Is it OK to ignore DbUpdateConcurrencyException? - sql-server

I have a table that effectively implements a cache - we put stuff in, we take stuff out. It has a last_accessed field that indicates when it was inserted or read, and it has a max_age field indicating how long to keep the record.
We want to purge old records, rather than having them accumulate. Seemed to me that the easiest way to handle that was just to call a purge routine, every time we accessed a record.
This is simple enough to do, in EF:
var oldCacheItems =
t => EntityFunctions.AddMinutes(t.lastAccessed, t.expirationMinutes) < DateTime.Now);
Works fine, alone. But when I have multiple clients running, I occasionally get DbUpdateConcurrencyExceptions:
System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateConcurrencyException was unhandled by user code
Message=Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.
Browsing around, I see a lot of discussion about concurrency issues in EF. But in this case, I'm not sure any of it matters. In essence, this particular error is EF complaining that it can't delete the records because someone else already deleted them.
So I'm considering simply catching DbUpdateConcurrencyException and ignoring it.
Are there any possible consequences to this that I might not have considered?
Or some alternative approach that would eliminate the problem?

I think it depends on your business logic. You can assume that database version wins over yours.


Postgres: How to clear transaction ID for anonymity and data reduction

We're running an evaluation platform where users can comment on certain things. A key feature is that people can comment only once, and every comment is made in anonymity.
We're using Postgres for all our data. We want to save a flag in the database that a user created a comment (so they cannot comment again). In a separate table but within the same transaction, we want to save the comment itself without any link to the user.
However, postgres saves the transaction ID of every tuple inserted into the database (xmin of the system columns). So now there's a link between the user and their comment which we have to avoid!
Possible (Non)Solutions
Vacuuming alone does not help as it does not clear the transaction ID. See the "Note" box in the "24.1.5. Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures" section in the postgres docs.
Putting those inserts in different transactions, doesn't really solve anything since transaction IDs are consecutive.
We could aggregate comments from multiple users to one large text in the database with some separators, but since old versions of this large text would be kept by postgres at least until the next vacuum, that doesn't seem like a full solution. Also, we'd still have the order of when the user added their comment, which would be nice to not save as well.
Re-writing all the tuples in those tables periodically (by a dummy UPDATE to all of them), followed by a vacuum would probably erase the "insert history" sufficiently, but that too seems like a crude hack.
Is there any other way within postgres to make it impossible to reconstruct the insertion history of a table?
Perhaps you could use something like dblink or postgres_fdw to write to tables using a remote connection (either to the current database or another database), and thereby separate xmin values, even though you as a user think you are doing it all in the "same transaction."
Regarding the concerns about tracking via reverse-engineering sequential xmin values, since dblink is asynchronous, this issue may become moot at scale, when many users are simultaneously adding comments to the system. This might not work if you need to be able to rollback after encountering an error—it really depends on how important it is for you to confine the operations into one transaction.
I don't think there is a problem.
In your comment you write that you keep a flag with the user (however exactly you store it) that keeps track of which posting the user commented on. To keep that information private, you have to keep that flag private so that nobody except the user itself could read it.
If no other user can see that information, then no other user can see the xmin on the corresponding table entries. Then nobody could make a correlation with the xmin on the comment, so the problem is not there.
The difficult part is how you want to keep the information private which postings a user commented on. I see two ways:
Don't use database techniques to do it, but write the application so that it hides that information from the users.
Use PostgreSQL Row Level Security to do it.
There is no way you can keep the information from a superuser. Don't even try.
You could store the users with their flags and the comments on different database clusters (and use distributed transactions), then the xmins would be unrelated.
Make sure to disable track_commit_timestamp.
To make it impossible to correlate the transactions in the databases, you could issue random
SELECT txid_current();
which do nothing but increment the transaction counter.

Concurrency with Objectify in GAE

I created a test web application to test persist-read-delete of Entities, I created a simple loop to persist an Entity, retrieve and modify it then delete it for 100 times.
At some interval of the loop there's no problem, however there are intervals that there is an error that Entity already exist and thus can't be persisted (a custom exception handling I added).
Also at some interval of the loop, the Entity can't be modified because it does not exist, and finally at some interval the Entity can't be deleted because it does not exist.
I understand that the loop may be so fast that the operation to the Appengine datastore is not yet complete. Thus causing, errors like Entity does not exist, when trying to access it or the delete operation is not yet finished so creating an Entity with the same ID can't be created yet and so forth.
However, I want to understand how to handle these kind of situation where concurrent operation is being done with a Entity.
From what I understand you are doings something like the following:
for i in range(0,100):
ent = My_Entity() # create and save entity
ent = db.get(ent.key()) # get, modify and save the entity = 'foo'
ent.get(ent.key()) # get and delete the entity
with some error checking to make sure you have entities to delete, modify, and you are running into a bunch of errors about finding the entity to delete or modify. As you say, this is because the calls aren't guaranteed to be executed in order.
However, I want to understand how to handle these kind of situation where concurrent operation is being done with a Entity.
You're best bet for this is to batch any modifications you are doing for an entity persisting. For example if you are going to be creating/saving/modifying/savings or modifying/saving/deleting where ever possible try to combine these steps (ie create/modify/save or modify/delete). Not only will this avoid the errors you're seeing but it will also cut down on your RPCs. Following this strategy the above loop would be reduced to...
prop = None
for i in range(0,100):
prop = 'foo'
Put in other words, for anything that requires setting/deleting that quickly just use a local variable. That's GAE's answer for you. After you figure out all the quick stuff you can't persist that information in an entity.
Other than that there isn't much you can do. Transactions can help you if you need to make sure a bunch of entities are updated together but won't help if you're trying to multiple things to one entity at once.
EDIT: You could also look at the pipelines API.

Is this a functional syncing algorithm?

I'm working on a basic syncing algorithm for a user's notes. I've got most of it figured out, but before I start programming it, I want to run it by here to see if it makes sense. Usually I end up not realizing one huge important thing that someone else easily saw that I couldn't. Here's how it works:
I have a table in my database where I insert objects called SyncOperation. A SyncOperation is a sort of metadata on the nature of what every device needs to perform to be up to date. Say a user has 2 registered devices, firstDevice and secondDevice. firstDevice creates a new note and pushes it to the server. Now, a SyncOperation is created with the note's Id, operation type, and processedDeviceList. I create a SyncOperation with type "NewNote", and I add the originating device ID to that SyncOperation's processedDeviceList. So now secondDevice checks in to the server to see if it needs to make any updates. It makes a query to get all SyncOperations where secondDeviceId is not in the processedDeviceList. It finds out its type is NewNote, so it gets the new note and adds itself to the processedDeviceList. Now this device is in sync.
When I delete a note, I find the already created SyncOperation in the table with type "NewNote". I change the type to Delete, remove all devices from processedDevicesList except for the device that deleted the note. So now when new devices call in to see what they need to update, since their deviceId is not in the processedList, they'll have to process that SyncOperation, which tells their device to delete that respective note.
And that's generally how it'd work. Is my solution too complicated? Can it be simplified? Can anyone think of a situation where this wouldn't work? Will this be inefficient on a large scale?
Sounds very complicated - the central database shouldn't be responsible for determining which devices have recieved which updates. Here's how I'd do it:
The database keeps a table of SyncOperations for each change. Each SyncOperation is has a change_id numbered in ascending order (that is, change_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT.)
Each device keeps a current_change_id number representing what change it last saw.
When a device wants to update, it does SELECT * FROM SyncOperations WHERE change_id > current_change_id. This gets it the list of all changes it needs to be up-to-date. Apply each of them in chronological order.
This has the charming feature that, if you wanted to, you could initialise a new device simply by creating a new client with current_change_id = 0. Then it would pull in all updates.
Note that this won't really work if two users can be doing concurrent edits (which edit "wins"?). You can try and merge edits automatically, or you can raise a notification to the user. If you want some inspiration, look at the operation of the git version control system (or Mercurial, or CVS...) for conflicting edits.
You may want to take a look at SyncML for ideas on how to handle sync operations ( SyncML has been around for a while, and as a public standard, has had a fair amount of scrutiny and review. There are also open source implementations (Funambol comes to mind) that can also provide some coding clues. You don't have to use the whole spec, but reading it may give you a few "ahah" moments about syncing data - I know it helped to think through what needs to be done.
P.S. A later version of the protocol -
I have seen the basic idea of keeping track of operations in a database elsewhere, so I dare say it can be made to work. You may wish to think about what should happen if different devices are in use at much the same time, and end up submitting conflicting changes - e.g. two different attempts to edit the same note. This may surface as a change to the user interface, to allow them to intervene to resolve such conflicts manually.

Database design question. BIT column for deletions

Part of my table design is to include a IsDeleted BIT column that is set to 1 whenever a user deletes a record. Therefore all SELECTS are inevitable accompanied by a WHERE IsDeleted = 0 condition.
I read in a previous question (I cannot for the love of God re-find that post and reference it) that this might not be the best design and an 'Audit Trail' table might be better.
How are you guys dealing with this problem?
I'm on SQL Server. Solutions for other DB's are welcome albeit not as useful for me but maybe for other people.
Just to encapsulate what everyone said so far. There seems to be basically 3 ways to deal with this.
Leave it as it is
Create an audit table to keep track of all the changes
Use of views with WHERE IsDeleted = 0
Therefore all SELECTS are inevitable accompanied by a WHERE IsDeleted = 0 condition.
This is not a really good way to do it, as you probably noticed, it is quite error-prone.
You could create a VIEW which is simply
CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE NOT deleted;
Then you just use myview instead of mytable and you don't have to think about this damn column in SELECTs.
Or, you could move deleted records to a separate "archive" table, which, depending on the proportion of deleted versus active records, might make your "active" table a lot smaller, better cached in RAM, ie faster.
If you have to have this kind of Deleted Bit column, then you really should consider setting up some VIEWs with the WHERE clause in it, and use those rather than the underlying tables. Much less error prone.
For example, if you have this view:
CREATE VIEW [Current Product List] AS
SELECT ProductID,ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Discontinued=No
Then someone who wants to see current products can simply write:
SELECT * FROM [Current Product List]
This is much less error prone than writing:
SELECT ProductID,ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Discontinued=No
As you say, people will forget that WHERE clause, and get confusing and incorrect results.
P.S. the example SQL comes from Microsoft's Northwind database. Normally I would recommend NOT using spaces in column and table names.
We're actively using the "Deleted" column in our enterprise software. It is however a source of constant errors when forgetting to add "WHERE Deleted = 0" to an SQL query.
Not sure what is meant by "Audit Trail". You may wish to have a table to track all deleted records. Or there may be an option of moving the deleted content to paired tables (like Customer_Deleted) to remove the passive content from tables to minimize their size and optimize performance.
A while ago there was some blog uproar on this issue, Ayende and Udi Dahan both posted on this.
Nai this is totally up to you.
Do you need to be able to see who has deleted / modified / inserted what and when? If so, you should design the tables for this and adjust your procs to write these values when they are called.
If you dont need an audit trail, dont waste time with one. Just do as you are with IsDeleted.
Personally, I flag things right now, as an audit trail wasn't specified in my spec, but that said, I don't like to actually delete things. Hence, I chose to flag it. I'm not going to waste a clients time writing something they diddn't request. I wont mess about with other tables because that's another thing for me to think about. I'd just make sure my index's were up to the job.
Ask your manager or client. Plan out how long the audit trail would take so they can cost it and let them make the decision for you ;)
Udi Dahan said this:
Model the task, not the data
Looking back at the story our friend from marketing told us, his intent is to discontinue the product – not to delete it in any technical sense of the word. As such, we probably should provide a more explicit representation of this task in the user interface than just selecting a row in some grid and clicking the ‘delete’ button (and “Are you sure?” isn’t it).
As we broaden our perspective to more parts of the system, we see this same pattern repeating:
Orders aren’t deleted – they’re cancelled. There may also be fees incurred if the order is canceled too late.
Employees aren’t deleted – they’re fired (or possibly retired). A compensation package often needs to be handled.
Jobs aren’t deleted – they’re filled (or their requisition is revoked).
In all cases, the thing we should focus on is the task the user wishes to perform, rather than on the technical action to be performed on one entity or another. In almost all cases, more than one entity needs to be considered.
If you have Oracle DB, then you can use audit trail for auditing. Check the AUDIT VAULT tool form OTN, here. It even supports SQL Server.
Views (or stored procs) to get at the underlying table data are the best way. However, if you have the problem with "too many cooks in the kitchen" like we do (too many people have rights to the data and may just use the table without knowing enough to use the view/proc) you should try using another table.
We have a complete mimic of the base table with a few extra columns for tracking. So Employee table has an EmployeeDeleted table with the same schema but extra columns for when it was deleted and who deleted it and sometimes even the reason for deletion. You can even get fancy and have triggers do the insertion directly instead of going through applications/procs.
Biggest Advantage: no flag to worry about during selects
Biggest Disadvantage: any schema changes to the base table also have to be made on the "deleted" table
Best for: situations where for whatever reason (usually political with us) many not-as-experienced people have rights to the data but still expect it to be accurate without having to understand flags or schemas, etc
I've used soft deletes before on a number of applications I've worked on, and overall it's worked out quite well. Yes, there is the issue of always having to remember to add AND IsActive = 1 to all of your SELECT queries, but really that's not so bad. You can create views if you don't want to have to remember to always do that.
The reason we've done this is because we had very specific business needs to be able to report on records that have been deleted. The reporting needs varied widely - sometimes they'd need to see just the active records, or just the inactive records, or sometimes a mix of both - so pushing all the deleted records into an audit table wasn't a very good option.
So, depending on your particular business needs, I think this approach is certainly a viable option.

Database: To delete or not to delete records

I don't think I am the only person wondering about this. What do you usually practice about database behavior? Do you prefer to delete a record from the database physically? Or is it better to just flag the record with a "deleted" flag or a boolean column to denote the record is active or inactive?
It definitely depends on the actual content of your database. If you're using it to store session information, then by all means wipe it immediately when the session expires (or is closed), you don't want that garbage lying around. As it cannot really be used again for any practical purposes.
Basically, what you need to ask yourself, might I need to restore this information? Like deleted questions on SO, they should definitely just be marked 'deleted', as we're actively allowing an undelete. We also have the option to display it to select users as well, without much extra work.
If you're not actively seeking to fully restore the data, but you'd still like to keep it around for monitoring (or similar) purposes. I would suggest that you figure out (to the extent possible of course) an aggregation scheme, and shove that off to another table. This will keep your primary table clean of 'deleted' data, as well as keep your secondary table optimized for monitoring purposes (or whatever you had in mind).
For temporal data, see:
Pros of using a delete flag:
You can get the data back later if you need it,
Delete operation (updating the flag) is probably quicker than really deleting it
Cons of using a delete flag:
It is very easy to miss AND DeletedFlag = 'N' somewhere in your SQL
Slower for the database to find the rows that you are interested in amongst all the crap
Eventually, you'll probably want to really delete it anyway (assuming your system is successful. What about when that record is 10 years old and it was "deleted" 4 minutes after originally created)
It can make it impossible to use a natural key. You may have one or more deleted rows with the natural key and a real row wanting to use that same natural key.
There may be legal/compliance reasons why you are meant to actually delete data.
As a complement to all posts...
However, if you plan to mark the record, its good to consider making a view, for active records. This would save you from writing or forgetting the flag in your SQL query. You might consider a view for non-active records too, if you think that also would serve some purpose.
I am glad to have found this thread. I too was wondering what people thought about this issue. I have implemented the 'marked as deleted' for about 15 years on many systems. Whenever a user would call to say something was accidentally deleted it was certainly a lot easier to mark it un-deleted than recreate it or restore from a backup.
We are using postgresql and Ruby on rails it looks like we could do this in 1 of two ways, modify rails or add an ondelete trigger and does instead a pl/pgsql function to mark as deleted. I am leaning toward the latter.
As for performance hits, it will be interesting to see the results of EXPLAIN-ANALYZE on large tables to few deleted items as well as many deleted items.
In systems used over time I have found, new users tend to do silly things like delete things accidentally. So when people are new in a position they have all the access rights of the person previously in that position except with zero experience. Accidentally deleting something and being able to quickly recover gets everyone back to work quickly.
But as someone said, sometimes you may need that particular key back for some reason, at that point you would need to really delete it, then re-create the records (on undelete it and modify the record).
I mark them as deleted, and don't really delete. However every once in a while I sweep out all the junk and archive it, so it doesn't kill performance.
There are also legal issues either way if personal data is involved. I think it greatly depends on where you are (or where the database is), and what the terms of use are.
In some cases people can ask to be removed from your system, in which case a hard delete is needed (or at least clearing out all of the personal information).
I would check with your legal department before you adopt a strategy either way if personal information is involved.
If you are concerned about "dormant" records slowing down your database access, you may want to move those rows into another table acting as an "archive" table.
For user-entered/managed data I've used the flag method you describe and given the user an "empty the trash" interface to actually delete items if they choose to.
I have a database with lots of dependencies. Hence, I cannot delete some records because others still depend on the data. This is what I usually do; I try to delete the data, if it works, I know it didn't have any dependencies and didn't matter. If it doesn't, I catch the error and flag it as inactive:
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (DbUpdateException ex) when (ex.InnerException is SqlException && (ex.InnerException as SqlException).Number == 547)
// Mark as inactive
someEntity.Active = false;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
