Why this query is running so slow? - sql-server

This query runs very fast (<100 msec):
[Extent2].[CompanyId] AS [CompanyId]
,[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id]
,[Extent1].[Status] AS [Status]
FROM [dbo].[SplittedSms] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Sms] AS [Extent2]
ON [Extent1].[SmsId] = [Extent2].[Id]
WHERE [Extent2].[CompanyId] = 4563
AND ([Extent1].[NotifiedToClient] IS NULL)
If I add just a time filter, it takes too long (22 seconds!):
[Extent2].[CompanyId] AS [CompanyId]
,[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id]
,[Extent1].[Status] AS [Status]
FROM [dbo].[SplittedSms] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Sms] AS [Extent2]
ON [Extent1].[SmsId] = [Extent2].[Id]
WHERE [Extent2].Time > '2015-04-10'
AND [Extent2].[CompanyId] = 4563
AND ([Extent1].[NotifiedToClient] IS NULL)
I tried adding an index on the [Time] column of the Sms table, but the optimizer seems not using the index. Tried using With (index (Ix_Sms_Time)); but to my surprise, it takes even more time (29 seconds!).
Here is the actual execution plan:
The execution plan is same for both queries. Tables mentioned here have 5M to 8M rows (indices are < 1% fragmented and stats are updated). I am using MS SQL Server 2008R2 on a 16core 32GB memory Windows 2008 R2 machine)

Does it help when you force the time filter to kick in only after the client filter has run?
FI like in this example:
;WITH ClientData AS (
FROM [dbo].[SplittedSms] AS [E1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Sms] AS [E2]
ON [E1].[SmsId] = [E2].[Id]
WHERE [E2].[CompanyId] = 4563
AND ([E1].[NotifiedToClient] IS NULL)
FROM ClientData
WHERE [Time] > '2015-04-10'

Create an index on Sms with the following Index Key Columns (in this order):
You may or may not need to add Id as an Included Column.

What datatype is your Time column?
If it's datetime, try converting your '2015-04-10' into equivalent data-type, so that it can use the index.
Declare #test datetime
Set #test='2015-04-10'
Then modify your condition:
[Extent2].Time > #test
The sql server implicitly casts to matching data-type if there is a data-type mismatch. And any function or cast operation prevent using indexes.

I'm on the same track with #JonTirjan, the index with just Time results into a lot of key lookups, so you should try at least following:
create index xxx on Sms (Time, CompanyId) include (Id)
create index xxx on Sms (CompanyId, Time) include (Id)
If Id is your clustered index, then it's not needed in include clause. If significant part of your data belongs to CompanyID 4563, it might be ok to have it as include column too.
The percentages you see in actual plan are just estimates based on the row count assumptions, so those are sometimes totally wrong. Looking at actual number of rows / executions + statistics IO output should give you idea what's actually happening.

Two things come to mind:
By adding an extra restriction it will be 'harder' for the database to find the first 10 items that match your restrictions. Finding the first 10 rows from let's say 10.000 items (from a total of 1 milion) is a easier then finding the first 10 rows from maybe 100 items (from a total of 1 milion).
The index is not being used probably because the index is created on a datetime column, which is not very efficient if you are also storing the time in them. You might want to create a clustered index on the [time] column (but then you would have to remove the clustered index which is now on the [CompanyId] column or you could create a computed column which stores the date-part of the [time] column, create an index on this computed column and filter on this column.

I found out that there was no index on the foreign key column (SmsId) on the SplittedSms table. I made one and it seems the second query is almost as fast as the first one now.
The execution plan now:
Thanks everyone for the effort.


How do indexes work behind the scenes

Im a begginer. I know indexes are necessary for performance boosts, but i want to know how they actually work behind the scenes. Beforehand, I used to think that we should make indexes on those columns which are included in where clause (which I realized is wrong)
For example, SELECT * from MARKS where marks_obtained > 50
Consider that there's a clustered index on primary key of this table and I created a non-clustered index on marks_obtained column as its there in my where clause.
My perception: So the leaf nodes will be containing pointers to clustered index and as clustered index points to actual rows, it will select entire rows (due to asteric in my query)
I came across following query (from AdventureWorks DB on which a non-clustered index was created) which works fine and took less than a second to execute 3200000 rows until a new column was inserted into it:
FROM dbo.bigProduct AS p
FROM dbo.bigTransactionHistory AS bth
bth.ProductId = p.bth.ProductId
TransactionDate DESC
) AS x
p.ProductId BETWEEN 1000 AND 7500
ALTER TABLE dbo.bigTransactionHistory
After insertion of above column it took 17 seconds! means 17 times slower. A non-clusered index was now missing CustomerId column in the index. Just after including CustomerId, problem was gone.
Question CustomerId seemed to be the culprit until it was added to the index. BUT HOW???
The execution plan would answer this but I'll make a guess: The non-clustered index was no longer enough to satisfy the query after the additional column had been added. This can cause the index to not be used anymore. It also can cause one clustered index seek per row.
Learn to read execution plans. Turn on the "actual execution plan" feature routinely for each query that you test.

Performance Strategy for growing data

I know that performance tuning is something which need to be done specific to each environment. But I have put maximum effort to make my question clear to see if I am missing something in the possible improvements.
I have a table [TestExecutions] in SQL Server 2005. It has around 0.2 million records as of today. It is expected to grow as 5 million in couple of months.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestExecutions]
[TestExecutionID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[OrderID] [int] NOT NULL,
[LineItemID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Manifest] [char](7) NOT NULL,
[RowCompanyCD] [char](4) NOT NULL,
[RowReferenceID] [int] NOT NULL,
[RowReferenceValue] [char](3) NOT NULL,
[ExecutedTime] [datetime] NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX [IX_TestExecutions_OrderID]
ON [dbo].[TestExecutions] ([OrderID])
INCLUDE ([LineItemID], [Manifest], [RowCompanyCD], [RowReferenceID])
I have following two queries for same purpose (Query2 and Query 3). For 100 records in #OrdersForRC, the Query2 is working better (39% vs 47%) whereas with 10000 records in in #OrdersForRC the Query 3 is working better (53% vs 33%) as per the execution plan).
In the initial few months of use, the #OrdersForRC table will have close to 100 records. It will gradually increase to 2500 records over a couple of months.
In the following two approaches which one is good for such a incrementally growing scenario? Or is there any strategy to make one approach work better than the other even if data grows?
Note: In Plan2, the first Query uses Hash Match
query optimizer operator choice - nested loops vs hash match (or merge)
Execution Plan Basics — Hash Match Confusion
Test Query
--SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 OrderID FROM [TestExecutions]
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5000 OrderID FROM LWManifestReceiptExecutions
--QUERY 2:
SELECT H.OrderID,H.LineItemID,H.Manifest,H.RowCompanyCD,H.RowReferenceID
FROM dbo.[TestExecutions] (NOLOCK) H
ON R.OrderID = H.OrderID
--QUERY 3:
SELECT H.OrderID,H.LineItemID,H.Manifest,H.RowCompanyCD,H.RowReferenceID
FROM dbo.[TestExecutions] (NOLOCK) H
Plan 1
Plan 2
AS commented above you have not specified table definition of table LWManifestReceiptExecutions and how many rows in it and
You are selecting Top N rows without order by, Do you want TOP N random id or in a specific order or order does`t matter for You?
if order does matter then you can create a index on column which you required in Order By
if order id is unique in [dbo].[TestExecutions] table then you should mark it as unique drop and recreate the index if UNIQUE
Drop Index [IX_TestExecutions_OrderID] ON [dbo].[TestExecutions]
ON [dbo].[TestExecutions] ([OrderID])
INCLUDE ([LineItemID], [Manifest], [RowCompanyCD], [RowReferenceID])
You asked that data is keep growing and it will reach to millions in couple of months.
No need to worry sql server can easily handle these query with proper build schema and indexes,
When this data model starting hurting then you could look at the
other options but not now, i have seen people handling billions of data in sql server.
I can see you are comparing the queries on the bases of query cost you are coming the conclusion that
Query with higher percentages mean this is more expensive,
That is not the case always query cost is based on aggregate Subtree cost of all Iterator in the query plan,
and the total estimated cost of an Iterator is a simple sum of the I/O and CPU components.
The cost values represent expected execution times (in seconds) on a particular hardware configuration
But with the morden hardware these cost might be irrelevant.
Now coming to your query,
You have expressed two queries to get the result but both are not identical,
IN PLAN 1 Query 1
Expressed by JOIN
QO is choosing Nested loop join that is good choice for particular this scenario
Every row for the key OrderID IN table #OrdersForRC seeking the value in the table dbo.[TestExecutions]
until all rows matched
IN PLAN 2 Query 2
Expressed by IN
QO is doing the same thing as query one but there is extra distinct Sort ( Sort and Stream aggregated)
the reasoning behind it is you have expressed this query as IN and table #OrdersForRC can contain duplicate Rows
Just to eliminate that is necessary.
IN PLAN 2 Query 1
Expressed by JOIN
Now the Rows in the table in #OrdersForRC in 1000, QO is choosing hash join over loop join
Because loop join for 1000 rows has more cost than hash join and loop join and rows are unordered
and can consist nulls as well thus HASH JOIN is perfect stratergy here.
IN PLAN 2 Query 2
Expressed by IN
QO has chosen Distinct Sort for the same reason as chosen in Plan 2 query 2 and then Merge Join
Because rows are now sorted ON ID column for both tables.
IF you just mark temp table as NOT NULL and Unique then its more likly you will get the same execution plan for both IN the JOIN.
(OrderID INT not null Unique)
Execution plan

Query slow for certain criteria on clustered index

I have a table called readings that has > 76 million rows in it that I'm running this query on:
declare #tunnel_id int = 13
SELECT TOP 1 local_time, recorded_time
FROM readings
WHERE tunnel_id = #tunnel_id
The id column is a bigint, set as the primary key, and has a clustered index, and there is also an index on the tunnel_id field.
The works great and returns in less than a second for about 16 out of the 20 different tunnel_id's I'm trying. However, on the last 4 or so the query takes 40 seconds and uses hundreds of thousands of reads.
I tried modifying the query into this:
SELECT TOP (1) local_time, recorded_time
FROM readings
where id = (
FROM readings
WHERE tunnel_id = 13
Which once again is only slow for a few tunnel_id's. What perplexes me more is that the inner select runs quickly for the slow id's and if I hardcode the maximum id instead of the subquery it also runs quickly.
What am I missing here that's making this query perform poorly?
Edit for comments:
Tunnel_id is not unique, each tunnel has multiple millions of rows. This is running on Sql Server 2012.
I included the actual execution plans from both the fast and slow runs and they are identical.
But as you can see, the first executes in less than a second while the second takes 51 seconds.
The plan basically scans the entire clustered index from start to end and looks for the first row with tunnel_id = #tunnel_id.
My educated guess is that the 'slow' tunnels don't have any rows in the beginning of the clustered index and so it has to scan more of it.
This non-clustered index should speed things up:
This could replace the existing index on tunnel_id.
The interesting part here is that SQL isn't using the index in tunnel_id at all and is just scanning the table in whole, which is slow if it's big like 76 millions rows.
I think the real cause it isn't using it is because the ordering by id, as it must perform a lookup and then an additional sorting. I doubt at first that parameter sniffing is the main problem here.
I would try to change the index instead, and make it covering. If possible include in the index the local time, recorded time and the id (not 100% sure if it's needed as it's the cluster key anyway).
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_tunnel_id ON dbo.readings (tunnel_id) INCLUDE (id, local_time, recorded_time)
Note that, while this can improve this particular query, it will make inserts and updates a little slower, and require additional storage space.
Just found that you can hint to use the tunnel_id index:
declare #tunnel_id int = 13
SELECT TOP 1 local_time, recorded_time
FROM readings
WITH (INDEX(idx_tunnel_id))
WHERE tunnel_id = #tunnel_id
which works as expected and returns in less than 1 second.

SQL Server index - very large table with where clause against a very small range of values - do I need an index for the where clause?

I am designing a database with a single table for a special scenario I need to implement a solution for. The table will have several hundred million rows after a short time, but each row will be fairly compact. Even when there are a lot of rows, I need insert, update and select speeds to be nice and fast, so I need to choose the best indexes for the job.
My table looks like this:
create table dbo.Domain
Name varchar(255) not null,
MetricType smallint not null, -- very small range of values, maybe 10-20 at most
Priority smallint not null, -- extremely small range of values, generally 1-4
DateToProcess datetime not null,
DateProcessed datetime null,
primary key(Name, MetricType)
A select query will look like this:
select Name from Domain
where MetricType = #metricType
and DateProcessed is null
and DateToProcess < GETUTCDATE()
order by Priority desc, DateToProcess asc
The first type of update will look like this:
merge into Domain as target
using #myTablePrm as source
on source.Name = target.Name
and source.MetricType = target.MetricType
when matched then
update set
DateToProcess = source.DateToProcess,
Priority = source.Priority,
DateProcessed = case -- set to null if DateToProcess is in the future
when DateToProcess < DateProcessed then DateProcessed
else null end
when not matched then
insert (Name, MetricType, Priority, DateToProcess)
values (source.Name, source.MetricType, source.Priority, source.DateToProcess);
The second type of update will look like this:
update Domain
set DateProcessed = source.DateProcessed
from #myTablePrm source
where Name = source.Name and MetricType = #metricType
Are these the best indexes for optimal insert, update and select speed?
-- for the order by clause in the select query
create index IX_Domain_PriorityQueue
on Domain(Priority desc, DateToProcess asc)
where DateProcessed is null;
-- for the where clause in the select query
create index IX_Domain_MetricType
on Domain(MetricType asc);
Your updates should use the PK
Why not use tinyint (range 0-255) to make the rows even narrower?
Do you need datetime? Can you use smalledatetime?
Your SELECT query doesn't have an index to cover it. You need one on (DateToProcess, MetricType, Priority DESC) INCLUDE (Name) WHERE DateProcessed IS NULL
`: you'll have to experiment with key column order to get the best one
You could extent that index to have a filtered indexes per MetricType too (keeping DateProcessed IS NULL filter). I'd do this after the other one when I do have millions of rows to test with
I suspect that your best performance will come from having no indexes on Priority and MetricType. The cardinality is likely too low for the indexes to do much good.
An index on DateToProcess will almost certainly help, as there is lilely to be high cardinality in that column and it is used in a WHERE and ORDER BY clause. I would start with that first.
Whether an index on DateProcessed will help is up for debate. That depends on what percentage of NULL values you expect for this column. Your best bet, as usual, is to examine the query plan with some real data.
In the table schema section, you have highlighted that 'MetricType' is one of two Primary keys, therefore this should definately be indexed along with the Name column. As for the 'Priority' and 'DateToProcess' fields as these will be present in a where clause it can't hurt to have them indexed also but I don't recommend the where clause you have on that index of 'DateProcessed' is null, indexing just a set of the data is not a good idea, remove this and index the whole of both those columns.

Suitable indexes for sorting in ranking functions

I have a table which keeps parent-child-relations between items. Those can be changed over time, and it is necessary to keep a complete history so that I can query how the relations were at any time.
The table is something like this (I removed some columns and the primary key etc. to reduce noise):
CREATE TABLE [tblRelation](
[dtCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[uidNode] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[uidParentNode] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL
My query to get the relations at a specific time is like this (assume #dt is a datetime with the desired date):
FROM [tblRelation] r
WHERE (r.dtCreated < #dt)
) r
WHERE r.ix = 1
This query works well. However, the performance is not yet as good as I would like. When looking at the execution plan, it basically boils down to a clustered index scan (36% of cost) and a sort (63% of cost).
What indexes should I use to make this query faster? Or is there a better way altogether to perform this query on this table?
The ideal index for this query would be with key columns uidNode, dtCreated and included columns all remaining columns in the table to make the index covering as you are returning r.*. If the query will generally only be returning a relatively small number of rows (as seems likely due to the WHERE r.ix = 1 filter) it might not be worthwhile making the index covering though as the cost of the key lookups might not outweigh the negative effects of the large index on CUD statements.
The window/rank functions on SQL Server 2005 are not that optimal sometimes (based on answers here). Apparently better in SQL Server 2008
Another alternative is something like this. I'd have a non-clustered index on (uidNode, dtCreated) INCLUDE any other columns required by SELECT. Subject to what Martin Smith said about lookups.
MAX(r.dtCreated) AS MAXdtCreated, r.uidNode
r.dtCreated < #dt
MaxPerUid M
MaxPerUid R ON M.uidNode = R.uidNode AND M.MAXdtCreated = R.dtCreated
