Set /p Instantly - batch-file

I've been trying to create a file that times the user's input.
I could get this file
start /min b1.bat
#echo off
set num=0
set /a num=%num%+1
echo %num% >waiter.txt
set time=0
set /a time=%time%+1
if "%time%" equ "1000" goto time
goto wait
Here, b1.bat counts the secconds passed since it has started.
set /p time= <waiter.txt
echo %time%
if "%time%" equ "5" echo Five secconds.
set /p cho=Input:
goto begin
I would like to know how to make b2.bat do something if no input was given for an amount of time. No input at all, not even a press of enter.
So, if I didn't press any key at all and a minute has passed, it prints A minute has passed without input.
I hope this makes sense to you.

Before I answer your question, I need to point out that looping 1000 times does not necessarily mean you've paused for 1 second. There are better ways to sleep -- timeout /t seconds in Vista or newer, or ping -n seconds+1 localhost or choice /t seconds in XP. You should also avoid stomping on existing environment variables, such as %time%.
To answer your question, there's no graceful way to set a timeout for set /p. You can, however, launch a background thread within the same window using start /b to echo things on an interval. You can set up inter-thread communication between the active thread and the background using waitfor (Vista or newer only) to reset the timer, and set the helper thread to self-destruct when waiter.txt disappears.
And as long as you're launching one helper thread within the same window, might as well put your waiter.txt thread there as well. Why spawn a minimized window when you can reuse the one you already have? And since we're merging process threads within the same window, might as well go one step further and merge all your scripts into one script that re-launches itself with different arguments for different threads.
#echo off
if "%~1"=="" (
>waiter.txt echo 0
start /b "" "%~f0" helper1
start /b "" "%~f0" helper2
) else goto %~1
set /p "seconds="<waiter.txt
echo Alive for %seconds%s.
set "cho="
set /p "cho="
if not defined cho goto read-host
rem // delayed expansion prevents evaluation of special characters in user input
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%c in (quit exit die EOL) do if /i "!cho!"=="%%c" (
del waiter.txt
echo OK, bye!
rem // send signal to helper2 acknowledging entry
waitfor /s %computername% /si UserEntry >NUL 2>NUL
if not exist waiter.txt exit /b
rem // ========================================
rem // Do something meaningful with !cho! here.
rem // ========================================
goto begin
rem // formerly b1.bat
set "num=0"
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >NUL 2>NUL
set /a num+=1
if not exist waiter.txt exit
>waiter.txt echo %num%
goto helper1_loop
if not exist waiter.txt exit
waitfor /t 60 UserEntry >NUL 2>NUL || (
echo A minute has passed without input.
goto helper2
For extra credit, let's get rid of waiter.txt as well. I'm not sure whether this paranoia is founded or not, but I believe that hard drive sectors can endure a finite number of writes. Rewriting waiter.txt once a second for potentially hours bothers me. So let's create a hybrid Jscript chunk to calculate the seconds elapsed between the start of the script and now.
To control execution of the background helper thread, we'll still use a temporary file, but we'll use a lock file that will only be written once, then deleted at the end.
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
#echo off
if "%~1"=="" (
rem // relaunch self as helper if lock file is writeable
2>NUL (>"%~dpn0.lock" type NUL) && start /b "" "%~f0" helper
rem // create a lock file for the duration of the main runtime
rem // Credit: Dave Benham --
8>&2 2>NUL (2>&8 9>"%~dpn0.lock" call :init) || (
echo Only one instance is allowed.
timeout /t 3 /nobreak >NUL
exit /b
) else goto %~1
rem // cleanup and end main runtime
del "%~dpn0.lock" >NUL 2>NUL
waitfor /s %computername% /si UserEntry >NUL 2>NUL
exit /b
rem // set %start% to current epoch
call :jscript start
call :jscript seconds
echo Alive for %seconds%s.
set "cho="
set /p "cho="
if not defined cho goto read-host
rem // delayed expansion prevents evaluation of special characters in user input
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%c in (quit exit die EOL) do if /i "!cho!"=="%%c" (
echo OK, bye!
exit /b
rem // send signal to helper2 acknowledging entry
waitfor /s %computername% /si UserEntry >NUL 2>NUL
rem // ========================================
rem // Do something meaningful with !cho! here.
rem // ========================================
goto begin
del "%~dpn0.lock" >NUL 2>NUL
if not exist "%~dpn0.lock" exit
waitfor /t 60 UserEntry >NUL 2>NUL || (
echo A minute has passed without input.
goto helper
for /f %%I in ('cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0" "%start%"') do set "%~1=%%I"
goto :EOF
#end // end batch / begin JScript hybrid code
? Math.round((new Date() - WSH.Arguments(0)) / 1000)
: new Date().getTime()


loop using batch until any key is pressed

I recently made this little code.
#echo off
mode 1000
set /A x=0
timeout /T 1 > Nul /nobreak
set /A x=x+1
echo %X%
goto loop
Can someone please help me and edit this code, that it loops, until any key is pressed and then stops the loop? Im new in coding using Batch and therefore dont know how to do it :(
The choice approach (see Mofi's answer) was my first idea too, but it contradicts your "any key" demand.
Therefore I use a different approach: start another instance in the background, which just waits for a key (pause) and then creates a file.
The main loop exits, once the file exists.
#echo off
start /b cmd /c "pause >nul & break>flag"
del flag >nul 2>&1
if exist flag goto :done
timeout 1 >nul
set /a count+=1
echo %count%
goto :loop
del flag >nul 2>&1
echo interrupted by a key press.
I think removing the /nobreak should help
Awaiting a key press while other activities are ongoing is not that trivial in batch scripting.
However, here is a imperfect but quite simple semi-solution using choice and ErrorLevel:
#echo off
set /A "X=0"
rem /* `choice is utilised; all (case-insensitive) letter and numeral keys (excluding
rem key `0`) are defined to quit the loop; `choice` features a timeout, upon which
rem the default choice (key `0` here) is taken: */
choice /C abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 /T 1 /D 0 > nul
rem /* `choice` reflects the actually pressed key in the `ErrorLevel` value, meaning
rem `ErrorLevel = 1` reflects the first key `a`, and `ErrorLevel = 36` reflects
rem the last one in the list, `0`; since the default choice after the timeout is
rem `0`, pressing the `0` key has got the same effect as not pressing any key: */
if ErrorLevel 1 if not ErrorLevel 36 goto :QUIT
set /A "X+=1"
echo %X%
goto :LOOP

Loop a batch file only 5 times

Ive been trying to loop a batch file exactly 5 times using the set /a operation and so far no luck! Could someone help me?
set loopCount=0
echo Checked %loopCount% times...
set /a loopCount=1+%loopCount%
if loopCount == 5 (goto exit) else (goto loop)
echo Finished after %loopCount% times
pause >nul
Best of luck to whoever can help me
Here's a couple of examples to help you.
Using GoTo with a label:
#Set "loopCount=0"
#Set /A loopCount += 1
#Rem Some actual command goes here.
#Echo Checked %loopCount% times...
#If %loopCount% Lss 5 GoTo loop
#%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 2 /NoBreak 1>NUL
#Echo Finished after being checked %loopCount% times.
#Pause 1>NUL
Alternatively, using a For /L looping mechanism:
#Set "maxCount=5"
#For /L %%G In (1,1,%maxCount%) Do #(
Rem Some actual command goes here.
Echo Checked %%G times...
#%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 2 /NoBreak 1>NUL
#Echo Finished after being checked %maxCount% times.
#Pause 1>NUL
If you need to execute the entire batch script 5 times, the following method of storing an execution count in an alternate data stream of the script can be used:
#Echo off
more < "%~f0:Count" 2>&1 > nul && (
For /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in (`more ^< "%~f0:Count"`)Do Set /A Count=%%G+1
) || (
Set /A "Count+=1"
Echo(%Count% >"%~f0:Count"
:# Your script below
Echo(Script execution: %Count%
:# Terminate script execution after count reached
If %Count% EQU 5 (
Echo(0 >"%~f0:Count"
Exit /B

Scope problems in batch file with nested loops

I have an SSIS job running in a batch file that executes asynchronously.
I need to know when the SSIS job is done outputting a bunch of PDF and XLS files.
The files appear in two directories, PDFs first XLS following.
I chose to write a second batch file that will wait a bit after the SSIS job exits, then check to see that the last file written in the directory has been there for 3 minutes, which, after observation, is an ample interval for the job to write a file.
The problem is: the outer loop is never run if the inner loop iterates more than once, which seems to indicate that the second time MYPATH is declared, the value of n is foobarred, but this cannot be true because the script is returning 1, rather than crapping out when Arr[badval] is checked.
REM SSIS process is asyncronous, and executes in background. Problematic for
REM DAG, which relies on exit code to understand process.
REM Check for "last file written" in output directories every N seconds.
REM It's a good bet we are done when they match.
#setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM "sleep" wait for non-existent command to complete
waitfor ragnarok /t 180>NUL 2>&1
set Arr[0]=E:\pdf_output
set Arr[1]=E:\xls_output
for /l %%n in (0,1,2) do (
if defined Arr[%%n] (
REM set value for path within loop or scope will bite you
set MYPATH=!Arr[%%n]!
echo Checking file ages in !MYPATH!.
) else (
echo Done
REM don't put a blank line here, it throws a syntax error
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR !MYPATH! /B /O:D') DO SET FILE1=%%I
REM "sleep" use ping for delay, since waitfor will break loop
arp -s >nul
ipconfig /flushdns >nul
ping localhost -n 180 >nul
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR !MYPATH! /B /O:D') DO SET FILE2=%%I
if NOT "!FILE1!" == "!FILE2!" (
goto :while1
REM Something is wrong, return 1 to stop DAG and invite inspection.
exit /B 1
Breaking the while loop into a subroutine as #aschipfl suggested seems to have done the trick:
REM SSIS process is asyncronous, and executes in background. Problematic for
REM DAG, which relies on exit code to understand process.
REM Check for "last file written" in output directories every N seconds.
REM It's a good bet we are done when they match.
#setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM "sleep" wait for non-existent command to complete
waitfor ragnarok /t 120>NUL 2>&1
set Arr[0]=E:\pdf_output
set Arr[1]=E:\xls_output
for /l %%n in (0,1,2) do (
if defined Arr[%%n] (
REM set value for path within loop or scope will bite you
set MYPATH=!Arr[%%n]!
echo Checking file ages in !MYPATH!.
CALL :checkfiles
) else (
echo Done
goto :NormalExit
REM don't put a blank line here, it throws a syntax error
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR !MYPATH! /B /O:D') DO SET FILE1=%%I
REM "sleep" use ping for delay, since waitfor will break loop
arp -s >nul
ipconfig /flushdns >nul
ping localhost -n 120 >nul
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR !MYPATH! /B /O:D') DO SET FILE2=%%I
if NOT "!FILE1!" == "!FILE2!" (
goto :while1
exit /B 0
REM Something is wrong, return 1 to stop DAG and invite inspection.
exit /B 1

Combination of `sleep` and `pause` command

Ok, after seeing crazy stuff being completed in so little code, I have high hopes this is possible.
Pretty much, I want to use the pause command normally, however, if the user doesn't input anything for a specified duration of time, it automatically continues.
In pseudo code:
(sleep %sleep-time%&Echo Pass)1>0 & pause
I thought at first I could do this using start /b to create a process that echoed input while being paused i the current thread, but that could cause problems if the user does input something.
What would be really cool is if the errorlevel would be changed based on whether the user inputted something, or if the pause command timed out.
I suggest using timeout:
timeout /T 60 >NUL
This will sleep your script for 1 minute, or unless the user hits a key.
#echo off
rem TimedPause.bat - Antonio Perez Ayala
if "%1" equ ":PausePart" goto PausePart
if "%1" neq "" goto begin
echo TimedPause.bat seconds
echo Wait for given seconds or until user press a key
echo At end, the presence of keyPressed.txt file indicate the cause of exit
goto :EOF
set seconds=%1
start "" /B "%~F0" :PausePart
for /F "skip=2 tokens=2 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe" /FO CSV') do (
set PausePart=%%a
goto TimePart
ping -n 2 localhost > NUL
if exist keyPressed.txt goto :EOF
set /A seconds-=1
if %seconds% gtr 0 goto TimePart
taskkill /PID %PausePart% /F > NUL
goto :EOF
del keyPressed.txt 2> NUL
echo %time% > keyPressed.txt

How to code a spinner for waiting processes in a Batch file?

I would like to show the user with a spinner, that something is done in background but do not know how this works in a batchfile.
Does anyone have a clue?
This can actually be done quite easily with pure native commands, you just have to know how to use the more tricky of them. No use of external tools like VBScript or nasty side effects like clearing the screen are necessary.
What you're looking for is the equivalent of the bash "echo -n" command which outputs a line without the newline. In XP batch, this is achieved by using "set /p" (ask user for response with a prompt) with empty input as follows:
<nul (set /p junk=Hello)
echo. again.
will output the string "Hello again." with no intervening newline.
That trick (and the use of CTRL-H, the backspace character can be seen in the following test script which starts (one after the other) a 10-second sub-task with a 20-second timeout and a 15-second sub-task with a 10-second timeout.
The payload script is created by the actual running script and its only requirement is that it do the work it has to do then delete a flag file when finished, so that the monitor function will be able to detect it.
Keep in mind that the ^H strings in this script are actually CTRL-H characters, the ^| is two separate characters used to escape the pipe symbol.
#echo off
:: Localise environment.
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
:: Specify directories. Your current working directory is used
:: to create temporary files tmp_*.*
set wkdir=%~dp0%
set wkdir=%wkdir:~0,-1%
:: First pass, 10-second task with 20-second timeout.
del "%wkdir%\tmp_*.*" 2>nul
echo >>"%wkdir%\tmp_payload.cmd" ping -n 11 ^>nul
echo >>"%wkdir%\tmp_payload.cmd" del "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg"
call :monitor "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.cmd" "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg" 20
:: Second pass, 15-second task with 10-second timeout.
del "%wkdir%\tmp_*.*" 2>nul:
echo >>"%wkdir%\tmp_payload.cmd" ping -n 16 ^>nul
echo >>"%wkdir%\tmp_payload.cmd" del "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg"
call :monitor "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.cmd" "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg" 10
goto :final
:: Create flag file and start the payload minimized.
echo >>%2 dummy
start /min cmd.exe /c "%1"
:: Start monitoring.
:: i is the indicator (0=|,1=/,2=-,3=\).
:: m is the number of seconds left before timeout.
set i=0
set m=%3
<nul (set /p z=Waiting for child to finish: ^|)
:: Loop here awaiting completion.
:: Wait one second.
ping -n 2 >nul
:: Update counters and output progress indicator.
set /a "i = i + 1"
set /a "m = m - 1"
if %i% equ 4 set i=0
if %i% equ 0 <nul (set /p z=^H^|)
if %i% equ 1 <nul (set /p z=^H/)
if %i% equ 2 <nul (set /p z=^H-)
if %i% equ 3 <nul (set /p z=^H\)
:: End conditions, complete or timeout.
if not exist %2 (
echo. Complete.
goto :final
if %m% leq 0 (
echo. *** ERROR: Timed-out waiting for child.
goto :final
goto :loop
If you don't mind the screen clearing...try this:
) ELSE (
PSLIST CALC >nul 2>&1
EDIT: This sample will start Calculator and then display a "spinner" until you close Calculator. I use pslist to check for the existence of CALC.EXE. The >nul 2>&1 redirects STDOUT and STDERR to nul so nothing from PSLIST will be displayed.
Try this:
SET /A Spin_Delay=50
SET "_MSG=Process running..."
IF NOT [%1]==[] SET _MSG=%~1
IF NOT [%2]==[] SET /A FULL_COUNT=%2
IF NOT [%3]==[] SET /A SPIN_DELAY=%3
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%FULL_COUNT%) DO (
IF !CTR! EQU 0 (set/p=%$BS%³)<nul
IF !CTR! EQU 1 (set/p=%$BS%/)<nul
IF !CTR! EQU 2 (set/p=%$BS%Ä)<nul
IF !CTR! EQU 3 (set/p=%$BS%\)<nul
SET /A CTR=%%A %% 4
for /f %%a in ('"prompt $H$S &echo on &for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "Bs=%%a"
endlocal&call set %~1=%BS%&exit /b 0
:Delay msec
setlocal enableextensions
set/a correct=0
set/a msecs=%1+5
if /i %msecs% leq 20 set /a correct-=2
set time1=%time: =%
set/a tsecs=%1/1000 2>nul
set/a msecs=(%msecs% %% 1000)/10
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:." %%a in ("%time1%") do (
set hour1=%%a&set min1=%%b&set sec1=%%c&set "mil1=%%d"
if /i %hour1:~0,1% equ 0 if /i "%hour1:~1%" neq "" set hour1=%hour1:~1%
if /i %min1:~0,1% equ 0 set min1=%min1:~1%
if /i %sec1:~0,1% equ 0 set sec1=%sec1:~1%
if /i %mil1:~0,1% equ 0 set mil1=%mil1:~1%
set/a sec1+=(%hour1%*3600)+(%min1%*60)
set/a msecs+=%mil1%
set/a tsecs+=(%sec1%+%msecs%/100)
set/a msecs=%msecs% %% 100
:: check for midnight crossing
if /i %tsecs% geq 86400 set /a tsecs-=86400
set/a hour2=%tsecs% / 3600
set/a min2=(%tsecs%-(%hour2%*3600)) / 60
set/a sec2=(%tsecs%-(%hour2%*3600)) %% 60
set/a err=%msecs%
if /i %msecs% neq 0 set /a msecs+=%correct%
if /i 1%msecs% lss 20 set msecs=0%msecs%
if /i 1%min2% lss 20 set min2=0%min2%
if /i 1%sec2% lss 20 set sec2=0%sec2%
set time2=%hour2%:%min2%:%sec2%.%msecs%
set timen=%time: =%
if /i %timen% geq %time2% goto :end
goto :wait
for /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%a in ("%timen%") do set num=%%a
if /i %num:~0,1% equ 0 set num=%num:~1%
set/a err=(%num%-%err%)*10
endlocal&exit /b %err%
If I understand your question you want a spinner because some operation you are performing is taking time and you want to show to the user that something is happening, right?
In that case, as far as I know, its not possible with the native commands. (it could be possible if you had a program that showed a spinner while executing the operation that take long time)
And it looks like the echo don't support ansi escape sequences (in the old days you had to have ansi.sys loaded, don't know if that still exists) so you can't use ansi to control the cursor.
The spinner CAN be done in batch script, you just need some variables:
#echo off
set mSpinner=%mSpinner%.
if %mSpinner%'==..............................' set mSpinner=.
echo %mSpinner%
rem Check if the process has finished via WMIC and/or tasklist.
goto spinner
For the BAT itself to detect a process running/exits. You can do that via the WMI command-line interface or the tasklist command of which I have limited knowledge.
If it were back in the DOS days you could even does that without clearing the screen... short of using some combination of escape characters. I don't know if it's still possible on Vista/XP.
If you mean within a Windows batch script, you can't do it natively. The echo statement used to print to the console will always print a newline, and you can't move the cursor.
It's a bit of a hack, but you can do this with a combination of VBScript and batch script.
This VBScript will print a backspace, then it's argument:
WScript.StdOut.Write(chr(8) & WScript.Arguments(0))
Put this in a file, vbsEcho.vbs, then call this script from your batch script. The following batch script will keep displaying the spinner until you press CTRL-C:
#echo off
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "\"
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "|"
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "/"
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "-"
goto :LOOP
EDIT: Using some of the ideas from aphoria's answer, this script will start the Windows calculator, and display a spinner until the calculator closes:
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "Calculating: \"
IF !COUNT! EQU 1 cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "|"
IF !COUNT! EQU 2 cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "/"
IF !COUNT! EQU 3 cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "-"
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs "\"
set COUNT=1
) else (
set /a COUNT+=1
pslist CALC >nul 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto :end
goto :LOOP
cscript //nologo vbsEcho.vbs ". Done."
paxdiablos has an amazing answer, but having to echo your commands into a payload file is annoying. It's hard to read and hard to debug. I took his code and modified it a bit for my own use:
#echo off
:: Localise environment.
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set wkdir=%~dp0%
set wkdir=%wkdir:~0,-1%
set done_flag="%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg"
set timeout=7
IF (%1)==() (
call :monitor step1 "Getting stuff from SourceSafe: "
call :monitor step2 "Compiling some PHP stuff: "
call :monitor step3 "Finishing up the rest: "
) ELSE ( goto %1 )
goto final
::ping for 5 seconds
ping -n 6 >nul
del "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg"
goto final
::ping for 10 seconds
ping -n 11 >nul
del "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg"
goto final
::ping for 5 seconds
ping -n 6 >nul
del "%wkdir%\tmp_payload.flg"
goto final
:: Create flag file and start the payload minimized.
:: echo the word "dummy" to the flag file (second parameter)
echo >>%done_flag% dummy
:: start the command defined in the first parameter
start /min cmd.exe /c "test2.bat %1"
:: Start monitoring.
:: i is the indicator (0=|,1=/,2=-,3=\).
:: m is the number of seconds left before timeout.
set i=0
set m=%timeout%
set str=%2
for /f "useback tokens=*" %%a in ('%str%') do set str=%%~a
<nul (set /p z=%str%^|)
:: Loop here awaiting completion.
:: Wait one second.
ping -n 2 >nul
:: Update counters and output progress indicator.
set /a "i = i + 1"
set /a "m = m - 1"
if %i% equ 4 set i=0
if %i% equ 0 <nul (set /p z=^|)
if %i% equ 1 <nul (set /p z=/)
if %i% equ 2 <nul (set /p z=-)
if %i% equ 3 <nul (set /p z=\)
:: End conditions, complete or timeout.
if not exist %done_flag% (
echo Complete
goto :final
if %m% leq 0 (
echo. *** ERROR: Timed-out waiting for child.
goto :final
goto :loop
You can use a counter that prints a different character from a given set (like "\|/-") and you change the character according to like "counter modulo 4". Anyway, you don't say in which language you're working in so it is a bit difficult to be more precise.
EDIT: now that we know in which environment you're playing in, I'd say that the BAT/CMD language is not really up to the task... I'd recommend any scripting language, Ruby being my favorite.
I find the easiest way is to update the title - that way you don't have to do a CLS all the time.
The reason for the two lines of ping -n, is that it's quicker for ping to do a double ping of a second each, versus a single ping of two seconds.
Also, for those who don't know, a :: is the same as a REM, except that the comments are ignored at the beginning of the parser (I think this is the right word) instead of at the end. Simply put, that line is ignored.
:: begin spin.cmd
#echo off
set COUNT=0
title "\"
call :WAIT
title "|"
call :WAIT
title "/"
call :WAIT
title "-"
if /i "%COUNT%" equ "%MAXCOUNT%" goto :EXIT
set /a count+=1
echo %COUNT%
goto :LOOP
ping -n %SECONDS% > nul
ping -n %SECONDS% > nul
goto :EOF
title FIN!
:: end spin.cmd
This routine examines the output of tasklist for a process you START from cmd.
Pass it the name of the exe as a parameter e.g.
call :spinner calc.exe
It reports
Elapsed: 001 seconds
and increments seconds until the exe process terminates.
The Elapsed 001 seconds message is overwritten each second by ECHO.exe -n \r
which echos a cr without a line feed.
Echo.exe is available at
#echo off
start calc
call :spinner calc.exe
set "formattedValue=000000%count%"
ECHO.exe -n Elapsed: %formattedValue:~-3% seconds
ECHO.exe -n \r %= -n (suppress crlf) \r output a cr =%
set EXE=%1 %= search output of tasklist for EXE =%
set tl=tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"
FOR /F %%x IN ('%tl%') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto FOUND
set result=0
goto FIN
set result=1
IF %result% EQU 0 GOTO END
PING -n 2 > nul %= wait for about 1 second =%
start application, wait for loading
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
start application.exe
for %%a in (^| ^/ ^- ^\ ^| ^/ ^- ^\) do (
for %%b in (^| ^/ ^- ^\ ^| ^/ ^- ^\) do (
for %%c in (^| ^/ ^- ^\ ^| ^/ ^- ^\) do (
cls &echo processing..%%c%%b%%a
sleep -m 20
IF EXIST "result file" (exit)
goto 1
ECHOX -n "~r%Processing..."
IF %CTR%==0 (set /p DOT=³)<NUL
IF %CTR%==1 (set /p DOT=/)<NUL
IF %CTR%==2 (set /p DOT=Ä)<NUL
IF %CTR%==3 (set /p DOT=\)<NUL
ECHOX -n "~r"
