is an object, whose properties i am changing, and also that I am using form validation with this directive as one of the inputs. I found that using $timeout and $eval inside the directive solved all of my problems:
//main controller
.controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope){
$scope.loadResults = function (){
// directive
.directive('customSearch', function ($timeout) {
return {
scope: {
searchModel: '=ngModel'
require: 'ngModel',
template: '<input type="text" ng-model="searchModel.subProp" ng-change="valueChange()"/>',
restrict: 'E',
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, ngModel)
$scope.valueChange = function()
if ($attrs.ngChange) $scope.$parent.$eval($attrs.ngChange);
}, 0);
// html
<custom-search ng-model="searchFilter" ng-change="loadResults()"></custom-search>
The reason for the behavior, as rightly pointed out in another answer, is because the two-way binding hasn't had a chance to change the outer searchFilter by the time searchChange(), and consequently, loadResults() was invoked.
The solution, however, is very hacky for two reasons.
One, the caller (the user of the directive), should not need to know about these workarounds with $timeout. If nothing else, the $timeout should have been done in the directive rather than in the View controller.
And two - a mistake also made by the OP - is that using ng-model comes with other "expectations" by users of such directives. Having ng-model means that other directives, like validators, parsers, formatters and view-change-listeners (like ng-change) could be used alongside it. To support it properly, one needs to require: "ngModel", rather than bind to its expression via scope: {}. Otherwise, things would not work as expected.
Here's how it's done - for another example, see the official documentation for creating a custom input control.
scope: true, // could also be {}, but I would avoid scope: false here
template: '<input ng-model="innerModel" ng-change="onChange()">',
require: "ngModel",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls){
var ngModel = ctrls; // ngModelController
// from model -> view
ngModel.$render = function(){
scope.innerModel = ngModel.$viewValue;
// from view -> model
scope.onChange = function(){
Then, ng-change just automatically works, and so do other directives that support ngModel, like ng-required.
You answered your own question in the title! '=' is watched while '&' is not
Somewhere outside angular:
input view value changes
next digest cycle:
ng-model value changes and fires ng-change()
ng-change adds a $viewChangeListener and is called this same cycle.
ngModel.js#L714 and ngChange.js implementation.
At that time $scope.searchFilter hasn't been updated. Console.log's old value
next digest cycle:
searchFilter is updated by data binding.
UPDATE: Only as a POC that you need 1 extra cycle for the value to propagate you can do the following. See the other anwser (#NewDev for a cleaner approach).
.controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout){
$scope.loadResults = function (){

AngularJS : Child input directive needs to compile in the scope of its parent for ng-model to bind

We have a contact form we use in many applications. There are many default values, validation rules, structure, etc, that are repeated. We're working on a set of directives in order to make the view more semantic and less verbose.
There are a few targets we're shooting for.
Defining the contact form model once in a parent directive like this: <div my-form model='formModel'>. Associated children directives would be able to get the base model from the model attribute.
Supply the default configuration (size, validation rules, placeholders, classes, etc) for each input, but allow the possibility for attributes to be overwritten if necessary. Thus, we are creating child directives using the my-form directive's controller for communication. We also want these child directives to bind to the application controller's model formModel.
I'm having some trouble with implementing this.
formModel is exposed through the parent directive's controller, but I'm having to manually $compile the child directive using scope.$parent in the link function. This seems smelly to me, but if I try to use the child directive's scope the compiled HTML contains the correct attribute (it's visible in the source), but it isn't bound to the controller and it doesn't appear on any scope when inspected with Batarang. I'm guessing I'm adding the attribute too late, but not sure how to add the attribute earlier.
Although I could just use ng-model on each of the child directives, this is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I want the resulting view to be very clean, and having to specify the model names on every field is repetitive and error-prone. How else can I solve this?
Here is a jsfiddle that has a working but "smelly" setup of what I'm trying to accomplish.
angular.module('myApp', []).controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.formModel = {
name: 'foo',
email: ''
.directive('myForm', function () {
return {
replace: true,
transclude: true,
scope: true,
template: '<div ng-form novalidate><div ng-transclude></div></div>',
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.model = $attrs.myModel;
this.getModel = function () {
return $scope.model;
.directive('myFormName', function ($compile) {
return {
require: '^myForm',
replace: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs, parentCtrl) {
var modelName = [parentCtrl.getModel(),].join('.'),
template = '<input ng-model="' + modelName + '">';
There is a much simpler solution.
Working Fiddle Here
Parent Form Directive
First, establish an isolated scope for the parent form directive and import the my-model attribute with 2-way binding. This can be done by specifying scope: { model:'=myModel'}. There really is no need to specify prototypical scope inheritance because your directives make no use of it.
Your isolated scope now has the 'model' binding imported, and we can use this fact to compile and link child directives against the parent scope. For this to work, we are going to expose a compile function from the parent directive, that the child directives can call.
.directive('myForm', function ($compile) {
return {
replace: true,
transclude: true,
scope: { model:'=myModel'},
template: '<div ng-form novalidate><div ng-transclude></div></div>',
controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
this.compile = function (element) {
Child Field Directive
Now its time to setup your child directive. In the directive definition, use require:'^myForm' to specify that it must always reside within the parent form directive. In your compile function, add the ng-model="model.{id attribute}". There is no need to figure out the name of the model, because we already know what 'model' will resolve to in the parent scope. Finally, in your link function, just call the parent controller's compile function that you setup earlier.
.directive('myFormName', function () {
return {
require: '^myForm',
scope: false,
compile: function (element, attrs) {
element.attr('ng-model', 'model.' +;
return function(scope, element, attrs, parentCtrl) {
This solution is minimal with very little DOM manipulation. Also it preserves the original intent of compiling and linking input form fields against the parent scope, with as little intrusion as possible.
It turns out this question has been asked before (and clarified) here, but never answered.
The question was also asked on the AngularJS mailing list, where the question WAS answered, although the solution results in some smelly code.
Following is Daniel Tabuenca's response from the AngularJS mailing list changed a bit to solve this question.
.directive('foo', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
priority: 9999,
terminal: true, //Pause Compilation to give us the opportunity to add our directives
link: function postLink (scope, el, attr, parentCtrl) {
// parentCtrl.getModel() returns the base model name in the parent
var model = [parentCtrl.getModel(),].join('.');
attr.$set('ngModel', model);
// Resume the compilation phase after setting ngModel
$compile(el, null /* transclude function */, 9999 /* maxPriority */)(scope);
First, the myForm controller is instantiated. This happens before any pre-linking, which makes it possible to expose myForm's variables to the myFormName directive.
Next, myFormName is set to the highest priority (9999) and the property of terminal is set true. The devdocs say:
If set to true then the current priority will be the last set of directives which will execute (any directives at the current priority will still execute as the order of execution on same priority is undefined).
By calling $compile again with the same priority (9999), we resume directive compilation for any directive of a lower priority level.
This use of $compile appears to be undocumented, so use at your own risk.
I'd really like a nicer pattern for follow for this problem. Please let me know if there's a more maintainable way to achieve this end result. Thanks!

Manipulating DOM in directive, now what?

I have made a directive (inline-edit) and manipulated the DOM in the compile function, but how can I make the other directives that I have added to work? I guess I need to compile it, but how? See my jsfiddle here:
ng-click does not work as it is, but the strange thing is, why do ng-bind work? You can see that it does work if you unhide the textarea in dev tools.
angular.module('MyApp', [], function($compileProvider){
$compileProvider.directive("inlineEdit", function($compile, $q){
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: true,
controller: function($scope){
$scope.editMode = true;
$ = function(){
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs){
.attr("ng-hide", "editMode")
.attr("ng-click", "editMode=!editMode")
.after("<textarea ng-show=\"editMode\" ng-model=\""+tAttrs.ngBind+"\"></textarea><button ng-click=\"save()\">Save</button>");
//var scopeResolver = $q.defer();
return function(scope, element, attrs, controller){
.controller("UserAdminCtrl", function($scope){
$scope.data_copy = {
user: {
user_id: 'sevaxahe',
comment: 'test'
It looks like your directive is conflicting with the ng-bind, I don't really know why, but the question I asked myself looking at your code was : Wouldn't it be easier using a template and a custon attribute for the model (instead of ng-bind) ?
And the answer is yes !
Actually that's just my opinion, but here is what I did by modifying your code
I let you have a look, I had to change some parts (the ng-click doesn't work well on the textarea so I put this behavior on the Save button) but I think this is almost what you wanted. On code side, I modified the HTML to avoid calling ng-bind, using a custom scope variable which will be caught in the directive :
<span inline-edit ff="data_copy.user.comment">First</span>
On the directive side, I got rid of all the compile/controller stuff, and I added a template
return {
restrict: "A",
template:'<div><span ng-hide="editMode" ng-click="editMode=!editMode">{{aModel}}</span><textarea ng-show="editMode" ng-model="aModel"></textarea> <button ng-click="save()">{{getLabel()}}</button></div>',
scope: {aModel:'=ff'},
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
scope.editMode = true; = function(){
return "Save";
return "Change";
Why ? The template, because angular will compile it itself without any intervention.
I added replace:true to replace the line, but it's optionnal
The scope part is more important. scope: {'=ff'} tells angular that I want to use an isolated scope, and I want the scope.aModel value to be bound with the ff variable passed in the HTML.
The '=' means that the modifications will be evaluated from the parent scope, and every modification will be reflected in the parent and in the directive
I replaced your controller and your compile function (no element to compile, and adding function can be done here instead of a dedicated controller) by a linking function containing the functions needed. As I said before, I added the editMode change behavior to the Save button, so I added a bit more code, but it's not the main point, I think you may have to change things here to reflect your expected behavior
I hope this will help you, as I don't really answer your question, but I think you could also explore this way

Angularjs + kendoui dropdownlist

I have this directive
angular.module('xxx', [
.directive('qnDropdown', [
function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {
scope.$watch(attr.qnDropdown, function(source) {
var model = $parse(attr.ngModel);
dataTextField: "Name",
dataValueField: "ID",
value: attr.value,
select: function(e) {
var item = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
scope.$apply(function() {
model.assign(scope, item.value);
//template: '<strong>${ data.Name }</strong><p>${ data.ID }</p>',
dataSource: source
Input field is
<input qn:dropdown="locations" ng:model="installation.LocationID" value="{{installation.LocationID}}" />
EVerything works fine but initial value for kendoDropDownList is not filled (value: attr.value).
I suppose I am doing something at wrong place or time but not sure what?
You probably need to use $observe:
Use $observe to observe the value changes of attributes that contain interpolation (e.g. src="{{bar}}"). Not only is this very efficient but it's also the only way to easily get the actual value because during the linking phase the interpolation hasn't been evaluated yet and so the value is at this time set to undefined. -- docs, see section Attributes.
Here's an example where I used $observe recently. See also #asgoth's answer there, where he uses $watch, but he also created an isolate scope.
I'm still not clear on when we need to use $observe vs when we can use $watch.
Are you sure {{installation.LocationID}} has a value you expect? I was able to copy-paste your code with some tweaks for my situation and the dropdownlist is working wonderfully (thank you for doing the hard work for me!). I'm populating value on the input field and when the directive executes, attr.value has it and Kendo shows it as expected. Perhaps this was an Angular issue a couple versions ago?
I had the same problem, the attr.value was empty. The problem was related to an $http async call being made to get the data. The scope data was not yet populated when the dropdownlist was being defined in the directive.
I fixed this by watching attr.ngModel instead of attr.qnDropdown in the link function of the directive. This way the dropdownlist gets defined when the scope data is populated.
