How to push some data from Json into new array in AngularJS? - arrays

Let's say I have this Json ..
"name": "Mark",
"gender": "male",
"account1": {
"accountNo": 1201,
"balance": 300
"account2": {
"accountNo": 1354,
"balance": 5000
What I expect is like ..
$scope.myArray = [
"accountNo": 1201,
"balance": 300
"accountNo": 1354,
"balance": 5000
In AngularJS, how can I pick some part of Json data and push it into an array iteratively( I mean, when I have account1, account2 account3 or more, it can still add them into the array).

You could normally just assign the array over, but in this scenario that is not an option because your array is psuedo.
Ideally you would like to be able to do what this answer (related question) does: How to return and array inside a JSON object in Angular.js which is simply
$scope.myArray = json.accounts;
However, as noted, you do not have an accounts array so you need to make one.
var accounts = [];
for(var key in json){
if( !json.hasOwnProperty(key) // skip prototype extensions
|| !json[key].hasOwnProperty("accountNo") //skip non account objects
) continue;
And now you may use this array
$scope.myArray = accounts;

You can access Json data like an array. Like var foo = { ... , 'bar' = 'value', ... } you could get foo value by doing this for['bar']. So, by knowing this, you simply do something like
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Although, this has nothing to do with angularjs.


Remove duplicate content from array

"name": [
"name": "test1"
"name": "test2"
"name": "test3"
"name": "test1"
I have the above created by nodejs. During array push, I would like to remove duplicated arrays from the list or only push the name array if the individual array does not exist.
I have tried below codes but it changes the array.
var new = [];
for (var i =0;i<name.length;i++){
new['name'] = name[i].name;
The easiest way is probably with Array.prototype.reduce. Something along these lines, given your data structure: = Object.values(, current) => {
if (!accumulator[]) {
accumulator[] = current
return accumulator
}, {}));
The reduce creates an object that has keys off the item name, which makes sure that you only have unique names. Then I use Object.values() to turn it back into a regular array of objects like in your data sample.
the solution can be using temp Set;
const tmpSet = new Set();>{
const has = tmpSet.has(;
return has;
the filter function iterating over field and filter it in place if you return "true". So you check if it exists in a tmp Set & add current value to Set to keep track of duplicates.
PS: new is a reserved word in js;
This should do it
const names = ['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo', 'John'];
let unique = [ Set(names)];
console.log(unique); // 'John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo'

How dynamically transform my "Object" to List in ng-model at view

I'm trying to transform my object to list dynamically, so I'm building at view instead of declaring at controller.
I don't want to declare like this: custom_fields.title_field.type_text_field = [] because the title_field is built dynamic, it could be any kind of text like full_name
My json as is:
"is_badass": true,
"is_good_movie": true
"type_select_field": {
"this_select": 1,
"i_got_this": "nope i didnt got this"
And to be:
"is_badass": true,
"is_good_movie": true
"type_select_field": [{
"this_select": 1,
"i_got_this": "nope i didnt got this"
the object I'm trying to transform into array is type_text_field which can be dynamic too, like type_date_field or type_select_field and so on.
My ng-model is like this:
the [input.type] is that I'm trying to transform into array, how can I achieve this? I tried to use $index, but got strange results.
We can do it by 2 solutions:
There is a question about your task:
? how you want handle if we have more than one type_text_field in title_dynamic_generate_field? because you want to convert it to "type_text_field":[{},...]
however my answers about the question are:
If we know what's the dynamic params which we want to send theme as json, i mean if we know what is the key of title_dynamic_generate_field or type_text_field, we do as this sample:
var data = {
"custom_fields": {
dynamicParamIs1: 'title_dynamic_generate_field',
dynamicParamIs2: 'type_text_field',
"title_dynamic_generate_field": {
"type_text_field": {
"name": "John",
"first_name": "Wick"
var paramHelper1 = json.custom_fields[json.custom_fields.dynamicParamIs1];
var paramHelper2 = json.custom_fields.dynamicParamIs2;
var solutionA = function (object, as) {
var array = [];
for (var key in object) {
var newObject = object[key];
object[as] = array;
solutionA(paramHelper1, paramHelper2);
We changed a model of our json which can help us to detect (find) the keys
If we don't know what is the dynamic params are, we do as this:
var data = {
"custom_fields": {
"title_dynamic_generate_field": {
"type_text_field": {
"name": "John",
"first_name": "Wick"
var solutionB = function (json) {
var array = [];
for (var key in json) {
var j1 = json[key];
for (var key2 in j1) {
var j2 = j1[key2];
for (var key3 in j2) {
var fullObject = j2[key3];
j2[key3] = array;
This sample is manual which we use nested for to detect the keys name

moving one array into other array for handling ng-repeat

var res =
"response": {
"data": {
"profilesearchsnippet": [
"profileInfo": {
"firstname": "Sundar",
"lastname": "v"
"roleInfo": {
"defaultphotoid": 94
"profileInfo": {
"firstname": "ghg",
"lastname": "vbhvh"
"roleInfo": {
"defaultphotoid": 171
$scope.profileData = [];
I have a response var res . I need to pass my defaultphotoid to another request and form URL for displaying the image. which I pushed in $scope.images and I need to display all list of images along with respective firstname and lastname. But I couldnt do it. somewhere I am lacking it.
I pushed firstname and lastname in array by creating object in $scope.profileData
$scope.searchData =;
for (var i = 0; i < searchData.length; i++) {
The above $scope.profileData [] has exact values what I am pushing , But I could push the values of images from $scope.images into this.
$scope.profileData.push({'image': images[i]});
what happen in above case is the first array has fname and lname object and second array object has image.
When you push into an array, it is added as a separate object in the array. If you want the image to be added along with fname and lname, add it in the loop itself like :
$scope.profileData.image = images[i];
If you already has the $scope.images array, You can add the image too in the same for loop you are using to add lName and fName like this :
for (var i = 0; i < searchData.length; i++){
$scope.profileData.push({'fname':searchData[i].profileInfo.firstname,'lname':searchData[i].profileInfo.lastname, 'image':$scope.images[i]});
try like this
$scope.searchData =;
for (var i = 0; i < searchData.length; i++){
$scope.profileData.push({'fname':searchData[0].profileInfo.firstname,'lname':searchData[0].profileInfo.lastname, 'image':''});
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.images.length; i++){
$scope.profileData[i].image = $scope.images[i];

getColumnArray equivalent for parsed JSON object arrays in Framework?

I got a Json file like;
"Cities": [
"Name": "London",
"Country": "UK"
"Name": "Rome",
"Country": "ITA"
"Name": "Antalya",
"Country": "TR"
How can I get City Names as an array like ["London","Rome","Antalya"] without doing;
var tempJSON = JSON.parse(jsonCities);
var arrayCityNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tempJSON.Table.length; i++){
arrayCityNames[i] = tempJSON.Table[i].Name;
if tempJSON was a Dataset we could use getColumnArray
arrayCityNames = Data.Dataset.getColumnArray("Name");
Is there any built in method to do this for parsed JSON's?
Please keep in mind that the question is related to Framework, not jquery itself
Try this:
var tempJSON = JSON.parse(jsonCities);// here you load your JSON
var arrayCityNames = []; // your output array
var cityArray = tempJSON['Cities']; // enter Cities array
for (var i = 0; i <cityArray.length; i++){ // iterate over your list
arrayCityNames.push(cityArray[i]['Name']); // add to list name of your city list

Merge objects with different values using Angularjs or Underscore js

I'm trying to merge two objects into a single multidimensional object for use in Angularjs controller by the 'unique_id'. (Note I also have Underscore Js added in).
Object #1 example:
{ "unique_id": "001", "title": "Putting Green Challenge - Motion Depends on Force and Mass" },
{ "unique_id": "002", "title": "Molecules to Organisms: Frog Life Cycle" }
Object #2 example (has MANY more rows than object 1..):
"ab_id": "76153F02-29F3-11D8-95EA-951BF95D9AEF",
"unique_id": "001",
"title": "How Speed Relates to Energy",
"state": "NY",
"document_title": "Core Curriculum",
"grade_code": "K-4",
"grade_descr": "Elementary",
"state_id": "1.S2.3a",
"state_text": "Use appropriate \"inquiry and process skills\" to collect data"
"ab_id": "7980A762-29F3-11D8-BD14-861D7EA8D134",
"unique_id": "001",
"title": "How Speed Relates to Energy",
"state": "NY",
"document_title": "Core Curriculum",
"grade_code": "5-8",
"grade_descr": "Intermediate",
"state_id": "1.S3.2d",
"state_text": "formulate and defend explanations and conclusions as they relate to scientific phenomena"
My Controller:
abApp.controller("abEE", function(abService, $http, $scope, $q, _) {
var abApp = this;
$scope.abData = $http.get('/data/ab_activities.json', {
cache: false
$scope.eeData = $http.get('/activities/eedata', {
cache: false
$q.all([$scope.eeData, $scope.abData]).then(function(values) {
var val = ??? This is where I want to merge the objects into one big multidimensional object..
Here is the output of console.dir(values);
0 Object { data=[28], status=200, config={...}, more...}
1 Object { data=[743], status=200, config={...}, more...}
This is the desired output I'd like to try and get:
{ "unique_id": "001", "title": "Putting Green Challenge - Motion Depends on Force and Mass", "alignments": [{"ab_id": "76153F02-29F3-11D8-95EA-951BF95D9AEF","unique_id": "001","title": "How Speed Relates to Energy",...}, {"ab_id": "7980A762-29F3-11D8-BD14-861D7EA8D134", "unique_id": "001", "title": "How Speed Relates to Energy",...}]
after you updated the question, i created this plunker
hopes it's what you meant
To merge all objects by unique_id
var unions = {};
$q.all([$scope.eeData, $scope.abData]).then(function(values)
for (var i = 0; i< values.length; i++)
var value = values[i];
if (!unions[value.unique_id])
unions[value.unique_id] = {};
angular.extend(unions[value.unique_id], value);
// Do somthing with 'unions'
If you could switch to use lodash instead of underscore, it can be achieved like this:
var val = _.values(_.merge(_.indexBy(values[0].data, 'unique_id'), _.indexBy(values[1].data, 'unique_id')));
The underscore doesn't have _.merge(), you have to loop through each property without it.
I don't think angular or underscore have this kind of functionality. I would do something like the following pseudo-code:
tempObject = {}
for object in objectArray
if tempObject[object.unique_id] isnt undefined
tempObject[object.unique_id] = object
else angular.extend(tempObject[object.unique_id], object) // or the other way around depending on your preference
resultingArray = []
for object, key of tempObject
You will have to run the for object in objectArray for both the returned arrays but that should work and is probably more efficient than most merge algorithms as at most it will loop through each returned arrays twice.
