Dynamic Select Boxes in Angular ng-repeat - angularjs

I'm an old "backender" and pretty new to Angular and modern frontend programming, but I have to learn...
I have the following problem: There is a list with several different person properties, which are created via ng-repeat from Controller response. The values are editable, but the display control depends on the type of the property. The Gender, for example, needs to be edited via a Select-Box. The options for the select box are obtained from a Rest-Server.
So now the main question: How can I build different Select Boxes for each property?
I tried the following code, which is not working:
<section class="contactProperty" ng-repeat="property in contactDetail.properties">
<td rowspan=2>{{property.value}}
var lst = ContactDetailController.getClassification(property.type);
<input ng-show="{{property.displaystyle_id}}==1" type="text" ng-model="property.value"/>
<select ng-show="{{property.displaystyle_id}}==3" ng-model="property.value">
<option ng-repeat="opt in lst" value="{{opt.id}}">{{opt.message}}</option>
<select type="text" ng-model="property.status_id">
<option ng-repeat = "status in contactDetail.propertyStatus" value="{{status.id}}">{{status.message}}</option>
The Controller is defined on the top level element with following code
['$scope', '$rootScope', 'ContactDetailService',
function ($scope, $rootScope, ContactDetailService) {
$scope.getContactDetail = function () {
ContactDetailService.getContactDetail(function(response) {
if(response.success) {
} else {
$scope.error = response.message;
$scope.getClassifications= function(type) {
ContactDetailService.getClassifications(type, function(response) {
if (response.success) {
return response;
And the corresponding service:
['$http', '$rootScope', '$location',
function ($http, $rootScope, $location) {
var service = {};
service.getContactDetail = function(callbackFunc) {
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
var apiRoot="";
apiRoot = $rootScope.environments[window.location.host];
var id=$location.search().id;
$http.get(apiRoot+'/contactdetail?id='+id, {})
service.getClassifications = function(type, callbackFunc) {
var apiRoot="";
apiRoot = $rootScope.environments[window.location.host];
$http.get(apiRoot+'/classifications?type='+type, {})
.success(function(response) {
.error(function(response) {
return service;
Can anyone help me?

you can show/hide fields using ng-show/ng-hide or ng-if or ng-switch depending on your type of variable selected. if this is what you want.

I will try to explain more precisley:
This is a part of my incomming Json from the Backend:
"properties": [
"id": 8,
"type_id": 25,
"status_id": 13,
"contact_id": 4,
"value": "27",
"create_date": null,
"update_date": null,
"guikey": "gui.gender",
"message": "Geschlecht",
"displaystyle_id": 3,
"queryparam": "9",
"options": [
"id": 26,
"type": 9,
"guikey": "gui.male",
"language": "de",
"message": "Männlich",
"displaystyle_id": 0
"id": 27,
"type": 9,
"guikey": "gui.female",
"language": "de",
"message": "Weiblich",
"displaystyle_id": 0
It is rendered by following code:
<section class="contactProperty" ng-repeat="property in contactDetail.properties">
<td rowspan=2 ng-switch on="property.displaystyle_id">{{property.value}}
<input ng-switch-when="1" type="text" ng-model="property.value"/>
<input ng-switch-when="2" type="date" ng-model="property.value"/>
<select ng-switch-when="3" ng-model="property.value">
<option ng-repeat="opt in property.options" value="{{opt.id}}">{{opt.message}}</option>
<select type="text" ng-model="property.status_id">
<option ng-repeat = "status in contactDetail.propertyStatus" value="{{status.id}}">{{status.message}}</option>
The resulting HTML contains a Select box as expacted:
<section class="contactProperty ng-scope" ng-repeat="property in contactDetail.properties">
<td class="ng-binding">Geschlecht</td>
<td class="ng-binding" on="property.displaystyle_id" ng-switch="" rowspan="2">
<select class="ng-scope ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-model="property.value" ng-switch-when="3">
<option class="ng-binding ng-scope" value="26" ng-repeat="opt in property.options">Männlich</option>
<option class="ng-binding ng-scope" value="27" ng-repeat="opt in property.options">Weiblich</option>
But the Browser displays the Value "Männlich" in this example, but I expected to see "Weiblich" because the property.value 27 is passed from the json. I just show the value for debug as {{property.value}} and it shows 27, which is correct. I don't understand why the dropdown still showing the first entry (26/Männlich) in this case...


AngularJS : ng-model not working in multiple drop down

I am trying to create dynamic rows based on button click. The rows have drop down boxes. The issue is when I add new row and select an option in the new row the options which I selected in previous rows are also changing, I mean the previous rows options are not binding properly.
My HTML code :
<div id="features" ng-controller="featuresCtrl">
<div class="row">
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<table cellpadding="15" cellspacing="10">
<th style="text-align: center;">Feature</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Type</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Value</th>
<tr ng-repeat="r in rows">
<select ng-model="r.data.model" ng-options="option.name for option in data.availableOptions"
<option value="">Select Feature</option>
<select ng-model="r.updateData.model" ng-options="option.name for option in updateData.availableOptions"
<option value="">Select Type</option>
<select ng-model="r.binData.model" ng-options="option.name for option in binData.availableOptions">
<option value="">Select Value</option>
<td ng-if="showAdd">
<div class="text-center">
<button ng-click="addRow()">Add</button>
<td ng-if="showAdd">
<div class="text-center">
<button ng-click="remove($index)">Remove</button>
<td style="align-self: center;">
<button style="align-self: center" ng-click="submitForm(rows)">Submit</button>
My angular JS code :
'use strict';
var testControllers = angular.module('testControllers');
testControllers.controller('featuresCtrl', ['$scope','$route','$filter', '$http', '$location','$window','$timeout', 'NgTableParams',
function($scope, $route, $filter, $http, $location, $window, $timeout, NgTableParams) {
$scope.rows = [{}];
$scope.nrows = [];
$scope.showAdd = false;
$scope.addRow = function() {
$scope.remove = function(index) {
$scope.rows.splice(index, 1);
$scope.submitForm = function(rows) {
console.log("rows", rows);
$scope.data = {
model: null,
availableOptions: [
{ name: 'TestA'},
{ name: 'TestB'},
{ name: 'TestC'},
{ name: 'TestD'}
$scope.getValues = function (featureType) {
console.log("getValues", featureType);
$scope.showAdd = false;
if (featureType != null) {
$http.get('/getPropensityValues.do', {params: {'featureType': featureType}}).success(function (data) {
var test = [];
angular.forEach(data, function (item) {
test.push({name: item});
$scope.updateData = {
model: null,
availableOptions : test
$scope.getBinSet = function (featureType) {
console.log("getBinSet", featureType);
$scope.showAdd = true;
if (featureType != null) {
$scope.binData = {
model: null,
availableOptions: [
{name: '1'},
{name: '2'},
{name: '3'},
{name: '4'},
{name: '5'},
{name: '6_10'},
{name: '10_15'},
{name: '16_20'},
{name: '21_25'},
{name: '26_30'},
{name: '31_35'},
{name: '36_40'},
{name: '41_45'},
{name: '46_50'},
{name: '>50'}
Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong here ? I tried with another example - https://plnkr.co/edit/Jw5RkU3mLuGBpqKsq7RH?p=preview
Even here I am facing same issue when selecting the 2nd row 1st row also changing. Is it wrong to use r.data.model to bind each row's values ?
I updated your plunker to work:
You weren't defining what the model was when you were redefining the options menus (side note: you should leverage underscore.js's difference function within a filter to create the appropriate display options dynamically)
Anyway, in your addRow() function, I changed it from this:
if(val=== 'TestB') {
$scope.data1 = {
model: null,
availableOptions: [
{ name: 'TestA'},
{ name: 'TestC'},
{ name: 'TestD'}
to this:
if(val=== 'TestB') {
$scope.data1 = {
model: 'TestB',
availableOptions: [
{ name: 'TestA'},
{ name: 'TestC'},
{ name: 'TestD'}
Let me know if this helps
I recreated the functionality from scratch because I think you were overthinking things. All that is needed here is very simple ng-repeat, ng-options, and ng-model bindings.
<tr ng-repeat="r in rows track by $index">
<select ng-model="r.name"
ng-options="option.name as option.name for option
in availableOptions">
<option value="">Select Value</option>
<input type="button" ng-click="addRow()" value="Add">
<input type="button" ng-click="deleteRow($index)"
and for the angular
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.rows = [{name:""}];
$scope.addRow = function(){
$scope.availableOptions = [
{ name: 'TestA'},
{ name: 'TestB'},
{ name: 'TestC'},
{ name: 'TestD'}
$scope.deleteRow = function(index){
I didn't throw in the difference thing yet, but it should be easy.

What triggers a function call in other column when ngmodel changes in first column?

Consider the snippet:
var mod = angular.module('module', []);
mod.controller('controller', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [{
id: 1,
label: 'aLabel',
subItem: {
name: 'aSubItem'
}, {
id: 2,
label: 'bLabel',
subItem: {
name: 'bSubItem'
$scope.getValue = function(ngmodel) {
// some code goes here...
<body ng-controller='controller'>
<tr ng-repeat='count in counter'> // 5 times
<select ng-options="item.id as item.label for item in items"
As soon as I select some value from the dropdown (select tag) in the first column, I notice that the function in the second column is triggered? What is the reason for this? What exactly is happening behind the scenes?
The reason is you are doing it inside ng-repeat
<tr ng-repeat = 'count in counter'>
You need to pass the object on the controller, in order to do some action on the same.

AngularJS JSON load from file with ng-click

Currently I want to show HTML table by parsing JSON data from file using Angular JS, And It's not working can someone please help me?
And Also As a Enhancement How Can I get the 2 Divs for 2 different JSON file
<div ng-controller="get_controller">
<input type="text" ng-model="accountnumber" name="accountnumber" class="form-control search-query" placeholder="Enter Account Number">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" ng-click="geValues()" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
<div ng-controller="get_controller">
<th ng-repeat="list in personDetails">{{list.Name}}
<td class="features" ng-repeat="list in personDetails">{{list.Location}}
Angular JS Code
var app = angular.module('myApp', ["ngTable"]);
app.controller('get_controller', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.geValues = function() {
$http({method: 'POST', url: 'posts.json'}).success(function(data) {
$scope.post = data;
$scope.personDetails = Employee;
posts.json (Json File)
"Employee": [
"Name": "Rocky",
"Location": "Office"
"Name": "John",
"Location": "Home"
Should be a GET request, also the you need to access the data from the response object which contains the Employee array. Code should be,
$http.get('test.json').then(function (response){
$scope.post = response.data;
$scope.personDetails = response.data.Employee;
if you want it to happen on ng-click, put the call inside a function,
$scope.geValues = function() {
$http.get('test.json').then(function(response) {
$scope.post = response.data;
$scope.personDetails = response.data.Employee;

how to make drop-down list dependent using json?

Im trying to create a dependent drop-down list box using json.For example: if the car brand selected is "bmw" then the car model drop-down must display only "suv" from the list and other two options shouldn't be displayed.Likewise for "Mercedes" it should display only "suv" and "coupe" in the car model. And also please explain what is the use of json? also how it effect the code.
Car Brand:
<select name="carname" ng-model="userSelect" required>
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<span ng-show="valdate.carname.$error.required">Car name</span>
<option ng-repeat="ManufactureBrand in a" ng-bind="ManufactureBrand" >
<br/> Car Model:
<select name="carmodel" ng-model="selectCar" required>
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<span ng-show="valdate.carmodel.$error.required">Car name</span>
<option ng-repeat="CarName in b" ng-bind="CarName">
<input type="submit" ng-click="checkselection()" ng-disabled="valdate.carname.$invalid && valdate.carmodel.$invalid">
app.factory('Brandtest', function () {
var brand = {};
brand.sample = ['Bmw', 'Mercedes', 'Honda'];
brand.car = ['Suv', 'Sedan', 'Cope'];
return brand;
app.controller('selectDropdown', ['$scope', 'Brandtest', function ($scope, Brandtest) {
$scope.a = Brandtest.sample;
$scope.b = Brandtest.car;
$scope.checkselection = function () {
if ($scope.userSelect != "" && $scope.userSelect != undefined &&
$scope.selectCar != "" && $scope.selectCar != undefined )
Thanks in advance.
Here is the working plunkr
You have to modified you code as below
your factory should be like this
app.factory('Brandtest', function () {
var brand = {};
brand.sample =[
"id": 0,
"carName": "BMW"
"id": 1,
"carName": "Mercedes"
"id": 2,
"carName": "Honda"
brand.car =[
"id": 0,
"carType": "Suv",
"parentId": 0
"id": 1,
"carType": "Sedan",
"parentId": 1
"id": 2,
"carType": "Cope",
"parentId": 2
return brand;
In your HTML modify the code like below
<body ng-controller="selectDropdown">
Car Brand:
<select name="carname" ng-model="userSelect" ng-options="p.carName for p in a" required>
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<span ng-show="valdate.carname.$error.required">Car name</span>
<br/> Car Model:
<select name="carmodel" ng-model="selectCar" ng-options="c.carType for c in b | filter:{parentId: userSelect.id}" required>
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<span ng-show="valdate.carmodel.$error.required">Car name</span>
<input type="submit" ng-click="checkselection()" ng-disabled="valdate.carname.$invalid && valdate.carmodel.$invalid">
<th>Car Name</th>
<th>Car Model</th></tr>
<tr ng-repeat="carz in list track by $index">
You have to maintain some co-relation between the 2 dropdowns. Better would be to have a single json object and use ng-options for populating the second dropdown based on value selected in first dropdown. Run the demo program below and you will get the point.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<h1>Select a car:</h1>
<select ng-model="x" ng-options="x for (x, y) in cars"></select>
<h1 ng-if="x">Category: </h1>
<select ng-if="x" ng-model="y" ng-options="y for y in x"></select>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.cars = {
"car01" : ["Ford", "BMW", "NISSAN"],
"car02" : ["Fiat", "Infinity"],
"car03" : ["Volvo", "Toyota"]

angularjs ng-repeat inside ng-repeat,the inside array can't update

I come from China,my English very poor,so I do a demo.how can I update array inside ng-repeat?
<body ng-app="main" ng-controller="DemoCtrl">
<table ng-table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="user in users">
<td data-title="'Name'">{{user.name}}</td>
<td data-title="'Age'">{{user.age}}</td>
<div ng-repeat="u in user.spms">
<span ng-bind="u"></span>
<input type="text" ng-model="u" ng-change='updateArray($parent.$index, $index, u)'>
The JS:
var app = angular.module('main', []).
controller('DemoCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.users = [{
name: "Moroni",
age: 50,
spms: [
name: "seven",
age: 30,
spms: [
$scope.updateArray = function(parent, index, u) {
$scope.users[parent].spms[index] = u * 1; // multiply by one to keep the value a Number
There are issues here are every update is changing the scope, so you can only change one time them click then change - so I would recommend add a update values button and implementing more or less the same logic to update the array values.
