sometimes I receive/downlad .pdf files without the "other" group. I mean -rw-r----- 1 root root 12889 Mar 26 16:41 Document.pdf.
I need to work them via php scripts (read, move,...) but I cant do it because the owner is root:root while php script is www-data:www-data.
I googled the whole internet but was unable to find a solution.
I tried with php internal commands and/or exec(), shell_exec(), system() but the result was a big hole in the water.
This is a piece of code I use. Inverting the order of the operations has no effect
$new_name = str_replace(' ','',$fname);
$new_name = preg_replace('/\(|\)/','',$new_name);
$command = 'sudo cp $full_fname $dir.$new_name';
$copy = shell_exec($command); //, $output, $retval);
$ch_perms = 'sudo chmod a+rw '. $dir.$new_name;
$permiss = exec($ch_perms, $output, $retval);
Even chown has no effect.
Any help will be really appreciated
I'm trying to get Nagios to execute a custom java command but I always get error 126.
[1360324906] Warning: Return code of 126 for check of service 'Java Process Test' on host 'localhost' was out of bounds.Make sure the plugin you're trying to run is executable.
Now I've checked few things but as I'm a newbie here I probably missed something.
Here few information about the environment:
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2938 Aug 17 15:39 check_wave
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 13 15:08 eventhandlers
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Feb 7 17:22 jars
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 38696 Aug 17 15:39 negate
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 886 Feb 8 12:47 is my test script and "jars" is the current dir where the jar is located
Scripts is this:
#This will get the output of process
output=$(/usr/java/latest/bin/java -cp .:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/jars/SimpleNagiosPlugin.jar it.nagios.SimpleTest)
#This will catch the result returned by last process that is our java command
echo "$java_result: $output"
exit $java_result
and is working perfectly when launched manually at console
[root#bw plugins]# ./
0: This is an OK message
Forgot to add command definition:
# 'test_java_plugin' command definition
define command{
command_name test_java_plugin
command_line $USER1$/
Also as as per request into comment I'm adding also the current java code of my test class
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("This is an OK message");
Just launching the command from a shell I got still 0:
[root#bw plugins]# /usr/java/latest/bin/java -cp .:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/jars/SimpleNagiosPlugin.jar it.nagios.SimpleTest
This is an OK message
[root#bw plugins]# echo $?
What else should I check to determine what is going wrong here?
I faced a similar issue and found that SELinux was blocking me. The same can be checked in /var/log/audit/audit.log
If you get denied errors for nagios_t/nagios_system_plugin_t, add them to the permissive list of selinux using the below command rather than turning it off completely
semanage permissive -a nagios_t
you should try to run as nagios user, you can give nagios a shell (temporary) . Take into account that the root environment is different from the nagios environment . When running as nagios , you can add "env > env_log_file" to see what is the environment during the run time.
Good luck.
Error 126 Means that the plugin was found but not executable.
You can try 2 things.
Try running the plugin as nagios user and check for the error.
This did work out for one issue i had. Try it out. hopefully it may work
/bin.bash -l -c "/#{path to plugin}/"
I have installed CakePHP 2.0 framwork using steps below:
1. Start the terminal
2. sudo mkdir /var/www/cakephp
3.sudo cp -r ~/cakephp/* /var/www/cakephp
Change tmp folder permisssion
4. sudo chmod -R 777 cakephp/app/tmp
Enable mod-rewrite
5. sudo a2enmod rewrite
Open file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default and change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All
6. sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Restart Apache
7. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
I opened my browser and typed address http://localhost/cakephp/ and I seaw this error message:
Warning: _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'cake_dev_en-us' to File cache in /var/www
/cakephp/lib/Cake/Cache/Cache.php on line 310
Warning: _cake_core_ cache was unable to
write 'cake_dev_en-us' to File cache in /var/www/cakephp/lib/Cake/Cache/Cache.php on line 310
Warning: /var/www/cakephp/app/tmp/cache/persistent/ is not writable in /var/www/cakephp
/lib/Cake/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php on line 320
Warning: /var/www/cakephp/app/tmp/cache
/models/ is not writable in /var/www/cakephp/lib/Cake/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php on line 320
Warning: /var/www/cakephp/app/tmp/cache/ is not writable in /var/www/cakephp/lib/Cake
/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php on line 320
The command sudo chmod -R 777 cakephp/app/tmp only made tmp writable, you should make cache and it's subdirectories writable as well, otherwise Cake can't write the cache files to the cache directory in tmp.
So, these directories should be writable:
Make sure the log directory is writable as well: cakephp/app/tmp/logs.
I've faced similar problems. Here are a couple of things that helped me:
If you don't want to use the "sledgehammer" approach of chmod 777 (you may want to avoid it on production, for instance), the CakePHP installation instructions provide details on how to use ACL instead:
For Cake 2:
For Cake 3:
Note that you'll probably need to use sudo for the setfacl commands given there.
However, in my experience (CakePHP 2), those commands aren't enough. These commands give your webserver user access to the cache etc, but anything you run from the command line (like the cake command) will probably be running as your user rather than the webserver user.
Therefore, you should run the setfacl commands linked to above a second time, replacing ${HTTPDUSER} with your user name. If you're not sure what your username is, type whoami to find it.
I have encountered a very similar problem with cachePhp 3.
Warning (512): /cache/persistent/ is not writable [CORE/src/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php, line 439]
Warning (512): Cache engine Cake\Cache\Engine\FileEngine is not properly configured. [CORE/src/Cache/Cache.php, line 177]
Because I am new in CakePhp, I have debuged the file with problem - CORE/src/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php.
Here is function like next:
protected function _active()
$dir = new SplFileInfo($this->_config['path']);
$path = $dir->getPathname();
$success = true;
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$success = #mkdir($path, 0775, true);
$isWritableDir = ($dir->isDir() && $dir->isWritable());
if (!$success || ($this->_init && !$isWritableDir)) {
$this->_init = false;
'%s is not writable',
return $success;
It checks if cache directory is writable and get data about path form $this->_config['path'] variable. This variable is initialized by default from .env file (if you use it), and it has lines like next:
export CACHE_DEFAULT_URL="File://tmp/cache/?prefix=${APP_NAME}_default&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_CAKECORE_URL="File://tmp/cache/persistent?prefix=${APP_NAME}_cake_core&serialize=true&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_CAKEMODEL_URL="File://tmp/cache/models?prefix=${APP_NAME}_cake_model&serialize=true&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
I have changed all File: to Null:, like next:
export CACHE_DEFAULT_URL="Null://tmp/cache/?prefix=${APP_NAME}_default&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_CAKECORE_URL="Null://tmp/cache/persistent?prefix=${APP_NAME}_cake_core&serialize=true&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_CAKEMODEL_URL="Null://tmp/cache/models?prefix=${APP_NAME}_cake_model&serialize=true&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_DRV_DEFLT = "Null"
export CACHE_DRV_MODEL = "Null"
export CACHE_DRV_CORE = "Null"
And it helps, my problem was fixed. Probably it will be helpfull for someone. Enjoy!
Using chmod -R 777 /var/www/cakephp/app/tmp/ i.e. making folder execuatble will solve this issue.
I even faced similar issue while testing cron i.e. shell which exists in app/Console/Command/ folder. When we execute a cron multiple time, tmp/ folder permission is overwritten and permission error will come in picture at this point which can be avoided by making tmp/ folder executable recursively.
As a temporary fix, if you want to use the provided .env file and permissions did not solve your issue modify the .env file to use absolute path that points to your app directory
export CACHE_FOLDER="/var/www/absolute_path_to_my_cakephp_app/"
export CACHE_DURATION="+2 minutes"
export CACHE_DEFAULT_URL="file://${CACHE_FOLDER}tmp/cache/?prefix=${APP_NAME}_default&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_CAKECORE_URL="file://${CACHE_FOLDER}tmp/cache/persistent?prefix=${APP_NAME}_cake_core&serialize=true&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
export CACHE_CAKEMODEL_URL="file://${CACHE_FOLDER}tmp/cache/models?prefix=${APP_NAME}_cake_model&serialize=true&duration=${CACHE_DURATION}"
“chmod -R 777 tmp/cache” if tmp folder is not exists then create tmp file using mkdir tmp and mkdir tmp/cache
chmod -R 777 logs
chmod -R 777 tmp/sessions
chmod -R 777 tmp/tests
chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t 'tmp'
chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t 'logs'
From what was suggested here, I am trying to pipe the output from sqlcmd to 7zip so that I can save disk space when dumping a 200GB database. I have tried the following:
> sqlcmd -S <DBNAME> -Q "SELECT * FROM ..." | .\7za.exe a -si <FILENAME>
This does not seem to be working even when I leave the system for a whole day. However, the following works:
> sqlcmd -S <DBNAME> -Q "SELECT TOP 100 * FROM ..." | .\7za.exe a -si <FILENAME>
and even this one:
> sqlcmd -S <DBNAME> -Q "SELECT * FROM ..."
When I remove the pipe symbol, I can see the results and can even redirect it to a file within finishes in 7 hours.
I am not sure what is going on with piping large amount of output but what I could understand up until this point is that 7zip seems to be waiting to consume the whole input before it creates an archive file (because I don't really see a file being created to begin with) so I am not sure if it is actually performing on-the-fly compression. So I tried gzip and here's my experience:
> echo "Test" | .\gzip.exe > test.gz
> .\gzip.exe test.gz
gzip: test.gz: not in gzip format
I am not sure I am doing this the right way. Any suggestions?
Oh boy! It was PowerShell all along! I have no idea why this is happening at least with gzip. Gzip kept complaining that the input was not in gzip format. I switched over to the normal command prompt and everything started working.
I did observe this before. Looks like | and > have a slightly different functionality in PowerShell and Command prompt. Not sure what exactly it is but if someone knows about it, please add in here.
I just got knocked down after our server has been updated from Debian 4 to 5.
We switched to UTF-8 environment and now we have problems getting the text printed correctly on the browser, because all files are in non-utf8 encodings like iso-8859-1, ascii, etc.
I tried many different scripts.
The first one I tried is "iconv". That one doesn't work, it changes the content, but the file's encoding is still non-utf8.
Same problem with enca, encamv, convmv and some other tools I installed via apt-get.
Then I found a python code, which uses chardet Universal Detector module, to detect encoding of a file (which works fine), but using the unicode class or the codec class to save it as utf-8 doesn't work, without any errors.
The only way I found to get the file and its content converted to UTF-8, is vi.
These are the steps I do for one file:
vi filename.php
:set bomb
:set fileencoding=utf-8
That's it. That one works perfect. But how can I get this running via a script?
I would like to write a script (Linux shell) which traverses a directory taking all php files, then converting them using vi with the commands above.
As I need to start the vi app, I do not know how to do something like this:
"vi --run-command=':set bomb, :set fileencoding=utf-8' filename.php"
Hope someone can help me.
This is the simplest way I know of to do this easily from the command line:
vim +"argdo se bomb | se fileencoding=utf-8 | w" $(find . -type f -name *.php)
Or better yet if the number of files is expected to be pretty large:
find . -type f -name *.php | xargs vim +"argdo se bomb | se fileencoding=utf-8 | w"
You could put your commands in a file, let's call it script.vim:
set bomb
set fileencoding=utf-8
Then you invoke Vim with the -S (source) option to execute the script on the file you wish to fix. To do this on a bunch of files you could do
find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec vim -S script.vim {} \;
You could also put the Vim commands on the command line using the + option, but I think it may be more readable like this.
Note: I have not tested this.
You may actually want set nobomb (BOM = byte order mark), especially in the [not windows] world.
e.g., I had a script that didn't work as there was a byte order mark at the start. It isn't usually displayed in editors (even with set list in vi), or on the console, so its difficult to spot.
The file looked like this
But trying to run it, I get
./filename: line 1: #!/usr/bin/perl: No such file or directory
Not displayed, but at the start of the file, is the 3 byte BOM. So, as far as linux is concerned, the file doesn't start with #!
The solution is
vi filename
:set nobomb
:set fileencoding=utf-8
This removes the BOM at the start of the file, making it correct utf8.
NB Windows uses the BOM to identify a text file as being utf8, rather than ANSI. Linux (and the official spec) doesn't.
The accepted answer will keep the last file open in Vim. This problem can be easily resolved using the -c option of Vim,
vim +"argdo set bomb | set fileencoding=utf-8 | w" -c ":q" file1.txt file2.txt
If you need only process one file, the following will also work,
vim -c ':set bomb' -c ':set fileencoding=utf-8' -c ':wq' file1.txt
Ok, I have been working with Solaris for a 10+ years, and have never seen this...
I have a directory listing which includes both a file and subdirectory with the same name:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 15922214 Nov 29 2006 msheehan
drwxrwxrwx 12 msheehan sysadmin 2048 Mar 25 15:39 msheehan
I use file to discover contents of the file, and I get:
bash-2.03# file msheehan
msheehan: directory
bash-2.03# file msh*
msheehan: ascii text
msheehan: directory
I am not worried about the file, but I want to keep the directory, so I try rm:
bash-2.03# rm msheehan
rm: msheehan is a directory
So here is my two part question:
What's up with this?
How do I carefully delete the file?
Thanks for the answers guys, both (so far) were helpful, but piping the listing to an editor did the trick, ala:
bash-2.03# ls -l > jb.txt
bash-2.03# vi jb.txt
Which contained:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 15922214 Nov 29 2006 msheehab^?n
drwxrwxrwx 12 msheehan sysadmin 2048 Mar 25 15:39 msheehan
Always be careful with the backspace key!
I would guess that these are in fact two different filenames that "look" the same, as the command file was able to distinguish them when the shell passed the expanded versions of the name in. Try piping ls into od or another hex/octal dump utility to see if they really have the same name, or if there are non-printing characters involved.
I'm wondering what could cause this. Aside from filesystem bugs, it could be caused by a non-ascii chararacter that got through somehow. In that case, use another language with easier string semantics to do the operation.
It would be interesting to see what would be the output of this ruby snippet:
ruby -e 'puts Dir["msheehan*"].inspect'
You can delete using the iNode
If you use the "-i" option in "ls"
$ ls -li
total 1
20801 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-11-08 01:55 a?
20802 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-11-08 01:55 a\?
$ find . -inum 20802 -exec rm {} \;
$ ls -li
total 1
20801 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-11-08 01:55 a?
I've an example (in Spanish) how you can delete a file using then iNode on Solaris
And a quick answer to part 2 of my own question...
I would imagine I could rename the directory, delete the file, and rename the directory back to it's original again.
... I would still be interested to see what other people come up with.
I suspect that one of them has a strange character in the name. You could try using the shell wildcard expansion to see that: type
cat msh*
and press the wildcard expansion key (in my shell it's Ctrl-X *). You should get two names listed, perhaps one of which has an escape character in it.
To see if there are special characters in your file, Try the -b or -q options to ls,
assuming solaris 8 has those options.
As another solution to deleting the file you can bring up the graphical file browser
(gasp!) and drag and drop the unwanted file to the trash.
Another solution might be to move the one file to a different name (the one without the unknown special character), then delete the special character directory name with wildcards.
mv msheehan temp
rm mshee*
mv temp msheehan
Of course, you want to be sure that only the file you want to delete matches the wildcard.
And, for your particular case, since one was a directory and the other a file, this command might have solved it all:
rmdir msheeha*
One quick-and-easy way to see non-printing characters and whitespace is to pipe the output through cat -vet, e.g.:
# ls -l | cat -vet
Nice and easy to remember!
For part 2, since one name contains two extra characters, you can use:
mv sheehan abc
mv sheeha??n xyz
Once you've done that, you've got sane file names again, that you can fix up as you need.