Grammar file (grammar.txt) - file

I am actually working on a grammar file and I am reading the grammar.txt file.
The 20 first lines are new to me.
Does anyone know what this lines refers to?

This looks like list of replacement rules someone tried to run in vim.
It seems as the someone didn't know how to use it, so was trying to figure it out.
the proper structure is %s/match/replacement/flags
%s means search through all lines in the entire file,
match is regular expression that you are looking for,
replacement is what the match will be replaced with,
flags are regexp flags, in this case g, which will replace all occurrences at each line.
more info on vim's search and replace


Replace a number in a file using array data, bash

I'm not an expert in bash coding and I'm trying to do one interative-like code to help me in my work.
I have a file that contains some numbers (coordinates), and I'm trying to make a code to read some specific numbers from the file and then store them in an array. Modify that array using some arithmetic operation and then replace the numbers in the original file with the modified array. So far I've done everything except replacing the numbers in the file, I tried using sed but it does not change the file. The original numbers are stored in an array called "readfile" and the new numbers are stored in an array called "d".
I'm trying to use sed in this way: sed -i 's/${readfile[$j]}/${d[$k]}/' file.txt
And I loop j and k to cover all the numbers in the arrays. Everything seems to work but the file is not being modified. After some digging, I'm noticing that sed is not reading the value of the array, but I do not know how to fix that.
Your help is really appreciated.
When a file isn't modified by sed -i, it means sed didn't find any matches to modify. Your pattern is wrong somehow.
After using " instead of ' so that the variables can actually be evaluated inside the string, look at the contents of the readfile array and check whether it actually matches the text. If it seems to match, look for special characters in the pattern, characters that would mean something specific to sed (the most common mistake is /, which will interfere with the search command).
The fix for special characters is either to (1) escape them, e.g. \/ instead of just /, or (2) (and especially for /) to use another delimiter for the search/replace command (instead of s/foo/bar/ you can use s|foo|bar| or s,foo,bar, etc - pretty much any delimiter works, so you can pick one that you know isn't in the pattern string).
If you post data samples and more of your script, we can look at where you went wrong.

Understanding compile errors due to copying code from a doc file and not a txt file

My instructor for my micro-controller class refuses to save sample code to a text file and instead saves it to a word document file instead. When I open up the doc file and copy/paste the code into my IDE "CodeWarrior" it causes errors upon compile time.
I am having to rewrite all the code into a text editor and then copy/paste it into my IDE.
I was told to always save code as a text file because when you save code as a word document file it will bring in unwanted characters when your copy/pasting the code into your IDE for compiling.
Can someone explain this dilemma to me so I can understand it better? I would like to present a better case next time when I receive errors and to also know more about what is happening.
Is it possible to write a script that will show me all the characters that are being copied and pasted into a file when the code is coming from a word document vs. a text file? In otherwords is there a program that will allow me to see what is going on between copying/pasting code from a word doc file versus a txt file?
Saving source code as a Word document is just silly. If your instructor is insisting on this, chances are no matter how well-reasoned and thorough your argument, they're not going to listen. They're beyond help.
However, to answer your questions: 1) It depends on what you're pasting the thing into. Programs that copy onto the clipboard usually make the data available in several different formats, ranging from their own internal format to plain ASCII text, to maximize compatibility so that the data can be pasted into pretty much any target program. Most text editors will only accept the plan-text version, in which case no extra characters should be transferred. However if your text editor supports RTF or HTML, this may not be true. I'm not sure what CodeWarrior supports but it is certainly possible.
A workaround if this is the case: First paste into a PURE text editor like Notepad. Then copy from Notepad into CodeWarrior. This should eliminate any hidden formatting. As shoover said above, make sure double-quotes " are really double-quotes and not the fancy left- and right-specific quotes that Word sometimes uses.
Use a hex editor like XVI32 to see the raw contents of the file, including nonprinting characters. Or use a text editor with support for showing nonprinting characters (vi/vim, etc.).
I'm studying C and I've just had the same problem. When coping a piece of code from a PDF file and trying to compiling it, gcc would return a serie of errors. Reading the answer above I had an idea: "What if I converted the utf8 into ascii?". Well, I found a website that does just that ( But instead of also converting the utf8 characters into ascii, it showed them as hexadecimals (Copying from the website to the text editor you can see it better). From there i realised that the problem were mostly the quote marks "".
I then copied the ascii "translation" into my code editor (I must add that it worked fine with Sublime, while VScode read the same utf8 code as it was in the original file, even after cp from the website) and replaced all the hex with the actual ascii characters that were needed to compile the code properly. I used the function find and replace from my editor to do it. I must say that it wasn't very fast doing it. But I believe that in some cases, if the code you're trying to copying is too long, doing it the way I've just described could be faster than rewriting the entire code.

How do I find out if a file name has any extension in Unix?

I need to find out if a file or directory name contains any extension in Unix for a Bourne shell scripting.
The logic will be:
If there is a file extension
Remove the extension
And use the file name without the extension
This is my first question in SO so will be great to hear from someone.
The concept of an extension isn't as strictly well-defined as in traditional / toy DOS 8+3 filenames. If you want to find file names containing a dot where the dot is not the first character, try this.
case $filename in
[!.]*.*) filename=${filename%.*};;
This will trim the extension (as per the above definition, starting from the last dot if there are several) from $filename if there is one, otherwise no nothing.
If you will not be processing files whose names might start with a dot, the case is superfluous, as the assignment will also not touch the value if there isn't a dot; but with this belt-and-suspenders example, you can easily pick the approach you prefer, in case you need to extend it, one way or another.
To also handle files where there is a dot, as long as it's not the first character (but it's okay if the first character is also a dot), try the pattern ?*.*.
The case expression in pattern ) commands ;; esac syntax may look weird or scary, but it's quite versatile, and well worth learning.
I would use a shell agnostic solution. Runing the name through:
cut -d . -f 1
will give you everything up to the first dot ('-d .' sets the delimeter and '-f 1' selects the first field). You can play with the params (try '--complement' to reverse selection) and get pretty much anything you want.

How to search and replace a particular code line in C source using Perl/anything else?

I have a C source code spread over many source files (*.c). For porting reasons say I need to comment out below statements from all source files
The problem is these fprintfs could be multiline statements, meaning broken into two/or more lines spread over two lines in source files with a newline character(carriage returned entered at end of one line).
How can I find such fprintfs scattered across all source files, replace them with a
multiline C comment as:
Since they are multiline, the find and replace command of source editors did not help.
I am trying to read the source file using a PERL script but, parse them to do this but could not.
Any pointers would be useful.
thank you.
What you are looking for is named "coccinelle", it's semantic patch tool for C, via this you can easily do this. viz.
#undef fprintf
#define fprintf(stream, format, ...) 42
at the top of your files and be happy.
For a pure perl solution try something like this:
my $all_lines;
{ # (limit scope of $/, if appropriate)
local $/; #slurp entire file in one go
$all_lines = <$file_handle>
$all_lines =~ s|(\bfprintf\s*\(\s*stderr\s*,.*?\)\s*;)|/* $1 */|sg;

How do I get yacc/bison and/or lex/flex to restart scanning after something like token substitution?

Is there a way to force bison and/or flex to restart scanning after I replace some token with something else?
My particular example would be with replacement for a specific word/string. If I want a word of hello to be replaced by echo hello, how can I get flex or bison to replace hello and then start parsing again (to pick up 2 words instead of just one). So it would be like:
Get token WORD (which is a string type)
If hello, replace token value with echo hello
Restart parsing entire input (which is now echo hello)
Get token WORD (echo)
Get token WORD (hello)
I've seen very tempting functions like yyrestart(), but I don't really understand what that function in particular really accomplishes. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Update 4/23/2010
One kind of hack-and-slash solution I've ended up using is for each word that comes through, I check an "alias" array. If the word has an alias, I replace the value of the word (using, for example, strcopy($1,aliasval)), and mark an aliasfound flag.
Once the entire line of input is parsed once, if the aliasfound flag is true, I use yy_scan_string() to switch the buffer state to the input with expanded aliases, and call YYACCEPT.
So then it jumps out to the main function and I call yyparse() again, with the buffer still pointing to my string. This continues until no aliases are found. Once all of my grammar actions are complete, I call yyrestart(stdin) to go back to "normal" mode.
If anyone knows how I can effectively expand my words w/ their alias values, inject into stdin (or some other method), and basically expand all aliases (even nested) as I go, that would be awesome. I was playing around with yypush_buffer_state() and yypop_buffer_state(), along with yy_switch_to_buffer(), but I couldn't get "inline" substitution with continued parsing working...
It seems to me that the place to fix this is the lexer. I would suggest using flex, which supports a state machine (called "Start Conditions" in the flex documentation). You change states using BEGIN, and the states need to be defined in the definitions section.
So, for example, you could have a rule like
<INITIAL>hello BEGIN(in_echo); yyless(0); return (WORD_ECHO);
<in_echo>hello BEGIN(0); return (WORD_HELLO);
yyless() truncates the yytext to the given value, so this puts the entire input back into the stream.
I haven't tried this out myself, but I think this is the structure of the solution you want.
Adding an "answer" based on what I ended up doing. Want to mark this question as answered.
Update 4/23/2010
One kind of hack-and-slash solution I've ended up using is for each word that comes through, I check an "alias" array. If the word has an alias, I replace the value of the word (using, for example, strcopy($1,aliasval)), and mark an aliasfound flag.
Once the entire line of input is parsed once, if the aliasfound flag is true, I use yy_scan_string() to switch the buffer state to the input with expanded aliases, and call YYACCEPT.
So then it jumps out to the main function and I call yyparse() again, with the buffer still pointing to my string. This continues until no aliases are found. Once all of my grammar actions are complete, I call yyrestart(stdin) to go back to "normal" mode.
If anyone knows how I can effectively expand my words w/ their alias values, inject into stdin (or some other method), and basically expand all aliases (even nested) as I go, that would be awesome. I was playing around with yypush_buffer_state() and yypop_buffer_state(), along with yy_switch_to_buffer(), but I couldn't get "inline" substitution with continued parsing working...
