Is this a bug in Arduino modulo or is it me? - c

I created the following simple sketch for my Arduino Due (running 1.6.1) using the modulo operator:
int count = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
Serial.print("Count: ");
Serial.print("Count / 4 = ");
Serial.println(count / 4);
Serial.print("Remainder = ");
Serial.println(count & 4);
if (count == 50) {
} else {
The output looks like this:
Count: 0
Count / 4 = 0
Remainder = 0
Count: 1
Count / 4 = 0
Remainder = 0
Count: 2
Count / 4 = 0
Remainder = 0
Count: 3
Count / 4 = 0
Remainder = 0
Count: 4
Count / 4 = 1
Remainder = 4
Count: 5
Count / 4 = 1
Remainder = 4
Count: 6
Count / 4 = 1
Remainder = 4
Count: 7
Count / 4 = 1
Remainder = 4
Count: 8
Count / 4 = 2
Remainder = 0
Count: 9
Count / 4 = 2
Remainder = 0
Count: 10
Count / 4 = 2
Remainder = 0
Count: 11
Count / 4 = 2
Remainder = 0
Count: 12
Count / 4 = 3
Remainder = 4
Count: 13
Count / 4 = 3
Remainder = 4
Count: 14
Count / 4 = 3
Remainder = 4
Count: 15
Count / 4 = 3
Remainder = 4
Count: 16
Count / 4 = 4
Remainder = 0
My expectation would be that the remainder value would count up from 0 to 3 again and again. Instead it alternates between 0 for four times and 4 for four times.
I'm completely open to the idea of me doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.

I fail to see a modulo operator (%). I see & instead.


Find consecutive values in 3D array

Say I have an array the size 100x150x30, a geographical grid 100x150 with 30 values for each grid point, and want to find consecutive elements along the third dimension with a congruous length of minimum 3.
I would like to find the maximum length of consecutive elements blocks, as well as the number of occurrences.
I have tried this on a simple vector:
var=[20 21 50 70 90 91 92 93];
q = diff([0 a 0] == 1);
v = find(q == -1) - find(q == 1);
v = v+1;
v2 = v(v>3);
v3 = max(v2); % maximum length: 4
z = numel(v2); % number: 1
Now I'd like to apply this to the 3rd dimension of my array.
With A being my 100x150x30 array, I've come this far:
aa = diff(A, 1, 3);
b1 = diff((aa == 1),1,3);
b2 = zeros(100,150,1);
qq = cat(3,b2,b1,b2);
But I'm stuck on the next step, which would be: find(qq == -1) - find(qq == 1);. I can't make it work.
Is there a way to put it in a loop, or do I have to find the consecutive values another way?
Thanks for any help!
A = randi(25,100,150,30); %// generate random array
tmpsize = size(A); %// get its size
B = diff(A,1,3); %// difference
v3 = zeros(tmpsize([1 2])); %//initialise
z = zeros(tmpsize([1 2]));
for ii = 1:100 %// double loop over all entries
for jj = 1:150
q = diff([0 squeeze(B(ii,jj,:)).' 0] == 1);%'//
v = find(q == -1) - find(q == 1);
try %// if v2 is empty, set to nan
The above seems to work. It just doubly loops over both dimensions you want to get the difference over.
The part where I think you were stuck was using squeeze to get the vector to put in your variable q.
The try/catch is there solely to prevent empty consecutive arrays in v2 throwing an error in the assignment to v3, since that would remove its entry. Now it simply sets it to nan, though you can switch that to 0 of course.
Here's one vectorized approach -
%// Parameters
[m,n,r] = size(var);
max_occ_thresh = 2 %// Threshold for consecutive occurrences
% Get indices of start and stop of consecutive number islands
df = diff(var,[],3)==1;
A = reshape(df,[],size(df,3));
dfA = diff([zeros(size(A,1),1) A zeros(size(A,1),1)],[],2).'; %//'
[R1,C1] = find(dfA==1);
[R2,C2] = find(dfA==-1);
%// Get interval lengths
interval_lens = R2 - R1+1;
%// Get max consecutive occurrences across dim-3
max_len = zeros(m,n);
maxIDs = accumarray(C1,interval_lens,[],#max);
max_len(1:numel(maxIDs)) = maxIDs
%// Get number of consecutive occurrences that are a bove max_occ_thresh
num_occ = zeros(m,n);
counts = accumarray(C1,interval_lens>max_occ_thresh);
num_occ(1:numel(counts)) = counts
Sample run -
var(:,:,1) =
2 3 1 4 1
1 4 1 5 2
var(:,:,2) =
2 2 3 1 2
1 3 5 1 4
var(:,:,3) =
5 2 4 1 2
1 5 1 5 1
var(:,:,4) =
3 5 5 1 5
5 1 3 4 3
var(:,:,5) =
5 5 4 4 4
3 4 5 2 2
var(:,:,6) =
3 4 4 5 3
2 5 4 2 2
max_occ_thresh =
max_len =
0 0 3 2 2
0 2 0 0 0
num_occ =
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

Efficient technique to interleave data sets by classes in MATLAB

The data set is in the following format: Input sample matrix X and output class vector Y such that each row in X is a sample and each of its column corresponds to a feature. Each index in Y corresponds to the respective output class for the corresponding sample in X. X can contain real numbers while Y contains positive integers.
My aim is to order the data set in terms of its class. For example
X = Y =
1 8 3 2
4 2 6 1
7 8 9 2
2 3 4 3
1 4 6 1
should be ordered and interleaved as
X = Y =
4 2 6 1
1 8 3 2
2 3 4 3
1 4 6 1
7 8 9 2
The code I've attempted seems to take a long time to run as it is based on serial execution. It is the following.
X = csvread('X.csv');
Y = csvread('Y.csv');
n = size(unique(Y),1);
m = size(X,1);
for i = 1:n
Dataset(i).X = X(Y==i,:);
Dataset(i).Y = Y(Y==i);
[num, ~] = hist(Y,n);
maxfreq = max(num);
NewX = [];
NewY = [];
for j = 1:maxfreq
for i = 1:n
if(j <= size(Dataset(i).X,1))
NewX = [NewX; Dataset(i).X(j,:)];
NewY = [NewY; i];
X = NewX;
Y = NewY;
clear NewX;
clear NewY;
csvwrite('OrderedX.csv', X);
csvwrite('OrderedY.csv', Y);
Is is possible to parallelize the above code?
You're resizing matrices all the time which is expensive. A quick speedup for your algorithm would be to set NewX and NewY to the proper size and just copy data in:
NewX = zeros(size(X));
NewY = zeros(size(Y));
k = 1;
for j = 1:maxfreq
for i = 1:n
if(j <= size(Dataset(i).X,1))
NewX(k,:) = Dataset(i).X(j,:);
NewY(k) = i;
Approach #1 Using cumsum and diff following the same philosophy as the one listed in this solution -
function [outX,outY] = interleave_cumsum_diff(X,Y)
Y = Y(:);
[R,C] = find(bsxfun(#eq,Y,unique(Y).'));
lens = accumarray(C,1);
out = ones(1,numel(R));
shifts = cumsum(lens(1:end-1));
out(shifts+1) = 1- diff([0 ; shifts]);
[~,idx] = sort(cumsum(out));
sort_idx = R(idx)';
outX = X(sort_idx,:);
outY = Y(sort_idx,:);
Approach #1 Using bsxfun -
function [outX,outY] = interleave_bsxfuns(X,Y)
Y = Y(:);
[R,C] = find(bsxfun(#eq,Y,unique(Y).'));
lens = accumarray(C,1);
mask = bsxfun(#le,[1:max(lens)]',lens.');
V = zeros(size(mask));
V(mask) = R;
Vt = V.';
sort_idx = Vt(mask.');
outX = X(sort_idx,:);
outY = Y(sort_idx,:);
Sample run -
1) Inputs :
>> X
X =
1 8 3
4 2 6
7 8 9
2 3 4
1 4 6
>> Y
Y =
2) Outputs from the two approaches :
>> [NewX,NewY] = interleave_cumsum_diff(X,Y)
NewX =
4 2 6
1 8 3
2 3 4
1 4 6
7 8 9
NewY =
>> [NewX,NewY] = interleave_bsxfuns(X,Y)
NewX =
4 2 6
1 8 3
2 3 4
1 4 6
7 8 9
NewY =

How do you create an outer loop to read two separate mazes using the user's input C program

So we're supposed to read an input file from the user.
The input file contains the following:
First Line: The number of mazes in the file
Second Line: the first number is the number of nodes and the second number is the...
ith Line: There will be lines that has the same format as the second line.
These lines serve to tell you that you have reached the next maze. There are n such pairs of numbers, where n is the number indicated in the first line of the file.
The Rest of the Lines: The rest of the lines are sets of three numbers containing the source, number of edges,destination, and edge/path cost.
The problem is, my program only reads the first half of the program. When it comes to the next "maze", it stops.
How to read both mazes in one go? Help please.
Here is the input file:
16 15
0 1 1
1 5 1
5 6 1
6 7 1
7 11 1
11 10 1
10 14 1
14 13 1
13 9 1
14 15 1
1 2 1
2 3 1
0 4 1
4 8 1
8 12 1
16 15
0 1 1
1 2 1
2 6 1
6 7 1
7 11 1
11 15 1
15 14 1
14 13 1
13 9 1
9 5 1
9 10 1
2 3 1
0 4 1
4 8 1
8 12 1
And here's my program:
fh = fopen("maze_test_small", "r");
fscanf(fh, "%d",&nlines);
fscanf(fh, "%d %d", &nnodes, &nedges);
adjlist = (edgelist_t**) calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(edgelist_t *));
for(i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
adjlist[i] = (edgelist_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(edgelist_t));
adjlist[i][0].cost = 0;
fscanf(fh, "%d %d %d", &na, &nb, &wt);
adjlist[na] = (edgelist_t *) realloc(adjlist[na], (adjlist[na] [0].cost + 2) * sizeof(edgelist_t));
adjlist[nb] = (edgelist_t *) realloc(adjlist[nb], (adjlist[na][0].cost + 2) * sizeof(edgelist_t));
adjlist[na][adjlist[na][0].cost + 1].dest = nb;
adjlist[nb][adjlist[nb][0].cost + 1].dest = na;
adjlist[na][adjlist[na][0].cost + 1].cost = wt;
adjlist[nb][adjlist[nb][0].cost + 1].cost = wt;
You have not used a outer loop with nlines. That's why it is only reading a single maze.
You can do following thing:
for(i = 0; i < nlines; i++){
// your code.
and if you do not need nlines anywhere else then,
//your code

bitwise division rounding to nearest zero

I want to perform an signed integer bitwise division by a power of 2. However, I encounter several problem. I just wonder if anyone can help me.
First, I try to use bit shifting alone:
int result = number >> n;
However, I got a problem when I try to divide a negative number. (it always round with a number with bigger magnitude. example: -9/4=-3 instead of -2. So, I look this problem in the internet, that end me up with this solution:
int result = (number + (1<<n)-1) >> n;
However, when I try 11/4 = 3 instead of 2
Any suggestions? I can only use ! ~ & ^ | + << >> (no loop or if/switch allowed)
The following method is bad because it relies on:
right shifts of negative integers being arithmetic shifts (may not be the case)
signed integers being in the 2's complement representation (extremely rarely may not be the case)
integers not having any padding bits (these days on modern CPUs you won't find padding bits, although the standard allows their existence)
And it may cause undefined behavior on some dividends (e.g. INT_MIN) due to signed integer overflow.
Therefore it isn't portable and isn't guaranteed to work always. You have been warned.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
int DivByShifting1(int n, unsigned shift)
int sgn = n >> ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1);
return ((((n + sgn) ^ sgn) >> shift) + sgn) ^ sgn;
int main(void)
int n, s;
for (n = -10; n <= 10; n++)
for (s = 0; s <= 4; s++)
printf("%d / %d = %d\n", n, 1 << s, DivByShifting1(n, s));
return 0;
Output (ideone):
-10 / 1 = -10
-10 / 2 = -5
-10 / 4 = -2
-10 / 8 = -1
-10 / 16 = 0
-9 / 1 = -9
-9 / 2 = -4
-9 / 4 = -2
-9 / 8 = -1
-9 / 16 = 0
-8 / 1 = -8
-8 / 2 = -4
-8 / 4 = -2
-8 / 8 = -1
-8 / 16 = 0
-7 / 1 = -7
-7 / 2 = -3
-7 / 4 = -1
-7 / 8 = 0
-7 / 16 = 0
-6 / 1 = -6
-6 / 2 = -3
-6 / 4 = -1
-6 / 8 = 0
-6 / 16 = 0
-5 / 1 = -5
-5 / 2 = -2
-5 / 4 = -1
-5 / 8 = 0
-5 / 16 = 0
-4 / 1 = -4
-4 / 2 = -2
-4 / 4 = -1
-4 / 8 = 0
-4 / 16 = 0
-3 / 1 = -3
-3 / 2 = -1
-3 / 4 = 0
-3 / 8 = 0
-3 / 16 = 0
-2 / 1 = -2
-2 / 2 = -1
-2 / 4 = 0
-2 / 8 = 0
-2 / 16 = 0
-1 / 1 = -1
-1 / 2 = 0
-1 / 4 = 0
-1 / 8 = 0
-1 / 16 = 0
0 / 1 = 0
0 / 2 = 0
0 / 4 = 0
0 / 8 = 0
0 / 16 = 0
1 / 1 = 1
1 / 2 = 0
1 / 4 = 0
1 / 8 = 0
1 / 16 = 0
2 / 1 = 2
2 / 2 = 1
2 / 4 = 0
2 / 8 = 0
2 / 16 = 0
3 / 1 = 3
3 / 2 = 1
3 / 4 = 0
3 / 8 = 0
3 / 16 = 0
4 / 1 = 4
4 / 2 = 2
4 / 4 = 1
4 / 8 = 0
4 / 16 = 0
5 / 1 = 5
5 / 2 = 2
5 / 4 = 1
5 / 8 = 0
5 / 16 = 0
6 / 1 = 6
6 / 2 = 3
6 / 4 = 1
6 / 8 = 0
6 / 16 = 0
7 / 1 = 7
7 / 2 = 3
7 / 4 = 1
7 / 8 = 0
7 / 16 = 0
8 / 1 = 8
8 / 2 = 4
8 / 4 = 2
8 / 8 = 1
8 / 16 = 0
9 / 1 = 9
9 / 2 = 4
9 / 4 = 2
9 / 8 = 1
9 / 16 = 0
10 / 1 = 10
10 / 2 = 5
10 / 4 = 2
10 / 8 = 1
10 / 16 = 0
Note that ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1) is a compile-time constant and therefore * and - can be allowed.
Another version, which is very similar, but does not require right shifts of negative integers to be arithmetic shifts and is free of signed integer overflow (2's complement-ness and padding bits are still limitations, but virtually in-existent in today's practice):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
int DivByShifting2(int n, unsigned shift)
unsigned un = n;
unsigned sgn = 1 + ~(un >> ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1));
un = ((((un + sgn) ^ sgn) >> shift) + sgn) ^ sgn;
memcpy(&n, &un, sizeof n);
return n;
int main(void)
int n, s;
for (n = -10; n <= 10; n++)
for (s = 0; s <= 4; s++)
printf("%d / %d = %d\n", n, 1 << s, DivByShifting2(n, s));
return 0;
Output (ideone):
-10 / 1 = -10
-10 / 2 = -5
-10 / 4 = -2
-10 / 8 = -1
-10 / 16 = 0
-9 / 1 = -9
-9 / 2 = -4
-9 / 4 = -2
-9 / 8 = -1
-9 / 16 = 0
-8 / 1 = -8
-8 / 2 = -4
-8 / 4 = -2
-8 / 8 = -1
-8 / 16 = 0
-7 / 1 = -7
-7 / 2 = -3
-7 / 4 = -1
-7 / 8 = 0
-7 / 16 = 0
-6 / 1 = -6
-6 / 2 = -3
-6 / 4 = -1
-6 / 8 = 0
-6 / 16 = 0
-5 / 1 = -5
-5 / 2 = -2
-5 / 4 = -1
-5 / 8 = 0
-5 / 16 = 0
-4 / 1 = -4
-4 / 2 = -2
-4 / 4 = -1
-4 / 8 = 0
-4 / 16 = 0
-3 / 1 = -3
-3 / 2 = -1
-3 / 4 = 0
-3 / 8 = 0
-3 / 16 = 0
-2 / 1 = -2
-2 / 2 = -1
-2 / 4 = 0
-2 / 8 = 0
-2 / 16 = 0
-1 / 1 = -1
-1 / 2 = 0
-1 / 4 = 0
-1 / 8 = 0
-1 / 16 = 0
0 / 1 = 0
0 / 2 = 0
0 / 4 = 0
0 / 8 = 0
0 / 16 = 0
1 / 1 = 1
1 / 2 = 0
1 / 4 = 0
1 / 8 = 0
1 / 16 = 0
2 / 1 = 2
2 / 2 = 1
2 / 4 = 0
2 / 8 = 0
2 / 16 = 0
3 / 1 = 3
3 / 2 = 1
3 / 4 = 0
3 / 8 = 0
3 / 16 = 0
4 / 1 = 4
4 / 2 = 2
4 / 4 = 1
4 / 8 = 0
4 / 16 = 0
5 / 1 = 5
5 / 2 = 2
5 / 4 = 1
5 / 8 = 0
5 / 16 = 0
6 / 1 = 6
6 / 2 = 3
6 / 4 = 1
6 / 8 = 0
6 / 16 = 0
7 / 1 = 7
7 / 2 = 3
7 / 4 = 1
7 / 8 = 0
7 / 16 = 0
8 / 1 = 8
8 / 2 = 4
8 / 4 = 2
8 / 8 = 1
8 / 16 = 0
9 / 1 = 9
9 / 2 = 4
9 / 4 = 2
9 / 8 = 1
9 / 16 = 0
10 / 1 = 10
10 / 2 = 5
10 / 4 = 2
10 / 8 = 1
10 / 16 = 0
#R.. rightfully reminds that the conversion from a signed int to an unsigned int can be done by adding 0u (unsigned 0).
And he also reminds that un can be returned directly instead of doing memcpy() to n. The conversion should be implementation-defined, but in 2's complement implementations of C, bit-for-bit copy is practically always the case.
Just use the / operator:
int result = number / (1 << n);
Any decent compiler will compile this to the optimal bitshift with fixup for "rounding" of negative results.
maybe this should help you.
1) if your using / operator then the standard says (ISO/IEC TR3 in 6.5.5 Multiplicative operators)that the result of the / operator is the quotient from the division of the first operand by the second.
2) if your using >> the standard says (ISO/IEC TR3 in 6.5.7) that the result of >> where the LHS operand is a signed type and negative then the resulting value is implementation defined.
so / will give you the result as you desired.
but >> on signed && negative number is dependant on your compiler.
Judging from the disassembly of int div(int a){return a/4;}:
leal 3(%rdi), %eax
testl %edi, %edi
cmovns %edi, %eax
sarl $2, %eax
one has to adjust the operand by (1<<n)-1 if and only if the operand is negative.
An unconditional method would be to use sgn(a)*(abs(a)>>n); both of which can be implemented with branchless bitmagic relying on the implementation defined behaviour.

Need help with logic (C)

I need to swap first n elements from two non repeating sequences(arrays), where n is a random integer.
Seq1: 1 4 5 6 9 8 2 3 7
Seq2: 3 9 1 2 8 7 4 5 6
If n = 4
Seq1: 3 9 1 2 | 9 8 2 3 7
Seq2: 1 4 5 6 | 8 7 4 5 6
Now i need to repair the sequence by replacing the repeated numbers after '|'.
How to do this?
This is my effort..
for(left1 = 0; left1<pivot; left1++)
for(right1 = pivot; right1 < no_jobs; right1++)
if(S1->sequence[left1] == S1->sequence[right1])
for(left2 = 0; left2<pivot; left2++)
for(right2 = pivot; right2<no_jobs; right2++)
if(S2->sequence[left2] == S2->sequence[right2])
swap_temp = S1->sequence[right1];
S1->sequence[right1] = S2->sequence[right2];
S2->sequence[right2] = swap_temp;
Swapping the first n elements is straightforward using a single for loop.
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int tmp = array1[i];
array1[i] = array2[i];
array2[i] = tmp;
Now you need to find what has changed in the arrays. You can do this by comparing the parts you swapped.
int m1 = 0, m2 = 0;
int missing_array1[n];
int missing_array2[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
bool found = false;
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
if(array1[i] == array2[j]){
found = true;
missing_array2[m2++] = array1[i];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
bool found = false;
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
if(array2[i] == array1[j]){
found = true;
missing_array1[m1++] = array2[i];
missing_array2 now contains the numbers that are missing from array2. These are all the numbers that will be duplicated in array1. The same goes for missing_array1. Next you need to scan both arrays and replace the duplicates with the missing numbers.
while(m1 >= 0){
int z = 0;
while(missing_array1[m1] != array2[n + z]){
array2[n + z] = missing_array2[m1--];
while(m2 >= 0){
int z = 0;
while(missing_array2[m2] != array1[n + z]){
array1[n + z] = missing_array1[m2--];
In summary, you compare the parts you swapped to find the values that will be missing from each array. These value are also the values that will be duplicated in the opposite array. Then you scan each of the arrays and replace the duplicate values with one of the missing values (I assume you don't care which of the missing values, as long as all the values are unique.
If the swapped portions of the sequences contain the same values, then there would be no repeats - performing the swap would just shuffle the first n elements. So the values you need to repair are the values which occur in one of the swapped sequences
Firstly, I'd create a histogram of the n swapped elements, with those from sequence 1 counting as bit 0, and those from sequence 2 as bit 1. If any members of the histogram are non-zero, then they occur in one or the other sequence only.
If there are values requiring repair, then you can construct a look-up table of the values which require rewriting. This should map i to i unless i is one of the asymmetric values in the histogram, in which case it needs to map to the another asymmetric value.
Seq1: 1 4 5 6 9 8 2 3 7
Seq2: 3 9 1 2 8 7 4 5 6
If n = 4
Seq1: 3 9 1 2 | 9 8 2 3 7
Seq2: 1 4 5 6 | 8 7 4 5 6
value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
count 3 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 1
mapping for sequence 1 ( while histogram [S1[i]] & 1, replace[S1[i]] with S2[i] )
value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
replace 1 6 5 4 5 6 7 8 4
apply mapping to sequence 1 for i > n
Seq1: 3 9 1 2 | 9 8 2 3 7
replace - - - - | 4 8 6 5 7
result 3 9 1 2 | 4 8 6 5 7
mapping for sequence 2 ( while histogram [S2[i]] & 2, replace[S2[i]] with S1[i] )
value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
replace 1 2 3 9 3 2 7 8 9
apply mapping to sequence 1 for i > n
Seq2: 1 4 5 6 | 8 7 4 5 6
replace - - - - | 8 7 9 3 2
result 1 4 5 6 | 8 7 9 3 2
Alternatively, replace with the next value with the other bit set in the histogram (the iterated replace will also need to check for replacing a value with itself); I'm assuming it doesn't really matter what value is used as the replacement as long as the values in the result are unique.
