How to use Selenium WebDriver to find Firefox add-ons warning dialog - selenium-webdriver

I am testing downloading and installing an add-on that our company makes. I can add the domain to the Firefox profile whitelist to eliminate the first dialog, but then FF displays a second one that says "Install add-ons only from authors whom you trust". I can't find a way for Selenium to find it. It's the one that looks like this:
I have tried driver.switchTo().alert().accept() - this is not an alert.
I have tried driver.switchTo().findElement(linkText("Install") - nothing found.
I have tried using SikuliWebDriver to find an element by location (picking some random ints to work off of) and then just send keys like Keys.TAB and Keys.ENTER, but as I step through in debug mode, driver.findELementByLocation(20,40) never returns.
I have tried driver.getKeyboard().sendKeys(Keys.TAB) (sending two tabs and an enter). Also never returns.
I think this dialog is generated by Javascript but I am unable to find out what JS generates it. Ideally I could find a name or an id for the button in the dialog and then use JavascriptExecutor to run the command. But without any kind of handle I'm stuck.
Any ideas?

Selenium can only see the DOM (document object model). It can't test desktop applications. The dialog shown is part of the Firefox application and not part of the DOM, so Selenium can't see or access or interact with it. Sad but true. Try Ranorex?


How to know which element receives the click()?

I am writing a script that goes to an Amazon URL and clicks on the 'Buy Now' button. That's it. I have to use WebdriverIO, javascript, and ChromeDriver. The problem is that I can't get this button to be clicked no matter which selector I use. I am able to manually do it just fine. But in the Code Inspect below, every combination of div/id/name, span/id/close, or input/id/name has resulted in no clicks. I know the script can see that web object because when I do a BuyNow.getText() to console, it prints out 'Buy Now'. And I know the xpath I use is good because I paste it into Inspect/Find and the exact element lights up yellow. Oh and the .click(), even though Visual Studio Code flags as deprecated, works just fine in previous scripts.
When I manually click on a button, is there a way to see what was the exact element that received this click?
let BuyNow = $(<XPATH>)
Code Inspect
Ok so I found out what the problem was. It had nothing to do with my XPATH selectors, any one of which to the elements in the Code Inspect picture would have worked (example: let BuyNow = *[id='buy-now-button']). The issue is that in the WDIO config file, I had a custom Chrome Profile being used. Which is fine, the Chrome.exe I was using was pointing to another custom Chrome Profile. I thought these two were the same, but the folders paths were getting messed up. Once I resolved them, and had both the Chrome.Exe and WDIO config pointing to the same customer folder, Chrome started to allow me to select buttons. I think that the WDIO code was looking at one user profile of chrome, and the desktop chrome browser that I was using was another user profile.
Solved. Fun Stuff but not really.

C# Selenium Webdriver Interacting with native image upload dialog using SendKeys.SendWait does not work on TeamCity

I am using Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait to interact with the native windows dialog when uploading an image.
I click the upload button using webdriver, then go:
SendKeys.SendWait("^A"); //Highlight content so it can be overwritten
Works great when I run it locally on my PC, however, the test won't run on the TeamCity agent (I have many other tests that run OK). It fails as it seems that native dialog never appears or if it does, it can't interact with it.
Not sure what's happening as this whole test agent process runs in the background and I can't see what it's doing - I can take screenshots using webdriver but it won't capture native dialogs anyway.
I tried to configure the team city test agent windows service (change Log On settings to allow interacting with desktop) but this did not work. Seems it just isn't able to interact with it... any ideas on how to make this work?
In order to upload a file with Selenium, you should use Webdriver's SendKeys directly to the input element that requires the path (Not Forms.SendKeys). See this example.
Note: You'll need to avoid clicking the button that opens the dialog.

Protractor adding request headers

I'm using protractor to test app that requires custom headers.
I am using for this 'modify headers' extension in chrome. How can I set them in protractor?
Actually is not possibly to add custom headers because of a limitation of Webdriver. There is an issue raised Protractor and Selenium, please refer to this thread:
Protractor (and webdriver, which it is built on top of) are intended to test your application like a user interacting with your page, so the meaning of browser.get is something like 'do what would happen if a user opened up a new tab and entered this URL'. So, there's no way to interact with under the hood things like setting headers, except for in the way that it would normally get done for your user.
Hope it helps.

Browser Automation with Selenium: Fingerprints, recognizability and traceability?

I want to use selenium/webdriver to simulate a browser and scrape some website-content with it. Even if its not the fastest method, for me it has many advantages such as executing scripts etc.
For many websites it is forbidden to access them via an automated method, for example search engines like google or bing.
For one tool i need to scrape the estimated resultstat from google for several keywords. This will look like the following: simulate the browser that visits and types in a keyword and scrapes the results, then after a little pause type in the next keyword, scrape the results and so on...
My question is: Is it possible for a website to recognize that I'm using selenium to simulate the browser instead of using the browser by hand? Especially the google case gives me some doubts. I know selenium is partly developed by google or at least by some guys working for google. So does leave selenium some fingerprints or isn't it possible to decide if I'm using the browser by myself or simulated by selenium, even for google?
No, nobody can actually see that you're using Selenium and not hand-operating the browser yourself with WebDriver. I'm not sure about the old Selenium RC, but it should be the same way. Here's how it works:
Selenium opens up a browser with a clean profile (or with a profile you selected)
Selenium is hooked up to the browser so it can steer it, control it. But the browser still does most of the work. Basically, Selenium replaces the user inputs to the browser, but not more.
You can easily verify this by reading the contents of the HTTP headers sent by your browser.
If you ever actually needed Selenium to be recognized by your server, you can use Browsermob-proxy and add a custom header to your requests.
All that said, there is one thing you must be aware of. While there's no way to detect Selenium directly, there can be some indirect clues picked up by the website you're visiting. Those usually include scanning for too many requests made in virtually no time - this might be an issue for you. Make sure your Selenium is behaving like a user.
EDIT 2016/04:
Apparanetly it is possible as states that a company can do it. My guess - and it is nothing but a guess - is that they can run some JS that Selenium installs into the browser to operate.
Signs point to yes, sites are able to regonize that you are using Selenium.
Counter Example: detects and blocks my browser instance launched using Selenium while "normal" browsing done manually (not using the browser launched by the Selenium web driver) work with out issue.
See this stackoverflow question for additional details
Can a website detect when you are using selenium with chromedriver?

Issue in clicking on the browse button with selenium in IE

I am Clicking on the browse button in IE using Selenium Webdriver code in an upload file utility by reading the co-ordinates of the browse text. Whlie the code works fine in some machines in IE and firefox both, in yet another machine the same code is working for firefoxx but the browse button becomes unclickable in IE. We checked the settings in internet options, everything looks alike in both machines.
Please let us know if anyone faced any such issue and the resolution that could work.
If there is any other way to upload the file in your app by avoiding the "Browser" button method, then that is always preferred. Some people will use Apache HTTPComponents to do a POST upload to the servlet that the "Browse" button refers to. That is by far the preferred method rather than using WebDriver. The problem with the Browse button is that it opens native OS controls ( in some cases) and the only way you can control those is by using the Sikuli API to click on elements based on finding them with matching screenshots. Also, if you use Sikuli, you can't run multiple browser tests on the same machine since each test will block screen comparisons of another test and that will rule you out of using RemoteWebDriver.
