API on subdomain and oauth - angularjs

I have an api on a subdomain : api.exemple.com written with symfony2 and my main application on exemple.com (SPA - AngularJs).
I would like to allow user to link their facebook account with their local account. I don't know how to proceed in order to authenticate through my app and use third party oauth provider.
Do you have any clue ?
Thank you

On the angular side, start by opening a new window and send your oauth handler a get request:
self.oauthConnect = function(provider)
var url = apiPrefix + '/oauth/tokens/'. provider;
oauthWindow = $window.open(url,'_blank', 'height=600, width=600, top=100, left=300, modal=yes');
Your PHP api site then redirects to the oauth provider site (i.e. facebook). We use a new client window so our SPA keeps running in spite of the redirect. The provider then presents their login screen and redirects with the oauth token information.
Your PHP api site does what it needs to and generates the actual authorization token (hint: use a json web token). The site then returns an html page back to your angular app.
window.opener.oauthCallback('<?php echo $oauthToken; ?>');
Your angular controller (that opened the window) will then be called with the oauth token.
$window.oauthCallback = function(oauthToken)
oauthWindow = null;
authManager.oauthToken = oauthToken;
Easy right? Well not really but it works. In my case I turn right around and:
POST /auth/tokens/oauthToken
to get the real application token. That way my oauth service can be used for multiple applications.


EasyAuth with a SPA and AzureFunction on different hosts

I'm trying to use EasyAuth (aad) with a SPA, which is on "localhost:8080" at the moment, and an Azure Function which is hosted in Azure ({function-app}.azurewebsites.net. The intent is for the SPA to call a secured endpoint on the Azure Function. So, I have the Azure Function Registered as an application in AD, and the authentication redirect in the SPA to the Azure Function EasyAuth endpoint appears to be working, but the redirect back to the localhost SPA via the post_login_redirect_url is not.
I added http://localhost:8080 to the AAD registered application as an allowed redirect URI. However, if I fully qualify the URL I am redirected back to {function-host}/.auth/login/done. Is there an expectation that the SPA runs under the same hostname as the azure function, or is there a way to configure the setup to allow any URL for the SPA host?
In terms of HTTP data during behavior, once login succeeds .auth/login/aad/callback is loaded with the following prior to redirecting to the default done page and stopping.
Response Header
Location = {function-host}/.auth/login/done
Form Data:
state = http://localhost:8080
code = auth code
id_token = auth token
How I called it from the SPA
function processAuthCheck(xmlhttp) {
if (xmlhttp.status == 401) {
url = "https://{function-app}.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/aad?"
+ "post_login_redirect_url=" + encodeURI("http://localhost:8080");
window.location = url;
} else if (xmlhttp.status != 200) {
alert("There is an error with this service!");
var result = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
Regarding the issue, please refer to the following steps
Register Azure AD application to protect azure function with easy auth
Register client-side application
a. Register single-page application
b. In the Implicit grant and hybrid flows section, select ID tokens and Access tokens.
c. Configure API permissions
Enable CORS in Azure function
a. Integrate Azure AD auth in your spa application with Implicit grant flow. After doing that, when users access your application, they need to enter their AD account to get access token
b. Client exchanges this accessToken for an 'App Service Token'. It does this by making a POST to https://{app}.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/aad with the content { "access_token" : "{token from Azure AD}" }. This will return back an authenticationToken
c. Use that authenticationToken in a header named x-zumo-auth. Make all requests to your function app using that header.
For more details, please refer to here and here. Regarding how to implement Azure AD in spa, please refer to here.

Azure Active Directory - UI > API - 401 Error

Good Day,
Currently I have a single tenent with a React UI and .NET Core Apis secured by Azure Active Directory without any problems.
We have recently moved to a new Azure Tenent, new Active Directory etc. I have create two new App Registrations, one single App Service for UI and one for API. I have linked the App Service to AAD (UI = UI App Registration, API = API App Registration).
The problem is the API is getting a 401 error and I think see that in the original tenent the Bearer token is in a JWT format but in the new instance it's not, I believe it my be a graph api access key.
New Tenent:
Authorization: Bearer PAQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7WevrQvEQVbZEMD8su-tIp9k2bTFUTort7SZgeDI52P6KRYefHgtmj4YrecgUKZJ2wylGuhvIzIz642n7Sg0VMU1RwKtrzWlaMqK62CaSoJcstxiEf6 *****
Orginal Tenent:
Please someone kindly enought to provide some guidance / input where I am going wrong.
When using Azure AD to obtain an access token, an additional resource parameter is required. Otherwise, the access token is not a JWT.
For example, if your web API's application ID URI is https://contoso.com/api and the scope name is Employees.Read.All, then with oidc-client the client configuration should be :
scope: 'openid profile email Employees.Read.All',
extraQueryParams: {
resource: 'https://contoso.com/api'
In App Service auth configuration, you can use additionalLoginParams
"additionalLoginParams": ["response_type=code", "resource=https://contoso.com/api"]
If you did not use a custom application ID URI, it may look like
Quickstart: Configure an application to expose a web API
Firstly, the scope is incorrect.
You should Expose an API in your API App Registration and then add it as a permission in your UI App Registration. You can refer to this document.
And when you try to call the 'https://login.windows.net/{tenant}/oauth2/authorize endpoint, you need to specify the scope to include api://{app id of the API App Registration}. For example: api://{app id of the API App Registration} openid profile email. Then the access token would be for calling your API.
At last, for CORS issue, please configure the CORS as * in your web app to see if it helps.
Try to follow this step: Configure App Service to return a usable access token
In my experience, this problem occurs, when you try to authorize against version 1 of the endpoint.
Instead of calling
You might be required to set something like "metadata URL" in you authorization library to:
Make sure your builder follows this order...lifted from our API program.cs
These must be in order of
UseRouting -> UseAuthentication -> UseAuthorisation -> MapControllers
> app.UseRouting()
> app.UseAuthentication()
> app.UseAuthorization()
> app.MapControllers()
If app.UseAuthentication and app.UseAuthorization are not in this order in statement position you Will get 401 Unauthorised as at 01/2023 .Net 6 Core.

ADAL.JS with Mobile App

I'm trying to integrate some Oracle delivered Mobile Application Framework Apps (MAF) mobile apps with Azure AD authentication. I have tried the Java approach, which apparently doesn't work in my case.
So I decided to try using a Javascript login page option using ADAL.JS. Since MAF creates cross-platform compatible code by transpiling to HTML 5/Javascript/Cordova, I reckoned I could make the JS option work without resorting to having multiple SDK specific solutions like ADAL-Android or ADAL-IOS. Since I can wrap it all in an HTML page as I can use the OAUTH implicit flow option that ADAL.JS requires. I have the ADAL.JS part working from my PC using this example with a local Node/Webpack dev server for the redirect URI. (Note, just like that example, I'd prefer to use the strict adal.js option and avoid any angular-js stuff). However, I'm running into an issue when deployed on the Android mobile device. It appears to be due to the reply URI. After being prompted for Azure credentials and supplying those, the following error is produced.
AADSTS50011: Reply address 'file:///data/user/0/com.company.app/storage/assets/FARs/ViewController/public_html/SignOn/login.html' has an invalid scheme.
I found that when deploying to a mobile device the Azure registered app must be set to type "Native" instead of "Web/API" which I have done. And according to an MSFT example (which I cannot include since I don't have enough rep to include more than two links) the redirect URI must be set to "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient". But I still get the same error.
UPDATE since #FeiXue Reply
I'm using the original endpoint not 2.0. When I set the redirectURI as such:
The browser returns this in the address bar and remains there on a blank screen and does not issue a token. It does this both on the PC browser and mobile browser.
http://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient#id_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6ImEzUU4wQlpTN3M0bk4tQmRyamJGMFlfTGRNTSIsImtpZCI6ImEzUU4wQlpTN3M0bk4tQmRyamJGMFlfTGRNTSJ9.(shortened for brevity)&state=e1ce94fb-6310-4dec-9e8b-053727ceb9b8&session_state=1beafa4d-af55-415b-85d5-83e8b4035594
However, for the exact same code, on the PC when I set the redirectURI as such it returns an access token:
redirectURI=https://localhost:8443 <-- port to my local node server
I've also tried it with a redirectURI of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob, but that does not work either.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Authenticate User with ADAL JS</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com/lib/1.0.0/js/adal.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
"use strict";
var variables = {
azureAD: "mytenant.onmicrosoft.com",
clientId: "cc8ed7e0-56e9-45c9-b01e-xxxxxxxxxx"
window.config = {
tenant: variables.azureAD,
clientId: variables.clientId,
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
redirectUri: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient",
endpoints: {
aisApiUri: "cc8ed7e0-56e9-45c9-b01e-xxxxxxxxxx"
//cacheLocation: "localStorage"
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(config);
var isCallback = authContext.isCallback(window.location.hash);
if (isCallback && !authContext.getLoginError()) {
window.location = authContext._getItem(authContext.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_REQUEST);
var user = authContext.getCachedUser();
if (!user) {
authContext.acquireToken(config.endpoints.aisApiUri, function (error, token) {
if (error || !token) {
console.log("ADAL error occurred in acquireToken: " + error);
else {
var accessToken = "Authorization:" + " Bearer " + token;
console.log("SUCCESSFULLY FETCHED TOKEN: " + accessToken);
<h1>Test Login</h1>
#FeiXue So I guess from what you're saying the id_token IS the access token? I think then the problem is this.
When the redirectURI="https://localhost:8443" it redirects back to my index.html after AAD login and the authContext.acquireToken() works and returns a valid token.
But when the redirectURI="https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient" it never redirects back from http://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient#id_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni......
While it shows the id_token, it never redirects back to my index.html So I can't make a call to authContext.acquireToken() for passing it onto my web API.
From my research on this topic here is the gist on ADAL.JS and Native (Mobile) Device Support
As #fei-xue-msft mentioned, ADAL.JS is not intended for nor does it work with native/mobile devices. ADAL.JS was written with the “original” Azure endpoint in mind, not the v2.0 endpoint that provides more functionality for mobile/native devices (see more below on the two different endpoint options). There is however an experimental ADAL.JS branch you can try (uses the v2.0 endpoint), but it is not not being actively updated anymore so you are on your own. The new MSFT approach is to use the new MSAL library, which is written towards the v2.0 endpoints. However there is no MSAL-for-JS library yet but rumor is there will be one at some point. For more on the two different Azure endpoints (“original” versus “v2.0”) see the links below. The confusion over this was a source of frustration in my troubleshooting so I help this helps some others going down this track.
So if you are looking to get Azure Oauth authentication on mobile devices, first decide which Azure Endpoint you want to use (Supporting links on that below as v2.0 does have some restrictions that the original endpoint does not). You can determine what your specific endpoints for your tenant are by viewing the Metadata Doc links listed below, just substitute your tenant name or ID. You should be able to use either.
To register an application for a specific type of endpoint (original versus v2.0) use the appropriate App Registration Portal link cited below. Then, to decide what your options are for creating an Azure auth solution for native/mobile device, see the code samples for each endpoint version, and make sure the sample is for “native” else it probably won’t work on your mobile device. For example, you will not see an ADAL.JS sample for the original endpoint library options, but you will see one for Cordova (which is why #fei-xue-msft suggested that approach). For the v2.0 endpoint samples you will see the MSAL/Xamarin options, and for an Javascript option you can try something like the Hello.JS Sample.
Original Endpoint
https://login.microsoft.com/{tenant id}/oauth2/authorize
App Registration Portal: https://portal.azure.com
Code Samples: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-code-samples#native-application-to-web-api
Native Auth Scenarios: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-authentication-scenarios#native-application-to-web-api
OpenID Metadata Doc: https://login.microsoft.com/{tenant id}/.well-known/openid-configuration
V2.0 Endpoint
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
App Registration Portal: https://apps.dev.microsoft.com
V2.0 Endpoint Compare: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-compare
Code Sample: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-libraries
OpenID Metadata Doc: https://login.microsoft.com/{tenant id}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Are you developing with Azure AD V2.0 endpoint?
If not, we are able to config the redirect URIs as we want on the portal for the native app. However as the error message indicates that the file protocol is not a a validate scheme.
In this scenario, we can use the http or https since you were developing with HTML.
And in the Azure AD V2.0 endpoint, we are not able to set the redirect_Uri for the native app at present. We can use urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob or https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient for the redirect_Uri. The first one is used for the native app for the device and the second we can use for the client which host in browser(web-view).
At last, please ensure that the redirect_uri in the request is using the correct one you register for the portal. You can also test the request on the browser to narrow down whether this issue was cause the incorrect redirect_uri in the request. And for the authorization request, you can refer links below:
Authorize access to web applications using OAuth 2.0 and Azure Active Directory
v2.0 Protocols - OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow
Update(there is no href property if open the HTML from disk which cause the popup page is not closed)
AuthenticationContext.prototype._loginPopup = function (urlNavigate) {
var popupWindow = this._openPopup(urlNavigate, "login", this.CONSTANTS.POPUP_WIDTH, this.CONSTANTS.POPUP_HEIGHT);
if (popupWindow == null) {
this.warn('Popup Window is null. This can happen if you are using IE');
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR, 'Error opening popup');
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR_DESCRIPTION, 'Popup Window is null. This can happen if you are using IE');
this._saveItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR, 'Popup Window is null. This can happen if you are using IE');
if (this.callback)
this.callback(this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_ERROR), null, this._getItem(this.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.ERROR));
if (this.config.redirectUri.indexOf('#') != -1)
var registeredRedirectUri = this.config.redirectUri.split("#")[0];
var registeredRedirectUri = this.config.redirectUri;
var that = this;
var pollTimer = window.setInterval(function () {
if (!popupWindow || popupWindow.closed || popupWindow.closed === undefined) {
that._loginInProgress = false;
try {
//there is no href property if open the HTML from disk
if (popupWindow.location.href.indexOf(registeredRedirectUri) != -1) {
if (that.isAngular) {
else {
that._loginInProgress = false;
that.info("Closing popup window");
} catch (e) {
}, 20);
This issue is caused that when we open the HTML page from device(disk), the parent HTML page(login page) is not able to get the location of the popup page. So the parent page is not able to close that page based on the location of popup page. To workaround this issue, I suggest that you developing with azure-activedirectory-library-for-cordova or host the login page on the back end of web API.

Twitter oAuth in my RESTful API

I have an Angular JS front end app that is separately deployed at http://localhost:9002 and a Play Scala back end deployed at http://localhost:9000
I want to expose a RESTful URL from the backend like http://localhost:9000/authenticate/twitter which redirects the user to the Twitter oAuth app asking them to login with their Twitter details.
I then want to redirect back to the Angular front end app and be able to call any other backend REST urls I have secured with the Twitter auth login.
I am wondering how to 'redirect' the user to the Twitter auth login page without losing my current angular state. I.e. could I do this in a pop-up and if so, then how? And how do I return from the oAuth login and store the user session info in the backend as well?
The best thing for me would be to pass the twitter login details to the backend and have the backend call the twitter auth stuff and store a user session there, then just give the front end a token it can use for each auth request, but the whole redirect to Twitter login page ruins this. Any ideas for how to implement what I want?
This is definitely doable as I've done it before (sorry no example - commercial code)
I assume you can open twitter in popup so I won't write code for it
main window
window.DaSecretBirdy = function (token) {
//do something with token
open twitter auth page, set redirection to a custom page
on a custom page get the twitter token from a query string and call
that's the concept that is working, keep in mind that you will need angularjs $apply if you want to assign variable on scope from external code

Authenticated Angular JS apps

I want to conver my existing site to angularJS application. Its flow is like this.
My parent web site is having link to sign up or login page.
As per user selection signup or login page should open.So once user login or created account he pointed to dashboard page.So how to do this angularJS?
Please note my parent web site is not in angular.
Thanks in advnce.
Here is a suggested design and here is a little project I wrote that has Angular code authenticating with a PHP server. The code has both the Register and Log in options you are looking for.
Use token based authentication (Im assuming your angular requests are JSON)
After the user logs in or registers, send a bearer token back to Angular via the URL. On the server side set an expiry date for the token
Every http request you make can include the token in the http header
The sample code has this implemented.
