Printf in C (types) - c

I just started programming in C. And I don't really understand the following code:
or instead of %zu what are the other things that I can write (I know that they depend on the type of i) and which one is for what?

It's a format modifier for siz_t and size_t is unsigned.
printf("%zu\n", x); // print unsigned decimal
printf("%zx\n", x); // print hexadecimal
printf("%zd\n", y); // print signed decimal

It takes unsigned size_t i and prints it to the stdout.


The problem about printf function to "output float with %d" in C

I am a newbie to the C language. When I was learning floating point numbers today, I found the following problems.
float TEST= 3.0f;
first output:
second output:
As shown above, each execution will output different results. I have checked a lot of IEEE 754 format and still don't understand the reasons. I would like to ask if anyone can explain or provide keywords for me to study, thank you.
Thank you for your replies. I know how to print IEEE 754 bit pattern. However, as Nate Eldredge, chux-Reinstate Monica said, using %x and %d in printf is undefined behavior. If there is no floating point register in our device, how does it work ? Is this described in the C99 specification?
Most of the time, when you call a function with the "wrong kind" (wrong type) of argument, an automatic conversion happens. For example, if you write
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
printf("%f\n", sqrt(144));
this works just fine. The compiler knows (from the function prototype in <math.h>) that the sqrt function expects an argument of type double. You passed it the int value 144, so the compiler automatically converted that int to double before passing it to sqrt.
But this is not true for the printf function. printf accepts arguments of many different types, and as long as each argument is right for the particular % format specifier it goes with in the format string, it's fine. So if you write
double f = 3.14;
printf("%f\n", f);
it works. But if you write
printf("%d\n", f); /* WRONG */
it doesn't work. %d expects an int, but you passed a double. In this case (because printf is special), there's no good way for the compiler to insert an automatic conversion. So, instead, it just fails to work.
And when it "fails", it really fails. You don't even necessarily get anything "reasonable", like an integer representing the bit pattern of the IEEE-754 floating-point number you thought you passed. If you want to inspect the bit pattern of a float or double, you'll have to do that another way.
If what you really wanted to do was to see the bits and bytes making up a float, here's a completely different way:
float test = 3.14;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&test;
int i;
printf("bytes in %f:", test);
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(test); i++) printf(" %02x", p[i]);
There are some issues here with byte ordering ("endianness"), but this should get you started.
To print hex (ie how it is represented in the memory) representation of the float:
float TEST= 3.0f;
int y=0;
memcpy(&y, &TEST, sizeof(y));
float TEST;
int y;
}uf = {.y = 0};
uf.TEST = 3.0f;
Both examples assuming sizeof(float) <= sizeof(int) (if they are not equal I need to zero the integer)
And the result (same for both):
As you can see it is completely different from your one.

Displaying an integer to hex in C

I have this part of code in C class:
int i;
for (i=0;i<val;i++)
mdl_print ("%u ", rec->payload[i]);
mdl_print ("\n");
Variable rec->payload is uint8_t type. I would print it in hexadecimal notation.
How can I do? Thanks.
Quick and easy:
print("%x", (int)(rec->payload[i]));
To display in the format 0x05 then use:
print("0x%02x", ...)
If mdl_print() works like the standard C function printf(), try something like the following:
printf( "%02x", (int) rec->payload[i] );
The basic printf formatting code for writing in hexadecimal is %x. "02" means to pad the number with '0' until it's two characters wide, which is how you'd normally print an int8.
Many custom output functions follow the format of printf in this way, since it's very familiar to C programmers. You can read more about printf on its man page:
Use "%x", so:
mdl_print ("%x ", rec->payload[i]);
This will give you a hex number that is the "length necessary". If you want a fixed length, use "%02x" for two digits padded with zeros.
Note that providing a uint8_t or int where an unsigned int is expected in printf is undefined behaviour, as stated by section of n1570.pdf: "If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined." According to, %x tells printf to expect an unsigned int. Make sure you explicitly cast your uint8_t to (unsigned int), or use the PRIx8 macro found in <stdint.h>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
uint8_t foo = 42;
/* These two printfs are equivalent: */
printf("Hex for %02u: %02x\n", (unsigned int) foo, (unsigned int) foo);
printf("Hex for %02" PRIu8 ": %02" PRIx8 "\n", foo, foo);
return 0;
First your title is so wrong... Casting integer to hex in C casting implies a type change, hex is a number system not a type. You're "displaying an integer in hex" not "casting". If you don't understand the difference please ask for clarification.
As far as the displaying goes, it depends what you want the result to look like. One short cut that I typically use is:
mdl_print("%#x ", rec->payload[i]);
Which displays values as:
The caveat on this syntax is that it doesn't work with 0, you don't get 0x0 just 0. So an alternative would be:
mdl_print("0x%x ", rec->payload[i]);
Which will display the value as 0xA6 or 0x0 or whatever it maybe. Of course if you don't want the 0x part you can always just do:
mdl_print("%x ", rec->payload[i]);
Your max value (in hex) with a unsigned 8-bit number is 0xFF so if you want them all to display the same "width" you can use the size specifier too:
mdl_print("%02x ", rec->payload[i]); // or mdl_print("0x%02x, rec->payload[i]);
// or whatever you picked

Printing int type with %lu - C+XINU

I have a given code, in my opinion there is something wrong with that code:
I compile under XINU.
The next variables are relevant :
unsigned long ularray[];
int num;
char str[100];
There is a function returns int:
int func(int i)
return ularray[i];
now the code is like this:
num = func(i);
sprintf(str, "number = %lu\n", num);
The problem is I get big numbers while printing with %lu, which is not correct.
If i change the %lu to %d, i get the correct number.
For example: with %lu i get 27654342, while with %d i get 26, the latter is correct;
The variables are given, the declaration of the function is given, i write the body but it must return int;
My questions are:
I'm not familiar with 'sprintf' maybe the problem is there?
I assigned unsigned long to int and then print the int with %lu, is That correct?
How can i fix the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks everyone for answering.
I just want to mention I'm working under XINU, well i changed the order of the compilation of the files and what you know... its working and showing same numbers on %lu and %d.
I'm well aware that assigning 'unsigned long' to int and then printing with %lu is incorrect coding and may result loss of data.
But as i said, the code is given, i couldn't change the variables and the printing command.
I had no errors or warnings btw.
I have no idea why changing the compilation order fixed the problem, if someone have an idea you are more then welcome to share.
I want to thank all of you who tried to help me.
I assigned unsigned long to int and then print the int with %lu, is That correct?
No, it isn't correct at all. Think about it a bit! Printf tries to access the memory represented by the variables you pass in and in your case, unsigned long is represented on more bits than int, hence when printf is told to print an unsigned int, it'll read past your actual int and read some other memory which is probably garbage, hence the random numbers. If printf had a prototype mentioning an unsigned long exactly, the compiler could perform an implicit cast and fill the rest of the unwanted memory with zeroes, but since it's not the case, you have to do either one of these solutions:
One, explicit cast your variable:
printf("%lu", (unsigned long)i);
Two, use the correct format specifier:
printf("%d", i);
Also, there are problems with assigning an unsigned long to an int - if the long contains a too big number, then it won't fit into the int and get truncated.
1) the misunderstanding is format specifiers in general
2) num is an int -- therefore, %d is correct when an int is what you want to print.
3) ideally
int func(int i) would be unsigned long func(size_t i)
and int num would be unsigned long num
and sprintf(str, "number = %d\n", num); would be sprintf(str, "number = %lu\n", num);
that way, there would be no narrowing and no conversions -- the type/values would be correctly preserved throughout execution.
and to be pedantic, printf should be printf("%s", str);
if you turn your warning levels way up, your compiler will warn you of some of these things. i have been programming for a long time, and i still leave the warning level obnoxiously high (by some people's standards).
If you have an int, use %d (or %u for unsigned int). If you have a long, use %ld (or %lu for unsigned long).
If you tell printf that you're giving it a long but only pass an int, you'll print random garbage. (Technically that would be undefined behavior.)
It doesn't matter if that int somehow "came from" a long. Once you've assigned it to something shorter, the extra bytes are lost. You only have a int left.
I assigned unsigned long to int and then print the int with %lu, is That correct?
No, and I suggest not casting to int first or else simply using int as the array type. It seems senseless to store a much larger representation and only use a smaller one. Either way, the sprint results will always be off until you properly pair the type (technically the encoding) of the variable with the format's conversion specifier. This means that if you pass an unsigned long, use %ul, if it's an int, use either %i or %d (the difference is that %d is always base-10, %i can take additional specifiers to print in other bases.
How can I fix the problem?
Change the return of your func and the encoding of num to unsigned long
unsigned long ularray[];
unsigned long num;
char str[100];
unsigned long func(int i)
return ularray[i];

Convert int to double

I ran this simple program, but when I convert from int to double, the result is zero. The sqrt of the zeros then displays negative values. This is an example from an online tutorial so I'm not sure why this is happening. I tried in Windows and Unix.
/* Hello World program */
{ int i;
printf("\t Number \t\t Square Root of Number\n\n");
for (i=0; i<=360; ++i)
printf("\t %d \t\t\t %d \n",i, sqrt((double) i));
Maybe this?
int number;
double dblNumber = (double)number;
The problem is incorrect use of printf format - use %g/%f instead of %d
BTW - if you are wondering what your code did here is some abridged explanation that may help you in understanding:
printf routine has treated your floating point result of sqrt as integer. Signed, unsigned integers have their underlying bit representations (put simply - it's the way how they are 'encoded' in memory, registers etc). By specifying format to printf you tell it how it should decipher that bit pattern in specific memory area/register (depends on calling conventions etc). For example:
unsigned int myInt = 0xFFFFFFFF;
printf( "as signed=[%i] as unsigned=[%u]\n", myInt, myInt );
gives: "as signed=[-1] as unsigned=[4294967295]"
One bit pattern used but treated as signed first and unsigned later. Same applies to your code. You've told printf to treat bit pattern that was used to 'encode' floating point result of sqrt as integer. See this:
float myFloat = 8.0;
printf( "%08X\n", *((unsigned int*)&myFloat) );
prints: "41000000"
According to single precision floating point encoding format.
8.0 is simply (-1)^0*(1+fraction=0)*2^(exp=130-127)=2*3=8.0 but printed as int looks like just 41000000 (hex of course).
sqrt() return a value of type double. You cannot print such a value with the conversion specifier "%d".
Try one of these two alternatives
printf("\t %d \t\t\t %f \n",i, sqrt(i)); /* use "%f" */
printf("\t %d \t\t\t %d \n",i, (int)sqrt(i)); /* cast to int */
The i argument to sqrt() is converted to double implicitly, as long as there is a prototype in scope. Since you included the proper header, there is no need for an explicit conversion.

Understanding Sign extension

int main()
unsigned int b;
signed int a;
char z=-1;
printf("%d %d",a,b);
gives -1 -1. why does no sign extension occur, ALSO, when does it occur?
Sign extension DID occur, but you are printing the results incorrectly. In your printf you specified %d for b, but b is unsigned, you should have used %u to print b.
printf does not know the type of its arguments and uses the format specifies to interpret them.
printf("%d %u",a,b);
Because printf looks at the raw memory, not the type. use %u to print the value as unsigned.
