Is there another way to render in ReactJs - angularjs

I am new to ReactJs. From the examples, I can see that one needs to call
React.render(elementToBeReadered, targetingElement). Is there a way to use the web components defined in React directly, like angularjs' directive? E.g.
<Hello />
var Hello = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
Hello World!
So that I don't need to add a target element like <div id='target-element'></div> and then render it with React.render(<Hello />, document.getElementById('target-element')). Why should I duplicate this everywhere?

You'll typically nest react components within each other. In angular, this would be similar to having many ng-app on many different elements.
If you want to have regular DOM, with react components only sparsely populated, then you'll have to render by element reference as you said. I would try to use react components to compose the entire app instead.

Is there a way to use the web components defined in React directly, like angularjs' directive?
Sure, you can build any system you like on top of React.render. You give it a react element and a dom node, and it does its thing. You could build an angular directive that renders the component you like, for example:
var reactComponents = {Foo: Foo};
module.directive('react', function($parse){
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
var props = Object.keys(attrs).reduce(function(props, key){
if (key === "component") return props;
props[key] = $parse(attrs[key])(scope);
return props;
}, {});
var reactElement = React.createElement(reactComponents[attrs.component], props);
React.render(reactElement, element);
not tested
And in your template:
<react component="Foo" bar="1" baz="something.otherThing"></react>
If you add some watchers it'll respond to expressions changing, and you can do other things like error handling, resolving the component class with $injector rather than a static object hash, and handling '$destroy' (see React.unmountComponentAtNode).


Using transcludeFn in angular components

Is it true, that I cannot customize transclusion in angular components (angular 1.5)? The task I want to solve is passing a template to a component using transclusion and make it able to use "in-the-component" variables. Like this:
<my-items-component items="$ctrl.items">
Where item supposed to be put into my-items-component documentation, and used to customize the item presentation inside the component.
I was able to do this with directives, using transcludeFn function, but it seems there are no arguments passed to $postLink component hook.
So, should I use a directive for this or there's another approach?
To use tansclusion in AngularJS 1.5 components you need first to enable tarnsclusion in your component by using transclude: true, then use <ng-transclude></ng-transclude> in your component template.
I have created a sample pen as an example
I've found an answer.
Access $scope of Component within Transclusion in AngularJS 1.5
This worked with my problem. My example:
<input model="$parent.$">
Then in my component now I have "name". I hope this helped you.
there are 2 ways of solving your problem
to place all our html inside component template definition
app.component('myItemComponent', new myItemComponentConfig());
function myItemComponentConfig() {
this.controller = componentController;
this.template = '<div>{{::item.description}}</div>',
this.bindings = {
this.bindings = {
this.require = {};
use it like this :
<my-items-component items="$ctrl.items"></my-items-component>
2.use Ng-transclude to load child HTML of a component
app.component('myItemComponent', new myItemComponentConfig());
function myItemComponentConfig() {
this.controller = componentController;
this.template = '<div></div>',
this.bindings = {
this.require = {};
use it like this :
<my-items-component items="$ctrl.items">

ReactJS component rendering and how to append elements to the div the component is mounted on

I'm having this use case where there is a 'load more' button on the page to fetch more items from an API endpoint, and so I want these items to get appended to the DOM when they arrive. The thing is that the HTML page that is served by the web server comes with some extra list items (as seen below) within the same item-list div container I mount my React component, with empty data/props, on page load.
<div class="item-list">
<div class="item-list__child-item"></div>
<div class="item-list__child-item"></div>
<div class="item-list__child-item"></div>
My assumption is that if I handle this in the ReactJS way, as soon as I fetch more items from the server (REST) and append those items to an 'itemList' state array, react will somehow replace all of the content that holds that 'item-list' div where the component was mounted on.
A quick workaround that I'm thinking would work and that it doesn't rely on the isomorphic stuff and pre-rendering the react component on the server, is to create a separate sibling div having the same div class name 'item-list' and adding an id attribute to mount the component on, so the resulting HTML would go like:
<div class="item-list">
<div class="item-list__child-item"></div>
<div class="item-list__child-item"></div>
<div class="item-list__child-item"></div>
<div class="item-list" id="react-component-name"></div>
Maybe there is a cleaner way to do it without getting into the isomorphic stuff, or maybe I'm not understanding the React concept and how it works. Anyways will appreciate any directions you may have on this.
OK, your question wasn't clear on this, but the data that is represented by what was generated in the HTML will be entirely different from the data that you will be getting via AJAX.
There's a simple solution to this. Instead of creating an entirely new DOM element that will be adjacent to your original DOM layout, what you will do is grab the data that was already there, store it into an array, and append the new data that you will grab via AJAX into that Array. This way, you will reap the benefit of React's DOM diffing. Why is it useful? Maybe you want to let the user sort the data, or interact with the data directly, while it will remain in full control of a parent React component.
So anyways, take a look at this fiddle: It's based on Paul Booblic's fiddle.
var Page = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function () {
return {
items: []
getInitialState : function(){
items : this.props.items
componentDidMount: function () {
// Mimics an AJAX call, but replace this with an actial AJAX call.
setTimeout(function () {
var dataFromAjax = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
items: this.state.items.concat(dataFromAjax)
addClick : function(){
render : function(){
return <div>{{return <div className="bla-bla-class">{item}</div>})}<br/><div onClick={this.addClick}>ADD</div></div>;
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.item-list__child-item');
var initialvalues = Array.prototype.slice
.map(function (div) {
return div.innerHTML;
React.render(<Page items={initialvalues} />, document.body);
Check this simple fiddle demo:
var Page = React.createClass({
getInitialState : function(){
items : ["one","two","three"]
addClick : function(){
render : function(){
return <div>{{return <div className="bla-bla-class">{item}</div>})}<br/><div onClick={this.addClick}>ADD</div></div>;
React.render(<Page />, document.body);
I assume you are using react serverside to render the list?
On page load you fetch the original list from the server and have the component "re-render" the elements. re-render is in quotes, because React wont actually update the list unless the list changes. Now you are setup with a component that works as expected, and you can add elements to the list as you want.
The general Idea with isomorphic/universal React is that you treat your app as a normal Single Page App, and let React handle the magic of dirty checking.
This also means that you can use the same component when rendering on the server, since your component doesn't contain any client specific code.

How to Append and Prepend element in react js like jquery

Is there any append, Prepend and toggle functions available in reactjs like functions available in jQuery. If not how to do that.
And also, Is there any tutorials or live online classes available for reactjs other than
This is not a React way. Instead, you can render your components conditionally based on your state and props:
render: function(){
var conditionalComponent = this.state.needToDisplayAdditionalText ? <b>Appended text</b> : null;
return (

REACT.js and render but using innerHTML of element rendering into?

I have a need and I can't seem to overcome it.
Because my page uses both templating rendering AND react... I have this div that has an id, lets say 'foo'.
Now, I'd like to take the contents of "foo", THEN render my component with the contents of foo. My React component needs to have a certain look, but the page template has another.... does that make sense?
page renders with something like:
<div id="foo">
<li>Item One</li>
<li>Item two</li>
then in my jsx file, I have:
var fooElem = document.getElementById('foo');
var contents = fooElem && fooElem.innerHTML || '';
if(fooElem) {
<MyCOMPONENT data={contents} />,
I figure it would be an easy thing to just get the innerHTML of the div and then render a component in it with 'new' component content surrounding the 'innerhtml' that I grabbed. As you can see, I take a prop of "data" and I use that within my component to spit it out again, but in a different format. etc... that "foo" div is handed back by the backend, so I can't alter it other than "trying to get the innerHTML, manipulate it, and render a component into that space..".
Any help would be appreciated.
I get errors that the element has been modified and such.. and seems to just go in some kind of loop.
You could do something along the lines of:
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var myComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
content: ''
// Learn more about React lifecycle methods:
componentWillMount: function() {
// Get the content of foo
var content = document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML;
// Remove the old templated foo from the page
// This assumes foo is a direct child of document.body
content: content
render: function() {
<div id={'foo'}>
// This assumes you want to render your component directly into document.body
React.render(myComponent, document.body);
This will:
Read the contents of foo into the React component's state.
Remove the foo element from the page.
Render the new React component (with the content of foo) into the page.

react.js component: can't get keyDown events if component inside another one

JS Bin Available here
I have a component called ComponentB for which I want to get key down events:
var ComponentB = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
handleKeyDown: function(e) {
console.log("B: " + e.type +"-" + e.which);
I can get those events if this ComponentB is directly under the main/App component.
If I try to embed this component inside another component (componentA) I don't receive those events anymore (this.props.lines is an array of 3 strings) :
var ComponentA = React.createClass({
render: function(){
return (
{,i) {
return <ComponentB key={i} data={line} />
The associated JS BIN shows this behavior : if you try to edit the lines in the component A section. no event will be emitted but they will if you edit the sinbgle instance of componentB below...
Looks to me like a bug in react.js but wanted to check here first.
As #ssorallen said in a comment, you can't have nested contentEditable elements, with or without react.
It seems to be a problem with nested contentEditable elements. Remove contentEditable from ComponentA, and it works as you expect.
One of the reasons this doesn't work, is because React doesn't really support contentEditable. Basically it sets the attribute, but it can't sensibly render into the contentEditable because when it tries to update it... the DOM has changed without its knowledge (which throws an error).
Rather you should treat contentEditable elements like an input element, which doesn't have children. Instead you update the innerHTML (see renderComponentToString and dangerouslySetInnerHTML) and listen to onInput events to get changes. See Stack Overflow: onChange event for contentEditable for details on how this works.
A proper handling of contentEditable has been discussed briefly, but no solution was arrived at. Feel free to suggest good ways to handle it.
