Reading newline from previous input when reading from keyboard with scanf() - c

This was supposed to be very simple, but I'm having trouble to read successive inputs from the keyboard.
Here's the code:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char string[200];
char character;
printf ("write something: ");
scanf ("%s", string);
printf ("%s", string);
printf ("\nwrite a character: ");
scanf ("%c", &character);
printf ("\nCharacter %c Correspondent number: %d\n", character, character);
return 0;
What is happening
When I enter a string (e.g.: computer), the program reads the newline ('\n') and puts it in character. Here is how the display looks like:
write something: computer
Correspondent number: 10
Moreover, the program does not work for strings with more than one word.
How could I overcome these problems?

First scanf read the entered string and left behind \n in the input buffer. Next call to scanf read that \n and store it to character.
Try this
scanf (" %c", &characte);
// ^A space before %c in scanf can skip any number of white space characters.
Program will not work for strings more than one character because scanf stops reading once find a white space character. You can use fgets instead
fgets(string, 200, stdin);

OP's first problem is typically solved by prepending a space to the format. This will consume white-space including the previous line's '\n'.
// scanf("%c", &character);
scanf(" %c", &character);
Moreover, the program does not work for strings with more than one word. How could I overcome these problems?
For the the 2nd issue, let us go for a more precise understanding of "string" and what "%s" does.
A string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null character. 7.1.1 1
OP is not entering a string even though "I enter a string (e.g.: computer)," is reported. OP is entering a line of text. 8 characters "computer" followed by Enter. There is no "null character" here. Instead 9 char "computer\n".
"%s" in scanf("%s", string); does 3 things:
1) Scan, but not save any leading white-space.
2) Scan and save into string any number of non-white-space.
3) Stop scanning when white-space or EOF reached. That char is but back into stdin. A '\0' is appended to string making that char array a C string.
To read a line including spaces, do not use scanf("%s",.... Consider fgets().
fgets(string, sizeof string, stdin);
// remove potential trailing \r\n as needed
string[strcspn(string, "\n")] = 0;
Mixing scanf() and fgets() is a problem as calls like scanf("%s", string); fgets(...) leave the '\n' in stdin for fgets() to read as a line consisting of only "\n". Recommend instead to read all user input using fgets() (or getline() on *nix system). Then parse the line read.
fgets(string, sizeof string, stdin);
scanf(string, "%c", &character);
If code must user scanf() to read user input including spaces:
scanf("%*[\n]"); // read any number of \n and not save.
// Read up to 199 `char`, none of which are \n
if (scanf("%199[^\n]", string) != 1) Handle_EOF();
Lastly, code should employ error checking and input width limitations. Test the return values of all input functions.

What you're seeing is the correct behavior of the functions you call:
scanf will read one word from the input, and leave the input pointer immediately after the word it reads. If you type computer<RETURN>, the next character to be read is the newline.
To read a whole line, including the final newline, use fgets. Read the documentation carefully: fgets returns a string that includes the final newline it read. (gets, which shouldn't be used anyway for a number of reasons, reads and discards the final newline.)
I should add that while scanf has its uses, using it interactively leads to very confusing behavior, as I think you discovered. Even in cases where you want to read word by word, use another method if the intended use is interactive.

You can make use of %*c:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char string[200];
char character;
printf ("write something: ");
scanf ("%s%*c", string);
printf ("%s", string);
printf ("\nwrite a character: ");
scanf ("%c%*c", &character);
printf ("\nCharacter %c Correspondent number: %d\n", character, character);
return 0;
%*c will accept and ignore the newline or any white-spaces

You cal also put getchar() after the scanf line. It will do the job :)

The streams need to be flushed. When performing successive inputs, the standard input stream, stdin, buffers every key press on the keyboard. So, when you typed "computer" and pressed the enter key, the input stream absorbed the linefeed too, even though only the string "computer" was assigned to string. Hence when you scanned for a character later, the already loaded new line character was the one scanned and assigned to character.
Also the stdout streams need to be flushed. Consider this:
If one tries to execute something like this then nothing is displayed on the console. The system buffered the stdout stream, the standard output stream, unaware of the fact it would be encounter an infinite loop next and once that happens, it never gets a chance to unload the stream to the console.
Apparently, in a similar manner whenever scanf blocks the program and waits on stdin, the standard input stream, it affects the other streams that are buffering. Anyway, whatsoever may be the case it's best to flush the streams properly if things start jumbling up.
The following modifications to your code seem to produce the desired output
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char string[200];
char character;
printf ("write something: ");
scanf ("%s", string);
printf ("%s", string);
printf ("\nwrite a character: ");
scanf ("%c", &character);
printf ("\nCharacter %c Correspondent number: %d\n", character, character);
return 0;
write something: computer
write a character: a
Character a Correspondent number: 97


Scanning Only the First Character in C

I know that adding a space in front of %c in scanf() will scan my second character; however, if two letters were inputted in the first character, it will input the second letter into the second character. How do I scan a single character only?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char firstch, secondch;
printf("Enter your first character: ");
scanf("%c", &firstch);
printf("Enter your second character: ");
scanf(" %c", &secondch);
printf("\n Fisrt character : %c \n Second character : %c \n", firstch, secondch);
return 0;
This is my result after running:
Enter your first character: ab
Enter your second character:
First character : a
Second character : b
I only want to read the first character 'a', but the second letter 'b' was inputted right away before I enter my second character.
When you are reading a line of user-input, use a line-oriented input function like fgets() or POSIX getline(). That way the entire line of input is read at once and you can simply take the first character from the line. Say you read a line into the array used as buffer called buf, e.g.
#define MAXC 1024 /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
int main (void) {
char buf[MAXC]; /* buffer to read each line into */
You can simply access the first character as buf[0], or since buf[0] is equivalent to *(but + 0) in pointer notation, you can simply use *buf to get the first character.
As a benefit, since all line-oriented functions read and include the '\n' generated by the user pressing Enter after the input, you can simply check if the first character is '\n' as a way of indicating end-of-input. The user simply presses Enter alone as input to indicate they are done.
Using a line-oriented approach is the recommended way to take user input because it consumes and entire line of input each time and what remains in stdin unread doesn't depend on the scanf conversion specifier or whether a matching failure occurs.
Using " %c%*[^\n]" is not a fix-all. It leaves the '\n' in stdin unread. That's why you need the space before " %c". Where it is insidious is if your next input uses a line-oriented function after your code reading characters is done. Unless you manually empty the '\n' from stdin, before your next attempted line-oriented input, that input will fail because it will see the '\n' as the first character remaining in stdin.
A short example using fgets() for a line-oriented approach would be:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXC 1024 /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
int main (void) {
char buf[MAXC]; /* buffer to read each line into */
for (;;) { /* loop continually */
fputs ("enter char: ", stdout); /* prompt for input */
/* read/validate line, break on EOF or [Enter] alone */
if (!fgets (buf, sizeof buf, stdin) || *buf == '\n')
printf (" got: %c\n\n", *buf); /* output character read */
Where you simply take input continually isolating the first character as the value you want until the user presses Enter alone to break the read-loop.
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/fgetschar
enter char: a
got: a
enter char: ab
got: a
enter char: a whole lot of stuff you don't have to deal with using fgets()
got: a
enter char: banannas
got: b
enter char: cantelopes
got: c
enter char:
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
Using a space before the %c will skip whitespace before scanning the next non-whitespace character. %c itself just scans a single character -- the next character in the input after whatever else was scanned or skipped previously.
So the question is, what do you want to do? Do you want to skip over all extraneous input on the line after the first character (up to newline?) fgets or scanf("%*[^\n]"); scanf("%c"); will do that (but be careful -- if firstch was itself a newline, this will skip the next line.) Do you want to check the input and make sure it is exactly one character on a line? If so, use fgets (not scanf) and check that the line read is exactly two characters (a character and a newline). Or perhaps you really want to read keystrokes without having the user hit Enter after esch one? That requires changing the input source setup, which is OS dependent.
I'm still new to C coding, and I've found a suitable answer to my problem by using scanf("%*[^\n]");
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char firstch, secondch;
printf("Enter your first character: ");
scanf(" %c%*[^\n]", &firstch);
printf("Enter your second character: ");
scanf(" %c%*[^\n]", &secondch);
printf("\n First character : %c \n Second character : %c \n", firstch,
return 0;
Results after running:
Enter your first character: ab
Enter your second character: c
First character : a
Second character : c
Thanks to #Eraklon #Chris Dodd #David C. Rankin

When printing a string length using a character array with a for the first iteration does nothing, why? [duplicate]

I have the following program:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int a, b;
char c1, c2;
printf("Enter something: ");
scanf("%d", &a); // line 1
printf("Enter other something: ");
scanf("%d", &b); // line 2
printf("Enter a char: ");
scanf("%c", &c1); // line 3
printf("Enter another char: ");
scanf("%c", &c2); // line 4
printf("Done"); // line 5
return 0;
As I read in the C book, the author says that scanf() left a newline character in the buffer, therefore, the program does not stop at line 4 for user to enter the data, rather it stores the new line character in c2 and moves to line 5.
Is that right?
However, does this only happen with char data types? Because I did not see this problem with int data types as in line 1, 2, 3. Is it right?
The scanf() function skips leading whitespace automatically before trying to parse conversions other than characters. The character formats (primarily %c; also scan sets %[…] — and %n) are the exception; they don't skip whitespace.
Use " %c" with a leading blank to skip optional white space. Do not use a trailing blank in a scanf() format string.
Note that this still doesn't consume any trailing whitespace left in the input stream, not even to the end of a line, so beware of that if also using getchar() or fgets() on the same input stream. We're just getting scanf to skip over whitespace before conversions, like it does for %d and other non-character conversions.
Note that non-whitespace "directives" (to use POSIX scanf terminology) other than conversions, like the literal text in scanf("order = %d", &order); doesn't skip whitespace either. The literal order has to match the next character to be read.
So you probably want " order = %d" there if you want to skip a newline from the previous line but still require a literal match on a fixed string, like this question.
Use scanf(" %c", &c2);. This will solve your problem.
Another option (that I got from here) is to read and discard the newline by using the assignment-supression option. To do that, we just put a format to read a character with an asterisk between % and c:
scanf("%d%*c",&a); // line 1
scanf("%c%*c",&c1); // line 3
scanf will then read the next char (that is, the newline) but not assign it to any pointer.
In the end, however, I would second the FAQ's last option:
Or, depending on your requirements, you could also forget about scanf()/getchar(), use fgets() to get a line of text from the user and parse it yourself.
To echo what I have posted in another answer about C++: I suggest to toss scanf() away, to never use it, and to instead use fgets() and sscanf().
The reason for this is, that at least in Unix-like systems by default, the terminal your CLI program runs on does some processing of the user input before your program sees it. It buffers input until a newline is entered, and allows for some rudimentary line editing, like making backspace work.
So, you can never get a single character at a time, or a few single characters, just a full line. But that's not what e.g. scanf("%d") processes, instead it processes just the digits, and stops there, leaving the rest buffered in the C library, for a future stdio function to use. If your program has e.g.
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter a word: ");
scanf("%s", word);
and you enter the line 123 abcd, it completes both scanf()s at once, but only after a newline is given. The first scanf() doesn't return when a user has hit space, even though that's where the number ends (because at that point the line is still in the terminal's line buffer); and the second scanf() doesn't wait for you to enter another line (because the input buffer already contains enough to fill the %s conversion).
This isn't what users usually expect!
Instead, they expect that hitting enter completes the input, and if you hit enter, you either get a default value, or an error, with possibly a suggestion to please really just give the answer.
You can't really do that with scanf("%d"). If the user just hits enter, nothing happens. Because scanf() is still waiting for the number. The terminal sends the line onward, but your program doesn't see it, because scanf() eats it. You don't get a chance to react to the user's mistake.
That's also not very useful.
Hence, I suggest using fgets() or getline() to read a full line of input at a time. This exactly matches what the terminal gives, and always gives your program control after the user has entered a line. What you do with the input line is up to you, if you want a number, you can use atoi(), strtol(), or even sscanf(buf, "%d", &a) to parse the number. sscanf() doesn't have the same mismatch as scanf(), because the buffer it reads from is limited in size, and when it ends, it ends -- the function can't wait for more.
(fscanf() on a regular file can also be fine if the file format is one that supports how it skims over newlines like any whitespace. For line-oriented data, I'd still use fgets() and sscanf().)
So, instead of what I had above, use something like this:
printf("Enter a number: ");
fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
sscanf(buf, "%d", &a);
or, actually, check the return value of sscanf() too, so you can detect empty lines and otherwise invalid data:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
const int bufsize = 100;
char buf[bufsize];
int a;
int ret;
char word[bufsize];
printf("Enter a number: ");
fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
ret = sscanf(buf, "%d", &a);
if (ret != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ok, you don't have to.\n");
return 1;
printf("Enter a word: ");
fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
ret = sscanf(buf, "%s", word);
if (ret != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "You make me sad.\n");
return 1;
printf("You entered %d and %s\n", a, word);
Of course, if you want the program to insist, you can create a simple function to loop over the fgets() and sscanf() until the user deigns to do what they're told; or to just exit with an error immediately. Depends on what you think your program should do if the user doesn't want to play ball.
You could do something similar e.g. by looping over getchar() to read characters until a newline after scanf("%d") returned, thus clearing up any garbage left in the buffer, but that doesn't do anything about the case where the user just hits enter on an empty line. Anyway, fgets() would read until a newline, so you don't have to do it yourself.
Use getchar() before calling second scanf().
scanf("%c", &c1);
getchar(); // <== remove newline
scanf("%c", &c2);
Two workarounds. One is catch the extra whitespace trickly.
getchar(); // (1) add `getchar()`
scanf("%c", &c1);
scanf(" %c", &c1); // (2) add whitespace before %c
The other is using fgets() to instead scanf(). Note: gets() is unsafe, see why gets is dangerous
By contrast, I would prefer to recommend the second way. Because it's more readable and maintainable. For example, in first way, you must think a while before adding/moving some scanf().
/*Take char input using scanf after int input using scanf just use fflush(stdin) function after int input */
void main()
int x;
char y;
printf(" enter an int ");
printf("\n Now enter a char");
printf("\n X=%d and Y=%c",x,y);

Appending a character and a string variable to a file in CSV format C programming [duplicate]

I have the following program:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int a, b;
char c1, c2;
printf("Enter something: ");
scanf("%d", &a); // line 1
printf("Enter other something: ");
scanf("%d", &b); // line 2
printf("Enter a char: ");
scanf("%c", &c1); // line 3
printf("Enter another char: ");
scanf("%c", &c2); // line 4
printf("Done"); // line 5
return 0;
As I read in the C book, the author says that scanf() left a newline character in the buffer, therefore, the program does not stop at line 4 for user to enter the data, rather it stores the new line character in c2 and moves to line 5.
Is that right?
However, does this only happen with char data types? Because I did not see this problem with int data types as in line 1, 2, 3. Is it right?
The scanf() function skips leading whitespace automatically before trying to parse conversions other than characters. The character formats (primarily %c; also scan sets %[…] — and %n) are the exception; they don't skip whitespace.
Use " %c" with a leading blank to skip optional white space. Do not use a trailing blank in a scanf() format string.
Note that this still doesn't consume any trailing whitespace left in the input stream, not even to the end of a line, so beware of that if also using getchar() or fgets() on the same input stream. We're just getting scanf to skip over whitespace before conversions, like it does for %d and other non-character conversions.
Note that non-whitespace "directives" (to use POSIX scanf terminology) other than conversions, like the literal text in scanf("order = %d", &order); doesn't skip whitespace either. The literal order has to match the next character to be read.
So you probably want " order = %d" there if you want to skip a newline from the previous line but still require a literal match on a fixed string, like this question.
Use scanf(" %c", &c2);. This will solve your problem.
Another option (that I got from here) is to read and discard the newline by using the assignment-supression option. To do that, we just put a format to read a character with an asterisk between % and c:
scanf("%d%*c",&a); // line 1
scanf("%c%*c",&c1); // line 3
scanf will then read the next char (that is, the newline) but not assign it to any pointer.
In the end, however, I would second the FAQ's last option:
Or, depending on your requirements, you could also forget about scanf()/getchar(), use fgets() to get a line of text from the user and parse it yourself.
To echo what I have posted in another answer about C++: I suggest to toss scanf() away, to never use it, and to instead use fgets() and sscanf().
The reason for this is, that at least in Unix-like systems by default, the terminal your CLI program runs on does some processing of the user input before your program sees it. It buffers input until a newline is entered, and allows for some rudimentary line editing, like making backspace work.
So, you can never get a single character at a time, or a few single characters, just a full line. But that's not what e.g. scanf("%d") processes, instead it processes just the digits, and stops there, leaving the rest buffered in the C library, for a future stdio function to use. If your program has e.g.
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter a word: ");
scanf("%s", word);
and you enter the line 123 abcd, it completes both scanf()s at once, but only after a newline is given. The first scanf() doesn't return when a user has hit space, even though that's where the number ends (because at that point the line is still in the terminal's line buffer); and the second scanf() doesn't wait for you to enter another line (because the input buffer already contains enough to fill the %s conversion).
This isn't what users usually expect!
Instead, they expect that hitting enter completes the input, and if you hit enter, you either get a default value, or an error, with possibly a suggestion to please really just give the answer.
You can't really do that with scanf("%d"). If the user just hits enter, nothing happens. Because scanf() is still waiting for the number. The terminal sends the line onward, but your program doesn't see it, because scanf() eats it. You don't get a chance to react to the user's mistake.
That's also not very useful.
Hence, I suggest using fgets() or getline() to read a full line of input at a time. This exactly matches what the terminal gives, and always gives your program control after the user has entered a line. What you do with the input line is up to you, if you want a number, you can use atoi(), strtol(), or even sscanf(buf, "%d", &a) to parse the number. sscanf() doesn't have the same mismatch as scanf(), because the buffer it reads from is limited in size, and when it ends, it ends -- the function can't wait for more.
(fscanf() on a regular file can also be fine if the file format is one that supports how it skims over newlines like any whitespace. For line-oriented data, I'd still use fgets() and sscanf().)
So, instead of what I had above, use something like this:
printf("Enter a number: ");
fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
sscanf(buf, "%d", &a);
or, actually, check the return value of sscanf() too, so you can detect empty lines and otherwise invalid data:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
const int bufsize = 100;
char buf[bufsize];
int a;
int ret;
char word[bufsize];
printf("Enter a number: ");
fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
ret = sscanf(buf, "%d", &a);
if (ret != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ok, you don't have to.\n");
return 1;
printf("Enter a word: ");
fgets(buf, bufsize, stdin);
ret = sscanf(buf, "%s", word);
if (ret != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "You make me sad.\n");
return 1;
printf("You entered %d and %s\n", a, word);
Of course, if you want the program to insist, you can create a simple function to loop over the fgets() and sscanf() until the user deigns to do what they're told; or to just exit with an error immediately. Depends on what you think your program should do if the user doesn't want to play ball.
You could do something similar e.g. by looping over getchar() to read characters until a newline after scanf("%d") returned, thus clearing up any garbage left in the buffer, but that doesn't do anything about the case where the user just hits enter on an empty line. Anyway, fgets() would read until a newline, so you don't have to do it yourself.
Use getchar() before calling second scanf().
scanf("%c", &c1);
getchar(); // <== remove newline
scanf("%c", &c2);
Two workarounds. One is catch the extra whitespace trickly.
getchar(); // (1) add `getchar()`
scanf("%c", &c1);
scanf(" %c", &c1); // (2) add whitespace before %c
The other is using fgets() to instead scanf(). Note: gets() is unsafe, see why gets is dangerous
By contrast, I would prefer to recommend the second way. Because it's more readable and maintainable. For example, in first way, you must think a while before adding/moving some scanf().
/*Take char input using scanf after int input using scanf just use fflush(stdin) function after int input */
void main()
int x;
char y;
printf(" enter an int ");
printf("\n Now enter a char");
printf("\n X=%d and Y=%c",x,y);

Why cant scanf read white spaces?

Why does scanf not read white spaces?
Also in my code if I use scanf first then fgets or scanf the second time after a few lines, as you can see in the code, then if I give an input that has a space like, "Hey How are u" then my code loops, why so?
I fixed it by just using fgets
printf("\n++++++++DFS CLIENT MENU++++++++");
printf("\n1- ENTER THE COMMAND");
printf("\n2- EXIT\n");
/*instance 1:if I use scanf here then whether i use scanf or fgets the
second time it loops in *entry==1 */
fgets (command, sizeof(command), stdin);
printf("Entry: %d", *entry);
printf("\n--------COMMANDING ZONE--------");
printf("\nInput the Function: ");
//This is the second instance
fgets (command, sizeof(command), stdin);
else if(*entry==2)
Why cant scanf read white spaces?
This is a false question as scanf() does read white spaces.
scanf() reads from stdin and given various directives and specifiers, does its best to match them. Some specifiers cause scanf() to save data.
"%d" specifies scanf() to:
1- Read and discard all white-space.
2- Read and covert numeric text into an int, saving the result into i.
3- Continue step 2 until reading a non-numeric character, which is returned to stdin.
4- Return 1 if step 2 successful. Return 0 if step 2 only encountered non-numeric input. Else return EOF.
int i;
if (1 == scanf("%d", &i)) GoodToGo();
All scanf() format specifiers except "%c", "%n", "%[]", first read and discard leading white-space.
"%c" specifies scanf() to:
Read a char into c, including any whitespace character.
Return 1 or EOF.
char c;
if (1 == scanf("%c", &c)) GoodToGo();
scanf() and family details are beyond a simple answer here. Check on-line resources for details.
Better to use fgets() to read a line than scanf(any_format)

Input taking spaces by default in c

In the below program when am reading input from keyboard its taking only 2 characters instead of 4 and remaining 2 characters its taking spaces by default.
why is it???
program to take char input through pointers/
int c,inc,arrysize;
char *revstring;
printf("enter the size of char arry:");
revstring = (char *)malloc(arrysize * sizeof(*revstring));
printf("enter the array elements:");
for(inc =0;inc<arrysize;inc++)
return 0;
scanf reads formatted inputs. When you tape a number, you tape the digits, and then, you press <Enter>. So there is a remaining \n in stdin, which is read in the next scanf. The same applies if you press <Enter> between the characters.
A solution is to consume the characters in the standard input stream after each input, as follow:
#include <stdio.h>
clean_stdin (void)
int c;
while ((c = getchar ()) != '\n' && c != EOF)
Another idea is to use fgets to get human inputs. scanf is not suitable for such readings.
Most of the time scanf reads formatted input. For most % formats, scanf will first read and discard any whitespace and then parse the item specified. So with scanf("%d", ... it will accept inputs with initial spaces (or even extra newlines!) with no problems.
One of the exceptions, however, is %c. With %c, scanf reads the very next character, whatever it may be. If that next character is a space or newline, that is what you get.
Depending on what exactly you want, you may be able to just use a blank space in your format string:
scanf(" %c",&revstring[inc]);
The space causes scanf to skip any whitespace in the input, giving you the next non-whitespace character read. However, this will make it impossible to enter a string with spaces in it (the spaces will be ignored). Alternately, you could do scanf(" "); before the loop to skip whitespace once, or scanf("%*[^\n]"); scanf("%*c"); to skip everything up to the next newline, and then skip the newline.
