How can I change text elsewhere using AngularJS function with parameters? - angularjs

Alright so I found out what might be my solution for a task I am trying to accomplish: to use some sort of toggle feature which I have seen represented a couple of different ways in other questions here on Stack Overflow. However, mine is a bit of a special case that I can't seem to figure out how to adjust to get it to work.
Here is the accordion where the text needs to appear:
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<accordion id="myID">
<accordion-group heading="My Heading">
The text that needs to appear depends on what is clicked however:
<area ng-repeat="x in Object" alt="{{}}" title="" ng-click="thisClick(,x.address);toggle = !toggle" shape="poly" coords="{{x.htmlcoords}}" />
I have an image that has hot spots on it. I used ng-click="thisClick(,x.address)" to easily capture the data from my Object and I was able to alert it in my thisClick(name,address) function. This part of the HTML is in a div that separately calls the same controller as the one above, I don't know if that would be relevant. I couldn't get my code working before trying this toggle stuff unless I kept the controller where it was and just called it again. Anyway, now to apply the toggle feature I tried changing the ng-click to what is shown above and the function to:
$scope.thisClick = function(name,address){
$scope.toggle = true;
$scope.toggleText = $scope.toggle ? '' : name+address;
Ultimately the name and address won't be squished together but this is for testing purposes only.
When I run the code, simply put nothing happens.
Either there is a way to clean this up or a way to approach this entirely differently? I hope I provided enough information.
I wish it were as simple as:
<area ng-repeat="x in building" alt="{{}}" title="" ng-click="thisBuilding =" shape="poly" coords="{{x.htmlcoords}}" />
$scope.buildingName = name;
$scope.buildingAddress = address;
$scope.thisBuilding = function(){
return $scope.buildingName + " " + $scope.buildingAddress;

This sounds quite a lot like a scope issue. As ng-repeat creates a new child scope for each item, most likely you end up setting the $scope.toggleText property in "wrong" scope, i.e. not in the scope of accordion-group where you are trying to display the property.
You might want to play around a bit with some Angular inspector tool, for example ng-inspector to verify this.
If the problem indeed is with toggleText property ending up in the wrong child scope, one possible workaround could be introducing a container object for the property in the root scope. The reason why this could work is that objects are passed as references for child scopes, not as copies like primitive properties are. A whole lot more on this topic can be read from Understanding Scopes article in AngularJS wiki.
So, something along these lines, starting from controller Ctrl:
// inside the controller code:
// initialize the toggleContainer object
$scope.toggleContainer = {};
Then in html template:
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<accordion id="myID">
<accordion-group heading="My Heading">
And finally in the thisClick function, store the value you want to property toggleContainer.text instead of simple toggleText:
$scope.thisClick = function(name,address){
$scope.toggle = true;
$scope.toggleContainer.text = $scope.toggle ? '' : name+address;


ng-repeat items appear before view is completely updated angular

<div ng-repeat="item in CategorizedItems"
ng-if="CategorizedItems.length> 0"
class="row customRow itemBorder animated slideInLeft" >
I show the list of items in above div.
On click of a button, CategorizedItems are updated.
$rootScope.CategorizedItems =[];
$rootScope.CategorizedItems = $rootScope.Items.filter(function(obj){
if( === categoryName)
return obj
This method is called.Now, when I go from one class to another, New items appear gracefully but items from previous category appear under the list of new items for a couple of seconds.
This is a common problem in Angular.
Most people do this ...
<div ng-if="false">
don't display me
and then at end of HTML ...
<script src=".....angular.min.js">
and expect the DIV to not appear. Of course it will initially appear in this scenario since it has no idea what ng-if means UNTIL angular is loaded.
Put your angular script include at top of page.
You may also wish to consider using ngCloak directive or CSS class, which is the documented way of resolving this issue (assuming script tag is at top of page).
If I have real problems with this then I might use $scope.readyToRender boolean variable in my controller to control when to display elements.
e.g. at end of controller code I would set it to true and wrap code in an ng-if='readyToRender'

How to set a boolean flag to collapse/expand a row with ng-repeat

I have this plunker code.
What I'm trying to do, is to display the gray box one time per row.
To achieve this, I thought to modify the partition filter in order to return a JSON to add it a new property by row to know if the gray box is expanded or not.
But, I could Not successfully return a JSON.
Do you know how to modify the filter to return a JSON or a better way to show the gray box by row?
Related questions:
Push down a series of divs when another div is shown
Update 1
The issue could be easily resolved by using the correct scope for the ng-repeat for the row without modifying the filter, thanks to #m59.
Update 2
Live Demo
If I try to modify the item, it seems the ng-repeat would be called again losing the props values.
<div ng-repeat="friendRow in friends | partition:2"
ng-init="props = {}">
<div ng-repeat="item in friendRow"
ng-class="{myArrow: showArrow}">
{{}} {{item.age}} years old.
<div collapse="!props.isExpanded">
some content
<input type="text" ng-model="">
$scope.collapse = function(item){
this.props.isExpanded = !this.props.isExpanded;
this.showArrow = !this.showArrow;
$scope.currentItem = item;
This causes the gray box to collapse each time the item is modified. Any clue?
I've updated my code/answer regarding partitioning data. It's important to fully understand all of that before deciding on an approach to your project.
The problem you have in your plnkr demo is that you're modifying the parent $scope and not the scope of the ng-repeat for that row.
Just set a flag on the row and toggle it when clicked:
Live Demo
ng-repeat="friendRow in friends | partition:2"
ng-init="isExpanded = false"
ng-click="isExpanded = !isExpanded"
<div ng-repeat="item in friendRow">
{{}} {{item.age}} years old.
<div collapse="!isExpanded">
some content
To access the correct scope within a function in the controller, you can use the this keyword instead of $scope. this will refer to the scope the function is called from, whereas $scope refers to the scope attached to the element with ng-controller (a parent of the ng-repeat scopes you want to target).
ng-repeat="friendRow in friends | partition:2"
$scope.collapse = function() {
this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded;
If you want to keep the ng-click directive on the item element instead of putting it on the row element as I have done, then you're dealing with another child scope because of that inner ng-repeat. Therefore, you will need to follow the "dot" rule so that the child scope can update the parent scope where the collapse directive is. This means you need to nest isExpanded in an object. In this example, I use ng-init="props = {}", and then use props.isExpanded. The dot rule works because the children share the same object reference to props, so the properties are shared rather than just copied, just like in normal JavaScript object references.
Live Demo
ng-repeat="friendRow in friends | partition:2"
ng-init="props = {}"
<div ng-repeat="item in friendRow" ng-click="collapse()">
{{}} {{item.age}} years old.
<div collapse="!props.isExpanded">
some content
$scope.collapse = function(){
this.props.isExpanded = !this.props.isExpanded;
We keep going through more and more issues with your project. You really just need to experiment/research and understand everything that's going on on a deeper level, or it will just be one question after another. I'll give it one last effort to get you on the right track, but you need to try in the basic concepts and go from there.
You could get past the issue of props reinitializing by putting $scope.expandedStates and then passing the $index of the current ng-repeat to your function (or just using it in the view) and setting a property of expandedStates like $scope.expandedStates[$index] = !$scope.expandedStates[$index]. With the nested ng-repeat as it is, you'll need to do $parent.$index so that you're associating the state with the row rather than the item.
However, you'll then have another problem with the filter: Using my old partition code, the inputs inside the partitions are going to lose focus every time you type a character. Using the new code, the view updates, but the underlying model will not. You could use the partition filter from this answer to solve this, but from my understanding of that code, it could have some unexpected behavior down the road and it also requires passing in this as an argument to the filter. I don't recommend you do this.
Filters are meant to be idempotent, so stabilizing them via some kind of memoization is technically a hack. Some argue you should never do this at all, but I think it's fine. However, you definitely should ONLY do this when it is for display purposes and not for user input! Because you are accepting user input within the partitioned view, I suggest partitioning the data in the controller, then joining it back together either with a watch (continuous) or when you need to submit it.
$scope.partitionedFriends = partitionFilter($scope.friends, 2);
$scope.$watch('partitionedFriends', function(val) {
$scope.friends = [].concat.apply([], val);
}, true); // deep watch

Cannot get textarea value in angularjs

Here is my plnkr: You have to click on a li element and the form will appear. Enter a random string and hit 'add notice'. Instead of the textarea text you will get undefined.
<li ng-repeat="ticket in tickets" ng-click="select(ticket)">
{{ ticket.text }}
<div ui-if="selectedTicket != null">
<form ng-submit="createNotice(selectedTicket)">
<textarea ng-model="noticeText"></textarea>
<button type="submit">add notice</button>
JS part:
$scope.createNotice = function(ticket){
returns 'undefined'. I noticed that this does not work when using ui-if of angular-ui. Any ideas why this does not work? How to fix it?
Your problem lies in the ui-if part. Angular-ui creates a new scope for anything within that directive so in order to access the parent scope, you must do something like this:
<textarea ng-model="$parent.noticeText"></textarea>
Instead of
<textarea ng-model="noticeText"></textarea>
This issue happened to me while not using the ng-if directive on elements surrounding the textarea element. While the solution of Mathew is correct, the reason seems to be another. Searching for that issue points to this post, so I decided to share this.
If you look at the AngularJS documentation here , you can see that Angular adds its own directive called <textarea> that "overrides" the default HTML textarea element. This is the new scope that causes the whole mess.
If you have a variable like
$scope.myText = 'Dummy text';
in your controller and bind that to the textarea element like this
<textarea ng-model="myText"></textarea>
AngularJS will look for that variable in the scope of the directive. It is not there and thus he walks down to $parent. The variable is present there and the text is inserted into the textarea. When changing the text in the textarea, Angular does NOT change the parent's variable. Instead it creates a new variable in the directive's scope and thus the original variable is not updated. If you bind the textarea to the parent's variable, as suggested by Mathew, Angular will always bind to the correct variable and the issue is gone.
<textarea ng-model="$parent.myText"></textarea>
Hope this will clear things up for other people coming to this question and and think "WTF, I am not using ng-if or any other directive in my case!" like I did when I first landed here ;)
Update: Use controller-as syntax
Wanted to add this long before but didn't find time to do it. This is the modern style of building controllers and should be used instead of the $parent stuff above. Read on to find out how and why.
Since AngularJS 1.2 there is the ability to reference the controller object directly instead of using the $scope object. This may be achieved by using this syntax in HTML markup:
<div ng-controller="MyController as myc"> [...] </div>
Popular routing modules (i.e. UI Router) provide similar properties for their states. For UI Router you use the following in your state definition:
controller: "MyController",
controllerAs: "myc",
This helps us to circumvent the problem with nested or incorrectly addressed scopes. The above example would be constructed this way. First the JavaScript part. Straight forward, you simple do not use the $scope reference to set your text, just use this to attach the property directly to the controller object.
angular.module('myApp').controller('MyController', function () {
this.myText = 'Dummy text';
The markup for the textarea with controller-as syntax would look like this:
<textarea ng-model="myc.myText"></textarea>
This is the most efficient way to do things like this today, because it solves the problem with nested scopes making us count how many layers deep we are at a certain point. Using multiple nested directives inside elements with an ng-controller directive could have lead to something like this when using the old way of referencing scopes. And no one really wants to do that all day!
<textarea ng-model="$parent.$parent.$parent.$parent.myText"></textarea>
Bind the textarea to a scope variable's property rather than directly to a scope variable:
$scope.notice = {text: ""}
<textarea ng-model="notice.text"></textarea>
It is, indeed, ui-if that creates the problem. Angular if directives destroy and recreate portions of the dom tree based on the expression. This is was creates the new scope and not the textarea directive as marandus suggested.
Here's a post on the differences between ngIf and ngShow that describes this well—what is the difference between ng-if and ng-show/ng-hide.

Shouldn't there be an AngularJS ngWith directive?

Maybe I'm crazy, or too used to KnockoutJS, but I keep looking for an ngWith directive in the docs to define the scope on an element, in a controller, or for an included (ngInclude) partial.
For example:
I'd like to write a controller that augments MyItem like:
MyModule.controller('MyItemCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.doSomethingToItem = function() {
$ = "bar";
Or a view/template for MyItem like:
<div ng-controller="MyItemCtrl">
<button ng-click="doSomethingWithItem()">Do Something</button>
But in both of these cases I'm imagining my $scope to be prototypically inherit from my model, MyItem.
But the scope doesn't inherit from the model!!
Which baffles me.
Instead, my model is a property on the scope.
In the case of a repeater:
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<div ng-controller="MyItemCtrl">
<button ng-click="doSomethingWithItem()">Do Something</button>
which means everywhere I have to use item.this or item.that instead of just this and that. I have to remember which functions are native to the model, and which were applied directly to the scope by a controller.
If I want to have a partial to display names (stupid example, I know, but you get the idea):
I have to write it
and then ensure the model is always item. Usually by wrapping it in a directive simply to defines a scope with an item property.
What I often feel like I want to do is simply:
<div ng-include="'my/partial.html'" ng-with="item"></div>
<div ng-repeat="list" ng-controller="MyItemCtrl">
<button ng-click="doSomethingWithItem()">Do Something</button>
Is there some magical directive out there that I haven't found? Or am I completely wrong and just looking for trouble?
Many thanks to Brandon Tilley for explaining the dangers of using scopes as models. But I still often find the need for some quick declarative scope manipulation and wish for an ng-with directive.
Take, for example, you have a list of items which, when clicked, shows an expanded view of the selected item. You might write it something like:
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="selection = item">{{item.minView}}</li>
<div ng-controller="ItemController">
now you have to get properties of the selected item using rather than what I'd want: I'd also have to use selection in ItemController! Making it wholly coupled with this view.
I know, in this simple example I could have a wrapping controller to make it work, but it illustrates the point.
I've written a very basic with directive:
myApp.directive('with', ['$parse', '$log', function(parse, log) {
return {
scope: true,
link: function(scope, el, attr) {
var expression = attr.with;
var parts = expression.split(' as ');
if(parts.length != 2) {
log.error("`with` directive expects expression in the form `String as String`");
scope.$watch(parts[0], function(value) {
scope[parts[1]] = value;
}, true);
that simply creates a new scope parsing one expression onto another value, allowing:
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="selection = item">{{item.minView}}</li>
<div with="selection as item" ng-controller="ItemController">
This seems infinitely useful to me.
Am I missing something here? Just making trouble for myself down the line somehow?
I've found I can just put an array around the source of ng-repeat and it becomes functionally an ng-with. :)
<div ng-repeat="name in [vm.dto.Person.Name]" >
<input type="text" ng-model="name.First" />
<input type="text" ng-model="name.Last" />
Seems like some purests may not like this... Also doesn't seem like there is a good alternative.
This is a great question. I can see how this may be confusing coming from another front-end framework, but in Angular, the scope has a reference to the model, and the syntax you're describing is normal. I personally like to describe the scope as more like a view model.
Miško Hevery, the author of AngularJS, does a good job of explaining this concept in this video, starting at about the 30 minute mark and lasting about 3 minutes:
People oftentimes think that the scope is the model, and that's not the case. Scope has references to the model. [...] So in the view, you say model dot whatever property you want to access.
While it may be possible to write an ngWith directive that does kind-of what you're looking for, since Angular uses prototypal inheritance for scopes, you will likely run into the same issues that Miško describes in the aforementioned video at 31:10 (where you think you're updating a value on the parent scope but you're actually not). For more details on prototypal inheritance in AngularJS, check out the excellent article The Nuances of Scope Prototypal Inheritance on the AngularJS wiki.
Another approach would be to set a new variable via ng-init:
<div ng-init="name = vm.dto.Person.Name" >
<input type="text" ng-model="name.First" />
<input type="text" ng-model="name.Last" />
I think one side effect of this when coming from knockout is that is encourages you to create more components with less responsibility, and of course within a component the 'this' is the viewmodel for that component. If you get to a point where it is really annoying you then it might be a sign you need a new component.
And it sure is nice being able to just refer to something in the component view model without thinking about the scope you're in. And you can't tell me you miss $parents[2] and $root ;-)
PS. Yes I know you can use let in knockout, which means fewer $ stuff.
I definitely miss knockout when doing Angular stuff (I still use both) but it sure is nice to do certain things things like title="Customer #{{ row.customerId }} - {{ row.fullName }}" and not have everything under data-bind.

Is there a way to make AngularJS work with HTML-first?

Is there a way to have a HTML-view with pre-populated values from the server, and then get AngularJS to read those values into it's $scope?
I'm thinking of a scenario where the HTML is like this:
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-bind="title">Test Title</div>
<div ng-bind="itemCount">33</div>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<div ng-bind="item.title">Item 1 Title</div>
<button ng-click="update()">Update</button>
And the JavaScript is like this:
function TestController($scope) {
$scope.update = function() {
console.log($scope.title); // Should log "Test Title"
The thought behind this is to let the server render HTML that search engines can index, but have a JavaScript-model-representation of the content for manipulation through JS.
While ng-init is one solution, it requires you to explicitly set the value. So here is an alternative solution.
Note : This solution wont work for ng-repeat. Control flow directives cant be used with this. But for simple extraction of information from ng-bind this works pretty well. All that you need to do is add the default directive ( code in plunk ) to wherever you are doing the bind and it will extract the text content and push it to the scope variable.
EDIT (solution with ng-repeat):
So, I was thinking of a way to make ng-repeat also work the same way. But getting ng-repeat to work like this isnt an easy job ( see the code for proof :P ). I have finally found a solution - here you go :
There are a couple of things you need to know before you use this. This hasnt been thoroughly tested. It only works for repeating over arrays ( not objects ). There could be cases that have not been covered. I am overriding ngRepeat itself which could have other consequences. When you loop through the items ( in your server side code ) dont forget to add default="true" on the first element and default on the rest of the elements.
Hope this helps.
Add ng-init to your elements with the value so that it will work the way you want.
I think what you really want is to make your application searchable by serving static files in parallell. Read more about it here
