What is the best way to index property DDS EPiServer - episerver

What is the best way to add indexes on existing objects mapped to DDS? Several hundred thousand objects already stored in the database.
Is it as easy as just adding [EPiServerDataIndex] atttribute to my existing classes, recompile and redeploy the site?

Seems your options are to either:
1) Add [EPiServerDataIndex] attributes or...
2) Add indexes through store parameters when creating your store:
var params = new StoreDefinitionParameters();
var store = DynamicDataStore.CreateStore<YourType>("StoreName", params);
More info here


Structuring the Firestore: Should I make another collection to store the changes that were made?

I am using Reactjs and Firestore.
I have this collection of products:
The colorMap is a map then below it are the different colors and their quanty.
Now, I want to create a list or a history whenever a product is added and whenever the quantity in those colors was added more of it.
Should I add another collection that will store when a product is added or whenever quantities are added in the color? I'm also thinking of adding a createdDate
Or there any other way I could do this? As much as possible, I won't be using any cloud functions.
A common way to keep the history of each document is by creating a subcollection under that document (say history) and writing a new document with either the complete, old document data there for every update you perform, or a new document with just the old values of the fields that were modified.
While it is convenient to do this from Cloud Functions, as they already get both the previous and the new data for each document write, you can accomplish the same from client-side code too.

MVC ExtJS 4, update a store record using record from other store

I have two stores:
FAQs - contains a lot of models of my items
FAQ - contains one model.
In view mode I work with FAQs (to see all items) and in edit mode I work with FAQ just to work with one item and not to load all of them.
After finishing editing and saving FAQ I need to find that item in FAQs and make changes there as I've made in FAQ. I don't use network for it.
I know two ways:
1) find needed record in FAQs and replace it there
_updateFaqsStore: function() {
var faqsStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup("faqs.FAQs");
var activeRec = this.activeRecord;
var index = faqsStore.indexOf( faqsStore.findRecord('id',activeRec.get('id')) ); // index in faqsStore of activeRec
faqsStore.remove(faqsStore.findRecord('id',activeRec.get('id'))); // remove old rec
faqsStore.insert(index, activeRec); // insert new - activeRec
but the object structure is not the same (though I use the same model)
2) find needed record in FAQs and set there every field
var faqsItem = faqsStore.findRecord('id', activeRec.get('id')); // find same item in FAQs store
faqsItem.set("myField", activeRec.get('myField')); // make changes in FAQs as in FAQ
but I need to enumerate all fields.
Maybe, there is some other way out? Please, help me!
You should not use two stores in this case. Why aren't you just using one store FAQs ? You then select the record, and you edit it directly.
For your use case there is no need at all to use two stores.
Also, you say you need to minimize the number of requests to the server. There is no problem for this. Just edit all the records you need to, and the at the end, you save all to the server at once.
Look at this example : it shows how to edit a record in a separate form, how to configure your requests (autoSync and batch buttons). You will deactivate autoSync and use batches to minimize roundtrips to the server.
Look also at rowediting example. This allows you to edit the data even easier.

Filtering a collection vs. several collections in Backbone?

When is it appropriate to filter a collection vs. having several collections in Backbone?
For example, consider a music library app. It would have a view for displaying genres and another view for displaying the selected genre's music.
Would you rather make one huge collection with all the music and then filter it or several smaller ones?
Having just one collection would allow you add features for filtering by other attributes as well, but suppose you have tons of music: how do you prevent loading it all in when the application starts if the user if only going to need 1 genre?
I think the simplest approach is having a common unique Collection that, intelligently, fetch an already filtered by genre data from the server:
// code simplified and no tested
var SongsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Song,
url: function() {
return '/songs/' + this.genre;
initialize: function( opts ){
this.genre = opts.genre;
var mySongsCollection = new SongsCollection({ genre: "rock" });
You have to make this Collection to re-fetch data from the server any time the User changes the selected genre:
mySongsCollection.genre = "punk";
It's mostly a design choice, but my vote would be to choose a scheme that loosely reflects the database storing the collections.
If you're likely to be storing data in an SQL database, you will more likely than not have separate tables for songs and genres. You would probably connect them either via a genre_id column in the song table, or (if songs can have more than one genre) in terms of a separate song_genres join table. Consequently, you would probably want separate collections representing genres and the songs within them. In this case, backbone-relational might be very useful tool for helping keep them straight.
If you're storing information in any kind of relational/key-value/document store, it might make sense to simply store the genre with the song directly and filter accordingly. In this case, you might end up storing your document keys/queries in such a way that you could access songs either directly (e.g., via songs) or through the genre (e.g., genre:genre_id/songs). If this is the route you go, it may be more convenient to simply create a single huge collection of songs and plan to set up corresponding filters in both the application and database environment.

How to delete a column (attribute) from a GAE datastore?

I have a persistent class stored in a GAE datastore. I have removed one of the attributes from the class. The new records in this table show a value <none> for the removed attribute. But is there a way I can completely drop this column off the table?
Added the following 'migration' code according to moraes' suggestion, but it isn't achieving the desired result:
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
try {
Query q = pm.newQuery(UserLogin.class);
Collection<UserLogin> list = (Collection<UserLogin>) q.execute();
Iterator<UserLogin> iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
UserLogin obj = (UserLogin) iter.next();
} finally {
I found the answer to this problem in this Article:
"Removing Deleted Properties from the Datastore
If you remove a property from your model, you will find that existing entities still have the property. It will still be shown in the admin console and will still be present in the datastore. To really clean out the old data, you need to cycle through your entities and remove the data from each one.
Make sure you have removed the properties from the model definition.
If your model class inherits from db.Model, temporarily switch it to inherit from db.Expando. (db.Model instances can't be modified dynamically, which is what we need to do in the next step.)
Cycle through existing entities (like described above). For each entity, use delattr to delete the obsolete property and then save the entity.
If your model originally inherited from db.Model, don't forget to change it back after updating all the data."
And here is an example with code:
If you are using ndb (and you probably should), you can easily delete properties by deleting them from entity._properties:
for entity in MyModel.query():
if 'old_property' in entity._values:
del entity._properties['old_property']
del entity._values['old_property']
Or you could make it faster by using an asynchronous query map:
def cleanup(entity):
if 'old_property' in entity._values:
del entity._properties['old_property']
del entity._values['old_property']
yield entity.put_async()
There is no concept of "table" in datastore. Each entity can have arbitrary properties that don't follow a common schema. The only "schema" is in your model code, and existing records don't change automatically when you change your models.
So, to delete the property from existing records, you need to iterate over all records and re-save them without the property.
The datastore viewer gets its list of columns from the datastore stats, which are updated on a regular basis. If you've removed that column from every entity that had it, wait a day or two and the datastore viewer will stop showing it.

Django: form that updates X amount of models

I have a page where it displays a filtered model instance list and allows users to update some fields of it or add new fields as a form.
I am curious what wpuld be a clever way of doing this, to delete and resave all the input data or make comparison for each data and save edited / new fields& entities.
I would like to mind you that I use postgres for saving these values and I display around 20 entries for this form.
The QuerySet object has the update() method - it's used in ie. Admin Panel for bulk updating multiple selected objects from change lists. Here is the method reference at django's official documentation.
How to use it:
Just create queryset with the models you want to update (assumng that MyModel has field named 'my_field'):
qs = MyModel.objects.all()
That's it - remember that update() method will not send any signals like the save() method - it will just run query directly to database.
As for 'adding fields via form' - I don't know if I got it right? You want to add additional related models or dynamically add fields to the model table on database?
If you want to add related models then use InlineFormset (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/modelforms/#inline-form) - it's quite easy to handle.
Otherwise you have to add fields to models' _meta as described here: How dynamic add custom field to model.
